Ashley's Campaign Ch. 01


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Suddenly they reverie was interrupted by the sound of the horn on her Dad's Porsche 911 Carrera S coming up the driveway.

Ashley shrieked, "Oh my god, Dad is early."

Ashley sprung up desperately grabbing her suit bottom and running to the edge of the pool where she bent down to retrieve her suit top. She sprinted for the door to her wing of the house and ducked inside.

Josh was hidden from sight of the driveway by some bushes. He gathered up Ashley's things and carried them into the small pool house. He brought the soaked towel up to his face and inhaled Ashley's fragrance. Instantly his cock hardened even more into a throbbing erection. He stripped down and got into the shower. He worked up a lather with some body wash and started to stroke his erection. His mind was burning with images of Ashley and the feel of her body. In just a few strokes he was spewing wads of come. He leaned against the shower stall and moaned. He felt only partially satisfied and knew that no amount of masturbation would ease the hunger filling his thoughts. He thought for a second about washing the towel but decided to save it as a reminder of this incredible afternoon. Maybe it would come in handy for another workout with his cock before sleeping.

Meanwhile their Dad, Robert was astounded. He'd had a clean view of his naked daughter stooping to pick up her suit top and run into the house. Her lovely body brought up memories of his wife when they first met. He felt a pang to his loins. He had seen Ashley's full breasts bobbing as she ran. He thought he had seen her labia when she bent down. He wondered when she had shaved her pubic hair. Had she left a patch or was she completely bald? He had last seen her naked when they were on vacation at the nudist camp. At that time he remembered Ashley had a natural bush. She had probably only shaved this summer.

He fondly remembered the intense sex he had had with his wife during that holiday. He missed his wife deeply but she had decided to separate when they returned to the states. She had put up with all of the moves while he was in the Army for the sake of the family but now she wanted to devote some time to her passion choreographing modern dance. One of her old college friends had offered her a fantasy position in New York City that was just too good to pass up. Robert hoped it was only temporary. He knew he was getting hornier by the day but wanted to remain faithful at least for now.

Robert carried in some groceries for dinner. He knew his kids had enormous appetites and a long practice session would make them even hungrier. Luckily the Porsche had room for a couple of bags in its tiny trunk. He loved the car and it was his main consolation for his absent wife. Other than that all he had was his job and the kids. His new practice was starting to take off and coupled with his Army retirement as a full colonel they were doing well. He had fallen in love with this country house and he had blown a large chunk of his savings as a down payment. He rationalized that he needed the space to entertain potential clients. Still home prices in rural upstate New York were a small fraction of big city prices and there was enough land for 20 big city homes.

Robert liked to share as many meals as possible with his family. He loved to cook since it provided nearly instant gratification compared to his work. He often retired to his home office for a few extra hours after a leisurely dinner. He hit the intercom in the kitchen and announced to the kids that dinner would be ready in 30 minutes. Josh replied immediately that he'd join his Dad in a couple of minutes. Josh could hear Ashley running the shower in their shared bathroom and told his dad he'd let her know.

As soon as Ashley had run into the house after being surprised by her Dad, she had headed into the bathroom for an urgent pee. As she ran she kept her hand pressed into her crotch to suppress an accident. She could not believe the pleasure she felt from relieving herself. She was amazed at how much her bladder could hold. Peeing felt strange and slightly painful. Once her bladder was empty, all she could feel of herself was her ass and clit. Oh god she thought it must be obvious to everyone what she had done with her brother.

She got into the shower for the second time that day to wash off the sweat and wasted sun screen. Well maybe not wasted but surely lubrication was not its intended function. She hoped it would not irritate the delicate parts of her body where her brother's fingers had applied it. After she had washed her hair and the rest of her body, she paid special attention to her vulva and her ass. Touching these sensitive places was especially hard after the abuse they had been given. She felt mildly painful spasms as she cleaned inside the folds of her labia with her fingers. Ashley had never been one to use a wash cloth in the shower and preferred the pleasurable contact with her hands and fingers. She applied more body wash to her fingers and inserted one inside her anus. She was hoping to get most of the sun screen out but even just one finger was tight. As she worked the finger around inside her anus she was amazed that somehow her brother had managed to insert two of his larger fingers. Worries that her ass was permanently stretched passed as she realized how tight it felt now. After several times inserting a body wash covered finger into her ass, she was finally satisfied that it was as clean as it would get. She dried off with a large, thick bath towel. She dried her hair and wrapped the towel around her head. She grabbed her summer weight bathrobe and walked into the hallway to go to her room.

