Another Wife

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More wives' weekends.
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If you've read my story "Weekend Wives" ( ) 1/8/2024, you'll recognize the characters and activities in this story. If not, you may want to read it before continuing.

The Thursday afternoon card game was unusually animated.

The four of us go way back. We met in college and have been friends ever since. We married, raised our kids and entered the empty nest period of our lives together. Miraculously, we live near each other, our husbands are excellent providers and we're all degreed mothers and housewives. We started playing cards on Thursday afternoons several years ago.

We use the time to play cards but the real reason we get together is the human contact and the conversation. No topic is out of bounds and it frequently includes personal information mixed in with the gossip. Three years ago, the conversation turned to sex. It usually does but this conversation was different. We talked about the absence of sex.

Giselle was the first to mention that she and Von hadn't had sex during the previous week. She hit a nerve. We were all in similar situations, sex with our husbands had waned over the years in spite of the fact that we loved sex and thought our husbands did too. We discussed the potential reasons and determined that the main issue wasn't age or ability, but apathy after noticing that our husbands continued to look at other women and were probably fantasizing about what they saw.

Having identified the problem, we determined to solve it. We weren't apathetic about sex. It was more like boredom. Sex with our husbands had become routine and predictable and we believed our husbands felt the same way. If our husbands were fantasizing about other women, and we couldn't deny that we did the same about other men, then we needed to provide more excitement and variation in our sex with them.

We reacted as a group and, with a fantastic twist of logic, we concluded we could provide the variation and excitement our husbands, and we, fantasized about. We decided we needed to sleep with each other's husbands.

We created a surprise weekend for us and our husbands where they didn't have a hint of what we planned and we didn't know which husband we were sleeping with until the last minute. We packed overnight bags and showed up unannounced at one of our homes determined to have as much varied sex as possible and the men, being men, after the surprise and an explanation, embraced the idea and us. We slept for forty-two hours over two nights with our assigned "husband."

Incredibly, it worked. Sex with our actual husbands improved immeasurably before the weekend was over. Thursday was the first time we had been together since that weekend. Playing cards was an afterthought. Sex was the only item on the agenda.

Giselle had spent the weekend with Drew and I was curious. "Tell me, Giselle," I said. "Did you enjoy the weekend with my husband?"

"Your husband is a tiger in bed," Giselle told us. "He's not only energetic but he has the equipment as well."

"I guess you were satisfied then?" I asked.

"Satisfied? I was bowlegged for days and my nipples were chapped. Fortunately, Von was too horny to notice," Giselle commented.

"That's good to hear," said Jessie. "I was afraid I had drained him dry and he'd not have enough for you."

"He had more than enough," confessed Giselle. "He came three times before we fell asleep Sunday night and again before he went to work late on Monday."

"Oh, and thank you Jessie," said Cathy. "Scott had my panties off before we got out of the living room."

"You're welcome," said Jessie. I enjoyed every minute with him later. I may have to have the living room carpet professionally cleaned."

"When the laughter died, Cathy turned to me. "Okay Madison," she said. "How was your experience with Mike?"

"Indescribable," I said.

"You don't want to talk about it?" questioned Cathy.

"No. I don't have the words to describe it," I clarified.

"That's okay," said Cathy. "Mike greeted me at home more randy than he's been since our honeymoon. He tried to eat my pussy in the car on the way home, kept me up all night and he hasn't let up since. Every morning and twice in the evening."

"So," I said. "We're all in agreement that the weekend was a success."

"I am, Madison," said Giselle. The others quickly agreed.

"Drew did make one comment that I've been thinking about all week," I said.

"Don't keep us in suspense," said Jessie.

"He asked if we were planning to do it again," I told them.

"Do we need to?" asked Cathy.

"Not from where I'm at," answered Jessie. "What did you tell him?" she asked me.

"I was noncommittal," I said. "He told me how much he enjoyed sex with me and didn't want to backslide in the future. He suggested that, since last weekend was so successful, more weekends would guarantee our sex life."

"He's right about it being a success," said Jessie. "But is seems unnecessary when everything's going so well."

"His point is that maybe it won't stay that way," I told her.

"Then I'd vote for another weekend if sex with Von began to show signs of weakness," said Jessie.

"So, you suggest that we monitor how well our sex is and plan another weekend if we think we need it?" I asked.

