Assassins MC Pt. 07

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Tattoos and Shopping are Fun.
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Part 7 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/14/2020
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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise showed, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Part 7: Tattoos and Shopping are Fun

I attended classes and had a test in chemistry that I forgot to study for. It's not like I've had a lot of time to study. It occurred to me I had my chemistry tutor, and I would use her for some help; I just hope I didn't fail it. I ran into Julie at lunch, and when she saw me coming, she jumped up and give me a big hug and kiss. This drew some eyes our way, but considering it was High School and you see guys and girls kissing all the time, the attention was short-lived. I let it go. I didn't see the need to contain her excitement for me, and I loved it. It was ok if it didn't draw too much attention.

"Rich, I'm glad to see you." Julie said as she sat down. "I missed you so much. All I could think about was seeing you at lunch. I could barely concentrate on my classes. Did you miss me? What did you think about this morning?"

I had to stop her there. I explained to her in a low voice that we could not discuss any business in public. She looked embarrassed and apologized immediately. I told her it was ok.

"I missed you too, Julie." I replied, "I'm also distracted, so much so that I forgot to study for a test. I have been thinking about you a lot. I had a great time last night, and you were my highlight."

I was being vague in case anyone overhead us, but Julie knew what I was saying. She smiled big and said, "You damn right, mister! You're lucky to have me. Just make sure you keep me. You never know when someone may come along and want a piece!"

"Julie, you don't have to worry about that!" I answered playfully. "I'm holding on to you with everything that I have!"

I had not seen this side of her before. She was always nice, and we had a good time, but this Julie was confident and playful; I loved it. I loved to see her cheerful, and it was like I lifted an enormous weight from her. It's funny to think that being put under the control of another person and owned by a motorcycle club would elicit this response. I knew she loved me, and part of her happiness was surely that, but I don't think it accounted for all of it. There was something else there.

The rest of the day seemed longer than the 2 hours it took. When I finally heard the bell for dismissal, I hurried out to the car where Julie was already standing. We kissed, climbed in the car, and drove over to pick up her mother.

"Julie, you were downright ecstatic at lunch." I mentioned. "I've never seen you that confident except last night. I guess you're ok with all the changes."

"Oh my gosh Rich, am I ever." She replied. "You helped us get from under that asshole, so I never have to see him again. You don't know what damage he caused to us. Mom was the one getting abused from the beginning, but I knew what was happening. I was almost 15 when it started. I didn't catch on at first, thinking Mom just had a boyfriend. Then I started noticing him over a lot, then with some of his friends. They never purposely did anything in front of me, but they would make comments like, "I can't wait until you're 18," and "You're going to make a beautiful woman." You know, things like that. They would always stare at me when I was in the room. It just made me feel uncomfortable. That's when I started wearing baggy clothes and becoming withdrawn. I didn't want to be around any boys. Then the girls stopped hanging out with me because I was dressing like that. I just withdrew and spent years by myself."

Julie continued, "After a while, I noticed my mother dress differently, and she was gone a lot more. She started wearing slutty clothes, and when she came home, she would be disheveled and sometimes crying. She would never tell me what happened, but I knew something was wrong. One time I spied on them when they were in my Mom's room and saw them having sex with her. She had a vacant look in her eyes, like she was a million miles away. They caught me and made me watch. My mother was crying, begging them to get me out, but they just laughed. After that they didn't hide it, often abusing my mother right out in the open. I would always run to my room, but sometimes they made me stay. They never touched me, but I still felt dirty."

"My mother became a shell of the woman she was." Julie explained, looking sad, "Her confidence was gone, her self-esteem shattered, and she was despondent all the time. She still did her best to take care of me, making sure I had everything I needed, but I didn't have the one thing I wanted: my Mom. I felt I was all alone. Nicole was there, but my mother wasn't. She was just going through the motions. She just had little left to give me."

