Auntie Knows Best Pt. 01

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An older woman, her nephew and later his mum.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/19/2021
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An aunt teaches her nephew the art of sex with an older woman.

A few words from Jayne.

This is a story told from the perspectives of two people: me a forty-something- year-old woman and my nephew, a twenty-three-year-old, delicious young man who fantasises about his mother, my sister.

Let me know what you think please.


It was almost a year since we had seen each other. Twelve worrying months, fifty-two weeks of anxiety when all the time I was on edge. On my gloomier days I imagined the police knocking on my door and arresting me and in my optimistic periods I felt I would never see you again. In between I imagined there was a phone call from my sister screaming about what I had done to her baby or you turning up unannounced and blackmailing me into more sex or, worse trying it on and succeeding with my twenty-two-year-old daughter. There were so many fucking nightmare scenarios and no good news ones at all.

That's what I had been left with after that weekend when you were staying with me when Sara, my daughter came home unexpectedly and I am sure fancied you like hell.

'How awful' I thought, a young woman fancying her cousin. 'Yeah right' I mentally retorted, adding. 'That's rich coming from a forty-something-year-old aunt who's just fucked that cousin, her own nephew several times.

Nothing had been planned about our fling, in fact there was hardly any build up to or, background about it. Of course, I had known you since you were born and, in fact I was the first person other than Samantha, my sister, and your father, to hold you. I had watched you grow up and we had always got on well, but very much as an adult aunt and growing up nephew. We had become closer as you edged your way through your teens and over the past couple of years or so we had developed a sort of flirty way of relating to each other. I hadn't thought much about it and certainly, other than admiring your looks and physique, there was nothing sexual or thoughts of intimacy on my part. I had, a couple of times, though, wondered whether there was more on your part than what society decreed there should be. Some double entendres, a few touches, lingering glances and so on hinted at it, but there had been nothing significant until you came to stay with me for a couple of days as you attended interviews in London.

Over the past year, though, not wishing to see you in fear of 'our fling,' short though it was, starting up again, I had turned down a few family functions, but my Aunt's, your Great Aunt's golden wedding party was an impossibility to avoid. As it happens and quite fortuitously Sara was away with the school on a history trip that counted towards her GCSEs so she was exempt.

Almost as soon as I walked into the large rambling house in Kentish-Town I saw you. I gulped and my heart started to pound. You looked good. You had filled out, you were a few inches taller and your hair was a little longer, less punky.

"Hello Auntie," you said smiling or, were you leering, as I walked up to where you were standing with your mum Samantha, my sister?

"Jack," she said, jokingly harshly, "Don't make both of us feel old call her Jayne."

"Thanks Sam," I replied kissing her on her cheek as she leaned forward her loose dress gaping showing her ample breasts and deep cleavage.

'Fuck' I thought, my pulses racing and my blush deepening when I glanced at you and saw that you were also looking at Samantha' ample bosom. She was my sort of build, but after her kids she had done little to hold onto her figure and she must have blown up to a fourteen or sixteen dress size with a figure somewhere around 40DD 32 38, 'Nearly a real BBW' I thought thanking someone that I managed, just about, to hang onto my more respectable 36D 29 37-inch figure; voluptuousness and big boobs ran in the family!

You smiled and winked as you nodded at her chest and I knew immediately that we were both thinking the same thing; the admission you had made when you came on my tits that you had been fantasizing about cumming on hers.

'Jesus had I really got that deep with a fucking twenty-one-year-old kid old?' I wondered? Much of that fateful weekend, I realised, had now been deleted from my mental hard drive. Yes, was the answer for I had simply taught you too much and too well, although I suspected you knew a lot more than you had let on during that shprt, awkward, but hugely exciting period.

"Sorry Auntie," you said perversely as you surprisingly confidently put your hands on my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "Hello Jayne, it's been such a long time, hasn't it? When was it we last met?"

"Fortunately, Samantha had seen someone more interesting and important to talk to and had wandered off.

"Jack, you know exactly when we last saw each other so please don't mess around."

You squeezed my hand. "Don't worry Auntie I wasn't messing around then, I haven't since and I'm not now, I am deadly serious."

"What do you mean?"

