Another Time, Another Place


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"Don't you think you should get undressed too?" Kay asked after he had been staring at her for almost a full minute.

"Oh yeah," Craig said almost apologetically as he quickly undid the belt buckle he had hastily closed out in the living room.

Shoes and socks followed, as well as shirt and underwear, all ending up in a messy pile by the bed. Turning to face Kay, he gave her an equal chance to look him over.

"Well, you certainly have grown up," she smiled, "and I don't just mean that part of you between your legs."

Back in college, Craig had begun to pay serious attention to what he ate and how he treated his body. He would never be muscle bound, but he had become quite satisfied with the reflection he saw in the mirror when he stepped out of the shower every morning. The girls had been satisfied too, but it had never meant so much to him as it did right now.

The closer of the two to the bed, Kay climbed onto the right side of it, with Craig doing the same from the opposite direction. They shared a brief kiss, then Kay moved herself to the top of the bed, propping herself up against the pillows that rested against the headboard. Making herself comfortable, she opened her legs and spread them as wide as she could. The invitation was unmistakable.

A glance down between his own legs confirmed how draining an experience he'd just been through. Not a worry, he knew; the condition was only temporary and would correct itself soon enough. There were other ways to get the job done, he'd learned, some just as pleasant.

As he moved closer, up into the bed space between Kay's legs, she reached down and used her hands to part her legs even wider. Craig was now near enough to appreciate the scent of her arousal and drew it in deeply. He could also see that the dark, and some not so dark, hairs were quite moist, covered with the nectars of her excitement. He again took a brief moment to appreciate the difference between Kay and girls he had known, deciding that, on her at least, the natural look was indeed best.

During his college days, and on a few beer nights afterwards, Craig remembered some of his contemporaries expressing a dislike for this aspect of sex. Oh, they did what was expected of them, they admitted, but as soon as they could, they moved onto more desired activities. He, however, loved it, thinking the sight and fragrance of a woman's sex to be intoxicating indeed. Without any further hesitation, he reached out and traced the outline of her mound with his finger, then moved to the center and rubbed against it before slowly sliding it between the folds. A soft gasp escaped Kay's lips as Craig repeatedly slid his finger in and out. A finger that was soon joined by a second and then a third.

It was only a few minutes more until Craig replaced his fingers with his tongue, shifting his hands to the side to clear an open path. The change brought even louder moans from Kay.

"Oh God, yes!" she exclaimed as she felt his wet tongue glide into the depths of her valley.

Kay again shifted position, lifting her legs to give Craig even more room to partake of her delights. In response he kissed to the left and right of his goal, before bringing one hand back to expose the precious pearl hidden within.

A loud cry filled his ears as the tip of his tongue found that of her clit. Willing hours of practice with the female student population had left Craig with a reputation that while it might never rival Donna Lewis, certainly earned him glowing referrals. Dropping her head back against one of the pillows, Kay closed her eyes and lost herself in the warm sensations washing over her.

The wetness between her legs was growing stronger with each transit of her young lovers tongue, especially since he'd again reinserted two of his fingers to supplement the movements of his tongue. Quickly they moved with alternate thrusts, causing both the waves of delight and their accompanying cries to double, then double once more.

"Oh yes, Craig," Kay called out as Craig equally returned the gift she had just given him. "Fuck my pussy with your tongue!"

Twin streams of sweat ran down the valley of her breasts as that last encouragement soon gave way to inarticulate but equally motivating moans and cries. The rising passion quickly took control of her body, the flush of excitement covering her like a blanket.

A blanket that did little to smother the eruption of fire between her legs as her body exploded in orgasmic fury. A surge that, despite the flood of sweet ambrosia that accompanied it, failed to dampen Craig's enthusiasm as he continued to work his own particular brand of magic.