"I guess I am," agreed Jessie.

"Does everybody feel the same way?" I asked.

"I do," said Giselle. "Me too," chimed in Cathy.

"You know," I said. At the time I thought Drew had a good idea."

"You want to have another weekend?" asked. Cathy.

"I think I do," I confirmed.

"You want to fuck Mike again?" asked Cathy.

"Not just Mike," I answered.

Silence gripped the room while everybody processed my implication.

I think there's another reason to have another weekend," I broke the silence.

"What?" asked Cathy.

"Because we want to," I stated.

More processing. "You know," said Jessie. "It was fun. I'd do it again."

"Madison has a point," said Giselle. "We really don't need an excuse to have a weekend."

"But we achieved what we wanted," said Cathy.

"There's no reason we can't want great sex with our husbands and also want great sex with another husband," suggested Giselle.

"There's another reason to have at least two more weekends," said Giselle.

"Okay," said Cathy. "I'm listening."

"It's fair," said Giselle.

"Fair? What are you talking about?" asked Cathy.

"So far," started Giselle. "We've had sex with our husbands and one other husband. There are two other husbands we've left out. It feels out of balance somehow. It's unfair. We're denying ourselves and them of the experience."

"You're rationalizing," said Cathy.

"I am. Fun to think about isn't it?" Giselle confessed.

"We're back to fantasizing," I observed.

"I could be convinced," admitted Cathy.

"Really?" I asked. "Why?"

She laughed. "Because I want to," she said.

"Want to what?" asked Giselle.

"Fuck Von and Drew," Cathy stated.

"Not such a bad idea," admitted Giselle.

"Yeah," piped up Jessie. "I'd get Drew and Mike."

"Okay. Okay," I said. "Is everybody agreed? We'll have another weekend."

"Two weekends," reminded Jessie.

"Okay. Two weekends," I confirmed.

I took the high fives we exchanged as total agreement.

"When?" I asked. "Next week? Next month? Two months? Three months?

"Not too soon," stated Jessie. "I'm having too much fun with Scott. There's no reason to rush. And too close together could be a problem if we, and the men, think it's a regular part of our relationship. It could actually become destructive, losing interest at home with the promise of something else soon."

"So two months?" I asked.

"Maybe a little longer," thought Giselle. "But not too long. If we're going to do this then we should get it done."

"Three months?" I asked.

"Sounds right to me," agreed Jessie. "And it should be a three day weekend."

"Oooh," mused Cathy. "I like the way you think."

"Okay. We'll look for a three day weekend and we can plan.

Cathy pulled out a calendar. "Memorial Day is too close," she said. "Fourth of July is also a three day weekend this year but that's too close too. Looks like Labor Day," she concluded.

"All right," I said. "We'll plan for Labor Day weekend. Same rules. No mention of it to any of the guys. Not even a hint. We pick our 'weekend husbands' at the last minute on Friday and dinner at two PM on Monday at the Citadel."

"Why the Citadel?" asked Giselle.

"Tradition," I told her.

"I don't think the Citadel is open on Mondays," said Jessie.

"We don't need to deal with that now. If it's not open on Labor Day we'll pick someplace else."

The summer went fast. Sex at home remained fantastic. And we surprised the men with a three day Labor Day weekend. I picked Giselle's husband Von as my weekend husband. He didn't disappoint. That's not entirely accurate. He exceeded my expectations by an order of magnitude.

I showed up at Giselle's house driving her car. Von opened the door almost before I rang the bell. It was almost as if he was waiting for me. He shouldn't have had a clue about the weekend. Later, when I had a moment alone, I figured he must have concluded someone's arrival when Giselle went grocery shopping on a Friday evening. A pattern from the previous wives' weekend.

Von seemed delighted that I rang his doorbell. He invited me inside with a grin that lit up the whole room and took my overnight case. "I'm hoping you won't need these," he said as he put the case beside the door as he closed it. He stood in the living room as if he was expecting something like maybe for me to jump into his arms and kiss him.

I did neither. I stood watching him smile like a dog with his favorite bone. We dissolved in to simultaneous laughter. "Not exactly the entrance I expected," said Von.

"Not exactly the greeting I expected," I countered.

"Come in," Von said. "Make yourself at home. Can I get you something to drink?"