"Then I turned 18 and my life became a living hell." Julie was becoming angry as she continued. "Bob, her boss; I hate that name! Bob, he came over and they threw me an 18th birthday party. They had cake and presents, like, what the hell. They made Mom serve us in a French maid's outfit with nothing underneath, and it showed everything she had. They made me open my presents, which comprised many sex toys and restraints. I didn't know what half the stuff was. Then Bob announced he was going to unwrap his present; me."

Julie started straight ahead with a look of disgust as she continued. "The other men grabbed me and held me up, then Bob came over and undressed me. When I was naked, he put cuffs on me and secured my hands behind my back. He put a gag in my mouth and pushed me down on the floor. During all of this, Mom was forced to suck each man's dick while they watched me get prepared. Once I was on the floor, Bob undressed and climbed on top of me. He put some lubricant on his dick and just pushed right inside me. I was a virgin, and it hurt like hell. I started screaming behind the gag and crying as he fucked me. I could hear my mother crying and screaming also, and they made her watch. When Bob finished with me, each man came over and fucked me. It went on like that for the rest of the night."

Julie sighed, paused for a few seconds, then continued. "After that, I was included in the fun and games when they would come over. They didn't make me wear the slutty clothes like my Mom, they said they were too expensive, and I wasn't sexy enough for anything like that. They treated me like trash, and I felt like trash. My mother would still go out, thank goodness I never had to, but afterward, they would come over and fuck me. Bob made me suck him off when I came home from school, often taking me back and fucking me in front of my mother, then making her clean his dick and lick me clean as well."

"They would make us 69 each other for their entertainment, whipping whoever was on top until we pretend to climax." Julie explained, "They all applauded, and the one who climaxed first would get the honor of sucking their dicks. The loser would get tied up and spanked, then hogtied and left on the floor while the winner got fucked by all the men. The loser, still tied up, would have to clean their cocks. When the men recovered, they would all fuck the loser in the ass as punishment for losing. Mom 'lost' all the time to protect me from as much as she could. I wanted to kill all of them. If I ever see them again, I probably will!"

Julie looked over at me and continued, "When we moved, the abuse continued, but that's when I met you. You were the one bright spot in my life. When I was with you, I could forget all the shit, if even for just a little while. I looked forward to seeing you each day and would daydream that you would ride in and rescue us from our nightmare. And you know what, you did! I still can't believe it."

Julie was smiling, and the light came back into her eyes. "I wasn't sure what to think at first when you three walked through the door and told us you owned us. I didn't know if you would be the same person who I was dating, but you've become so much more. You didn't see my mother last night after we left. She was positively beaming. She was so happy and smiling so big that I thought her face was going to break. She kept telling me everything would be ok. She was gushing over you, saying how she was happy that I had found you. She didn't want to make it weird between us, but she admitted to having a crush on you, too. But the thing that sold me was I had my Mom back. We went home, put on some music, and sang and danced for a short while. We hadn't done that since I was 14, before all the abuse started. Afterward, we both broke down crying, but it was a good cry. I think all the years of shit were breaking loose and falling off us. We have you to thank for that, and I will never forget."

I was feeling a little embarrassed. Was I responsible for all of that? Sure, I saved them from that asshole Bob, but what she's telling me eclipsed that. They were looking at me as someone bigger than I was. I wasn't a hero; I was just an 18 years old 'kid' that barely knew his ass from a hole in the ground. I was sure I would screw up sometimes, disappoint them, and when it happened, would their view of me be shattered?

"Julie, every time you tell me more of your and Mom's abuse it gets worse." I replied, shaking my head, trying to grasp the amount of abuse the two women received. "Man, I am so, so sorry you were subjected to that. I just want you to know I love you. You must understand, though, I'm just a normal person. I'm trying to do my best as I figure out how I'm supposed to act, what I'm supposed to do. It may not look like it, but I have my insecurities and doubts. I don't want to let any of you down. That would kill me if I did, yet I'm afraid that I will fail eventually in something. What will you think of me then?"

