At Your Service

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Learning to keep the boss and his wife happy.
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Note: This story is copyrighted to the author EvolvedHSapiens from January 1, 2024. All authors are proud of their writings, whatever the reader feedback, so potential plagiarists are earnestly requested to desist.


Girish was a year senior to me in business school. He was from a rich family and married twice into equally rich ones. He had been to one of India's most prestigious residential schools and was completely a member of the Delhi elite. While always described as a sweet guy with a friendly smile, Girish was a somewhat quiet type with a small, tightly knit circle of friends. I was not close to Girish in business school, but I found myself working closely with him in my first job.

As I said, Girish was very much the upper-crust Delhi guy, and busy on most evenings. Despite his quiet demeanour, he loved parties and was a great host. Given much to sports and fitness, his five-foot ten body looked in very good shape in the swimming pool. He had large, dark brown eyes with a twinkle always in them, and a crinkly smile for all. A thin moustache adorned his upper lip.

For some reason, Girish would lose his cool with me from time to time over some insignificant detail or another. I got myself transferred to another unit in another city, and my contact with Girish dropped. He used to visit our office once in a while, and would always host drinks and dinner for our team. With me, he was always very friendly, as though we had never had any differences. Once or twice, we'd had drinks together, and I was surprised to find I wasn't able to relax and let go with him. There was some kind of tension in the air.

Time passed, and I heard that Girish had gotten married, and had a child, and then, shockingly, that Girish and his wife had divorced. There was some lurid gossip about alcoholism and an affair, but I paid no attention to them. Then I remembered an incident from our days in business school.

We were about six of us, all men, lying around listening to music in a student's room after consuming a considerable amount of marijuana. Everyone was quiet and absorbed in the music, until all of a sudden Girish announced:

"Virgins on the hop! On the hop! On the double!"

That broke everyone up. One of the guys later told me that Girish was a product of a public school, where after lights-out action was not unknown. I filed that away in my mind, but didn't think too much of it.

Meanwhile, I had gotten married to Anita, and we'd had two kids. We went through the usual ups and downs of marriage - great sex, children, no sex, fights, again some good sex, and then affairs for both, confessions from both, staying together for the sake of the children, and so on. It hadn't helped that Anita was extremely successful in her career, and we'd been forced to spend a few years living in different cities and visiting occasionally. All of it had an effect on my career, and it was not good. I'd made it to general manager, but couldn't hang on to the job, because a wild, passionate affair had consequences that had washed over into the company I was working for. I was out of a job, living on my own. Anita was a year away from returning to Delhi with the kids. Like anyone in this kind of situation, I hunted around for a consulting assignment to tide things over till I got another good job.

In one way, it was a good thing I'd lost my job. There was now no excuse for having an affair with yet another woman, and that number had reached double figures during my marriage. For some reason, all of them ended rather abruptly, with neither party wanting to meet again. One of the women even accused me of thinking of someone else while fucking her.

Then Girish called me out of the blue. He said he needed a senior person at his company, for a period of a year, to oversee a major diversification. Knowing me, he said, I would be ideal for the job. Of course, he couldn't pay me what I'd been earning, but it was perfect for me until I found another job.

I thought about it, and decided that it was a good idea. I wondered, however, what kind of boss Girish would be. Sure enough, when I started on the assignment, he made it a point to establish clearly that he was now my boss, and I was his subordinate. I found the pressure a little hard, but complied because I had no choice. It was a little difficult because I'd become used to being a boss myself.

One afternoon, Girish informed me that he and his wife Priti--he'd married again but no more kids--would be hosting a party at their house for a group of us alumni the coming Friday and that I should definitely be there. I was in a good mood that day, and replied,

"Your wish is my command."

To my surprise, he smiled widely.

"Yes. It's always best that way."

I'd never met Priti before, and was amazed when I saw her. She was a sex bomb all right, a couple of inches shorter than Girish, with a face and figure a woman in her twenties would be proud of. Oval face with shoulder length hair, full lips, a clear complexion, and confident, smoky man-eater dark brown eyes, the same shade as her husband. Medium breasts, a narrow waist, and an ass that made my dick do a jump. I'd realized long ago that I was an ass man. She was dressed in a dark gold outfit that clung to her in the right places, and was the centre of attention as she did a perfect job of hostessing with the drinks and the dinner buffet.

