Asian Breeding Camp

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American born Chinese young women and white men in summer...
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Andrew looked at the young asian blogger/reporter that just exited the taxi in the forest camp in front of him. She had a cute round face with long black straight hair and a pair of small glasses.

The glasses together with a slim outfit, short pencil skirt and a buttoned down white shirt in the summer heat made her look almost like a sexy journalist or secretary in her 20s. With her cute innocent smile she looked exactly like famous pornstar Cindy Starfall.

In the woods she looked very out of place as she tried to walk in the tall grass with her 5 inch heels towards Andrew leaning over the low railing to the patio of the main cabin.

The summer camp was located in a remote nature preserve in California with lots of tall pine trees partially blocking the strong summer midday sun.

It was a fairly small camp built with 16 smaller log huts with room for maybe two or three residents, 3 larger log huts for maybe eighth visitors each and finally the main cabin with two floors and a dining hall.

All 20 buildings were built in a rustic wooden style matching the surrounding nature and were spread out over a small area in the woods all within sight of each other. All huts had cute small patios in front and throughout the camp there were some wooden benches and tables, a few other wooden furniture and contraptions with ropes but other than that it was fairly empty and quiet.

It was in the late morning and the current camp residents currently here for their second week had finished their breakfast and had now retired to the three large cabins for their regular intimate morning group activities.

Andrew smiled and waved at Cindy to come up to him. Andrew Jackson was a 30 year old very tall former athlete and had been running this summer camp for his second year now. The rest of the year he worked as the owner of a local all male lacrosse-team. He was Caucasian, muscular with brown hair and beard. He was wearing heavy soft green pants and a tight white compression t-shirt.

Cindy left the dirt road as the taxi drove off and she struggled walking in the grass. Looking about she saw to the west of the camp a small lake with blue water for swimming but surrounding the camp was only wildlife, no signs of civilization. She was now standing below him giving him an excellent view down her shirt that he took all in without shame.

"Welcome Cindy to Asian Summer Camp, please take the steps up here and we can talk! I hope your journey went well?"

Andrew reached out his large white hand holding Cindy's petite yellowish hand as she stepped up the stairs. The large patio had a couple of tables with simple benches but Andrew pointed at two low armchairs to his right.

"Yes thank you Mr Jackson, but a two hour train and almost another two hours taxi into the forest I have to say your camp is far off the map here!"

"That is intentional. We want our guests here to feel that they are isolated and alone for their three week stay. I also want you to continue calling me Mr Jackson, or Sir since this is what I expect our visitors here to address me as."

Cindy now tried to sit down with much difficulty in the soft low armchair trying impossibly to stop her short tight skirt from going up and exposing her long asian legs. After trying to pull on her skirt and Andrew watching her with a smile she finally gave up and tried to cover her legs by putting her hands in her lap.

From her small red handbag she took out a small iPad and stylus to take notes now realizing that she could not cover herself and take notes at the same time.

"It is much appreciated Mr Jackson, it is not often I as a small local blogger get such a scoop like this, an exclusive story about a summer camp that not only forbids intercourse but actually encourages their guests to explore their sexuality and interaction with other ethnicities / cultures if I understood you correctly on the phone?".

"There is actually much more to do than what I told you on the phone. We have here as a camp goal that every single young woman will be bred and be pregnant here before she leaves after three weeks!"

The confident smile on Cindy's face faded to a look of confusion. She still made a few clicks on her iPad to note down what he had said.

"P-pregnant? Sir?"

"Yes absolutely, it is thanks to us selecting young adults from two very specific organizations all of them at least 18 years of age. The young women all have been contacted through the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco (CCCSF) and all the boys are selected from the all-male team I am Coach for; the San Francisco Dragons Lacrosse Team (SFDLT)".

"Before every summer I select between 10 to 20 male lacrosse players from my team that excelled during last season. For the women, we have a member in the CCCSF that sends out a link with an online form where all the adult young women have a chance to pay for this amazing summer experience out in the woods!".