You leaned close, put your mouth to my ear and whispered. "I want to fuck you again and soon."

"Don't be silly," I said sternly. "I told you that was it, nothing else will happen, it's over."

You wandered away, looking over your shoulder and smiling.

For divorcees without a partner, family parties are often a nightmare and this was no exception. Actually, it was worse than usual as I was on edge all the time particularly when I saw you sneaking drinks as I knew that might loosen your tongue or reduce your inhibitions.

A couple of hours into the party, I was in a group outside; it was quite a warm evening. I was wearing a white button up the front, silk blouse and dark brown, soft leather trousers. As happens at parties whilst one moment there had been six or seven in the group, suddenly it was just you and me. You didn't beat around the bush.

"I have thought about that weekend so much Jayne," you said out of the blue.

"No Jack, don't go there."

"Why not Jayne, I can't stop thinking about it."

"You must. It's over it was a one off its finished."

You grabbed my hand and said rather petulantly, but endearingly, like a young child "It isn't over I want to do it again."

I pulled my hand away looking round to make sure nobody had seen.

"Jack stop it, behave," I said walking round the corner of the outhouses where we were hidden from view. It was just getting dark.

"I have behaved, I have done as you said and not told a soul, not anyone."

"That's good Jack, thanks."

"But I am going fucking crazy thinking about what we did, it was amazing."

"Forget it luv, it was just a mad time, it was like make-believe."

"No," you said quite loudly grabbing my shoulders. "It wasn't mad, it wasn't make-believe, it was real, it was fantastic."

"Jack stop it," I said sharply as you pushed me back against the wall.

"No Jayne," you growled pressing your lips on mine. "You know you enjoyed it."

I fought to stop you, but I knew from the time in my flat that I couldn't, so I tried to pull away, but you were too strong and your grip was too firm. I squirmed my face from side to side, but you managed to keep our lips together. You pulled me tighter to you. You pressed your body against mine, squashing my tits against your chest. Your tongue was probing at my lips. I managed to keep them closed.

But then fuck it, something happened. My body started to respond, it started to betray me. Where once it had been you restraining me, now you were holding me; where it had been your body pressing against mine, now both were squirming against each other; where you had been forcing your bulge against me, now my mound was welcoming its firmness against it. And where my lips had been firmly closed so now, they were starting to open and your tongue was forcing its way inside.

I hadn't been with a young guy since we had been together. That isn't because I didn't want to, for although there had been some ugly and clearly unacceptable features of our time together, it had given me a taste for young men. It had made me realise what I had been missing and understand what girls at the gym or golf club meant when the wine flowed too readily and we got onto dirty talk. Yes, it had made me want to be fucked by young men and not the fifty-somethings I managed to attract. I reluctantly admitted, the idea of having frequent and repeat sex on tap where I got to be fucked several times in quick succession appealed and strongly! I dreamed of the hardness. I imagined the feel of a young buck's cock in my hands as his firm chest squashed my big tits. I fantasized about having two young men at my beck and call and being fucked almost continuously for hours on end, all evening and all night. But more than anything I visualised teaching young men, educating them, coaching and training them from being purely a fuck machine to becoming a lover.

But I was scared. With you it had been family. I wasn't sure whether that was better or worse from a danger and being caught point of view. I wasn't sure that if I seduced a stranger whether I would have more or less chance of being caught. So, I had done nothing. I was tempted. I met them at tennis, at the gym, with Sara's friends and doing odd jobs round the apartment complex where I lived. I managed to resist them, just. I watched Notes on a Scandal and The Reader. Both were films where older women seduced teenage boys. Shit was I like them, was I going mad, had I got a perversion?

I only had two lovers in the year between you fucking me and now, well three really for I had recently started having sex again with Peter, my ex. He was fine, he'd always been a good lover, his body was in good shape and his stamina for a nearly fifty-five-year-old was great. The other two I met through golf. One was well into his fifties, maybe early sixties for I had worked out men lie about their age, the other mid-forties. The latter was an overweight millionaire who had a dick that really needed a search party to find, but when he got going, he was like a bloody rabbit. The touch of his flabby body on mine was, however, a major difficulty for me. The other a successful advertising executive was strictly a once a night guy and although I tried to double that up a few times I wasn't able to make it and neither was he.

