Asian Amy Pt. 08

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Amy and Shareese take a trip to taboo island resort.
6.3k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 02/04/2024
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Asian Amy Part 8


An uneasy feeling crept in when Amy spied her mother's car on her way up the walkway to Shareese's townhome. She knew that her mom had gone there to be tied up and who knows what else, but the fact that her curiosity had gotten the better of her was maddening.

Shareese and Amy had exchanged keys to their respective homes when Amy had moved in to a unit two buildings over, and the cute Asian unlocked the front door and walked in, removing her flip flops before stepping inside.

There were no detectable sounds coming from the dungeon above which was a good thing. Or was it? Amy was utterly conflicted about her mother's rekindled fascination with BDSM and a part of her wanted to see her mom trussed up and getting whipped. Good grief, she thought to herself.

Amy walked up the stairs and towards the dungeon door that was wide open. Shareese was completely naked and trussed up in what had to be fifty feet of hemp rope. She was suspended about four feet off the ground and Carrol Nakayama was standing next to the subject in a sundress and barefooted.

"Pumpkin," Carrol greeted her daughter. "Just showing Shareese a little Shibari."

Amy nodded and then stepped closer to her bound friend to inspect the bondage. Her arms were bound behind her back at the elbows and wrists, strappado-style, and rope had been applied around her torso, above and below her tits. She was frogtied at her thighs and her ankles were tightly bound. The weight of her body was supported at two points, her elbows and wrists, that were fastened to a ring that was attached to the wench.

Amy gave Shareese a shove that sent her swaying and spinning and asked her if she was enjoying herself. "You don't look too comfortable," she added.

"It's actually not that bad," Shareese said. She was slowly rotating in a clockwise direction. "It's kinda hot."

Amy figured as much when she noticed her friend's hardened tits and swollen pussy. "I see," she said and resisted the temptation to feel up the suspended woman's cunt.

"I still got it," Carrol chimed in. "You want to go next?"

Amy desperately did want to go next, but she did not want to seem too eager. "I don't think so."

"Aww, come on," Shareese said. Her clockwise spin halted momentarily and she was about to reverse direction. "I need to practice on someone."

"And why are you naked, anyways?"

"I wanted the full effect."

"I bet you did." Amy said, and rolled her eyes.

Shareese could not hold back a creepy smile.

"Oh what the hell," Amy said. "You guys can tie me up, I suppose."

"Great," Carrol replied and then went to the wall to activate the wench and lower Shareese to the floor. "Take off your clothes, dear," she said before engaging the wench's down button.

Never in a million years did Amy think that she would be looking forward to being put into naked bondage by her own mother. It was as if she had turned into a completely different person over the past few months. Her craving for BDSM had taken over her once benign thoughts about her sexuality and modest kinks.

She removed her dress, bra and panties and stood there stark naked watching her mother untie Shareese.

Once the rope had been removed, strong indentations could be seen everywhere on Shareese's body where the rough hemp had dug into her skin. The tall Ebony woman rubbed the indentions while admiring them. "So hot," she said to nobody in particular.

It was Amy's turn. Shareese threw on an oversized shirt while Carrol wound up the incredibly long length of hemp rope into a usable coil. "On your knees over here," Carrol snapped, pointing to the floor under the wench.

Amy was a little taken back by her didactic tone, but also a little turned on. She took a few steps forward and got into position to be bound.

The attractive forty-eight year old Asian woman worked swiftly at trussing up her daughter, but she made sure to explain her steps as she went. Shareese had her undivided attention and took control of the rope when told to do so.

The result was an intricate array of criss crossed rope that formed two diamonds down Amy's chest and belly and disappeared under her pussy, parting her mound as it went. Her arms were folded behind her back and tied off to rope that squeezed her breasts before passing over her shoulders. The final touch was to hook her elbows to the wench. Shareese then hoisted her up just enough so that she was forced to remain upright, balancing on her knees only; her feet had been pulled up to her ass and tied off at her arms.

Amy knelt on the cold floor and tested her bounds that proved to be inescapable. The more she squirmed, the more the rope rubbed on her pussy and tits and she could feel an orgasm building.

"There you have it," Carrol announced and rose to her feet. "I'm afraid that I have to go now. Just to let two know, victims would be left for hours in Shibari bondage back in the old days," she added with a smile.