I sat on the sofa. "No thanks," I said. "I don't need adult beverages to enhance why I'm here."

"Why are you here?" asked Von.

"I'm your wife for the weekend," I told him.

"Three days?" he asked.

"And three nights," I confirmed.

"And Giselle has filled you in on the nature of our sex together?" Von asked.

"Not the details," I admitted. "Just the frequency."

Von thought for a moment. "And you don't have a problem with that?" he asked.

"Actually, I've been wondering if that was enough," I shared. I patted the sofa next to me.

Von sat where I indicated. I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. Then I began to unbutton his shirt. I stopped him when he tried to unbutton my blouse. "Relax," I told him.

I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. He wasn't wearing a t-shirt. I ran a finger around his nipple with one hand and pushed him back on the sofa to rest with my other hand. I changed to his other nipple. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Confined," he said.

"I can help with that," I offered.

I shifted on the sofa and began to work on unbuckling his belt. After loosening his belt, I unbuttoned his trousers and slid down the fly zipper. Von was leaning back on the sofa with his eyes closed. I reached around his waist with both hands, pushed my thumbs into the waistband of his trousers and pulled. Von lifted his hips while I slid his trousers and briefs under his ass and down his thighs.

His briefs caught on his erection and I freed it by lifting the front of his briefs and pulling it down to join the rest of his pants. His erection wasn't the largest I'd ever seen. Maybe five and a half inches from base to tip, but it looked extremely hard and straight without a curl or bend. "Nice," I whispered.

I took his erection in one hand and looked at his face. His eyes remained closed but there was a look of contentment on his relaxed face and his arms were limp at his sides. I stroked his erection several times and leaned over to kiss its slightly purple head. Von's body twitched reflexively. I slid my mouth down over his erection and sucked. Von's hips rose off the sofa slightly and he moaned. Encouraged, I began a prolonged sucking of his erection. His body pulsed with each stroke of my mouth on his erection.

Suddenly, Von's erection pulsed and he filled my mouth with an unexpected volume of semen. I recovered from the surprise and swallowed as quickly as he came. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "I didn't expect that."

"Neither did I," agreed Von. "That's never happened before."

"Not even with Giselle?" I asked.

"Giselle's never felt like that," confessed Von.

"She doesn't suck your cock?"

"She does," said Von. "All the time. It just doesn't feel like what you did."

"Interesting," I commented. "Change of plans."

I knelt in front of Von and completed the removal of his trousers and briefs. Then I stood up and began to remove my clothing. Three minutes later, I stood naked in front of Von. His voice broke and he said, "Incredible."

I laughed softly. "What you expected?" I asked.

"Way more than I imagined," admitted Von. "Drew is a lucky son of a bitch."

I blushed. "You're going to give me a complex," I said.

"I'm going to give you more than that," Von vowed. He sat up straight up, reached out, pulled me toward him and buried his nose in my pubic hair. I began to laugh. "Cut that out," I ordered.

"You don't like that?" asked Von.

"I love it," I insisted. "I just think we should take it to someplace more comfortable."

Von stood up, turned me toward the sofa and laid me down gently. He put my right leg on the floor and my left leg on the back of the sofa. Then he positioned himself between my legs. "Are you comfortable?" he asked.

Giggling, I agreed that I was comfortable. Von kissed my clitoris. "How about now?" he asked.

"I'm getting more comfortable," I told him.

Von concentrated on my sensitive girl parts. He was very good. He knew what he was doing. Quickly, I was squirming on the sofa as his lips, tongue and fingers wandered over my clitoris and into my vagina. I was furiously rubbing my clitoris with my fingers. I was close to losing control when, without warning, his finger found my anal sphincter. I screamed, my hips leapt off the sofa lifting his head with me and liquid flowed violently from my vagina. I think I even peed a little.

Everything was wet. Von's face and hands. The sofa. Liquid was flowing down my leg and wetting the floor. My fingers never stopped rubbing my clitoris. The third time I squirted liquid all over us, the sofa and the floor, I screamed, "Enough. Enough."

Von removed his fingers from within me, kissed my clitoris and kissed up my body. He paused at my breasts to kiss and suck my nipples and then up further to kiss me. In the process, his renewed erection unerringly found the place abandoned by his fingers and slid completely inside me. In the process, I learned that size didn't always matter.