The rapid currents that had gripped her had hardly faded before Kay shifted to an upright position and, with a burst of energy, practically dragged Craig along. She kissed him hard, tasting the fruits of her climax in his mouth and on his cheeks as she alternated the focus of her attention. Wearing the result of his efforts on the lower half of his face like a badge of honor, Craig returned those kisses with such intensity that as their tongues mixed in her mouth, he also tasted the last remnants of his own orgasm. Caught up in the moment, he barely gave it a thought.

The fire that began deep within her took a long while to cool, but cool it finally did and they finally untangled themselves. Kay looked deep into his eyes, even as her hand gently stroked his still wet cheek.

"You did good, kid," she smiled, her expression reminding Craig of the times she congratulated him on passing some difficult test back in school. In his mind, that was praise indeed.


Slipping out of the bed, Kay said she would be right back and exited the bedroom. She returned a short minute later with a wet washcloth in her hand, which she used to wipe off his face. In some ways, Craig thought that was the most erotic thing she had done tonight.

"Kay, can I ask you a question?" Craig said as they lay next to each other on the bed.

"I don't know why not. I think it will still be at least a few minutes before your friend here is ready to play again," she grinned as she gently ran her fingers across his semi-soft cock.

"It's a little personal," he added.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle personal at this point," Kay replied, her eyes opening wide as she surveyed first his, and then her own naked form.

"Did you plan all this?" he asked, after taking what seemed a very long pause. "Not just tonight, but everything?" he added.

"Are you asking me if you got the job because I wanted to fuck you?" Kay said, getting right to the point.

"I guess that's what I'm asking, yes," Craig said.

"If I simply said no, would that satisfy you?" Kay responded, asking her own question.

Craig didn't answer right away, leaving Kay to answer for him.

"No, I don't think that would satisfy you," she said, "I know it wouldn't satisfy me."

The look on Craig's face said that was the answer he would've given.

"So, since like I said we have a little time, I'll give you the long answer," Kay said as she pulled herself up into a sitting position, to which Craig followed suite.

"Did I get you the job so that I could fuck you?" Kay repeated, not that the question had been forgotten. "Well, aside from giving the short answer no, I should lay out the whole story, so you can understand how what did happen, happened."

She paused for a few seconds, collecting her thoughts before starting again. She took him back to the night she had first heard his name again after so many years.

"It was quite rare for Estelle and I to be both home at the same time, but I would've remembered that night despite that," she began. "Estelle was in a furious state over her discovery how Stephen Walsh, one of her junior assistants, had been conducting job interviews the previous few months. If an applicant had been male, they had gotten little more than what could charitably be described as a bum's rush. If, however, it was a woman putting in for a job, especially if she had nice boobs or a cute ass well Stephen was quite willing to spend an entire afternoon conducting the interview, sometimes even extending it to include a lunch invitation."

Thinking back, Craig had to admit Kay's description pretty much described his own initial interview with Mr. Walsh.

"What was making Estelle even madder was the fact that as much as she wanted to, she couldn't even immediately fire the asshole," Kay went on. "If the reason she was firing him came out, it would easily open the door to all kinds of lawsuits against the company."

Craig nodded his head silently, seeing how that could also be a problem.

"So the best she could do was review the applications he had discarded, all three months' worth, and see if there was anyone deserving of a second interview. John's notes were useless, of course, so she only had what the applicants themselves had put down to go on."

Craig could also see where the problems could be with that.

"With a pile of them sitting right here on the coffee table, I picked up a few to read myself, more out of idle curiosity than anything else," Kay said. "When I saw the name Craig Ross, I honestly didn't make the connection, at least not until I read the file and discovered it was you. Yet even after that, I wasn't totally sure I should do anything about it."

Familiar with most of her expressions, Craig could see the conflict she must have felt again reflected on her face.

"On one hand, based on nothing else than what was written on your application, I did indeed feel that you deserved a second interview, or a real first interview as the case might have been," Kay said. "But, since it was not in the redo pile, Estelle evidently hadn't seen it that way. I knew that if I mentioned my prior relationship with you, or more accurately your relationship with George, she might've given you a second chance based on that alone. But then again, the circumstances weren't exactly normal. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen Estelle so angry, and any attempt by me to exert undue influence might not be taken so kindly."