"I'm not sure I can last that long," Amy said.

"Perhaps not," Carrol said and made it a point to glance down at her daughter's swollen pussy.

Amy was too into what she was experiencing to care what her mother was thinking. She was just trying to stave off an orgasm and not cum all over the floor in front of her mom.

Carrol thanked Shareese and promised to be in touch. "Have fun, girls. I will let myself out," she said before exiting the dungeon.

"Well, well, well," Shareese said after Carrol had gone down the stairs. "It appears that we have an extremely horny cutie all tied up, don't we?"

"It would appear so," Amy said, now even more excited about the attention she was about to get from the Domme.

"As I recall, you left me on my knees for quite a while the other day, slave."

"I don't recall that," Amy said. She had resumed her futile struggle against her ropes, effectively making herself excited again.

"Ha! Well I do, and you are going to pay the price, my dear," Shareese promised. She was rummaging around in the toy chest. "Here we go," she said, holding up a riding crop.

She padded over to Amy and gave the soles of her feet a good whack. "You must remember to address me as Mistress, slave. Understood?"

Amy's feet were smarting from the blow and she apologized. "It will not happen again, Mistress."

The next two swats landed flush on the upper part of Amy's tits and also covered her hard nipples. The slave winced in pain and then thanked the Domme. She was getting closer and closer to drenching the floor with her cum and Shareese knew it.

"Now, remember, you must ask for permission to cum. Understood?"

Amy muttered a "yes, Mistress," and closed her eyes.

After two more smacks to Amy's tits, Shareese then inserted the first three toes of her right foot into the slave's pussy. She began to wiggle them around and the foot job eventually escalated into full on stroking.

Amy involuntarily struggled and flailed against her ropes and began to moan loudly. When she could take no more she asked her Mistress if she could cum. "Please, Mistress. Please."

"Yes you may," was her Mistress's reply. She barely got the words out before the slave drenched her foot with a river of cum that soon became a reservoir pooling on the floor.

"Holy shit!" Amy cried. "Holy fucking shit."

"Enjoy yourself, did you?" Shareese asked, sitting on her butt and leaning back.

"You don't even know, Mistress," Amy said, still trembling.

Shareese stood up and flicked her cum laden bare foot at the bound slave, splashing her face with jizz. "Now you can kneel there for a while and think about your bad behavior."

"Bad behavior?" Amy said, trying to wiggle into a more tolerable position.

"Yes. Have you forgotten that you had a forty-eight year old woman on her knees, kneeling on raw rice?"

"Oh, that..."

"Yes, that. I'll be back when I'm back," the Domme said, and then wiped her lower leg and foot off on the kneeling woman's face before leaving the dungeon.

Amy had no choice but to suffer in the tight, Shabari bondage while she waited for Shareese to return and free her. Her knees were already hurting and fifteen minutes into her isolation it was becoming unbearable. Her arms were also getting stiff and the unforgiving rope that cruelly parted her pussy lips was rubbing her raw, but it still felt good.

About twenty minutes had passed before the Ebony Domme returned to the dungeon and asked her slave if she had had enough. "You look like hell," she said.

"Yes, Mistress. I have had plenty," Amy answered. She was having trouble keeping her head up to speak.

"Hopefully you learned your lesson, slave," Shareese said and padded over to the wench.

"I have, Mistress." Amy said, but she was already looking forward to another Shabari session.

After the rope was removed Amy had the familiar marks and indentations that tight hemp will cause. She curiously rubbed the affected areas which for some reason excited her.

"Nice, right?" Shareese said. "Mine are still showing," she added and pulled up her sleeve to display the rope marks on her upper arm.

"Oddly...sensual, I suppose I would call it."

"I know. It's like a temporary branding to remind you of how helpless you were."


Amy fetched a mop and cleaned up her cum puddle and then the girls showered together. After that, they fooled around a little bit and then fell asleep with Shareese spooning the smaller, sexy Asian.

Taboo Island

It had been six months since Amy had met Shareese in the police van and her entire life had pivoted. She was no longer counting beans for an auditing firm and instead, she was making her ins by dominating masochistic men and women alike. She really enjoyed the sessions with the women, but she still got some thrills from humiliating the pathetic men who enlisted the services of Amy and Shareese.

