Aquata Cove Ch. 101: Final Pt. 02


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"Oh, Dennis is here. I'm going to go get him." She says as she gets up before she points a threatening finger at the two men, "NO pole dancing, you two! This is a wedding, remember."

"Hahahah, come on, girl!" Jamal laughs as he gives a provocative gesture with his hips, earning a disgusted eye roll before Yuri goes to get her coat.

"At least the food is decent," Chloe says as she serves herself some more grilled chicken, "Even though most of it just solid grease..." Once she gets a full plate she goes back to the table where Rajani and a few others were waiting for her, "Hey Raja, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" She asked as she puts her food down.

"Mnn, sure, honey." Rajani says as se wipes her hands, and then gets up and follows Chloe outside. They find a quiet corner before Chloe turns to her.

"So, Rajani... I uh... Christ, I don't even know how to go about this..."

"Just tell me, I'm listening." Rajani tells her.

"Right... Well, look, Raja... I know sometimes you want me to be as... I don't know, romantic or soft like Adam. And honest to God, I try, but... Agh, I don't know."

"Heh heh heh, never mind that, darling." Rajani says, "You are enough for me."

"Yeah, and for the life of me, I still can't get why..." Chloe continues, "Especially when I have my episodes... I still can't really believe that you can actually accept me when I'm a fucking demon."

"I accept you because I love you, Chloe." Rajani replies, "And besides... You're hot when you're mad."

"I'm serious, babe... I hate when you let me hurt you... But, for whatever reason, you just won't leave."

"How can I just walk away from someone who still needs me?" Rajani asked, "Who else can take you on?"

"Even when I..." Chloe huffs out a white puff of fog for a moment, "Even when I punch and slap you? How can you even... My God, I still can't find the right words."

"Chloe." Rajani says firmly, "I know you feel guilty when you hurt me, and all I can feel is sorrow for you when you go through the hard times. And when you hit me..." Rajani blushes and chuckles with a shrug, "It's embarrassing, but I suppose you could call it a plus."

"Heh... Yeah... So..." She continues as she digs in her pocket, "Look, Rajani... I don't know if I ever want a wedding like this, or if I should even bother, but..." Chloe takes out a black velvet box. Rajani's eyes widen before her hands cover her mouth, "Now, before you get TOO excited, no, I'm not asking anything." She opens them, and reveals what looks like a multi-banded ring of two rose-gold side-profile lotus flowers, one pointing one side, and the other facing the other side.

"But if you ever want us to have the real thing... And if I ever get my shit together enough to give you what you actually deserve for putting up with me for as much as you do" Chloe says as she takes the promise rings, and clinked them apart so they both now resemble a lotus plant with a coiled spring of a stem.

"Oh my gosh, Chloe...!" Rajani says with happiness as she holds out her hand, and let Chloe slide the ring down.

"For some reason, if you want to stick with me longer than this, then at least I want to show you that..." Chloe's eyes get watery as she tightens her lips with a nod, "You're the one for me, Raja." She holds back her tears, "You're the only one for me. And..." She sniffs as she wipes her eyes, "Please don't ever leave... I don't want you to leave, ever."

"I love you so much, Chloe," Rajani says as her voice thickens before she puts her arms around her. Chloe holds her back as they stand together in the cold.


"~I knew I loved you before I met you ~"I think I dreamed you into life ~I knew I loved you before I met you ~I have been waiting all my life~"

A handful of people waltz in a slow-dance as a calm song plays both in and out of the reception tent - I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden. With a full moon in the sky, the mermaids of the Kenovani sing idly, either with the current or coming songs, or just vocalizing beautifully and spreading the warmth in the air with the power of their voices. Adam and Merrick grind softly as they turn softly on the spot, Adam's front pushing on Merrick's behind as he holds him, "Still wish your parents could be here... Especially your Mom, and even your Dad."

"Yeah, me too."

"You sure we can't have a few of the members of your pod come?"

"The majority can't handle this much cold, the pod itself is at least a few miles from here."

"Oh, I see. Hey, so, if they could make it, how did you know to get the trident?"

"My Mother called to me... It seems they have yet to find the Razirah..."


"A Razirah is selected and enchanted by the power of the Noita - until one is chosen, the Noita has the initial bonds with everyone in the pod. For the time being, they've only got a Capricorn keeping them together, so it takes some of the strain off my Mother."

"So what does that have to do with the trident?"