Four of us men were sitting around a table with Girish, completing our dinner, and one guy asked,

"Girish, is it really true that in public schools a lot happens after lights out?"

Without missing a beat, Girish replied,

"Yes, of course. There's always some action."

The rest of us were silent, but I remembered the 'virgins on the hop' incident.

Just then, I saw Priti giving me the eye from the dessert table across the room, with a small smile on her face. I'd been around the block long enough to know when a woman was making a move on me. I excused myself, saying I'd get myself some dessert, and walked across. As I did, I was conscious of a hardon. Women's looks did that to me, I knew, but this was a raging boner.

"Two scoops or one?" she asked, indicating the ice cream.

"Two," I said.

"Large or small?"

"Mmmm....medium is my favourite."

She gave me a teasing look with those smoky eyes.


"Yes, please."

"Large or small slice?"

"What would you suggest?" I said, getting into the game.

"Oh, I like large ones," she smiled, still with that smoky look. "One usually, sometimes two."

This was delightful.

"You're my boss's wife," I said. "Your wish is my command."

"Are you saying that to keep me happy."

"Of course! Keeping my boss's wife happy is what I'm good at."

"And keeping your boss happy?"

"That too, of course."

"More important, or less?"

"Equal, I'd say."

She smiled with her lips parted. I thought I'd better be careful.

"Won't Girish mind my talking to you like this?"

"Why don't we ask him? He's coming over."

And indeed he was. I was a little confused about how to react, but she continued.

"Hello darling. I was just asking whether he's like a large slice of cake."

Girish grinned.

"Make that two large ones."

"Won't that be too much to take, darling? Especially with two scoops of ice cream?"

Girish laughed.

"My wish is your command, you said?"

I laughed too.

"As you say, so shall I do."

Girish stroked my arm, letting his fingers trail for just a second too long.

"Good man. We'll get along fine," and with a smile, he left. I found Priti looking at me thoughtfully.

"You know, I just realized something," she said. "We both like you a lot. That's very rare."

It was her turn to stroke my arm.

"We're going to see a lot of you, I think."

I watched her sashay away, conscious again of a raging boner as I watched her delectable ass.

The next day being Saturday, I was at home when I received a call from Girish.

"Hi. Great evening we had. Priti was thrilled to meet you. We were wondering if you have any plans for the evening."

"No, nothing, really."

"Then why don't you come over for a drink or two after dinner? You're living quite close by anyway. We have a conservative family wedding to attend that we can't avoid, but we will be home by ten. We'd love to chill out and just shoot the breeze with you."

"Sure. Love to. I'll be there at ten."

I could hear a murmur of conversation in the background. Then Girish was back on the line with a chuckle.

"Priti says to make sure you're not unfair to us, so don't drink with your dinner before you arrive."

"Hehe. Okay."

Now that was a surprise! But my boner told me I was looking forward to it.

In the evening, feeling good after a nice dinner despite no large single malts, I was greeted at the door by Girish with a hug, then Priti with a hug. She was dressed in a stylish black dress, sleeveless and low backed, and he was in a purple shirt open to the third button. Cognac, with cheese and dark chocolate to accompany, was already set out. The living room lights had been dimmed, with only a tall lamp in a corner providing illumination, and jazz was playing in the background.

After the second cognac and some animated talk about cricket and so on, Priti decided to break the ice.

"So how's your sex life?"

I must have looked embarrassed because her laughter pealed out. Girish joined with a grin.

"Come on, you're living on your own, your wife's away, and you see her once a month at best. You're a handsome guy, don't tell me you haven't had affairs."

"Well, okay," I confessed. "Between us and the four walls of this room, of course I have."

"How many?" asked Priti, and she laughed again. "Don't worry, we won't tell Anita."

"Quite a few."

"Well, according to Promila, in double figures," and Priti couldn't control her laughter.

I must have looked embarrassed again, because, of all my affairs, the one with Promila had had the best sex and the most spectacular implosion.

"She's been a friend for a long time, and she tells me everything."


Girish joined in the laughter.

"Yes, everything. And I know everything too."

It was funny enough for me to join in the laughter.

Girish smiled and said,

"How about a smoke? Old times sake?"