The leaves had long since fallen from the deciduous trees and there were more gloomy days than sunny ones. It was not Amy's preferred season, but she was so busy with the burgeoning business that she was rarely outside anyhow.

The latest endeavor for Reesie & Nak LLC was a plan to obtain a building and turn it into a dungeon. Sure, there were going to be some legal hoops to jump through but Shareese had plenty of lawyers in her Rolodex who were more than happy to help, in exchange for getting bound, gagged and flogged. Also, a reliable source had informed the girls that the Mayor -a middle age woman- had an unhealthy affinity for BDSM and that she would not be an obstacle in their path. In fact, the rumor on the street was that she was already actively paving the way for the city's first BDSM dungeon.

Amy and Shareese had an older building in mind that sat on the outskirts of town off of a highway. The place once served as a filling station and general store, but the gas pumps had long sense been removed and paved over to create a parking lot for a roadhouse bar that was next to occupy the space.

Too much fighting, drugs and general debauchery had caused the place to eventually shut its doors and it had been sitting empty for the past three years.

One of Shareese's lawyer friends (who was also a commercial realtor) was in negotiations with the owner of the dump and he assured the girls that he would get them the deal that they were after, but they had to be patient.

They were in no rush at all, and in fact had a trip planned to the Bahamas. For several years, Shareese had known about a place on a semi-private island that catered to, amongst other taboo things, the BDSM community. It was a resort that had areas sectioned off for whatever wanton desires its guests might be in the mood for that day. Each section had its own bar and restaurant, as well as access to a private, nude beach. There were also private rooms that were reserved for intimate sessions of whatever a guest might desire.

She booked the trip for herself and Amy, but not as guests, exactly, rather as "interactive participants". This basically meant that their stay would be free if they were willing to Domme a time or two during their stay at the five star resort.

To Miami they flew, and then took a private yacht to the "Island of Taboo", sipping drinks and enjoying the sea air as they rode.

The girls walked along a paved path flanked by tropical trees, plants and flowers that led up to the beautiful resort as two resort hands let the way toting their bags.

"Nice place," Shareese said as they walked up the steps to the registration desk. The building was pink stucco and the grounds were immaculate.

"It sure is," Amy agreed.

Shareese handsomely tipped the two young and well put together black men who continued on with the bags up to the suite. Once they got their room keys from the front desk, they decided to grab a drink at an outdoor, rooftop bar that sat high above the resort and offered a breathtaking view of the koolaid-blue Atlantic Ocean.

"This is livin'" Shareese said, holding up her glass and offering up a toast.

They clinked glasses and then Amy removed the tiny umbrella from her strawberry daiquiri and took a sip. "Absolutely beautiful," she said, gazing off into the deep blue sea.

The girls drained two more tropical drinks and then decided to check out the expansive property. They rode the elevator back down to the lobby and then went out the back and down a paved path that led them to the trailheads of three options: Bondage Bay; Isle of Voyeurism; Naked Nook.

"Bondage Bay?" Shareese said, looking at a wooden sign with the arrows directing patrons to the respective destinations. "To start with," she added.

Amy quickly agreed and mentioned that they might not be dressed appropriately for Bondage Bay. "Should we go change clothes?"

"Nonsense," Shareese said and chuckled. "We are just looky-lous right now. Let's save our outfits for the real deal."

Amy agreed and looked down at her sundress and flip flops. She sure felt like a looky-lou.

They followed the middle of the three paths into the dense jungle of trees and the immediate smell of fresh dampness and flowers began to flood their nostrils. About halfway down, they encountered a man who was being led by a collar and leash by a woman wearing a black corset and thigh-high heels.

The two of them were very good looking: both tall, tan and fit. When they got within about ten feet of them, the man scooted to the side of the path and dropped to his knees. He was completely naked and his rather large and veiny dick was at full mast. Amy could now see that the man was handcuffed and shackled and he wore a cock ring.

"Pardon us," the woman said and waved them by.

Amy and Shareese took their time passing by, enjoying the sexy, naked man and his current situation.

"Fuck, he was hot," Shareese said. "She was too."

Amy agreed and for the first time in months, she was craving some dick. "This place is gonna make me wet twenty-four, seven."

