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tears of frustration which I tried to cover myself with my arms, but my state of distress remained visible and pathetic.

When he stopped the brutal shower and approached me with a towel, I was shaking violently from the cold outside, the heat inside, and something else I could no longer control. This last humiliation had knocked down one more barrier inside me. Total collapse seemed only one bondage trick away.


I didn't let Sabrina see my smile as I scooped her tremulous body into my arms and carried her back to the house. My evening plans would have to wait for another time; she was obviously in no condition for anything but an extended period of uninterrupted solitude.

Coincidentally, I had received an email from a bondage web site renowned for its graphic depictions of "forniphilia," or human furniture, requesting exactly the same thing just this morning. They had been quite enchanted with my demonstration photos of Sabrina, and had agreed to my asking price of $3,000 for a complete set; more than enough to cover the case of Merlot she had smashed, not to mention the mirror.

But she didn't need to know about that, nor did she seem to care about anything except lying on the floor of his studio with her eyes shut tight. So I cuffed her wrists over her head and went to work.

By the time she woke up, I had already laced the full-body corset up to her thighs.

It had cost a fortune, but I was glad to have spared no expense. Every contour of the leather was an exact match to the shape of her limbs.

It started with a ballet toe for both her feet, supported by a single eight-inch heel. Enhanced with long metal stays that ran all the way up to her hips, the sleeve for her legs locked them together as if glued. The leather's finish was deep, lustrous chocolate brown polished to a mirror gleam.

She tried to sit up, but I pushed her back brusquely.

"Don't make me do that again."

I resumed lacing the corset up her legs to her crotch, where I had already strapped a butterfly vibrator against her clit. I had considered leaving in the butt plug from the afternoon session, but opted for a different one that made up in length what it sacrificed in circumference.

It took me a good half-hour to finish lacing the heavily-boned waist section, pulling the strings as tight as I could to achieve an hourglass shape Scarlett O'Hara would have killed for.

I uncuffed her hands and started working them, and the rest of her arms, into the closed leather tubes extending from either side. When I was finished, I continued lacing the corset over her chest and around her neck to just beneath her chin.

"Time to say goodnight, Sabrina. I'd wish for pleasant dreams, but I wouldn't count on them."

I inserted airport-grade plugs into her ears, followed by a large, soft rubber ball that I squeezed down to half its size before inserting it between her teeth. As it expanded to fill her mouth, I began the final lacings up the front of her face and over the top of her head. When I was finished, the only exposed part of her body were two small air holes under her nose.

I took her arms and wrapped them across her torso like a straightjacket. Then I rolled her over, and buckled the straps descending from her hands tightly behind her back.

I picked up her stiff figure and maneuvered her over to the wall, where two short lengths of chain hung vertically from hooks, and a third dangled down from the ceiling. I padlocked the lower length to a ring in the back of the corset just above her rump. The upper length was maybe half a meter longer, and it was soon attached to another ring just below her shoulders. The links from the ceiling were mated with a metal hoop on top of her head.

"Ready to fly?"

I slowly lowered her body until it came to rest at a 45-degree angle leaning forward from the wall.

I had to get an extension cord to plug in the butterfly vibrator. I couldn't remember if I'd dialed up its lowest setting, but its quiet humming suggested I had.

No matter, I decided. The result would be the same 12 hours from now.

I picked up the Polaroid and started taking test shots.


There was something awfully wrong with me. Instead of feeling angry or terrified, which would have been normal reactions under such circumstances, I experienced an uncanny sense of peace. I was floating, with no attachment to the outside world whatsoever. If it hadn't been for a tiny detail, I could have surrendered to the hypnosis and forgotten I was alive.

I didn't even want to think anymore. While Geoffrey was turning me into a leather statue, I tried to focus on the four days I would have to endure until I would regain my freedom, but even that wasn't enough to maintain a grip on reality. My life had been cornered in a dead end, and I lacked the energy to climb over the wall.

However the tiny detail--the constant friction on my clitoris-- gained the upper hand over my moment of desperate peace, and my new constant companion, lust, returned with a vengeance.