It was obviously a predicament, Craig thought.

"Also, and to be honest I should mention this, it had been a good number of years since I'd seen you, and although I knew George and you still kept in touch, there was little for me to base an assessment of your current character on," Kay pointed out. "For all I knew, you could've well deserved the brush-off that Walsh had given you."

This too was true, Craig thought.

"In the end, I finally decided to take half the risk and suggested to Estelle that you should get a second interview, but left out any suggestion that I was making it out of anything more that just a sense of righting an obvious wrong."

Craig silently nodded his head, thinking that despite the problems, it did work out after all.

"The thing is, after getting you that second chance, that was where I probably should've have left it," Kay continued, picking up what Craig would later think of as the second half of the story. "Since it was my suggestion that had led to you getting hired, Estelle had offered to put you in my section to fill a position that had just opened. Knowing that, if nothing else, would be a bad idea, I instead offered the thought that you might fit better in another opening in Chester Brown's area. That way, I thought, you would succeed or fail on your own, because even though Chester is a friend, he wouldn't look too kindly on my trying to influence his assessment of your work."

Like so much else of what she had already said, this too made sense to Craig.

"Then Estelle threw me a curve ball and offered her own judgment that Chester was a little too hard on newly graduated associates, and she'd only put him there if I was willing to take on your mentorship to help you over the rough spots. Normally, someone on my level didn't serve as a mentor, but she seemed to sense that I had already taken an interest in you. Not wanting to have her think too much on why I might've taken an interest, I reluctantly agreed."

Craig had wondered why someone on Kay's level had been a mentor. Now at least he had an answer.

"The thing is, I should've said no," Kay added. "Or at the very least kept it on a totally business level and never developed a friendship with you, at least not one that went beyond what it should have."

"I'm a little confused," Craig admitted.

"Okay, let me see if I can explain this without seeming too much like a fool," Kay continued after a long pause. "Back when you first started coming around with George, I have to admit that I thought you were a quite attractive young man. In and of itself, there was nothing wrong with that. I'll also admit that I had a few fantasies about you as well. In my defense, I know that other women my age had similar thoughts, but neither they nor I ever saw those fantasies as something ever becoming a reality."

Craig considered pointing out that he had fantasies about her too, but then remembered that she already said she'd knew that the boys looked at her.

"The problem was that after taking you under my wing, so to speak, with the both of us now far beyond what was legally, if not socially prohibited, I found some of those fantasies starting to come back," Kay admitted. "I even felt a touch of jealousy when you started seeing Julie Madison."

There had been times, Craig knew but didn't say, that he had been with Julie and found himself thinking of Kay.

"And tonight?" he asked instead.

"I honestly don't have an answer for tonight," Kay said. "I certainly didn't envision the course it seems to have taken."

"Do you regret it?" Craig asked.

There was a long moment before Kay answered.

"I guess that I should, but no, no, I don't," she said, the honestly of her answer evident in her tone.

"I'm glad you said that," Craig said, the broadest of smiles on his face, "because it looks like Mr. Happy is ready to play again."


If there had been any further hesitation in Kay's thoughts, that simple announcement immediately banished it to the furthest recesses of her mind. Throwing caution to the wind, she again pulled Craig close and kissed him deeply. If she didn't stop to think about what she was doing, she reasoned in those last few seconds before she tossed aside reason as well, it would be all so much the better.

"Craig, I want you to fuck me," she called out in the brief interval between kisses. "I want you to bury that beautiful cock so deep inside me that I couldn't possibly beg for more, even though I probably will anyway."

Reacting with that same sense of urgency, Craig pressed Kay down on the bed and, after climbing on top of her, took hold of his cock and guided it to the entrance of her still wet mound. Kay's hand met him there and, slipping her own fingers around it, rubbed it up and down the length of her pussy, covering it with the slick nectar of her arousal before pressing her body forward just enough to slide him past her outer barriers.

