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I was crying, but nothing, not the tears, not Geoffrey's bewildered look, not even the fact that I knew I looked stupid and probably made my case worse, could have stopped me from talking my heart out.

"And, and you never tell me anything, and I never know what you want or feel. Hell, I don't even know what's happening to me. Why do I want to stay here with a man I hardly know, who has me gallop in a dirt ring, or won't let me say more than two words? This is a little bit too much. Just a little bit too much. But I do, you know. I do want to stay."

I felt pathetic, but at least I'd gotten it out of my system, and a weight had been lifted off my chest. I realized this outburst would probably earn me the door, but maybe Brenda was wrong. Maybe I didn't deserve him.


I stared at Sabrina silently for several heartbeats, focusing on the imperatives of the situation.

Upon reflection, I was quite pleased about the way events had transpired, as the last thing I needed was a full-time girlfriend with dominatrix designs on me; one of Brenda's many fatal flaws. But this one couldn't even pretend to be a top. Instead, Brenda had been given the bum's rush, and Sabrina had jailed herself. Encouraging.

And so were her last words...soon to be famous.

"So you want to stay," I said slowly.

"Yes...please," she finally added.

"You realize that means you will be treated in a manner many people would classify as cruel."


"No better than chattel not fit for the harem."

"Yes, please."

"My fucktoy."

"Yes, please."

"My painslut."

"Yes, please."

"A fetish doll."

"Yes, please."

"A leather slave."

"Yes, please."

"A rubber maid."

"Yes...yes, please."

"A masturbation aid."

"Yes, please!"

"An animal."



"Yes. Just plain yes, damn it!"

"That didn't sound like 'yes, please.' Open your mouth."

I picked up the penis gag off the floor and installed it.

"Hands behind your back."

Properly attired with the cuffs behind her back, I beckoned her to follow me upstairs.



And here we go again, I thought to myself while Geoffrey was leading me upstairs. He hadn't helped me clear my state of confusion in the slightest, but I felt better, safe in the knowledge that he was back in command. I followed him like a faithful dog. I had no tail to wag, but physical reactions appropriate for a human female proved that I was pleased.

He opened the doors to his master's suite and, once inside, ordered me to stand still. He first unlaced the corset, bringing an involuntary sigh of relief to my mouth as my torso suddenly recovered the few centimeters it needed to breathe fully. Next, he removed the boots, leaving me with nothing but the shoulder-length gloves and the chastity belt.

Geoffrey turned his back to me to rummage in the upper drawer of a massive oak chest. He took a moment to look out of the window on his left side and seemed happy to notice the rain had stopped. With the shadow of a smile on his face, he came back to me, holding two black dildos, one too long, the other too wide, which soon filled me as he locked them under the belt.

Finally, he walked to the huge wardrobe on the other side of the bed and opened a side door where neat piles of T-shirts and sweaters covered all the shelves.

Except for the bottom one, I noticed as I moved closer, following his order. The last compartment, high enough to store a big travel bag, was completely empty. Well, no, not completely. There were leather straps hanging from the sides, and two iron bolts strangely drilled at equal distance in the middle of the wooden base.

"Get in."

I gave him my best "are you crazy?" look, but seeing he meant it, I knelt down and crawled inside the closet. When my cuffed hands touched the back frame, I folded my legs against my chest and realized I fit into the case perfectly. My head was barely scraping the upper shelf.

Geoffrey knelt down to tie a large strap around my waist, pinning me to the frame without the slightest slack, and then fixed my ankles to each side of the compartment. With my crotch exposed, he had no problem padlocking the chastity belt to the bolts. There's a purpose to every single fucking screw in this house, I wanted to tell him sarcastically.

When I thought he was finished, he inserted one finger between my vagina and its chromium protection, and twisted the bottom of the occupying force to a very low setting.

And he closed the door.

For the first few minutes, I let my thoughts wander back and forth between the past events and my unknown future. I had felt so good last night, when I had fallen asleep in his lap, I thought my doubts had dissipated completely. But knowing what I wanted didn't put my inquisitive mind to rest so easily. My body had been tamed, but my spirits had a hard time waving the white flag. I wondered how long it would take to appease that part of me, the part that was always trying to be in control, on top of things. The part that needed to understand, to give a rational reason to everything I did or feel. Could it be tamed, too?