I was happy to realize that the only muscles I could move were those I needed most right then. I contracted my vagina and felt sorry it was empty. Fortunately, the anal plug was pressing on its walls, and that pressure, combined with the clit stimulation, triggered the first of many orgasms. Once they started, they seemed unstoppable. La petite mort, they say in French. And while I was losing the last shreds of sanity I had left, I thought it would indeed be a very nice way to die.



Sabrina seemed so ravenous, I allowed her a second helping of breakfast before harnessing her for the morning's workout in the ring. After an hour of perfecting her canter on the wheel, I traced a variety of circles and figure-eights in the dirt with my toe, then directed her with the crop to follow them exactly. When the sun was high over our heads, I led her back into the pool, then fed her lunch on the veranda.

Consistency, I kept reminding myself, is the foundation of good breeding.

After tidying up, I led her down the stairs to the studio. In the center of the room stood a large wooden pillory made of dark mahogany that looked like it had been teleported directly from the Spanish Inquisition.

"No wilderness rides today, I'm afraid. I have to go to town for a few hours, but I promise I'll make it up to you."

Sabrina gave me a dubious look as I placed her feet in the appropriate holes in the bottom panel, then locked the wooden beam around them. Before I could say anything, she bent over and placed her neck and wrists in the openings of the upper frame.

"I must say, your attitude is much improved, Sabrina. I do hope you'll make this condition a permanent one."

I lowered and locked the top of the stocks, leaving her imprisoned at a 90-degree angle with her legs spread wide and her ass all tense, supple and much too available.

"Sorry, love, can't resist..."

I entered her quickly from behind and climaxed even faster.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to do you properly. Like I said, we'll try again later. In the meantime, I'll give you something to remember me by."

After I replaced the rubber ball in her mouth with the penis-gag harness, I attached the set of three tweezer clamps lightly to her nipples and clit, then inserted an inflatable plug into her anus.

"Just a breath to get you started," I said as I squeezed a few pumps of air to make it slightly firm.

"There. A reward for your impeccable behavior this morning. Keep up the good work, and I'm sure we will arrive at a mutually- beneficial conclusion to our odyssey."

I turned and started heading up the stairs.

"Oh, by the way...the bidding for you has gone into six figures."


The door clicked shut. Moments later, Geoffrey's car pulled out of the driveway. Not long thereafter, I heard the sound of gravel crunching beneath tires filled the compound. The front door opened, then slammed, followed by footsteps clicking rapidly in the front hallway. Could he be back so soon?

"Yooo hooo, Geofffffrey. Are you home, sweets? I just wanted to take a quick dip in your luscious pool. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Oh, you're probably playing with your stupid cameras in the basement."

The door to the studio flew open, and Brenda started bouncing down the stairs wearing nothing but high heels, a towel around her shoulders, and a string thong that just barely covered the sculptured strip of fuzz over her pussy.

"Oh, my. What have we here?"

Brenda came around to face me, and picked up my chin in her hand.

"Hello, you must be a friend--a very special friend--of Geoffrey's. You're awfully cute. Typical. Nice bod, too."

Brenda walked around the pillory to continue her inspection.

"Um hmmm. Good tits, great ass, shaved twat, plugged, clamped, gagged--yep, that's my Geoffrey. Hey, wait a sec. Are you the girl I was supposed to be when I did that weird thing on the train last week? You are! Oooh, you must be his prisoner or something. Here against your will, my darling? You lucky little thing."

Brenda began stroking my backside with her long fingernails.

"That nasty old Geoffrey never plays with me like this, even though I've practically tied myself to his bed. Wanna know why?"

She grabbed a handful of my flesh and squeezed hard.

"Because I like to switch. Top and bottom. Dom and sub. And Geoffrey's petrified that I'll get him in cuffs some day. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Brenda let go and gave me a hard swat.

"Answer me, cunt!"

I nodded my head as much as I could inside the stocks. What the hell was this woman doing here? Couldn't Geoffrey keep the goddamn door locked? The small flame smoldering inside of me ignited into a real fire, sending a surge of adrenaline through my veins. The old Sabrina Taylor--a.k.a. the bitch--was back.

"That's right, a little 'yes, please' goes a long way around here, as I'm sure you've learned. But Geoffrey always says no. Such a pity. I'd love to let him...well, I'm sure you could regale me with stories for hours."

She walked around to face me, then reached down and grabbed the chain connecting the clamps, causing one of them to pop off my nipples.