"Until a Razirah is chosen, the Noita has the power to directly call to her family... Before the ceremony, I heard singing, but no one else was able to hear it. So I went into the water, and I found my Mother and Father, waiting for me..."

"Heh... I love your Mom, but I wanted to make a better impression with your Dad - I saw him on land once, and I was kind of a jerk."

"Wait, you talked with my Father?!"

"It was when you met MY parents for the first time."

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling me this. He might have been curious as to how I was doing."

"I talked, but he just glared at me before going back to the water."

"Sounds like him." Merrick smirked, "Even if my Father didn't hate humans so much, he can't walk; he doesn't know how." Merrick explained, "And it's too much to ask anyone of the sea to be near humans for too long... That said," Merrick smiled as he turns to look at party, "It seems the Kenovani is settling down and getting along with the human guests."

"Mm..." Adam says as they cuddle while standing and listening to the soft music. He idly looks forward, and stared off in the distance.

"I hope they stay in these waters for a while..." Merrick says, "I'd like to try and see some of them again..."

"I think you can." Adam says.


"Look there." He nudged Merrick face forward, and turned his attention towards the direction.

"Hhh..." Merrick gasps quietly as he sees Umiato in the same cloaked dress far from the party, holding what looks like a small bundle in her arms, and his younger sister standing next to her, and a man with several pieces strapped around his body, "A-Adam..." Merrick turns around as Adam takes a step from him.

"What are you waiting for?" Adam says with a loving smile, "Go to them." Merrick fights off a tear as he holds Adam's cheeks and gives him a kiss on the mouth before turning and walking away. He strides towards the people from afar before breaks into a run. Half a minute later, Savarna runs forward, and then Merrick quickly picks her up for a spin and a hug. Adam smiles and chuckles as Merrick puts her back down, and walked to his Mother and the other individual with them.

"Where's Merrick going?" Luther asked as he and Donna come next to Adam.

"He's visiting his Mom and Sister." He answered, "They stuck around for him."

"Oh, so those are the in-laws?" Donna asked.

"Oh interesting! I'd like to know what they're like." Luther pats Donna's arm, "Lets go and say h-"

"No! Nononono, don't do that." Adam hastily said.

"Why not?? I just want to meet them at least once. What are in-laws for?"

"Honey, I don't think that's really possible." Donna says.

"Exactly, merfolk can't talk to humans, or they get banished."

"But uh..." Luther gestured to the guests behind them, "Aren't these people merfolk too?"

"They're already rogues, they just stick together, kind of like a band-of-misfits."

"Ah, I see..." Luther nods.

"Bummer, I really wanted to get to know his Mother." Donna adds, "She sounds wonderful from what Merrick says. And his Father must have some intriguing things to say about psychology, I would have liked to discuss things with him."


"ADAAAM!!" Merrick calls.

"Huh?" Adam turns around to see Merrick waving.


"Ah- Oh, what?"

"Go on, honey," Donna says, "We understand."

"Hah, I... Ok then." Adam says with an awkward chuckle and jogs away to the secluded spot. He sees Umiato smiling at him as they come, and Savarna stepping closer to her mother. Looking to the right, Adam sees a young man with emerald green eyes, wearing what appears to be a slew of handmade weapons tied to him, and a dark blue merman with very sharp eyes and fins on his head.

"Hi... My name is Adam, and... I am Merrick's mate." He looks to the hostile looking merman in the water. Adam can't tell if he's leering at him, or that's just his normal face. "I um... Kaiken, right? You are Merrick's father." He doesn't get an answer, "I just want to say... The first time we met, I was disrespectful. I apologize."

"Hmgh..." Kaiken says nothing else.

"I was angry; I felt that you didn't care what Merrick had to go through when he was exiled, or what I heard of how you responded to what happened when he was banished."

"Hhhgghh..." Kaiken sighs quietly as he looks down. He doesn't seem to be irritable or hostile... He really misjudged this human.

"It wasn't my place to talk to you as I did." Kaiken still doesn't talk, "I um... I guess what I'm saying is..."

"Brishen..." Kaiken turns to the man on the rock, "I must return to the pod. I need to see to their protection."

"Understood." He nodded. Adam starts as he sees the large merman dive to the side, watching the strong and navy colored tail rush along the surface, and the razor sharp fin slaps the surface.

"Ah..." Adam nods.