Shareese nodded and let out a haughty laugh.

The path continued to weave through the foliage and eventually dumped the women out into Bondage Bay, which was about the same size as a football field. There was a large board at the entrance to the area that had five rules posted on it. Both women gave it a cursory glance and kept it moving.

The first thing that caught Amy's attention was a row of five crosses that had been erected at the entrance to the bay. Three of them stood empty, but the two on the right had naked victims bound to them. The cross furthest to the right had a curvy white female hanging from it and to her right was a portly, balding man. Both of the prisoners stood on very thin pegs that had been mounted to the sides of the heavy timbers. They were only about a foot off the ground, but they were not going anywhere.

The woman was grasping the pegs like a bird on a wire with her plump, red-painted toes and her outstretched arms were tightly strapped to the wood at her wrists by thick, leather straps. A sign had been hung above her head stating her crime: PUBLIC INDECENCY. A second sign hung down from her neck, just above her large, natural boobs that encouraged passers by to twist her nipples. Her pussy was swollen and her nipples were hard.

The man on the cross was shifting the weight on his bare feet as best he could while having them strapped to the post. The sign above him also read: PUBLIC INDECENCY and the sign around his neck encouraged folks to flick his dick, a dick that was on the shorter side, but extremely thick.

Amy wondered how long the two had been tied to the crosses, but by the looks of their sweaty bodies and the anguish on their faces, it had been a while.

"Hello my dear," Shareese said to the woman and removed the sweaty bangs from her face. "How long you in for?" She asked before squeezing her nipples with both hands.

The woman yelped and then moaned before telling Shareese that it had been been forty-minutes and she had twenty left. "This is so uncomfortable."

"I can see that," Shareese said and moved on to the putz next to her. "And what about you, shithead?" she asked and roughly grabbed his hard dick.

His breathing increased and he muttered that he had the same sentence as his wife. "Twenty minutes to go."

Shareese began to stroke his dick and he closed his eyes. His wife strained her neck to see the action, obviously turned on by what the tall, black Domme was doing to her husband. "Y'all are married, huh?"

"We are," the putz struggled to say. He was ready to cum.

Amy then stepped towards the wife and felt her pussy to see how wet it was; it was dripping. She gently began to stroke her with two fingers and within twenty seconds the woman was cumming down her bare legs. "There you go, sweetie," Amy said. "Feels good, I bet."

She was panting and squirming so much that she could only nod her head.

Shareese turned her attention back to the husband and elected to edge the poor guy, removing her hand from his throbbing dick just before he could blow his load. "Sorry, shithead. Your wife will have to finish you off later."

"Fuck me," the poor guy muttered.

They left the two hanging there, passing between them and onto the sandy shore of the bay.

Amy took a second to look around and was impressed with the elaborate set up. There was a structure erected out in the water, about fifty yards from the shore, that was on stilts. It looked to be a type of prison, as it had bars for windows and a post on its deck that had manacles dangling down from it. To her right, there were two sets of stocks that were currently occupied by a couple of women along with two empty pillories. Shareese couldn't resist and told Amy that she was gonna go check out the ladies in the stocks.

Towards the back of the bay there was what appeared to be a mini hotel that looked to have about ten rooms, a bar and a swimming pool.

The place was in no way teeming with people, but there were a significant amount of guests enjoying the beautiful bay. Amy watched as a large rowboat eased its way from the prison. Six white men were rowing it to the beat of a drum played by a naked white woman at the stern, while a black woman paced up and down the center aisle between the slaves, wielding a whip. Amy found this very amusing and watched for a while as the boat went back and forth across the bay and she listened to the cries of pain from the slaves as their bare backs were cracked by her whip.

It was getting warm and Amy decided to take off her sundress and catch a few afternoon rays. She debated leaving her bra and panties on, but ended up slipping them off as well.

When she glanced over towards the stocks, she saw that Shareese was taking full advantage of the naked ladies whose bare ankles were clamped between the stout boards of the medieval device. Their hands were bound behind their backs and they were helpless to defend themselves against the Domme who was sucking their toes and slapping their soles. Amy was pretty sure that the prisoners would not have put up much of a fight had they been free, either. A small crowd had gathered around the stocks and they were thoroughly enjoying the show. One of the men was actually on his knees, jacking himself off.