"Rich, I'm not worried about you failing us," Julie answered. "That it bothers you and causes you to worry tells me we are in excellent hands. You don't have to go through this alone. You have me for one, but I'm sure Beth and my mom will stand right behind you. And as you said, you would protect us with your life. I will do the same. I will let no one mess with you, I promise you that. I am subservient to you, sure, and I'll do what you tell me, but know that I'm here to take care of you as well. You are my responsibility just as much as I am yours. This is a two-way street."

I didn't think of it that way. I was only considering my responsibility for protecting and caring for the women. It was also in their interest to care for and protect me. I was standing between them and who knows what or who if something happened to me. I know what Beth was subject to when my father died, being used by Benjamin and Roger. I was determined not to let that happen to them. I'm sure they would take care of me to prevent that as well. And I hoped they would do it because they cared for me.

"Thank you, Julie. That makes me feel better." I admitted, "I never looked at it like that. I was just looking at it like I had to take care of you, not the other way around. I said last night I saw us as one extensive family. We are a family, aren't we?"

"Yes Rich, we are." Julie answered, smiling when she did. "It's only been one day, but I feel like a family when all of us are together."

We drove the rest of the way to pick up Nicole, Julie, holding my hand while we drove. When we arrived at the building, Nicole was sitting in the lobby, waiting for us. She handed me two bags with the cash. Susan, during the day, had changed the cash into small bills, none larger than a $50. She said it would make it easier to spend. After a quick trip to drop the cash, all except $1000, at home, we drove to the tattoo parlor.

When we stepped through the door, Reuben greeted us. He was looking like he did before, a quintessential biker. The women didn't know how to act. They stepped back behind me a bit, as if using me as a shield. I kind of liked that.

"Rich, it's good to see you. How's that ink doing? You've been putting on the ointment I gave you, right? So, these must be the new ladies. Nice to meet you. I'm Reuben, and I'll be your artist this afternoon. Follow me, please."

We followed Reuben back to the chairs. I thought he was going to stop, but he kept going. He walked past a divider to another door. That door had a keypad next to it. He placed a security card on it, it beeped, and he typed in a code. The door unlatched. He opened, and we stepped into what appeared to be a hospital exam room with 2 chairs that reclined back. Each chair had a pair of stirrups, and when we were all inside Reuben said, "ok ladies, please remove your clothes and sit down in the chairs."

Julie and Nicole both looked at each other, then at me. I gave them a look to reassure them and let them know I wanted them to listen to Reuben, and they undressed. Reuben told them to put their clothes and belongings in the cubbies next to the door along the wall, and when they were each naked, they carefully sat down. The leather must have been cold, as each woman yelped and jumped a bit. Reuben announced to no one in particular as he smiled. "I need to remember to warm those up or get some heated chairs. I get that reaction from everyone that sits down."

From the far side of the room, from behind a divider, stepped a woman. She was wearing a lab coat that extended down to her knees, and under that, she wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She must have been in her 60s, white hair that fell to her shoulders, clipped back so it stayed out of her face. She was attractive for her age.

"Hush Reuben, you know you like it when young women jump when they sit down," she said. "You'll have to excuse my husband, ladies, he's always like that. My name is June and I'll be helping with your tattoos and chip today. It's nice to finally meet you, Rich. I was very fond of your father. We lost a great man when he died. You look an awful lot like him, handsome just like he was."

June explained to the ladies what would happen, and I think they relaxed when they saw there was another woman in the room. June told them where the tattoo would be placed on the inner thigh up next to their vagina. This was to ensure it wouldn't accidentally be displayed, and if other human traffickers ever picked them up, it was in a position it couldn't be missed. It would mark them as Assassin property, and if they ever found themselves in trouble, it was their get out of jail free card.

She explained the tattoos couldn't be faked because each one had a serial number in it that would only show under black light. They would check anyone who impersonated an Assassin sister for that number, and each number was individual to each woman. They would also be chipped, with one injected above the right shoulder blade. This was to make it more difficult to remove by themselves, and that chip also carried identification. It would have the contact information for their guardian. The women said they understood, and the artists went to work.