So we lit and smoked a joint. It had been a long time, and it felt good.

After a while, as we climbed into the high, Girish smiled again at me.

"What about Anita? Does she have affairs? I'm sure she does."

"Well," I confessed, feeling cozy now with them, "as a matter of fact, yes. She's had one, but it ended badly. The guy was a poet, and he fell badly for her. She had to shake him off."

Priti cut in.

"Very unfair of us. We haven't told you anything about us. Yes, we have affairs, too. Lots of them," she giggled.

"We have an open marriage," added Girish. "Very open."

It took us some time to stop laughing. I became slowly conscious of my cock. It felt harder than ever.

"I'll introduce Anita to a couple of friends of mine," giggled Priti. "They're definitely not poets, oh no."

"So who's next on your list?" asked Girish.

""I haven't decided, I guess."

"Ever had an affair with a man?" asked Priti unexpectedly.

"," I said.

"But you've thought about it, haven't you?"

I took a deep breath.

"Well, I guess most men have."

"Why haven't you done anything about it?" she continued.

"Lack of opportunity." laughed Girish.

"I guess that's it," I replied, laughing too. The mix of grass and cognac had me buzzing nicely now, and I felt I could say anything with these two.

Then suddenly, Priti got up and held out her hand.

"Let's dance," she said. "The music's just right."

She pulled me onto the floor, and we began moving slowly. She twined both arms around my neck and drew in real close. I could feel her breasts mash against my chest, and my hard cock almost break against her stomach. She bit my ear hard, tugging it down.

"Promila said you'd become selfish in bed. Sex with you was going down the tube. Won't do. Bad boy. Girish and I are going to train you to be unselfish."

She drew back and grinned at me. There was a fire now in her eyes, and a kind of power was radiating from her. I felt myself falling under her spell.

"Say it."

I knew what to say.

"I'm at your service."

"What's your job?"

"Keeping both of you happy."

She smiled.

"Good man. You're learning fast. There's more to come," and she giggled.

She looked at me with those fiery eyes again.

"You're a good-looking guy, in a soft kind of way. Now put your hands on my ass and squeeze them."

"Girish.." I started to say.

"He wants you to do it. Do as I say."

We had turned around slowly so that Girish could clearly see me squeezing his wife's beautiful buttocks hard.

Priti's lips were half-parted, so I leaned in. Our lips met and clung together, tongues clashed, and I could feel her hard nipples drill into my chest. I put one hand down and slowly worked up her skirt until I was fondling her panties. My other hand had gone to her breast, squeezing it softly and caressing the long, erect nipple through her dress. She had started moving her body, pushing her breasts against my chest and slowly dry humping my rampaging cock through my trousers.

I was more turned on than I had ever been before in my life, even as a teenager, doing this to my boss's wife in front of my boss, knowing that was what they wanted.

We broke the kiss, both of us gasping, and Priti led me, both of us grabbing at each other, until we collapsed onto the three-seater sofa, with me in the center and Priti and Girish on either side. For a few moments, we sat there, Priti fondling my cock while I was kissing her and squeezing her breasts. Then I felt her hand withdraw, and another hand took its place on my thigh.

Priti broke the kiss and looked at me with parted lips. Then she placed a hand on my cheek and gently turned my face to look at Girish. It was his hand on my thigh, and he was already leaning in, and I realized I had been waiting for him to do that.

His kiss was surprisingly gentle to begin with, probing my mouth with just his lips, and then slowly licking my lips with his tongue, before my own lips parted for his tongue to touch mine. Then both our mouths opened, and our tongues started exploring what they'd been waiting for a long time. I had slid forward on the sofa and was lying back with my legs spreadeagled and my head flung back, with Girish leaning over my face and kissing me as hard as he could. My left hand was at his crotch, gently massaging the rock-hard cock inside his trousers, while my right hand had been guided by Priti to each of her breasts in turn. Both of them now had a hand on my crotch, squeezing my cock in turns, and I knew I was surrendering to whatever they wanted to do with me as though I'd always wanted that.

Girish broke the kiss and spoke hoarsely.

"You know you should have let me do that a long time ago. Now you'll have to make up for lost time."

"Let's get to the bedroom," gasped Priti.

