Audrey's Awakening Pt. 06

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Audrey awakens to Jo.
10k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/22/2020
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We quickly showered and dressed, and I loved the look of my new burgundy blazer. I sat comfortably on a padded stool in the bathroom watching with interest as Audrey attended to her hair and makeup. She looked ravishing in her sexy new dress, and I loved it to see how its transparencies revealed she wore absolutely nothing beneath it.

To my complete surprise, as we were about to leave the room, Audrey opened one of her many shopping bags to pull out a pretty black lace shawl that I had not seen her purchase. She draped it over her shoulders, flipping one end over her shoulder stylishly and smiled. "I believe I'm finally ready," she said. "I hope it was worth the wait."

I smiled and stepped close to kiss her lips ever so lightly, "You look amazing," I said, slipping my hand behind her to caress her buttocks. With the shawl about her shoulders to cover her chest and lower back, it gave the dress a much more conservative look with only a subtle hint of the sexiness lying beneath it.

We took a taxi to the Stratosphere and, despite my penchant for severe acrophobia, boarded the elevator for the long trip to the restaurant at the top, over 800 feet above the ground.

Stepping onto the landing, we were stunned by the broad, panoramic view of the glitzy neon that was Las Vegas. Every table in the restaurant had a stunning view of the city below and the restaurant rotated 360 degrees approximately every 90 minutes.

As the hostess led us to our table, I could hear the distinct sounds of live music emanating from somewhere in the dining room. Turning my head to look for the source of the music, I saw a small stage off to one side where a two-piece combo was providing a nice low-keyed dining ambiance.

To my complete shock, I recognized the two-piece duo, they were friends of mine named Danny and Jo. As we followed our hostess through the dining room to our assigned table, Jo was the first to take notice. Her eyes widened and she smiled, pointing at me with her mouth opened wide. I waved to them as we stepped down into the dining area out of sight of the stage and were seated at our table.

"I know the band," I smiled, as Audrey gaped in pleased astonishment at the incredible view of the city.

"Really?" She said, her face almost radiant with excitement. "They sound awfully good."

"They're friends of mine," I explained. "Danny and Jo. We've shared the same stage many times. Jo saw me when we walked in and she waved, so they'll probably come over to say hello when they take a break and you'll get to meet them."

We both stood and turned our heads away from the spectacular view to where we could just barely see the stage across the room where Jo was doing one of her signature Toni Braxton songs and vamping across the stage exuding her sexuality with her body and the suggestive lyrics. She wore a tiny, blue-sequined mini-dress that showed off her shapely legs to perfection as her husky voice oozed with sensuality.

Jo was a petite woman of Asian descent; I believe she once told me her mother was Japanese and her father was white. The combination of those two races combined to create a daughter of extraordinary beauty. She had a creamy white complexion with dark almond eyes that hinted to her Asian heritage, and long black hair that cascaded to her shoulders with straight bangs. She had a lovely figure and a petite frame, as she was little more than five feet tall without her six-inch heels. Her breasts were small, probably little more than an 'A' cup, and wide, flaring hips that I always found to be particularly attractive, especially when combined with the ubiquitous skirts and dresses that she always wore on stage. Her legs were exceptional, and probably her most noticeable feature as she was never shy about showing them off, strutting around the stage very much like Tina Turner.

"Wow," said Audrey, "she's amazing. What I wouldn't give to have legs like hers."

"Shut up!" I chided, reaching over to put my hand on her arm. "Your legs are gorgeous, Mom."

The waiter arrived and we ordered a bottle of wine. He returned several moments later, opening the bottle and pouring the wine with a flourish. Audrey and I toasted and sipped our wine. "This is so beautiful up here," said Audrey. "I'm really glad we came."

I nodded in assent but felt distinctly insecure being so high above the ground. While Audrey was constantly oohing and aahing at the panoramic view of the city and pointing out landmark casinos, I was only nodding and doing my best not to run screaming back to the elevators.

The wine steward was soon followed by our waiter who took our dinner orders. Audrey and I both ordered the filet with baked potato, Caesar salad, and cherries jubilee for dessert.

We chatted amiably for several minutes, taking in the view and, for my part, enjoying the ambiance of the dining room when I looked up to see Danny and Jo smiling broadly as they approached the table. I returned their smile and stood as Jo hurried toward the table, taking quick little running steps in her high stiletto heels. She almost knocked me over as she threw herself into my arms, embracing me tightly with her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek affectionately.