I sat there and watched while the tattoos were applied and chips inserted. Their tattoos were much smaller than mine, about the size of a 50-cent piece. It was large enough that if they had their legs opened it couldn't be missed, but otherwise it would be hidden.

It took them about two hours to finish the tattoos, quite fast for what was applied. Reuben and June must have applied many of these to get them done that fast. The chips took less than a minute, and when they were done Reuben came over and explained how they worked. Some bioelectric currents that run in the body powered the chips; I didn't understand it. The company's researchers discovered how to harness this. The chips would automatically connect to any cell signal or piggyback on Bluetooth and send their locations to a proprietary app. Every guardian would have each of his women programmed into his app. The company had a central database that tracked each woman, and each guardian had access to his women. The Assassins, first falling behind in tech, were making up for lost time quickly.

Reuben grabbed my cell phone and broke it into pieces. What the hell, man! He explained to me that my old cell was not safe. He handed me an unbranded cell phone that had an operating system I didn't recognize. It was neither android nor apple. He explained the cell phone was only made for Assassin members, and the operating system was designed by the company and could not be hacked. Reuben programmed in Julie and Nicole's chips, then went and pulled a file from behind the divider. He returned and showed me how the app worked. It showed three dots on a map of the city, and two were located with me and showed my location, with the third across town.

"What's this other dot over here, Reuben?" I asked, watching the screen.

"That's Beth. She looks like she's on her way home." He answered.

I watched as the dot slowly moved along the road toward our house. I zoomed in as far as I could. It got down to individual houses, large enough that I could tell what part of the house someone was in. This was some amazing tech. I watched as the dot moved quickly down the street; the map updating when it reached the border of the screen.

He went over the other apps. There was a GPS, message app, and other assorted things. It had a calculator. Good, they set me up for math class! I checked my contacts and also included were a lot of names I didn't recognize.

"Who are these people?" I inquired.

"They are all the other Assassin club members," Reuben answered, pointing at the screen. "I'm in there, right there."

"You now have their numbers, and they have yours," Reuben explained. "If you see a name come up with a superimposed A, that's a club member. You will want to answer that. This is the only way we communicate. The signal is constantly being scrambled, not allowing anyone to intercept it. You can talk freely over the phone and be assured it's secure."

He picked up his phone, called me, and sure enough, his name popped up on the screen with a large red A in the background. Pretty cool.

"If a scam call comes in, or a robot caller, just hit this button." Reuben pointed at the screen as he explained. "That will send that caller's information back to the company and they will send out an attack that will scramble their phone lines. You will shut down an entire call center with that button and wipe their computers. Please use it. I hate those calls. We do that so no one has a record of these numbers."

I thanked him. By this time, the ladies were dressed and waiting for me to finish. June told the ladies goodbye and gave them instructions to care for their tattoo. Reuben walked us to the front door. I thanked him again, told him I would see him in a few days, and we left. We drove off to go pick up Beth and do some shopping.

I called ahead and had her meet us out front. I wanted to get this evening started. We first drove to the mall, and our first stop was the lingerie store. I wanted to make sure that Julie had some good panties and bras and told Beth and Nicole that if they needed anything, to pick some out. I would learn in the future not to give that much leeway to women shopping; it would only cost me money! I was one of just a few men in there, and I'm sure I was looking out of place. While the ladies were looking around, I was trying to do the same, but no matter what I was looking at, I felt like a pervert, and it didn't help that I was only 18. I'm sure the workers and some of the other women thought I was just in there to get my jollies looking at underwear.

Nicole noticed my awkwardness and came over. She took me over to the dressing rooms and asked if they had a chair. The lady behind the register pulled one from the back and Nicole sat me down in it, facing the stalls. "Now Rich, just sit there. You need to show some confidence, like you belong here. We will try on some various items and lingerie and we want your opinion. By the time we are done, all the other women here will be jealous and all the men will wish they were you. Just watch."