"Adam, it's... Nothing personal." Merrick tells him, "It's just that,"

"It's ok, I understand, babe." Adam nods, before turning to the other man, who is sitting on the rock next to the rock, "So, you're Brishen." Adam continues, moving on from the awkward moment. Brishen opens his mouth, but stops himself, "I get it, it's fine. You can't talk to me. It's great to meet you though. Merrick's told me a lot about you." Brishen raises his brows a bit, "He said you were not good at hunting at all. He had to rescue you too many times for him to count." He scowls and leers at Merrick.

"Well if I'm wrong, please do feel free the correct me." Merrick sneered with his arms crossed.

"And the Abyssal Turtles?" Brishen asked with a brow raised, "How exactly did you respond when those squids attacked them?"

"One against one thousand. I wouldn't get cocky." Merrick teased.

"Hahaha, but after Merrick left, he tells me you became extremely skilled." Adam says, "And you even became a Theros. That's a teacher, right? And that's a lot of weapons you have there. I hunt for fish too, but not nearly as well as anyone from your pod, I'm sure. For the most part, humans hunt fish with long sticks of wood with a strong but thin string and a hook, those small sharp things you have on your wrist." Adam pointed to the fishhooks made into a bracelet. Brishen looked to his wrist with intrigue, now having discovered what these things are made for, "What we do is put bait on those hooks, and we through the hook and string into the water, and wait for the fish to bite the hooks, and then we pull them. Heh heh, I know it's not so much as hunting as it is waiting, but we manage."

"Th-" Brishen stops himself again, but he looks like he really wants to chat.

"Mother," Merrick says, "Are you sure we can't just talk since we're on the land? Surely the Ningyo won't catch on."

"It's ok, Merrick." Adam pats his shoulder, "I'd rather not risk it just for my sake." Umiato smiles at that. Adam then turns his attention to the cloaked girl standing next to Umiato.

"And you must be Savarna. His sister, right?" Adam says as he squats down, "Hahah, I haven't seen you since that time you tried to kill me."

"Daughter?" Umiato turns and looks down, giving a curious and stern look, "What is he saying?"

"It's nothing, it was a long time ago over a misunderstanding, ma'am." Adam tells her.

"Hmhmhm," Umiato chuckles as she looks at Merrick, "He is too forgiving." Savarna's face softens a bit.

"Heh, Adam can never hold a grudge." Merrick says, "He's far too soft-hearted and polite. If he were one of us, he'd never be a hunter."

"Anywaaayyy..." Adam says with gritted teeth.

"Whaaaat? I didn't say it was a BAD thing." Merrick snickered.

"Moving on." Adam says to Savarna, "Merrick talks a lot about you too. He misses you so much. He said you were wonderful the first time you sang to the full moon. Heh, despite our rocky introduction, I really would have loved to get to know my new sister-in-law."

"What... Does that mean?" Savarna asked Merrick.

"When humans do this ritual of love, their families are considered as one." Merrick answered, "It's a sentiment that implies because he has pledged himself to me as a mate, you are also indirectly his sister."

"I know it's weird," Adam says, "Don't worry about it." He stands back up, and beckons to Umiato, "And my Mother-in-law. Umiato, right?" She smiles and nods, "I really wasn't expecting to see you walk Merrick down the aisle; it's a time-honored tradition with humans that a partner to a mate to be walked down the aisle by their own parent, and I," Adam puts his hands together and points to her, "Can't tell you how much it means to me to see you give Merrick at the altar. I can't describe how happy I am to see you here today for Merrick."

"I'm still surprised Father came here at all..." Merrick says.

"I apologize on your Father's behalf." Umiato tells Merrick, "It was his own volition to give you that trident, and he did have an initial curiosity about a human's mating ceremony. But his species cannot tolerate the frost."

"We understand."

"Umiato, I really, really wish you can be apart of our lives." Adam says, "But if you can't associate with me, would it be ok if you guys came to see Merrick, whenever you can? Please? I know he can't come to you, or he'll be punished. So please do all you can to see him."

"Hmhm... Of course." Umiato answered looking at Adam. Brishen gives a paranoid glance here and about. Merrick tugged on Adam's arm and pulled him a little.

"Here, Adam, there is someone else I want you to meet." Merrick brings Adam closer to Umiato, to where she his holding a bundle of fabric and kelp. Adam gasps silently as he peers down and realizes the bundle is actually a sort of basin/nest.

"Oh my gosh..." Adam hushed as he sees a very small merfolk, pure white and shimmering in the moonlight. Black eye-shaped spots line along the side of his tail as well as his little arms. Water constantly rolls and circulates his body. He appears to be sleeping inside the water.