I trusted Geoffrey to do what was right. My problem was, I couldn't trust myself to do as much.

Soon, the vibrations, low as they were, became too distracting and, before I realized it, they took control over my rebellious thoughts. My body was aroused while my mind was put at peace.

This is why I'm in here, I mused while I slowly surrendered to the physical sensations in my vagina. I don't know how he does it, but he knows me better than I know myself. Here I am, not a slave, not an animal, not even a piece of furniture. Just a household object he has put away until he needs it. And this oddly erotic image doubled the effects of the vibrator.

When a sudden ray of light blinded my eyes, accustomed as they were to complete darkness, I was enthralled by the growing pleasure buzzing inside me. A heavy blend of sweat and horse smell reached my nostrils, and I inhaled more deeply. Responding to this strong male intrusion, my sex clenched the dildo a little tighter, too.

"Since you're enjoying this," I heard Geoffrey say without seeing his face, "I'll take a shower and let you enjoy it a while longer."

Oh, no. Now I was truly needy. And knowing he was so close, naked, taking a shower, turned me into a horny beast. While I heard the faint sounds of water running in the bathroom, I imagined his hands on my body, caressing, rubbing, pinching. The vibrations of the dildo became his own pulses inside me. He was fucking me, but, Lord, not hard enough. Losing my sense of reality, I tried to move my hips to accelerate the rhythm, but both my back and crotch were firmly immobilized, and I moaned desperately.

His shower must have been the longest he ever took in his life.


Sabrina must be insane, I told myself while toweling off. Most girls inevitably gave up the game and return to their boring lives and loves. Just like that Hole song; they get what they want, and they never want it again.

But Sabrina was turning into the Energizer bunny of bondage. She keeps going and going, no matter how horrible her fate.

I began to feel bad that I had kept her in such a state of agitated confusion for so long. But better to get these things out in the open early rather than have the "honey, we need to talk" conversation six months later. Because I really didn't want this relationship to rust like most of the others had; victims of excess and guilt and boredom and whatever else turned the wine of passion into the vinegar of partnership.

I didn't even bother to get dressed.

"Sabrina," I said after I had taken her out of the closet, removed all her encumbrances, and sat her naked on the side of my bed. "Here's the straight story. I like you very, very much, and I would very much like you to move in with me as my official and exclusive girlfriend."

I shut up for a moment to let her absorb what I had said.

"If that works for you, that is."

After several heartbeats passed, I felt a surge of panic, thinking she was going to finally say no. Then she looked at me unblinkingly, took my hands into hers, and clenched them tight.

"On one condition," she said with the barest hint of venom. "No other women. Ever."

"Agreed," I said without hesitating.

"Then yes, please, and thank you," she replied, smiling broadly.

I pulled her close to me, our bare chests pressing against each other, and gave her a kiss that I hoped would make her see stars.

"You must be starving," I finally said when we disentangled several minutes later. "Why don't you go downstairs to the kitchen and rustle yourself something to eat while I get dressed. Oh, and Sabrina..."

I picked up her chastity belt off the floor and held it out to her.


Still fazed, but happily so, by Geoffrey's offer and his quick acceptance of my exclusivity demand, I took the belt in my hand. Contrasting with my body temperature, its metallic touch felt icy cold and definitely unwelcome. After his passionate kiss, I refused to believe he really wanted me to put it on. I was starving, but not for a plate of salad.

If there was ever a right time to ask him a special favor, it was there and then. I decided to take my chances and slowly lay down the belt on the side of the bed.

"Would you please...make me?"

One second of silence.

"Say that again."

"Would you...fuck me...please?" I repeated while I mentally added "and if you refuse, you're obviously not doing yourself a favor either."

"On one condition," he said with the barest hint of irony. "You don't come until I say so. In fact, from now on, this will be a permanent rule."

I so desperately needed to be fucked that I would have agreed to anything. In truth, I had no idea of how I would refrain myself from coming if he teased me the way he usually did. But I dismissed the thought as a technical detail I would deal with later on.