She let out a small gasp as he took over control and let the weight of his body carry him fully inside of her. An equally soft sigh spilled from his lips as her felt the warmth of her sex wrap around him, fulfilling the realization of his most prized teenage dream. A dream that quickly faded in the wake of a very real reality.

Gently at first, he pulled back halfway and then leaned forward again. An action that he quickly repeated, each repetition gaining in intensity and frequency. Kay added to his effort as, lifting her ass off the bed, she pushed her own body hard against his, drawing him deeper inside as she did so. In a dozen heartbeats, they had quickly developed a rhythm that sent matching waves of pleasure radiating across both their bodies.

They drew even closer, arms and legs wrapped around the other until they were almost one person. An observer might have been reminded about the old description of a beast with two backs, but neither of them had time for such observations. The rhythm they shared was near perfect, a union that grew with each thrust of their sweaty forms, the warm droplets that covered them transforming to tiny rivers running down their backs.

"Oh yes, baby," Kay whispered into his ear as she held him tight. "You feel so good inside of me. I want more."

Wrapping her legs around him even tighter, she pulled him to her, meeting every stroke of his body with an even more frenzied thrust of her own. It was hard to catch her breath, but she didn't care about that or the racing of her heart. All that mattered was the hardness inside of her and the wondrous place it was taking her.

Contrary to popular belief, Kay had hardly been celibate since the death of her husband. In fact, it had been Jim himself who had told her before the end that he would be deeply disappointed if she wore widow's weeds the rest of her life. She didn't have to get remarried, he'd told her, but she should at least enjoy life and what it had to offer.

She wasn't sure that doing the nasty with one of the neighborhood kids he used to take fishing and camping might have been what Jim had in mind, but part of her was sure he would've understood. None of the men she'd shared her bed with since the funeral, and they had literally begun making their availability known right after the funeral, had awakened the kind of excitement in her that Jim had. At least none of them before Craig.

The first tremors of a building climax had quickly appeared soon after Craig had first entered her, and continued to increase with each passing minute. There was no longer any thought or reason, just the nearly overwhelming sense of pleasure that he had brought her. A sense that he could feel reflected in his body as well.

Despite the unmistakable buildup on the way to it, the suddenness of her orgasm still took Kay by surprise. It ripped through her with a force she had long forgotten, buried by the years of familiarity with a long time partner. She heard a scream of delight in her ears, only realizing later that it had been her own. Her body thrashed wildly, held only in place by the strength of the young man pressed tightly against her. She wanted it to go on forever, even thought the last remnant of rationality told her that it would be fleeting at best. Yet, while it had lasted, it had been the nearest thing to heaven she could have imagined.


"Thanks again for bringimg my clothes in with you," Estelle said as she slid the blue dress over the more conventional undergarments she had also just put on, "I don't think I could've taken another hour in that other outfit," she added, referring to what she had worn in early that morning before anyone else was in the office.

"You've done the same for me at times," Kay replied, thinking as she watched her roommate change clothes that in her case it usually was after working all night in her office.

"Zip me up, will you?" Estelle asked as she adjusted the dress.

As she did so, Kay glanced down at the garment that Estelle had changed out of, now draped across one of the chairs in her office. For something that had first been put on Friday night, it didn't look too worse for wear. Then again, there was the question of how much it actually had been worn in the last few days.

"So how was your weekend?" Estelle said as she turned around and checked her appearance in the full-length mirror that hung on the interior of her supply closet door. "I hope you didn't waste having the apartment to yourself all weekend by catching up with work."

"Well, I did go out and meet Carl and Lana for a while on Friday," Kay replied as she glanced out the window at the cloudy skies.

"And the rest of the weekend?" Estelle asked, mistakenly taking the look of guilt that appeared on Kay's face as an affirmation of the answer she expected. "Thought so," she added.