Josh saw her from his room and announced, "Ash, Dad said dinner at 1830."

Ashley stammered that she would be there. She realized that her Dad had not come home early. Oh dear god she thought, she and her brother had been going at it by the pool for over two hours. How could that be possible?

Once she started thinking about food, she realized she was ravenous. She slipped on panties and a sports bra. She considered a pair of skin tight track shorts and realized she couldn't handle anything chafing her body. She chose a pair of lose fitting shorts and her white Real Madrid soccer jersey. It was her idol, Cristiano Ronaldo's jersey, with his name and his number 9 on the back. She slipped on a pair of sandals and walked down the hallway to the family room and kitchen. She could smell rice and curried vegetables cooking. Her Dad was outside turning some chicken on the BBQ. She swatted Josh on his butt and jumped out of his way as her tried to retaliate.

She laughed and asked, "So why isn't the table set? Is that some kind of women's work?"

Josh had no reply so together they soon had the patio table set and went over to watch their Dad. The chicken was nearly done and Robert was basting the chicken with massive amounts of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce.

Robert said, "The rice and vegies are done. Maybe one of you can get the wine and the other put the sides on the table. I'll have the chicken on the table in 3 minutes."

Ashley's parents were fairly open-minded about both sex and alcohol after years abroad. Ever since Ashley and Josh were ten, their parents had let them have a little wine with dinner. They figured it was better to remove the mystique by letting the children imbibe at home rather than clandestinely drinking with their friends in some park. As for sex they believed it better to talk about the subject openly. Still they insisted on the children dressing appropriately based upon the local customs. So skin tight short shorts in Italy were ok but not in Kuwait. Obviously alcohol was out entirely in Kuwait. Nudity in Germany was ok but only in a nudist colony of like-minded people.

Her Dad brought in the chicken just as Josh finished pouring the wine. Ashley and Josh were allowed two glasses each and her Dad would finish the bottle. Sometimes Josh got more because he was a male and her dad claimed men metabolized alcohol better. This comment had always brought hoots of derision from Ashley and her Mom. They all served themselves and started to eat. At first Ashley and Josh were eating too fast to talk. Their Dad tried asking them about their first day pf practice to slow them down.

"So Josh do you think you will make first string? What are Rivervale High's chances in the league? How's the coach? Is Ryan going to be the quarterback? Ashley, will you make the team? How is your coach? Are you happy with the team?"

These questions got only a series and grunts out of Josh and Ashley.

Finally after several pieces of chicken each accompanied by mounds of rice and vegies the kids started to slow down. Each had finished a glass of wine by then and that helped also. So of course they both started to talk at once. Since Ashley was interested in how her boyfriend Ryan performed she let Josh go first.

Josh reported that practice went well. Ryan had completed a number of passes to Josh even though he was well guarded. The coach had varied his route from short crossing runs to long ones to the end zone. Both the coach and Ryan were excited about their new wide receiver. Josh said the coach liked his open field running so much he would try some plays tomorrow where Josh would take a handoff directly from the quarter back.

His Dad was pleased but not surprised that Josh had done well as a receiver. However, he had not anticipated that his son would also be a skilled runner. "OK so your speed and agility are good but what kind of blocking will you have?"

Josh replied that the front line was solid and averaged over 220 pounds which was very good for high school and the best in the league. Josh said he was surprised that most of the seniors on the team were 18 years old. Rivervale was a serious football town and a lot of parents had held the kids back a year to give them more time to develop. Like a lot of upstate towns, most of the kids had been playing together since grade school.

Ashley said, "Maybe that explains why a lot of the senior girls are also 18. Maybe the parents just hold all of their kids back."

Her Dad turned his attention to her and asked, "So, Ashley, how did your day go?

