At The Sultan's Service 03

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Eric continues his journey with Jimena and his wife Zeiga.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 06/25/2021
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(All characters are over 18 years old and this story is solely a figment of my imagination.

My language is Spanish, I apologize for any grammatical errors I may make when translating the stories into English).

At the Sultan's Service 3

22th March of the year 1193 / 9th Rabi'al-Awwal of the year 589

I look out of the window for a few seconds before I begin to write, I observe the majestic Hagia Sophia Cathedral rising into the sky, dominating Constantinople. I feel bad, first of all, because for the first time in years I do not know what the future holds, but mostly because I know I should not be here, I should be in Damascus, in the Umayyad Mosque, attending the burial of Sultan Salah ad-Din Ibn Ayyub, who passed away a few weeks ago.

Saladin has been my lord, my mentor, my friend, for the last ten years and I know he would have wanted me to attend his funeral, but with his death the last link he had with these lands disappears.

Jimena approaches me and after giving me a kiss on the cheek she kneels between my legs and frees my cock from my pants, she is no longer my slave girl, I freed her days before we had our daughter, but she likes to behave like one, she knows how much it turns me on and she loves the way I fuck her afterwards.

Today it's not foreplay, she knows I'm not going to fuck her, she's simply pretending to help me relax.

I cum in just a couple of minutes, much faster than usual, I'm too distracted to concentrate on pleasure.

I look at Jimena, she is naked, her body is still as beautiful as the first time I saw her naked, what's more, her slightly bigger tits and slightly wider hips product of motherhood make her even more attractive, even her face is more beautiful thanks to the maturity of the passing years.

I smile as I look at her naked body and see the clump of dark hair on her pussy, it feels strange after seeing it shaved for so long, but she has her life away from me now and she doesn't want anyone to know that she was once my slave girl.

"I'll shave it off again if you want me to;" she tells me sitting on my knees spreading her legs to give me access to her pussy.

"No need;" I tell her. "You don't have to do anything to please me anymore, you have long since been a free woman;" I add bringing one hand to her pussy, inserting two fingers inside as I play with her clit ring.

"I will always do whatever it takes to please you;" she tells me, her voice cracking with pleasure. "You were my Master, my husband, but you are still my best friend, my lover, my only family, the father of my daughter;" she tells me kissing me passionately.

Her moans and her words cause my cock to get hard, without thinking I lift her in my arms and after cleaning the table of papers I lay her down on it and bury myself between her legs.

Jimena lets out a cry of victory, as if she had gotten what she came for. She knows me well and knows that I am going to fuck her hard and fast, without caring about her pleasure, luckily her body is accustomed to me and responds immediately to my cock by stretching her pussy.

Despite having cum a few minutes ago in her mouth, I barely last five minutes fucking Jimena, cumming inside her at the same time she reaches orgasm.

I lift Jimena up again and sit her on top of me, this time keeping my cock inside, I hold still and let her body movements get me hard again. In the meantime, we chat about what has happened in the last few months, in which we have barely seen each other a dozen times.

"How is little Sara?" I ask Jimena.

"Driving the slaves you gave me to take care of her crazy and amazing the teachers by the way she learns everything, she has inherited her father's language skills;" she tells me getting emotional when talking about the little girl.

"And her mother's beauty;" I say remembering the long jet-black hair and fair skin the little girl had the last time I saw her.

"She misses you; she asks for you every day;" she tells me averting her gaze.

"It's not the time, I don't know what the future will hold for me after Saladin's death, Hafel has been missing for months, he is probably dead, if he is not, he will have to take refuge in Egypt, in the court of Saladin's son, Al-Aziz Utman. The new Sultan of Syria, Al-Afdal is putting an end to everything related to the old Sultan, and I am one of his best-known allies;" I tell Jimena.

"Talk to Emperor Issac, he respects the Varena Guard, and they hold you in very high esteem thanks to all the business you have helped them do over the years;" Jimena comments to me.

"They are Christians just like the Emperor, I am a Muslim, a Christian renegade, and without the support of Saladin I am worthless;" I say, holding my hands to my head.