"Whoops...that's awfully loose for someone who doesn't use safewords. Here, let me adjust them properly..."

Brenda slid the small rings up the arms of all three clamps as far as she could.

"Much better. Now, how are we going to amuse ourselves until the elusive Mr. Sorenson returns from his travels?"

While little miss look-at-me-I'm-so-beautiful-I'm-only-wearing-a- string searched the room for toys, I tested my bonds as vigorously as I could, but Geoffrey had done his usual thorough job. I felt a new rush of anger toward him. Why did he have to leave anyway? Did he ever think about what might happen if the house caught on fire, or lightning struck, or if a cunt from hell decided to whip me to death?

The last thought made me shiver. I knew Geoffrey would never truly hurt me, at least not until Friday, as I was his valuable six-figure prize. This woman, on the other hand, had nothing to lose, except a potential rival for Geoffrey's affections.

Her clickety walk around the studio was driving me mad, not to mention her constant babbling which reminded me of my 60-year-old neighbor. Only she wasn't discussing the weather or the latest soap opera.

"Everything's locked," Brenda sighed loudly once she completed her tour. "Too bad. There's gotta be something I can use in this house."

She dropped the towel to the floor and went up the stairs.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be with you in a moment," she yelled when she was on the ground floor.

Yeah, well, here's hoping you stumble and break your neck, I grumbled in my head.

Unsurprisingly, my wish wasn't granted, and she returned five minutes later, a little too cheerful for my liking.

"Now, this will be perfect. Let's see how your ass turns a lovely shade of pink. Or red."

Thwack. I choked under the pain as a hundred of needles assaulted my tender flesh. Brenda was using a brush of some kind. I bit as hard as I could on the gag and fought back the tears gathering in my eyes. It wasn't just the pain, but the degradation of receiving it from a woman who thought with her genitals.

Despite my internal opposition, I didn't take long before I began to sob, then cry. The blows moved from my ass to my thighs, then my shoulders, and back to my ass again. The plug was pushing deeper, too, and I knew my sex was dripping, even though I mentally refused to be aroused by a female. But my body worked in mysterious ways.

Suddenly, the blows stopped, and I heard her move around the pillory.

"Aren't we having fun, dear?" Brenda asked stupidly when she stood in front of me, now completely naked. "And there's much more coming. Gotta see if Geoffrey taught you the good manners. Here, let me untie this."

She unbuckled the harness, and I spat the gag out of my mouth, which earned me a sharp slap on the face.

"Don't you dare, girl," Brenda threatened, picking my chin up and staring into my eyes. "Now hear me well. You'd better do a fine job with your tongue, or you won't be able to sit for a week."

Brenda positioned her pussy in front of my mouth and pressed my head hard against it.

"Get to work, slut," she ordered.

But I couldn't. I was paralyzed, unable to open my mouth. Her scent was suffocating, and I tried to jerk my head away.

"Lick, or get licks."

Thwack. The brush landed on my shoulder with a fury that Geoffrey had never shown, even in his worst moments.

Fear and pain are excellent means of persuasion, and I began to ravish her orally. Soon, her juices covered my face while her moans filled the room. And I licked. And sucked. And invaded her with my tongue. I knew I was getting excited; as much as I hated it, I continued lapping her fluids while mine flowed in abundance, too.

Brenda was on the verge of coming, her sighs of lust turning into screams of passion, when we both heard a car driving into the front yard.

I immediately stopped. She immediately got mad.

"Keep going," she yelled, pulling on my hair and pushing my face towards her.

"Go to hell, you bitch," I growled.

I waited for the brush to strike, but Geoffrey was already running down the stairs.


"What the fuck is going on here?"

I practically jumped down the entire flight of stairs in a single step and ran across the studio.

"I...uh...uh...don't stop now, you little cunt," Brenda moaned as she pressed Sabrina's face deeper into her crotch.

"Like hell," I snarled as I whipped off my belt and threw it around Brenda's torso, then pulled her body away from the pillory.

"Hey! Christ, Geoffrey, just another second and I woulda been finished. Whatsamatter, it's not like you haven't done way worse to her. Whoa, easy there."

While Brenda complained, I kept dragging her backwards until we reached a support pole. I stepped around it and buckled the belt behind her so her arms and body were pinned against the metal.