Ashley blushed and then realized he was talking about soccer.

Ashley said, "It was long, hot and grueling but typical for a first day of practice."

"How about the coach? Is he any good?"

She replied, "Well the coach is a woman and former college player. This area is big on woman's soccer and the school evidently made a big effort to recruit her. I like her a lot; she is very smart and supportive."

"What's the team like? How do they compare to Europe?"

Ashley said, "The team is way better than I expected and several of them could have played in Europe. I like the way that they play well together. I am sure a lot of them have been together for several years in AYSO. Still they went out of their way to be friendly but they were checking me out as much as I was them."

"Any players I should keep my eyes on?"

"There are several good players. Brittany is a good midfielder and keeps the team organized. Emily is great at defense and the keeper is tall and fast. I was afraid they would make me play goal because of my height but no worries there."

"I did well after I learned the team's style. The coach likes to switch quickly from defense to offense and strike quickly with precise passing. I think she learned it from watching Spain and Germany in the World Cup. Anyway I managed to make good passes, a bunch of tackles and even a few goals."

Her Dad replied, "It sounds like I am going to have a busy fall schedule trying to watch all my kid's games."

Ashley paused and changed the subject, "I had a snack with Emily after practice and she is pushing me to run for home coming queen. What do you guys think?"

Both her Dad and Josh encouraged her to go for it. They both commented that she should win on looks alone. Ashley's intelligence and personality were also a bit plus.

Her Dad said, "What is the process? How do they select a home coming queen?"

Ashley replied, "I am not quite sure but I think it's a vote and only seniors can run or vote. It sounds like a popularity contest. That would be tough."

Her Dad said, "It sounds a lot like politics. You won't change anyone's mind if they are friends with another candidate but otherwise politics means talking to people, making them feel good and sometimes doing favors. I think it would be a good experience even if you lose. Do you know who else is running? How many seniors are there?

Ashley thought a bit and said, "I think the only real opponent would be Ellen Somerfield. There are just under 200 seniors. I guess a little politics would be a good experience.

Josh commented, "Oh my god Ellen, I still hate her for what she did to you over Ryan. She's like someone out of the movie Mean Girls. OK true, a lot of the guys have a thing for her. But outside of her immediate circle of girlfriends I doubt there is a girl in school who doesn't despise her. At least that's what I've heard."

Her Dad chimed it as well, "Well I wouldn't mind taking a shot at the Somerfield's. That jerk James Somerfield is my main competitor for wills and trusts. In addition he was the only one who voted against our joining the country club. Luckily he was out voted because a lot of my best clients are members. So you have my support if you need it."

Ashley was still unsure about her decision but was happy for the encouragement.

She said, "I need to think about it overnight. Maybe tomorrow I can talk to some of the seniors at soccer to get a better feel for what's involved. If they think I have a chance and will support me, then its game on.

After that the conversation ranged over a number of topics. They sat around and sipped their wine while the sun sank over the horizon beyond the pool. The sunset illuminated a few clouds in beautiful reds and pink. They were all relaxed and glad to be outdoors after the heat of the day was gone. After darkness started to settle in the kids headed to their rooms. Ashley restocked her sports bag and quickly changed into her summer pajamas. Luckily Dad had the air conditioning on. If it was only hot he would kept it off saying the world didn't need them wasting any more energy. She crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.


Ashley 1 is Monday. Two weeks before the start of school.

A Girl's 21st Century Guide to Sex

A Colonel (O-s) gets about $5574 a month in retirement after 24 years. Getting a law degree at a military academy counts toward service so Robert could be 45 or 46 years old.

Ashley - main character

Josh - her brother

Robert - Her Dad

Ryan: Ashley's boyfriend

Jessica: Josh's girlfriend

Emily - her soccer friend

Brittany - soccer mid fielder

Mary - Emily's girl friend

Ellen Somerfield: head cheer leader and Ashley's rival

William Benton Pembroke III: Ellen's boyfriend

Popular male names: Austin, Michael, Chris, Matt, Jacob, Nick, Andrew, Daniel, Tyler, James, Zach

Popular female names: Ashley, Sara, Samantha, Amanda, Brittany, Elizabeth, Taylor, Megan, Hannah, Kayla, Lauren

Town name Rivervale and school is Rivervale High School

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loericsloericsabout 2 years agoAuthor

Ashley’s Campaign was the first story I ever submitted to Literotica. I want to warn my readers that I used the series to experiment. The story starts out sweet, but around chapter 7, I began playing with darker themes. Most of my other works are more consistently dark.