Stepping closer, he took me under the arms and pushed me further on the bed. I lay down, unsure of what to do with my free hands. I wanted to grab him, bring him closer, dig my nails in his back, but I was too conditioned, too well "trained," I guess, and I simply raised my arms above my head in a gesture of submission.

Reading my body language perfectly, he put an end to my hesitations.

"Grab the bed frame and don't you dare let it go."

While I was restraining myself, he got to work, exploring my body as if he discovered it for the first time, but slowing down in those places that had a direct line to my sex. I wished I could tell him to skip those preliminaries, since I was more than ready for the final act, but I had to take what he gave, even if it made me growl like a wolf.

Feeling his crotch so close to mine, I straddled his back with my legs and pushed him down.

"Legs down and spread out," he ordered, half serious, half amused.

I resumed the position and tried not to lose it again, Geoffrey's will becoming mine, his command becoming my aim to please him. My hands clenched the wooden frame harder as I strained to lie still.

When his fingers brushed against my clit, on their way down to my sex, I felt a small quake in its surrounding area. I remembered my promise and wondered how I was going to keep it.


After teasing Sabrina for a few moments, I finally entered her with an erection that felt like it was made out of metal.

I could instantly tell she was struggling mightily to restrain herself from letting go, and truth be told, I was thinking an awful lot about the Yankees, the grocery list, and that time I saw my grandmother naked when I was five. I had waited much too long for this moment, and now I had to deal with my bravado about her only being allowed to come on my command.

No way was I going to come first. I tried to slow down my rhythm, but that almost made things worst.

I sneaked a peak at Sabrina's face. Almost smirking. I considered pulling out, but then I was either going to lose it on the bed, or I'd have to sneak off to the bathroom.

Maybe a grand finale in her mouth; no, that wasn't really fair. To either of us. Besides, I was really enjoying this battle of wills, not to mention the liquid silk between her legs. But I had a weapon I had forbidden from her arsenal; my fingers.

I reached down and brushed a nail against her clitoris. Maybe three seconds later, she was bucking like a bronco after being branded. On my next thrust, my cock responded in kind.

"That', forget it," I laughed as I held her in my arms, enjoying her convulsions almost as much as my own.

"You can...let go...of the sides...of...the bed...if you want," I added, trying my very best not to pant.

Apparently, she did, as she hugged me hard enough to make breathing difficult.

I rested until my heartbeat returned to human levels, then maneuvered my face in front of hers.

"You really want to stay?"

"Yes, please!" she responded, practically giggling.


Well, who was I to argue?

I rolled out from under her and off the bed onto my feet.

"I shall forgive your earlier outburst of speech, but coming without permission will not be tolerated. Downstairs. Now."

She popped off the bed, her body glistening with sweat and other fluids.

"Yes, please," she said, her head bowed to avoid eye contact.

"Look at me when you dare to speak," I growled. When I saw her face again, I had to resist the urge to kiss her.

Then I figured, oh, what the hell. Best to get her used to every extreme.

She would certainly come to know them all.

I led her into my study and told her to stand by the bookshelf that covered one wall. In the center was an empty section that stretched up to a cabinet maybe a meter wide. I removed the large pot holding a rubber tree plant that filled the space, revealing two eyebolts screwed into the walls just above the floor.

I opened the doors to the cabinet.

"Stand here," I beckoned, removing the shelf, or at least half of it.

She looked at me curiously.

"Feet here," I said, pointing to the eyebolts. "Facing out."

She stepped up to the bookshelf and spread her legs.

"Hands up. That's it, over the shelf."

She finally noticed the holes cut into the wood for her wrists and neck.

"Don't move."

I dashed downstairs to get cuffs for her ankles, mittens for her hands, a collar, the pump gag, tweezer clamps, weights, padlocks, plus a new toy.

When everything was in place on her, I pushed in the other section of the shelf, locking her leather-wrapped wrists and neck firmly between the boards. Then I held up the device, a small plastic box with what looked like a glass eye in the middle.