"Oh, so now Mr. Sorenson finally wants to play with me? Doesn't like it when I mess with his toys, huh? Oooooh, yes, pleeeeease, with sugar on the top."

I scooped up the gag from the floor and held it in front of Brenda's face.

"I hardly think 'play' is the word I would use, Brenda. And that 'sugar on top' comment is going to cost you your voice. Open."

She turned her head away and giggled.

"Make me," she cooed.

"My pleasure," I replied as I reached up and pinched her nose shut, then pressed the tip of the rubber penis against her firmly sealed mouth. A minute later, her lips burst open in a blast of carbon monoxide, only to find themselves stretched around the wide base of the gag as I buckled the straps around her head.

"I'll be with you in a minute, Sabrina," I said as I unlocked one of the boxes and pulled out a pair of cuffs for Brenda's wrists, which I padlocked behind her back.

"Fuck, I swear, if she hurt you," I muttered as I inspected Sabrina's back, legs and ass while Brenda kicked uselessly at the air.

"Well, other than a little redness, you look like you'll survive," I said. "My deepest apologies, Sabrina. Shame on me for leaving the front door unlocked. But Brenda does have, or rather did have, a standing invitation to use the pool. Obviously, we'll have to make some severe modifications in her social skills before extending such generosity in the future."

Sabrina looked up at me. Was that a smile? Despite all the excitement and her current gag-free state, she hasn't said a single word. I was suddenly feeling much better about the current situation. In fact, it might provide the perfect opportunity to...

"Sabrina, I'm going to take back what I said earlier this afternoon about a horseback ride. Would you care to accompany me and our friend on a nice, long jaunt? Of course, you'll have to ride with me, but I'm sure we can find a suitable mount for Brenda. And luckily, I seem to have an extra saddle hanging in one of the stalls."

Sabrina practically yelled "yes, please!" as she obviously tried hard not to laugh out loud.

I removed the clamps and the plug, then unlocked Sabrina from the stocks.

"Much as I want to trust you, better safe than sorry," I said as I cuffed her wrists in front of her. "No gag unless you make a mistake. Got it?"

"Yes, please."

"Excellent. Now, Brenda, let's all take a little walk to the barn. I don't believe you've met my favorite stallion, Thunder."

I strapped a collar with a long leash around Brenda's neck, unbuckled her from the pole, and gave the lead a hard tug.

"After you, Sabrina," I said, pointing to the stairs.


Knowing all too well where we were heading, I led our trio on the dirt path to the stables. As we passed by the pool, I secretly hoped that was where our feather-brained visitor would end the day, with water up to her nostrils. Or maybe higher, I grinned maliciously.

Ten steps further, my grin turned to a huge smile as I played back Geoffrey's intervention in my mind. I hadn't really expected him to take my side. After all, Brenda was his friend, while I was merely a temporary toy; I presumed his only concern would be the depreciation in my market value. But he had offered unexpected apologies, and they even sounded sincere. Then I remembered the words he had spoken that night of the candle, and wondered what it would be like to be his partner. I quickly dismissed the thought; I'd be gone in less than four days, I reminded myself. Let's not forget it.

While we walked in line, I could hear the occasional crack of the crop, which Geoffrey deftly applied to Brenda's ass every time she strayed from the path. At first, the sound made me cringe as I recalled the painful sensations, but then I enjoyed it, knowing that the crop wasn't aimed at me this time.

When we reached the first trees, Geoffrey asked me to stop and come near him.

"Maybe you would like to try this," he said as he handed me the crop. "After what she did to you, it's only fair."

Staggered by his proposal, I gave the crop a bewildered look and realized I wanted to use it. I held it with my cuffed hands and swung it a couple of times through the air. Then I looked up at him, silently asking permission to strike.

"Go ahead." he replied.

I aimed and swept the crop right onto Brenda's ass. But the ridiculous sound it created was disappointing. Brenda hadn't even moved, and I could almost hear her sneer through the gag.

Geoffrey moved behind me and held my hands to help me maneuver the crop.

"Let me show you. Here, bring it up. Not too high. Now, you don't need to be quick, but firm. Like this!"

A muffled scream came out of Brenda's mouth, indicating that the crop had landed properly.

"Now, try again," my instructor told me, letting my hands go.