With Von it wasn't how big he was. It was how he used what he had. He changed angles frequently. Sometimes pushing down into me. Other times pushing from the right or the left. And finally pushing up into me. The pressure on the sensitive place behind my clitoris when he pushed up set me off on another orgasm. Once that happened, Von kept up the pressure. My orgasms continued until they became one continuous, almost painful experience. I almost couldn't stand it but I would have hurt him if he stopped. My wailing filled the room with sound until, blissfully, he pushed up hard within me and stiffened as his orgasm grabbed him and he spewed hot semen into me.

We lay on the sofa gasping for air and waiting for our pulse rate and blood pressure to return to normal. Eventually, Von sat up and helped me to sit next to him. It wasn't very comfortable sitting in the cold wet puddles on the sofa and I stood up. Von stood up next to me.

"We're going to have to clean up that mess," I suggested.

"In the morning," Von insisted. "Right now, come with me."

Von led me to the bedroom and the adjoining bathroom. I headed for the bathroom, closed the door and peed. Then I started the shower.

Outside, Von called to me, "Are you done? I need to pee too."

I got into the shower and called back. "Whenever you want. The toilet's vacant."

I watched him pee and then pulled him into the shower with me.

We spent the night in bed. I spooned up behind him with my arm over his hips and gently encouraging his cock to erection. Whenever it responded, we found fulfilling uses for it. Von would spoon behind me, his cock nestled between my cheeks until it recovered again and he'd enter me from behind. I have no idea how many times he fucked me. I lost count of the number of my orgasms and he told me later that he had cum eight times over night, a new record since a fraternity party at college.

We wandered out of the bedroom late Saturday morning after our third shower of the night. We headed for the kitchen to find something to eat. I remember the groceries I had purchased. "Von," I said. "There are three bags of groceries in the car."

"Do you think their all right after spending all night in the car?" he asked.

"I think so," I speculated. "It was in the forties last night."

Von put on a bathrobe and retrieved the groceries. I put together a hearty Saturday brunch.

We spent the weekend eating meals, eating each other and having sex whenever either of us got the urge, which was often. By Sunday evening, I was sore from the continuous screwing and we spent the rest of the night with Von treating me to soothing saliva massages.

We managed a final emotional fuck Monday afternoon before we headed to the scheduled dinner with the other couples. The Citadel was closed and we ended up at Tony's Pizza and Italian Restaurant.

At home Monday night, Drew fucked me as if he had something to prove. It was wonderful and when he spent an hour with his tongue and fingers between my legs and up my ass, I almost passed out. Tuesday morning, Drew woke up too early. He had to go to work. He fucked me again before he took a shower, dressed and left for work. I don't know where he got the energy. I stayed in bed until after noon, managed to drag my ass into the shower, put on a terry robe and headed for the kitchen where Drew had left a pot of coffee warming for me.

Giselle came over mid afternoon. She didn't look much better than I did. I pointed at the coffee maker. She poured a mug of coffee and sat at the table with me.

"Worked again, didn't it?" I said.

"Even better than last time," Giselle confirmed.

"Still want to do it again?" I asked.

"Damn straight I do," she asserted. "I want to fuck Scott."

I laughed. She got the chance on Martin Luther King weekend.

We had a card game the afternoon of the third Thursday of January, after the MLK weekend.

"How's everyone doing?" I asked.

"I feel like a contestant on 'Survivor,'" said Jessie.

Agreement all around. "I've had a year's worth of sex in the last week and several decades in the past year," bragged Giselle.

"Okay," I said. "We've completed the circuit. We know all the husbands and I do mean 'know.' Are we done?"

"Looks that way," said Cathy.

"I'm not so sure," said Jessie.

"Explain," I challenged her.

"I've done the math. I've spent forty-two hours with Von and sixty-six hours each with Drew and Michael. It's out of balance."

I smiled. "So, you want to keep going?" I asked.

"It's a matter of fairness," Jessie said.

"You realize that, using your logic, it will never be in balance," I said.

Jessie smiled. "I realize that."

"Then you're actually proposing that we just never stop having weekend husbands?

"Seems that way?" she agreed.


"Because I want to," said Jessie.

"Are the rest of you on board?" I asked.

Everybody put their hands up, including me. High fives followed.