"So good to see you, Jessie," she smiled, pulling away to make way for Danny, who also pulled me into an affectionate bro hug. "Are you guys playing in town?" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled at them, "No," I said, nodding quickly toward Audrey, "Actually, we're just here for a little bit of a weekend getaway from home."

Audrey stood and held her hand out to Jo, "Hello," she said, beating me to the introductions, "I'm Audrey."

Jo shook her hand with a look of mild confusion and gave me a sidelong glance. "I thought you told me your wife's name was Laura," she said.

"Oh," said Audrey with a laugh, "That's correct. Laura is my daughter and Jessie is my son-in-law."

Jo's eyes widened and she took a step back to give Audrey a more appraising look, moving her eyes from the top of her head to her spiked heels. "You're Jessie's mother-in-law?" She said with mild astonishment as her eyes moved appraisingly over Audrey's body.

"Wow," said Danny with a broad grin, "You sure look nothing like MY mother-in-law."

"Please, join us," smiled Audrey as we all laughed at Danny's comment.

"I can't stay," said Danny, who remained standing as the rest of us sat down. "My wife's here with me tonight and it's our wedding anniversary. I just wanted to come over and say hello though."

"How wonderful," smiled Audrey. "How many years have you been married?"

"It's our fifth," smiled Danny. He paused reflectively and pursed his lips, "You know...I'm almost beginning to think this marriage is going to work out."

We all laughed at his little joke and Jo rolled her eyes, "He's been saying that all night," she said, "and it's starting to get a little annoying."

Danny smiled and tapped his watch, looking down at Jo, "Ten minutes," he said, indicating the remaining break time they had left. He waved his fingers at us and smiled as he moved away from the table.

"So, tell me what's going on," smiled Jo, looking back and forth between me and Audrey. "Is Laura with you here in Vegas too?" She watched with interest as Audrey and I glanced meaningfully at one another.

"No," I said, trying to act casual. "Unfortunately, Laura couldn't make the trip with us."

"Oh?" Said Jo, raising an eyebrow at me with a look of suspicion.

"I was actually supposed to make this trip with my husband as his birthday present to me," Audrey explained, leaning her head toward Jo. "But when..." she glanced meaningfully at me, "he had to cancel at the last minute, Jessie was kind enough to bring me here instead."

Jo's eyes widened and she looked at each of us with a knowing smile. "Well, it certainly seems like there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye," she said. "You'll have to forgive me, but when we first came over to your table, It certainly appeared as if you two are having a rather romantic evening together."

Audrey laughed, her cheeks flushing, "You're right, there IS a lot more to this story." She glanced up at me and I nodded, encouraging her to continue. "But it's likely to take longer than your break time to explain," she said. "Why don't you come back when you've finished playing and join us for a drink or two...or seven," she added with a laugh.

Smiling gleefully, Jo rubbed her hand together excitedly, "Seven? Oh, boy, this sounds like the makings of a fun evening and a great story. We only have one more set, and then I'll definitely be back to spend more time with you guys when we're done."

Just then the waiter arrived with our dinner, holding a large tray over his head as he weaved through the tables. "Ah," said Jo as she quickly stood. "I believe this is my cue to exit."

She turned to me and bent down, kissing me affectionately on my cheek, "It's really good to see you again, Jessie," she said, looking meaningfully into my eyes. "And wonderful to meet you too, Audrey," she added, turning to smile at Audrey.

"Enjoy your dinners, I'll see you in a while."

We both watched Jo as she walked away, "My God, she's got gorgeous legs," murmured Audrey, mirroring my exact thoughts. "I like your friends, Jessie, especially Jo. She seems really sweet."

The waiter placed our dinners on the table and made sure we needed nothing else before hustling off to his other tables.

"Jo is definitely a sweet girl," I said as we began to eat. "But you should probably be aware of the fact that, when it comes to expressing her sexuality, Jo is not all that gender-specific."

Audrey cocked her head in curiosity, "What are you saying? You mean she's a Lesbian?"

I shook my head, "No, not Lesbian, but she IS openly bisexual. She enjoys women every bit as much as she enjoys men."

Audrey's eyes widened and she nodded, "Wow, that's intriguing. I don't think I've ever met a woman like that before."