"Based on the photos of themselves and the questions they answer we select 48 asian women that are divided into 3 groups with 16 in each. I will tell you more about these questions as I give you a tour of our camp."

"I can see in your eyes the obvious question, do these women know that this is a orgy camp where they all are expected to be pregnant by the end of the camp? No, their surprise is a big part of the fun and excitement! But I am aware that there are lots of rumors among the asian community that there is much more happening here at Asian Summer Camp than just bathing and hiking haha. These rumors are something that you will actually help us with, Cindy".

Cindy was now so focused on what Andrew was telling her that she almost forgot breathing and that she had unconsciously spread her legs a little showing off her pink and black semi transparent panties.

"Help you, Sir? Are you not afraid that I will write everything that happened here and expose your annual orgy? Is this breeding camp even legal?"

"Legal? Well, we might be in a bit of a grey area but no woman is actually forced to have sex, they are just strongly encouraged untill gradually hopefully everyone agree to have a white baby in their womb. We also select asian women who already have a positive attitude to the white race and being pregnant with someone who is not their own ethnicity. Women who consider asian men to be weak and pathetic, an attitude which is surprisingly common among all the asian women who have answered our form for this camp! I am sure you are aware of these ideas, being American born Asian yourself?"

"I- well yes it is true to be honest that I have only dated white boys or men but that is purely a coincidence I would say, I am not a racist I think...".

"Who said anything about race? I would say you just like many others know what you like. Let me finally show you the week-plan for our camp before we begin our tour. Today is a special day where it is the first day of the second week. You will first meet the first 16 girls who have already stayed here for a week and then later today we will have new visitors where a fresh batch of another 16 girls will come to be introduced to their very first visit."

Andrew took out his phone and sent an image to Cindy's iPad of the week-plan.


Week 1: First 16 girls arrive, living in the 16 small huts together with a white boy each.

Week 2: The first 16 girls move to the 3 larger cabins. 5 or 6 girls in each cabin together with a few white boys. This to make room for a second group of 16 new girls.

Week 3: Another third group of 16 new girls arrive and the first 32 girls stay in the larger cabins.

Gradually over the Week 4,5 & 6 more and more girls will return home after their 3 week camp is over. During the entire summer 10 to 20 white boys from the lacrosse team will stay in different cabins and huts. 6-8 senior staff will be responsible for the girls, cooking etc. All senior staff are asian girls who had visited the camp previous summer.

"As I said we are currently in the camp's Week 2 and our first 16 girls yesterday moved out from their individual huts to stay together in the larger cabins. Follow me Cindy and we can peek inside what they are currently... doing."

Andrew walked to the closest cabin of the three next to the main building and up to one of the windows on the side. As they got close to the window they could here the unmistakeable sound of fucking and women moaning from inside.

"Oh fuck yes oh yes please your cock is so big please fuck me faster I want you to cum...".

Andrew was tall enough to peek inside but Cindy was not so he picked up a nearby bench and placed it under the window. He then put his hands on Cindys waist grabbing her sexy behind to hold her and let her look inside.

Inside was a large room almost entirely covered with different large pillows and two small tables to the side. Three young muscular white men with trimmed here was fucking five slim asian girls with long black hair completely naked except for one of them that had a small thong pulled to the side as she was fucked from behind bent over a table.

Two asian girls were on the floor covered with pillows each riding a guy that was grinning and grabbing their breasts and behinds. The final two girls were also on the floor watching their friends getting fucked and slowly rubbing their clits waiting their turn. Cindy just kept watching.

"They usually fuck like this for an hour after breakst before lunch and fucking by the lake in the afternoon. Look at the two fucking by the table they are close to orgasm he is called Tim and the girl is called Ling och Ming or something like that!".

Cindy turned her head towards the young sweaty couple with the boy now with a really red face and the girl screaming loudly. The boy shuddered and then pushed his long white cock deep inside the girl then held still as far inside as he could, emptying all his cum.