"It's a motion detector," I explained. "If it senses something moving, it triggers a switch that turns on a light, or maybe an alarm. They're usually used for outdoor locations like driveways. Gotta be careful not to make them too sensitive; otherwise, every squirrel in the neighborhood would be a menace. But for our purposes, we'll dial it down to its lowest setting so the slightest twitch will trigger it."

I put it down between her cuffed ankles, and picked up the tiny vibrator equipped with two long wires trailing off it, plus a roll of electrical tape.

"Nasty little fucker. Runs like a turbine on rocket fuel."

I encased her shaved crotch in tape, the oversized bullet pressed firmly against her clitoris.

"Every time you move, it runs for five minutes. Move while it's running, and it resets itself back to five minutes."

I reached up and grabbed the edges of the cabinet's doors.

"This will help you learn to only come when you have permission."

I pushed them shut and connected the handles with a padlock.


Oh, bummer. Another closet. This was the perfect house for playing hide-and-seek. Except Geoffrey had switched around the rules. He was hiding me, not seeking me.

And now was not the time for staying immobile. My spirits were so high, all I wanted to do was jump, run, talk, laugh, whatever would allow me to express my cheerfulness. Instead, I was alone, forced to silence and stillness.

Silence was easy. Stillness wasn't. For once, I wished my restraints were much tighter than they were. I had way too much slack. If only I could lean against the frame and just take a rest. But no, that would be too easy, wouldn't it, Geoffrey?

Minutes passed. I wondered how long he would leave me here. Then, I remembered a song and began to hum it in my mind.

"In your room. Where time stands still. Or moves at your will. Will you let the morning come soon? Or leave me lying here?"

Was Depeche Mode singing about bondage? "Your favorite slave." So appropriate indeed.

"Will I always be here?" The words filled my head with new levels of meaning. I let the thought of the song flow through me, closing my eyes to feel its powerful bass line stir deeper in me.

Suddenly, the vibrator jumped to life. Damn it, I must have moved my legs.

Remembering his instructions, I ordered my hips to ignore the friction. Inside my body, various hidden muscles clenched, in an effort to alleviate the tension without any external movement. It worked. After what seemed like half an hour, but was probably only five minutes, the vibrations stopped. I hadn't come. Round one, score 1-0.

Careful not to move again, I slowed down my breathing, made painful and difficult by the gag. I wouldn't be able to pull that stunt too many times. Don't move, I admonished myself. Don't sing. Don't even think. Just stand still and wait.

And wait, and wait, and wait.

The game wasn't fun anymore. I wanted to get out. I needed to stretch. Or bend over. Any movement would do. To add to my plight, I was hungry, too. And I could definitely use the bathroom.

I must have moved again. This time, however, the vibrations didn't stop after five minutes. They went on. I stopped caring about standing still. I let go and came almost instantly. My clit was on fire and hurt like hell. And I came again.

In a flash of sanity, I summoned all my energy to put my body to a rest. Wincing under the effort, I was able to control myself long enough to stop the little dynamo.

Again, I tried to calm down, my lungs aching from a terrible lack of air, but the two minutes of grace I gained was too short. One of my legs failed me. The vibrator didn't.


I could stare at Sabrina's body all day, especially when it was quivering in the throes of yet another forbidden orgasm. I particularly liked the way the weights bounced under her breasts as she struggled to bring her limbs to a complete standstill.

It was so much easier to deal with submissive men; lock their cocks in a cage, and they'd never come again unless their mistress or master felt merciful. Or make them come twice, and they wouldn't get hard again for hours. Women's climaxes were like ocean waves rather than bombs, and much more difficult to control, not to mention train.

But what fun we would have trying.

I waited until the vibrator had run for 15 minutes straight before shutting down the motion detector, removing the tape and the clamps, and uncuffing her ankles. When I finally opened the cabinet holding her head, I wasn't surprised her eyes were barely open.

I pulled out the piece of the shelf holding her hands and neck, and led her out of the bookshelf. After I deflated and removed the bladder from her mouth, I pointed to an iron X on the floor in front of the couch, the cuffs attached to the four ends open and ready for her wrists and thighs.

"On your hands and knees," I commanded. When she hesitated, I found myself getting angry, but then she gave me a desperate look and waved a mittened hand over her groin.