"I don't recognize you, Eric;" Jimena says pulling my hands away to kiss me. "You control the trade from here with Syria and Egypt on one side and with the northern lands on the other, without you everything would fall apart and no one can afford that. Besides you have enough money to buy a country and retire there as its king, its emperor or whatever you wish to call yourself."

"But I know you will not do that, just as I know I will go with you wherever you go, as your slave girl, your wife, your mistress or just your friend;" she says kissing me on the lips, "We have yet to see many of those lands we discovered in books, especially those northern lands where your mother was born."

"Now stop thinking, I had come to help you relax and I assure you I'm going to succeed;" she tells me starting to move up and down on my cock while she doesn't stop kissing me.

"You are wonderful;" I tell her starting to kiss her tits, playing with the ornaments on her nipples, ornaments that she has refused to take off despite being a free woman, because she knows that when I play with them, she goes crazy and it doesn't take long to reach orgasm.

We lay on the floor without stopping fucking, buried between her legs, causing her orgasms to chain together.

"Next time I see you I want your pussy completely shaved;" I tell Jimena pulling on her pussy hairs, "And now there is one thing I have been wanting to do to you since the last time I saw you;" I add getting out of her pussy to turn her body and place her face down on the cold floor.

"Go slow, you're the only one I let fuck me around;" she tells me causing my excitement and desire to fuck her ass to increase tenfold.

I grab a bottle of herbal oil that I usually use for scars and pour it all over my cock and her ass, spreading it inside with my fingers, then pushing my cock into the tight hole.

We both let out a scream at the same time, me from the sensation of that tight hole as tight as the first time I used it so many years ago enveloping my cock, and Jimena from that double sensation of pain and pleasure that as it mixes in her body takes her to high heights of pleasure.

This time, after having already cum twice and with my mind momentarily freed of worries, I last much longer without cumming, I last more than ten minutes going in and out of Jimena's ass, time in which she reaches two intense orgasms.

When I finally feel that I cum, I don't do it in her ass, I pull out and place myself in front of her, unloading my seed on her face and tits, kissing her passionately, lying on the floor hugging each other.

We stay like that for several minutes until something on the floor catches Jimena's attention and she reaches up to pick it up, is a book with gold incrustations and an elaborate closing.

"I thought you threw it away when..." starts to say Jimena staying mid-sentence.

"I would never do that, it's the only memory I have left of her, of your father, of all the ones we've been losing in this time;" I reply.

"Have you kept writing all these years?" she asks me in amazement, turning the pages slowly.

"Yes, it's all in the diary;" I reply, "Sara's birth, the arrival in Constantinople, the death of..." I fall silent too, unable to pronounce her name.

"May I read it?" asks Jimena again.

"Of course, it's as much my story as yours."

Jimena begins to read the diary aloud.

20th October of the year 1183 / 1st Rajab of the year 579.

We have been in the lands of Moussa for about two months now, and it took me no more than a week to understand what Saladin meant when he told me not to get too attached.

The small fortress at the foot of the Akakus Mountains is the opposite of Alexandria, indeed, for its sobriety and scarcity of colors is very similar to the lands of Castile where I was born, although here the prevailing heat is totally opposite to the cold and the first snowfalls that at this time will have already fallen on the plateau.

Although most of Moussa's subjects are nomads, the Red Fortress as he calls the small walled city, besides serving as a refuge, controls the mines in the mountains and the two nearby oases, a must for all the caravans that pass through this area

The time has passed quickly and without worries, staying in a small palace with Zeiga and my three slave girls, attended by half a dozen slave girls that Moussa gave as a wedding gift to his daughter.

The nights have been long and full of sex and passion, with Zeiga as the protagonist and one or more slave girls as companions. The first few nights I was quite worried about how Merary was going to behave, but I don't know if it was because her honor at being defeated compels her, or because she is a born submissive, she never showed any gesture of resistance. Only Jimena with her incipient belly product of her pregnancy has started to be excluded from these night games, although I don't miss any opportunity to spend time with her every day and fuck her as soon as I can.

We spend a lot of time with Moussa, who has insisted that Zeiga and I sit next to her at the receptions she holds every morning, with the clear intention of convincing me to stay by her side.

27th October of the year 1183 / 8th Rajab of the year 579

This morning Moussa burst into my rooms shortly after dawn, not caring to find Zeiga and the slave girls naked.