So, as Jack and I kissed, as part of my body's betrayal, my mouth opened. Slowly and just a little parting of the lips and teeth at first as your tongue probed, so it opened more as you persisted. And, as you grabbed my bum with one hand and my breast with the other so I gasped and then opened it fully.

Back in the party a few minutes later I was quite mortified when one of my mother's close friends said fairly loudly so that numerous people heard her.

"What on earth have you done to your trousers Jayne; they look all scuffed, right across that lovely bum of yours too."

"When can I come and see you," you said when I answered my mobile as I drove away from the party.

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Isn't it obvious why not?"

"I am legal you know."

That made me smile so I joked. "That's the reason Jack, you're far too old."

You laughed down the phone. "I'm just right now, you taught me well and I have some experience."

"No Jack, it's wrong."

"You like young guys, you told me enough fucking times. You do, don't you?"

Reluctantly I had to agree. "Yes, Jack I do."

"Then let's do it, let me see you and fuck you. I'll fuck you all night."

Your words and the enthusiasm with which you expressed them crashed into my mind, they reminded me of last time when you had almost fucked me all night and naturally, I guess, they excited me. They were, I realised partly reluctantly and partly with avid anticipation, saying exactly what I wanted to happen. I realised that yes, I did want to be fucked and if possible, all night.

"Jack its incest you're my nephew." I whimpered into the microphone as the phone was hands free.

"We aren't having fucking children Auntie, it's just sex."

Smiling I realised that my resistance had crumbled. I was beaten and I gave up. We made arrangements to meet. Hardly an hour went by over the next few weeks when I didn't think about it and regret it. I desperately wanted to back out, but somehow, I simply couldn't. I had to recognise that the lure of sex with a young man no, to be truthful with you, was stronger than my self-esteem or fear of committing more incest.

I met you at Canary Wharf DLR station. I was illegally parked in my BMW M3 with the hood down. I was getting loads of stares from the city boy traders some of whom tried it on a little. Then you came out of the station and walked across the concourse to me.

'This is fucking madness' I thought as my heart fluttered as I watched your gangly walk towards me.

"Hi Auntie."

"Hello Jack," I replied as we kissed each other on the cheeks.

"What was that about not staying at the apartment?" you asked.

"We're going to Norfolk," I said gunning the car as you fiddled with the radio searching for some awful music station, but then hey, a woman has to take the rough with the smooth in toyboyland, doesn't she?

As I slowly manoeuvred our way through the London Docklands' traffic, I explained that a friend owned a nice cottage right on the beach near Southwold. "It's very quiet and secluded," I told you. I didn't explain that the main reason I had asked Carey if I could use it was because I was worried that a neighbour or a friend might pop into the apartment and how would I explain you. Also, last time we were quite noisy and enjoyed sex outside, but now the apartment next door had been taken that would not be possible. The nearest house to the cottage in Norfolk was half a mile away; there was a pool, a decent sized garden and then right outside that there were miles of beach.

On the slow drive through the crowded streets of east London getting to the M11 we got loads of stares. It made me wonder just what they were thinking. I wondered if any guessed anywhere near the truth that I was taking my teenage nephew into the country to have him fuck me as much as he wanted for the next couple of days.


Since that amazing time at your apartment a year or so ago, my mind had wandered many times to what we had done together. Since then, I'd had a couple of short-term girlfriends and few one-night-stands. I'd also had a few fuck ups including one bird biting into my shoulder in her room as she shuddered to an orgasm on my fingers teasing and probing her whilst her parents watched some rubbish on television in the room below us. But, being a 'good' girl, she wouldn't go any further! But good girls weren't what I wanted! The main girlfriend who I still saw, well fucked, was in her late twenties she was engaged to some nerdy accountant, was hungry to explore and my hunger for sex at least matched hers but, I don't expect an invitation to the wedding!. She told me several times that I was the best she'd had including the accountant. Jayne, my Auntie, you had taught me well, very well indeed and I thank you so much for that.