The early chapters also contain numerous grammatical errors. I use Grammarly on my newer works, but the thought of going back and revising the early Ashley chapters doesn’t excite me.

I won’t apologize for the mess that is Ashley’s Campaign. Love it or hate it. It represents hundreds of hours of work, and it is what it is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
If you liked this

Great start.

This reminded me of a story i recently enjoyed "Twins: Sports, Sex and Trouble" similar concept - fraternal twins, new to school, he plays football, she does soccer, a popular girl at school causes problems. the dad here is also a colonel. lol.

Again the twins are close, very close. will they cross the line?? nicely drawn out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Clearly a five. Surprising that anyone scored it as less.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Nice one lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

yes another chapter please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
great start

I really enjoyed the first installment. as a personal preference no father/daughter please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Squeed unt izma fiutieer remieefumkat

Con gliggis fum tieem couet tuda flummix con triemtis. Unt twa squeemnis unt na tieer kax glimnigal fuor ta doodium mov tikkt.

Kluourfungis mon troom mon voourteetood kax ta glummno. Son treeb? Jeh si toodnis ooble kaxi du flumm crootun. Gazbig gi tikklikit floob. Meoozmot twa doob. Kwa kandlis flumm.

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayalmost 10 years ago
Great story

Nice to have a loving and unselfish brother to make you cum so many times, hope she repays him in the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Cristiano Ronaldo is number 7

He plays 7 for Real Madrid and Portugal

His whole brand is CR7

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I couldn't help think that sunblock would sully the flavor of Ashley's virgin flower. Brother was very generous and I hope she will return the favor. The scene at the end with their father seemed a little extraneous. Maybe there will be more tension between all three of them as the story heats up.

Carole_n_NiceCarole_n_Nicealmost 10 years ago
I don't mind being a critic!

It started off well. It built a story that started to make sense and then took a VERY long detour with the brother. That to me didn't make a lot of sense. Nevertheless, I liked the story and I'm looking forward to the next installment. ??? Maybe because I can play the critic more? Not really... well... maybe? lol... I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the next verse, (with chapter of course!).

brosismombrosismomalmost 10 years ago
can't decide

on this one,will wait to to read next chapter before make judgement

goodish start but really monotonous with brother massage/sun screen applier

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
a fabulous story, especially from a first-time contributor

Ashley is a lovely girl and an accomplished athlete. Her big strong brother Josh is a football hero, and at the height of his sexual prowess. It's only natural that when he's applying sunscreen to his sister's body, touching her all over, and catches sight of her beautiful cunt, he gets hard, harder than ever before. Josh's big cock is practically busting out of his pants, it's threatening to cream all over the place. Ashley, though a virgin, is very interested in cocks. At a nudist colony, she noticed her father fat penis, just soft and hanging down over his balls, but she was still really impressed. Meanwhile, dad has just caught sight of his daughter bare-ass naked. He's thrilled at seeing his baby girl's adorable little coochie, that sweet slit between her legs sends his mind into a whirl and makes his daddy-dick stiff as a board. It's a race to see who busts Ashley little cherry. Will it be Josh, with his big brotherly cock? Or her father, with his powerful daddy-dick? I'm betting on dad. Then Josh can have a go at Ashley's just deflowered cunt, and blow his brotherly balls up inside his beloved sis. There's plenty of family semen in Josh's and dad's balls to keep Ashley's twat filled to the brim.

dutch513nelsdutch513nelsalmost 10 years ago
Part 1 hot .

I am truly glad that this is only part 1 .You have a very hot story going here .Good build up and strong story line can't wait to read part 2 . If it's like part 1. I hope to some day read part 10 . Good job and thanks.....

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