"All our selected visitors are taught to pause after every orgasm to make sure every single drop of sperm stays as close to the eggs as possible. The girls are selected after we have a computer analyze how they answer questions about mixed-race babie, pregnacies, sexual fantasies and preferens for partners ethnecity. With a large enough sample size we get the names and contact information of plenty of asian girls that maybe without even realizing it themselves are sluts for white breeding".

"The final selection to find 36 visitors for our camp is done manually by me and a few boys where we look through all the applicants' photos they have attached, including a few mandatory bikini images where we select the most sexy and pretty girls. The ugly women we leave for the asian community, we only want to breed the good genes".

"This is of course also a great moral and motivation booster for the players in my Lacross team where everyone fight like crazy to be the best scorers that season to then during the summer fuck and breed sexy asian sluts." Andrew released his grip a little of Cindy's tight butt and patted her a few times. "Please come, we should soon get our new visitors".

He lifted Cindy down from the bench and she decided to surrender her heels instead walking barefoot in the tall grass. They started walking back to the more open area in front of the main building where engine sounds could be heard in the distance.

Sixteen young beautiful asian women exited the taxis that turned around and drove back the way they came. The girls gathered in the middle looking around at the dense forest or if someone would greet them.

All of them were pretty with long black hair, some just to the shoulda but many far down their backs. They were slim and wearing different summer outfits; flowery dresses, mini skirts, loose blouses or short jeans shorts.

Out from one of the larger buildings came two asian women in their 20s to greet the new girls. They both wore matching white micro bikinis which were just barely big enough to cover their breasts and have the text Asian Summer Camp 2022 in small font. One of the women was pregnant and had one hand on her big stomach and the other holding a clipboard with some documents.

The small group of arrivers gathered in front of the two camp guides in a semi circle to listen to them with interest trying their best to nog stare at their pregnant belly or almost naked bodies. The pregnant lady with the clipboard got their attention, speaking with a loud feminine voice that echoed into the woods.

"Welcome everyone to Asian Summer Camp 2022! Me and my friend are two of the camp guides here and we will help you get settled. Our first day together we call an introduction today and you will start by going to each of your huts and meeting the boy you will live with. "

"But first let's go over some basic information and rules, please keep your attention to me? Girls?"

The sixteen girls got quiet as they all stared at a young boy crossing their paths entering one of the small huts only wearing boxer shorts. He had short blonde hair, muscular with a defined six pack.

Andrew led Cindy up to the largest house again and waved to the pregnant camp leader to come over to them. She handed the clipboard over to the other leader who continued with the sixteen new girls.

As the sexy Asian girl with her cute belly on full display in her tiny bikini she pushed her long black hair back behind her shoulders making her tits and nipples be more visible. Cindy forgot herself checking out the almost naked girl from top to toe.

"Hey slut please introduce yourself to Cindy, she is writing an article about our camp and I am sure she might have a question for you as a staff and former visitor to our camp!"

Cindy was about to reach out her hand but the girl just smiled and came up to her giving her a long hug pressing her stomach against Cindy's white shirt.

"Oh yes my question is if I can ask about the- your pregnancy?"

The girl took a step back and gave a questioning look to Andrew who slapped her but and nodded. She answered in a girly high pitched voice.

"Of course! I got pregnant here at the Summer Camp before when I was a visitor and I am not entirely sure who the father is to be honest but I am not ashamed at all! I am actually very proud but I still don't want you to write down my name, it is because my family back in the city you see, they are still very conservative even though my mom has started to change her opinion."

Cindy was still half shocked by the girl's confidence and answer and wrote down her notes with her mouth slightly open.

"Yes of course I will keep you name and information anonymous in my blog post, I will have a simple description of how you look, what you wear and just call you Pregnant Camp Guide. Thank you for answering my question so honestly".

"Hey for one of my fellow Asian girlfriends, no problem. I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Summer Camp and I think you will. Andrew here is a really great guy!"