We made it unsteadily to the bedroom, grabbing at each other and kissing each other all the way. Priti let us go to start stripping off her dress. She lay back on the bed in her lacy black bra and panties, and pushed her hand below her panties to start pleasuring herself.

Girish and I had kissed for some time, but now my shirt was off, and I was sitting on the bed. Somewhere along the way, both of us had discarded our shoes. I had Girish's trousers open in front of me, and yanked them and his boxers down to his knees to release his cock. I stroked it with my hands, admiring its perfection.

His cock was slightly shorter than mine, but thinner, tapering upwards to a point with a small, absolutely beautiful, circumcised head, while mine was slightly longer, thicker, and straighter, with a large uncircumcised head. I had never felt a man's cock in my mouth before, and I took my time, licking the beautiful head all around the edges and the urethra opening with its dripping precum with its salty taste new to me, before enveloping it with my lips and starting to suck it cautiously, learning to open my mouth and let the head go further and further towards my throat as I sucked. Then I started working on his cock for all I was worth, remembering to use a corkscrew figure of eight motion I had read about somewhere. Girish's hands had come down to my chest and were stroking and squeezing my small, hard nipples. I could hear him moaning loudly.

"It's so hot to watch two men." I could hear Priti gasping.

She wriggled down the bed, pulled my trousers off, and started to suck my cock. By then, Girish was also completely naked, and we all fell back onto the bed. Girish showed no sign of coming, despite my passionate sucking. Priti stripped off her bra and panties and got back to work on my cock. After some time, she stopped and gasped,

"My turn now." and she pulled my head off Girish and took his cock in her mouth.

I needed no second invitation. I was already completely turned on by Girish, and the sight of Priti's perfect breasts with their long, erect nipples was too much. I caressed her nipples and then lowered my tongue to them before enveloping them with my lips one after the other. Then Priti grabbed my head with one hand and pulled it down to her spreadeagled legs.

I had my first view of Priti's cunt and was amazed at how small it looked. It was slim, pink, and looked tight, with a perfectly defined small clitoris on top. She kept her vulva cropped instead of shaved, and I licked the fuzzy hair around her vagina before licking it upwards towards her clitoris. I did that a few times, going deeper each time, before finally reaching her clit and lashing it gently with my tongue. Her cunt was hot, slick, and tight, and my cock twitched at the thought of fucking it deep and hard. Then I enveloped her clit with my lips, sucking it and licking it while I inserted one finger into her vagina, bending my finger slightly to hit the G-spot. My other hand went under her ass, lifting it slightly to make it easier for me to lick her.

Priti had stopped sucking, was lying back on the bed, moaning and moving her head from side to side. Then I felt Girish lift my hips and position me on my knees while I continued licking Priti. He gave my ass a gentle slap to make me part my legs even more, and then I felt something cool being rubbed on my anus. I realized it was lube, and then I felt his finger slide smoothly into my ass. I had been through an endoscopy once, so I was vaguely familiar with the sensation, but this felt really good.

I could feel Priti's stomach starting to ripple and her thighs tighten around my head, and then suddenly she started to shake, and she started to moan first in a low voice and then louder and louder until suddenly her thighs clamped around my head as an orgasm ripped through her. I heard Girish chuckle.

"Time to fuck her now."

I needed no second invitation. I drew my head away from her thighs and moved my body up to kiss her deeply. Then I pushed myself up on my elbows and lifted my hips. She reached across to a side table, took out a condom, expertly opened it with her teeth, and rolled it onto my cock. Then she took hold of my cock and guided it into her hot, wet, tight cunt. It felt like heaven, only better.

"Ahhhh. Nice and big and thick. Push it in slowly," and she parted her thighs as wide as she could.

I pushed my cock slowly as deep as I could, slowly withdrew it, and then pushed it in harder. It went in all the way, and my balls nestled against the crack in her ass.

Then I heard Girish's voice.

"Time to make up for lost time."

I saw that Priti had that devilish smile again, this time mixed with the lust showing in her eyes. I knew what was coming. I'd had doctor's fingers and an endoscope in my ass before, but never another man's penis. Just then I felt Girish apply some more lube to my anus, this time pushing a finger well inside and rotating it around to make sure the lube was nicely spread, and also opening up my anus a little. Then I felt something thicker at the anal ring and knew it was Girish's cock head.