"Get dressed Eric;" he shouts to me, "Allah offer us some fun, a pride of lions has occupied one of the nearby oases and is terrorizing the caravans."

Hearing her father's words, Zeiga sits up in bed not caring to show her naked torso.

"I'm finally going to be able to participate in a hunt;" she exclaims.

I look at Zeiga and then at Moussa not knowing what's going on, although the way Moussa looks at his daughter, tells me this is a long-standing issue.

"I've never let Zeiga go on a hunt;" he comments to me. "Now it's your problem;" he points out leaving the room.

"It's not your problem, I'm going no matter what you say;" Zeiga tells me getting out of bed, gesturing for Yaritza and Merary to follow her.

I watch as Zeiga walks away and shake my head, the only way to stop Zeiga from accompanying me on the hunt is to chain her to the bed, and even then, I'm not sure I'll succeed.

I join Moussa to get everything ready, we're talking quietly when he slaps me on the back.

"Look what's coming over there;" he says to me.

"Fuck!" I exclaim as I see Zeiga appear accompanied by Yaritza, Merary and Jimena, all of them ready for the hunt.

"I think you're a little soft on your wife and your slave girls;" Moussa whispers to me in a low voice, still laughing.

"I'm not the only one;" I reply as I watch Sarah join the four girls.

Sarah and Yaritza are dressed alike, with white cotton pants and a similar sleeveless blouse, with a leather protection on the right side of their chest to be able to shoot with the recurve bow they hold in their hand, the two young women also carry a spear in their hand.

Zeiga is dressed very similarly to the first time I saw her, with white leather clothing, although what surprises me is the crossbow in her hand, a weapon used to see in Castile, but I have not seen in these months in the lands ruled by Saladin. Jimena is dressed similarly to Zeiga, but in red leather and with her belly uncovered, she carries no weapon except a dagger that belonged to her father attached to her belt.

The four young women stand out among the twenty or so men gathered, causing everyone to stare at them, though only for a few seconds, as all eyes including Moussa's and mine are instantly focused on Merary.

The Nubian slave girl has painted her body with several blue lines and only wears a white cloth covering her sex, she carries no weapons, and looks at Moussa and me as if she is waiting for something.

It is Moussa who is the first to react, gesturing to one of the soldiers, who enters the nearby building and returns minutes later along with half a dozen huge Nubians who kneel and bow their heads on the ground as soon as they see Merary.

"They are the best lion hunters in the world;" Moussa tells me.

Moussa's soldiers hand their short spears to the Nubian warriors, four each, and one of them leaves a box on the table beside me.

I open the box and see inside the two gladius Merary was carrying the day I defeated her, I have not spoken to her, neither about the swords, nor about her blue eyes and western features, maybe I can take advantage of the hunt for it.

I hand the two swords to Merary along with the harness to attach them to her back and one of the soldiers gives her two short spears. The whole group mounts up on horseback and we head for the oasis. When we arrived at our destination an hour later, we were met with something we did not expect: About half a hundred horsemen surround the oasis, attacking the six or eight lions that from the center of the orchard control everything.

"They are soldiers of the Emir of Cyrenaica;" shouts Moussa, pointing to a group somewhat away from the oasis with several more horsemen and what appear to be camels with yurts mounted on top. "Let's finish them off;" he shouts drawing his sword and charging towards the oasis.

The score of soldiers follows Moussa, but the five girls and the Nubian warriors stand by my side waiting for my decision, which comes seconds later, when I brandish my sword and spur the horse.

Although we are outnumbered three to one not counting the riders accompanying the camels, our surprise arrival gives us an advantage, the arrows fired by Sarah, Yaritza and Zeiga do not miss their target, as do the spears of the Nubian warriors, when the two groups collide, more than thirty enemy riders lie dead on the ground.

The combat is fast, we are fresher and more rested than the enemy horsemen, and that does not take long to be decisive, although it also influences that the horsemen guarding the camels do not decide to join the fight, giving us to understand that they carry something very valuable.

As soon as the number of enemies was decreasing, I made a signal to Moussa, who understood immediately and commanded a dozen horsemen, supported by Sarah and Yaritza, to attack the remains of the caravan.