Often in my moments alone, my mind returned to your flat and your gorgeous body. Your soft skin, short, blonde hair, with those sexy darker streaks, your glasses, particularly the dark rimmed ones, those full, ripe tits and your juicy, older, well used cunt. In bed after sex, we had worked out that you had probably been fucked about 4500 times so, well used was an apt term! The feelings, sensations and depravity that my aunt had fucked me were never far from my mind, and the times I wanked thinking of you since then are uncountable.

I was very aware of the ramifications of our very naughty secret getting out and I had no desire to make life difficult for either of us so I had not mentioned it to anyone although I had wanted to tell a couple of my more boastful mates. Naturally, I guess, I had such a strong desire to see you again, you had become my fantasy. As wrong as it was, even if I had reconciled myself to it, I dreamt of being inside you again. I didn't consider it incest now, I didn't want to fuck my Aunt I wanted to fuck you, Jayne a most desirable woman.

What made the whole situation more difficult, though, was having you in the background. Not only did I have the regular comments from my parents about you but every time I looked at my mum's tits my mind was drawn to you and your tits, her tits and yours became interchangeable and sometimes as I sucked you I found that I was sucking my mum's tits and then it became the other way round... oh god!

And then came the news, a family do and you'd be there!

I was no longer the bashful youth who mum had arranged to stay at your place when I had a two-day assessment for a job. Now, I was more assured and confident, probably even fairly cocky. I was growing into the man you had helped mould. Still with the edge of youth but with a physique pushing those youthful boundaries, so much so that I was prepared to stretch any boundaries if I could get you alone at the party!

Three weeks after the party here I was sat in your car. My heart was in my mouth and I had an ache in my balls, I was surprised when you started heading out of town.

"We're going to Norfolk," you informed me.

"What's that?" I asked wondering why we weren't simply going to your flat to fuck like two rabbits for a few days.

"Not what Jack, Norfolk's a county."

'Oh fuck' I thought realising I was making a fool of myself.

"Yeah right, I know that, but where is it and why?"

I cringed even more when I saw you smiling. "It's on the East Coast about a hundred miles away."

"Why we going there?"

"I have borrowed a lovely little cottage for us, nice and secluded," you told me adding as you put your hand on my knee and looked into my eye grinning. "We can make as much noise as we like there."

That sounds better I thought my cock tingling and balls itching with the touch of your fingers on my leg.


If I had been in an emotional turmoil before that family party, I was now in a mental maelstrom. If I had been confused before we talked, now I was totally puzzled. And if I had concerns about my imaginings about young men before I saw you walking across the piazza from Canary Wharf station now, with you sitting beside me in my car, they had become massive worries.

I simply couldn't understand myself and my wants and desires. Ok, it was fair enough for a mid-forties woman who had been used to pretty stimulating and very regular sex from her partner for many years, wanting to be fucked. It was more than ok also for her to want to be fucked hard, long and often. But for one to want to be fucked by a young guy like you, my nephew, surely that was wrong? You were only in your early twenties. But that's what I wanted and that's what this trip to Norfolk was all about. An older woman, an aunt being fucked by her twenty-two-year-old nephew. What the fuck was the matter with me? I had no answer to that.

Also, I had no answer to the incest thing. As you'd said, it wasn't as if we were going to be producing babies and that was the real incest issue. So, I could intellectually discount the fact that you were my nephew, well almost. Instead, as we sped up the M11 and I glanced at you from time to time, I saw a young stud and that made me tremble with both apprehension and anticipation. I wanted you, but I was hoping against hope that in the past few months you had not become super experienced, had lots of women, especially older ones and had become too adept at sex. I wanted to continue to teach you, show you the way, educate and coach you in the wiles and ways of wonderful sex. Jesus what a crock of shit was that? Was that what I really wanted? And why you? If I wanted a young stud, a toyboy, they weren't that hard to find. Several at the tennis club and a couple at the golf club had 'offered their services,' but no, I turned them down and fucked you, my nephew instead. Was incest the buzz, did I need that to go through with my 'teaching?' Fuck knows. On the boringly straight and tediously flat M11 I was lost in my thoughts but, as I realised, I was doing near to a hundred and slowed a bit I tried to rationalise it all and couldn't. So, I gave up.