I nodded, "The last time my band shared the stage with Jo and Danny...I guess it was at least three months ago...She was involved with another musician, a woman named Donna. I've heard they've since broken up. And before that, I know she's had a few boyfriends. Wherever Jo and Danny play, the bar in front of the stage is always full of potential Romeos hoping she'll notice them."

Audrey laughed and nodded, chewing her food thoughtfully, "Well, that's certainly understandable," she said. "I think she's gorgeous."

We ate in silence for a few moments. "I couldn't help but notice how Jo certainly seems to be very attracted to you," smiled Audrey as she took a sip of her wine. "Weren't you ever tempted?"

"Tempted? Are you kidding?" I said with a laugh. "Of course, she's one sexy woman, and I'm a card-carrying member of the male persuasion. How could I not be tempted? She's also made it abundantly clear, on more than one occasion, how she'd like to get to know me better. And when I say 'know', I mean it in the biblical sense."

Audrey laughed aloud, "But you never came to KNOW her in the biblical sense?" She asked with a teasing smile.

I shook my head and laughed softly, "I suppose I was too busy being true blue and loyal to Laura to ever get involved with a woman like Jo."

Audrey frowned and shook her head, "Given the separated circumstances you find yourself in now, are you at all sorry about it?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, well...hindsight being 20/20 and all, I suppose maybe I am a little."

"From my perspective," said Audrey, reaching over the table to place her hand over mine. "I think you and Jo would make a VERY cute couple...especially with the two of you having music in common."

I smiled and squeezed Audrey's hand, "Well, right now, at this moment, the only couple I'm interested in is this one right here at the table."

Audrey flushed and squeezed my hand. We then both looked up in surprise to see Danny and Jo both hurrying back to our table. Audrey's eyes widened in surprise as Danny suddenly stepped up and squatted down at the end of the table with Jo standing behind him with a hesitant smile.

"Jessie, I have a HUGE favor to ask of you," said Danny, his eyes imploring.

"Sure, man. What do you need?" I responded, eager to help him out if I could.

"Would you be willing to sit in with Jo tonight and sing 'Unchained Melody' for me so I can have an anniversary dance with my wife? It's always been our song. I was going to dedicate it to her when I sang it tonight, but hell, man, you sing it WAY better than I do."

I glanced questioningly at Audrey, who smiled broadly and nodded her head enthusiastically. "Sure, Danny," I said with a smile. "I'd be happy to." I glanced up at Jo, "What key do you guys do it in?"

"G," she said nodding. "The same as you. And we even do the same arrangement."

"Perfect," I said. "When do you want it to happen?"

Danny nodded, noticing our still unfinished meals, "Not for a while yet, you guys take your time and finish your dinners. Our last set is an hour long so...maybe in half an hour or so? Will that give you enough time?"

I nodded, seeing that Audrey and I were both near completion. "You got it, man," I smiled. "Just give me the high sign when you're ready."

"You're the best, Jessie," said Danny with a broad grin, patting my on my back as he stood. "I'll owe you big time."

We enjoyed the rest of our dinners, chatting amiably, and enjoying the revolving panorama of Las Vegas. I discovered it was easier for me, and greatly lessened the vertigo, if I just looked straight out at the city and not down. The waiter was just arriving with our desserts when Danny appeared and waved to me, letting me know the moment had arrived. I nodded, telling the waiter to put off the desert for at least ten or fifteen more minutes.

"Well," I smiled at Audrey, giving her the jazz hands wave. "I guess it's showtime."

Audrey shrugged out of her shawl, leaving it on her chair, and we walked hand in hand toward the stage as Jo was announcing a special guest. "This is SO exciting," smiled Audrey, her eyes twinkling merrily. "I've never heard you sing."

"So please," announced Jo with a smile, "welcome to the stage...our good friend, Jessie West."

I stepped onto the stage with a smile and strapped on Danny's guitar, adjusting the volume and finding my note. When I was ready, Jo nodded and began the sequence with a four-count click intro.

As I began to sing, several couples hurried to the dance floor along with Danny and his wife. Audrey stood just to the side looking up at me with a blissful smile on her face.

I did a pretty good job of the song if I do say so, and very much enjoyed the warm tone of their PA system with its echo and chorus. As the string section reached its crescendo and the song ended, Jo's pre-programmed keyboard sequencer started right into the next number, one I immediately recognized as 'Oye, Como Va', by Santana.