Worried about Jimena, I am wounded in the arm and lose my sword, luckily Merary and the Nubian warriors surround and protect us. Seeing how the Nubian female warrior wields the two-gladius finishing off one enemy after another, I can't help but wonder how I was able to defeat her a few months ago.

The most surprising thing about the fight is the way the lions join in, attacking the enemy soldiers, but doing nothing to any of my men.

The last ten or so of the enemy throw their swords to the ground as soon as they see the caravan banners fall to the ground, leaving us facing the lions.

"Do nothing;" shouts Merary approaching the base of one of the palm trees, pulling out of a hole in the ground two small cubs, which she gently caresses, then depositing them at the lions' feet.

With a loud roar, the huge male lion of the pride approaches one of the wounded enemy, bites him on the arm and begins to pull him away, away towards the other end of the oasis, two of the lionesses take the cubs, and the other four drag as many soldiers with them.

"They are going to enjoy a good feast;" I say to Merary, who is still by my side with swords in hand even though there is no longer any danger.

"We will enjoy a good feast too;" replies Moussa coming up to us leading the camels with their contents. "I believe we have in our hands something very valuable;" he adds opening one of the yurts, discovering two extraordinarily beautiful young women inside.

"I present to you Laila and Maira al-Mansur, daughters of the Almohad Caliph Abu Yusuf Yaacub al-Mansur, their caravan on its way to Tripoli to marry the Emir of Cyrenaica was diverted by a sandstorm and they ended up here;" Moussa explains to us; "In the rest of the camels go their maidservants and their dowry."

I watch the two young women terrified of what might happen to them; surely, they know what a trophy they mean to anyone, though I don't think they know yet by whom they have been captured.

"Set up camp;" Moussa orders his soldiers, "Your tents place them some distance apart and arrange several sentries. Let the prisoners drag the dead to the oasis and leave them with the rest, they will serve as food for the lions and vultures."

The soldiers quickly obey, but that doesn't stop Moussa from giving orders, "As soon as the soldiers set up the main tent, take them there;" he orders Zeiga and Sarah pointing to the two young prisoners, "For the moment they are princesses, later we'll see."

"Tend to the wounded;" he continues ordering addressing Yaritza and Merary, "And you take care of Eric's arm;" he tells Jimena.

Within seconds everyone is on the move, three large tents are erected in the center of the oasis, one for dinner, and the other two for Moussa and me. Half a dozen smaller tents are erected to one side, with the prisoners and captured camels in the middle guarded by several men, although we know that none of them will escape, the roars of the lions as they devour their fallen comrades are reason enough to stop them.

Only four of our men have been killed, another half dozen has suffered serious injuries, although the rest including Zeiga and Merary suffer minor wounds that are treated without problem. I have an important cut on my arm, although the most serious thing is that the blow has broken my arm, it will not cause me any long-term problems, but it will force me to wear my arm in a sling for several weeks and since it is my right arm, they will have to help me dress, wash and eat.

A couple of hours later, my three slave girls with the help of the captured maidservants, have prepared dinner using the food found on the camels. Before entering the tent for dinner, Moussa calls the head of his guard.

"Choose one of the maidservants as your slave girls, and take five others with you to amuse the soldiers, though do not let your guard down and keep the fire burning;" he points out to him.

The head of the guard bows and walks away smiling, taking the half dozen maidservants after him, maidservants who despite what awaits them seem calm, and I can only think that they were already slave girls, and perhaps were not too happy with their masters.

I am surprised when Moussa calls the six Nubian warriors to join us for dinner, all of them look at Merary waiting for her permission.

Dinner passes quietly amidst laughter and chatter, even Yaritza, Merary and Jimena sit with us and join in the conversation, forgetting for a few moments that they are slave girls. Only the two princesses remain silent, fearful of the fate that awaits them.

When dinner is over, the three slave girls clear the table and place a couple of small tables with drinks and sweets in an area of the tent with two sets of pillows, one for Moussa and one for me, then Moussa surprises me once again by calling out to the six Nubian warriors.

"You have fought well;" he tells them, "Without you we would not have won the victory, you are free, you can return to your lands."