"Adam, this is my baby brother." Merrick says, "His name is Cotei."

"Wow..." Adam reaches his hand, but paused, "I-I, it is safe for him? I-I don't want to cause anything..."

"Hmhmhmhmh," Umiato laughs softly, "I dare say he is far too young to be branded a Coshiton. It is alright, but he must remain in the water."

"O-Ok..." Adam gingerly puts his fingers into the cold water, and strokes along the luminous scaled arm of the baby, "Wow..." Adam hushes, completely astounded, "He's so tiny..."

"He hatched just a few suns ago." Merrick muttered, "He will become the Triton of the pod when it's his time."

"But... Merrick, are you ok with that?" Adam asked, "You don't feel... You know, replaced?"

"Why would I?" Merrick asked with a smile, "My place has always been with you. The pod will be well-protected in his hands."

"I will ensure that he knows and respects his predecessor," Umiato says with an endearing smile, "Though he will never replace the light in my heart that you have always had, my Son." She says as she holds Merrick's cheek.


"He will come to know that you are a merman unlike any other. Son, yours is a love I have never seen before, and not a single sun goes by where I do not wish you were able to stay with us longer. I still long to hear much of your new life, and I pray you will teach Cotei what your Father, Sister, and I cannot. He is your family, as you are mine."

"I... I will, Mother." Merrick nodded as he fights off a few tears, "I will be here."

"And to you... Adam." Umiato turns her attention to him, "I entrust my Son to you, who are so reverent and strong to safeguard someone of my world." She puts her hand on his shoulder and then to his cheek as her eyes meet his, "I see so much light in you. Such compassion, bravery, gentleness... Please never let your light go out. Always shine upon my Son in his times of shadow and sorrow. When he becomes lost, have him see the path that leads to you, his peace of mind. Just as the storm of Kaiken's rage is only quelled by my love, my Son can only be stayed by the radiance of your heart."

"I will, m-ma'am. I will." Adam nods with a thick voice as his eyes blur with tears, feeling his lower lip quiver, smiling with his chest tightening with emotion, "I'll keep him safe, I promise."

"Alright." She takes a step back, and turned to look at the shore, "I must also now return to the pod." Her eyes go back to the two men before her, "Protect each other. Keep your light burning strong, and endure the hardships as well as the goodness." Umiato concluded endearing eyes, "You are both precious to me. I wish you both long and fulfilling lives, and I will see you again. Come, Daughter."

"Yes..." Savarna nodded, but turned to Adam, "Um..."

"Hm?" Adam looks down to see her walk to him. His brows rise a bit as her arms come up, "O-Oh! You wanna hug? ... You're serious?" She nods, looking a little intimidated and embarrassed, "Aww, ok." Adam smiles after he wipes his eyes before he knelt down. He puts his arms around the cold cloak around Savarna and hugs her tight. "Stay strong... Come back soon, ok?" Adam whispered. The girl nods before she parted from him.

"Keep going, Brishen. I'd like to hear about the huge exploits you encounter, through Merrick, of course."

"Hm." Brishen nods to him with a smile.

"Thank you so much for coming." Merrick tells them, "And give Father my loving regards."

"Yes." Umiato nods before she turns, and releases the clothing from her body that Hanamaru gave her, now only wearing a simple white dress that she created herself. Umiato wades into the water, holding the baby with her and dissolving the dress into sea foam as she goes, as does Savarna and her cloak. Brishen slips into the water and his green body transforms immediately as he swims away.

"Will they be ok?" Adam asked, "I didn't... Get them in trouble, did I?"

"It should be fine." Merrick nodded, "If it really came to that, Mother, Sister, and Brishen would be given a second chance; with Brishen's status as Theros, he's elevated to the hierarchy. Though exercising discretion is also a very flexible measure - this only happened once, so the Ningyo should have absolutely no clue."


A few hours later, Adam and Merrick are back on the sand of the shore at the house. Everyone has gone home, and the party and the building supplies have been put away, while the tents and remaining equipment will be recalled the next day. The both of them look to the full moon, listening to the romantic background music coming from Adam's laptop.

"I love you so much, Adam..." Merrick says as he turns and look into those warm brown eyes, "My unstoppable man... You came back for me, so many times."

"Heh, of course I came back. I'll always come back." Adam rubs his hand onto Merrick's cheek as he looks into those deep sapphires, "My angel of the sea... I love you with everything I have... Now and forever."