I was in the process of removing Danny's guitar as Jo smiled broadly and wiggled her eyebrows. I glanced down at Danny who was nodding enthusiastically. Oh, what the hell, I thought. In for a penny, in for a pound. At least I knew the song very well, my band did the number every night.

Jo strapped on her bass guitar as I began to play, and we smiled at one another. Someone pulled Audrey onto the dancefloor and I smiled to watch her gorgeous, broad hips moving to the beat of the music, her breasts swaying enticingly beneath the darkened strip of material that threatened to reveal her nipples with each sway of her breasts.

I glanced at Jo who was wide-eyed and seemingly transfixed by Audrey's décolletage. She looked over at me and mouthed the word 'wow'.

"Want to do one more?" Asked Jo with a hopeful smile as the song ended. "I love listening to you play."

I shook my head as I slipped off Danny's guitar and set it on its stand. "I'd love to, but we've got dessert waiting at our table."

Danny hugged me affectionately as he stepped onto the stage, while Jo encouraged the people on the dance floor to applaud even more as I made my exit. Danny introduced me to his wife, who also gave me a hug of appreciation.

Audrey took my arm and smiled all the way back to our table. "You. Were. Wonderful," she exclaimed almost breathlessly. "What a lovely voice you have. And you play guitar exceptionally well too."

I smiled, basking in her effusive praise, as we seated ourselves to enjoy our desserts and another glass of wine.

Several minutes later, as the entertainment ended for the night, Danny and Jo arrived at our table with Danny's wife in tow. Introductions were made and our waiter brought another chair for everyone to be seated. We ordered drinks and soon we were all laughing and joking while reminiscing about our previous encounters and with other bands we knew, swapping gossip.

Danny and his wife, Monica, made their exit, claiming they were both tired, and then there was just the three of us at the table.

Jo leaned close and whispered conspiratorially as Danny and Monica left the table, "Tired, hell," she said, raising one eyebrow. "They haven't seen each other in two weeks and can't wait to fuck each other's brains out."

Audrey's eyes widened and Jo suddenly gasped, placing her hand on Audrey's arm, "Oh, sorry," she said. "I hope I didn't offend you just now."

Audrey smiled and placed her hand on top of Jo's, "Not even a little bit," she said. "I've never been offended by the word 'brains."

Jo laughed aloud and gave me a wink. I watched as Jo and Audrey shared a rather poignant look as they both smiled at one another. I couldn't help but smile as well, knowing Jo as well as I did, I could see was distinctly flirting with Audrey, and it certainly seemed as though Audrey was enjoying the inherent intimacy that was happening between them.

"Is this one of those Versace dresses, that I've seen in the window of their store?" Asked Jo, leaning back to view more of Audrey's dress.

"It IS," beamed Audrey, who seemed exceptionally pleased that Jo had noticed. "As a matter of fact, I just bought it this afternoon." She leaned closer to Jo, "I hope it's not too risqué for this dining room," she confided. "I noticed a fair amount of disapproving looks from some of the women tonight when I was on the dancefloor."

Jo laughed, "They're probably just jealous and wishing they could look even half as good as you do in that dress. Hell, I wish I could look half as good as you do."

"You, my dear," smiled Audrey, reaching over to pat Jo's hand, "would look absolutely gorgeous in this dress."

"Oh, I've been SO sorely tempted every time I walk by the Versace shop," said Jo with a winsome smile. "But, everything in the store is WAY beyond my means."

Audrey smiled and nodded with a thoughtful look. A moment later, she excused herself to go to the ladies' room, and, as she walked away, Jo gazed at her with a distinct look of admiration, "Holy shit, Jessie, that is one sexy woman," she muttered softly.

I laughed aloud and Jo turned to me with a curious look, "Sorry," I said with a dismissive wave of my hand, "but she said almost the exact same thing about you the last time she watched YOU walk away from the table."

Jo's eyes widened and she smiled, "Seriously? Does her door swing both ways?"

I shook my head and shrugged, "I've never known her to attracted to other women sexually. Until this weekend, she's always been the quintessential wife and mother and devoted to her family."

"And...this weekend?" Jo urged, seeing the thoughtful look on my face.

I shrugged and took a deep breath, "Well, this weekend I've kind of encouraged her to let her hair down a little, put aside her conservative values, and open herself up to explore more of her sexy side."

"Wow, well it certainly seems to be working for her," said Jo with a broad smile. "She's a major femme fatale in that dress, and she certainly seems to be enjoying the attention she's getting too."