The young bred asian girl winked at Cindy as she wiggled her hips when she walked back to the new arrivals.

The new girls were in the meantime starting to walk over to their own individual huts to meet the boys they would first have as roommates. It was a good time for Cindy to see how the new girls got seduced and introduced.

"Cindy, come with me, let's walk around the back window and peek at one of the new girls. The walls are thin enough that we should hear pretty much everything."

They started walking towards the second closest mini hut in a semicircle through the vegetation of the forest. Cindy, who was stepping carefully barefoot, pointed at the girl they were following who had almost reached the door now. The girl didn't carry a bag and was wearing what looked like tight hot pants and a small red top.

"How come none of the visitors have any bags with them?"

"They have been told that their packed bags will come tomorrow but that is a lie, the bags are already here but the senior staff will first tonight sort through any underwear, clothing or swimwear deemed too conservative and then they will get their bags returned to them their second day."

"You have already seen some of the tiny string bikinis we let our visitors borrow when their own are mysteriously lost. All of the girls here wear these micro bikinis, and let me tell you they make the boys here rock hard and crazy with lust just by glancing at them!"

"The rest of the outfits or slutwear as our campguides call them is not much better, short skirts, tight white jeans and revealing tops with plunging necklines. All of the underwear we have are of course sexy thongs, we have an arrangement with a sex shop back in the city that provide for us. Do you want me to help you see?"

Cindy and Andrew had now reached the back of the small house with a medium sized window with pink curtains. They could hear voices from inside.

"No no I can stand on tiptoe, shhh I want to hear what they are saying".

Andrew walked up close behind Cindy again smelling her sweet perfume and also looked inside.

The young asian girl in hotpants and red top was now inside with a white boy wearing green sweatpants and white compression shirt. The lacrosse-player was very tall, muscular and had short brown hair, a pretty face and a short beard. He was standing in front almost a head taller than the girl that was very thin and her hair was long enough to reach her cute ass.

Andrew thought that she probably was the slimmest of all the sixteen new asian girls. He couldn't help getting hard thinking of that slim waist bred by him or one of his boys.

The wooden hut was very small just containing one small room with a queen size bed and two bedside tables. They could see through the windows the young couple was standing at the foot of the bed introducing each other loud enough for them to hear the boy's voice lying outside.

"Nice to meet you too. I admit I am a bit new to this... I have never... been with a girl, not one as pretty as you and you are very very pretty."

Cindy glanced back at Andrew that just chuckled. "The boys at my team sure can lie when they want to, that player in there already has fucked plenty of bitches including all of the 16 that already has stayed here for a week haha". Cindy glanced back inside again now listening to the slim asian girl.

"Oh that is very brave of you to admit... thank you for saying that it makes me much more comfortable to stay with you compared to some playboy or womanizer that has been with many women. But do you really think I am that pretty?"

"Fuck yes! Your pretty long hair..." The boy was slowly stepping forward to the girl now stroking his hand down her hair and grabbing her waist with the other "your slim waist, and your very very soft lips" he now bent forward and kissed her right on her lips, getting her completely by surprise.

Holding her firmly in place by her waist and face he first slowly started kissing her and soon she was kissing him back passionately filling the space with smacking sounds.

Still distracting her with kisses the boy quickly pulled off her top kissing her perky tits and then continued with unbuttoning her white hotpants with one hand which was some achievement.

The boy moved with the impressive speed of someone who had done this hundreds of times pushing the girl down on the bed on her back and ducked down in between her legs, his tongue on her cunt licking up and down.

"Oh oh my god your tounge oh it is on my clit oh my fuck! aah!"

He then moved up on the bed on his knees next to her head with his sweatpants down and his long cock out. The girl gasped at the length, almost longer than her forearm as she reached out instinctually taking it in her mouth.

"You are doing great that feels oh so good. I want you now, spread your legs."

"Please be careful, you are my first. And please put on a condom."