Babysitting... And Sitting and More Ch. 06

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Jasmine and Mrs. Jennings deal with their new "arrangement."
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 05/14/2017
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*Author's Note: For longtime followers of this series, I apologize for the long delay in my writing. Even before my long break on Literotica, I was struggling a bit with being able to express this story. But I'm working toward the conclusion and already have some work done on the next (final?) chapter, so it won't be another year and a half before I publish it. Thank you again for your support.

All characters are at least 18 years old.


"I'm not going to let you two continue to make a fool of me," Mrs. Jennings said. She clenched her jaw and turned to Mr. Jennings. "I can't believe you would do that right in my face." She stood up and stomped toward the kitchen. Mr. Jennings reached out for her and tried to grab her hand, but she twisted her body and pulled her arm out of his reach.

"I don't know why you're so upset," Mr. Jennings said. "You basically let it happen. I asked you, and you said, 'no.' So, I went to Jasmine. She tried to include you, but I guess you thought it was too weird for all three of us to do it together."

Mrs. Jennings was at the sink getting a glass of water and twirled around to face her husband. "Of course it's weird. Two people should do it together, not three."

"But if you already knew we were going to do it, how can you get mad after the fact?" Mr. Jennings said.

I sat silently, hoping that neither of them dragged me into it. Things were uncomfortable enough as it was. Mrs. Jennings seemed genuinely upset. But Mr. Jennings had a point. I'd asked her to join us, so she couldn't really fault him for turning to me.

Mrs. Jennings threw back her half-glass of water like she was a chugging a beer and made her way back over to us. She stopped at the couch where her and Mr. Jennings' infant son Alex was lying on his stomach fast asleep. Mrs. Jennings reached down and gently stroked his blonde curls. I wondered what he'd make of this if he'd been awake and able to actually understand what was being said.

Mrs. Jennings turned back to us. She crossed her legs and plopped back down onto the floor. She started to say something, then stopped, then opened her mouth to speak again. "Fine. You two do what you want." She looked down and shrugged her shoulders as if having a silent conversation with herself. "Yeah, you two just go right ahead. Keep right on. I don't care anymore." She reached toward me, but Mr. Jennings' hand beat her to the spot and intercepted her. She lifted her eyes to him and offered a wry smile. "I'm going to get you both. Mark my words."

"Consider them marked," Mr. Jennings said. He had apparently reached the limit on his sympathy.

I slid my body back a couple inches. I could almost feel the heat coming off of both of their hands.

Mrs. Jennings lifted her hand and turned it over, palm up. "When I get my hotels up on Boardwalk and Park Place, I'm going to destroy you both. Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Marvin Gardens. Virginia Avenue, States Avenue, St. Charles Place," she said, listing off her most recently acquired properties. "There will be no escape."

Mr. Jennings picked up the dice in front of my right knee and dropped them into her open hand. "Ok, take it easy. Don't act like Jasmine and I made the property trade of the century here." He pointed across the Monopoly board on the floor between the three of us. "Even with hotels, the rent on Baltic and Mediterranean Avenue is like four dollars. We tried to make it a 3-way trade. If you had traded me--"

Mrs. Jennings shook her fist at him, almost looking like a cartoon character. "Save it." She turned to me. "And you. Maybe one day you'll learn that it's more fulfilling to earn things on your own rather than take what someone else has."

I shrunk back slightly. I had no idea she could be so competitive.

She turned back to Mr. Jennings and shook the dice in her hand. She tossed them across the Monopoly board, never breaking eye contact with Mr. Jennings. Her roll totaled three. Her racecar token was sitting on Ventnor Avenue, and moving it three spaces ahead meant--

"Oh, for fucks sake!" Mrs. Jennings shouted as she saw that she'd landed on the tile indicating that she had to go to jail. There was a small cry from the couch. Mrs. Jennings' outburst had woken Alex from his brief slumber. "Oh, no, I'm sorry, honey." Mrs. Jennings got to her feet and went over to console him. She lifted him from the couch and held him to her chest. After a few moments, he stopped crying and opened his mouth in a wide yawn.

I got to my feet and walked over to them and extended my arms. "Here, I'll put him to bed."

Mrs. Jennings gave him a kiss on top of his head and passed him to me. He cooed as I pulled him in close and carried him down the hallway to the back bedroom. I sat on the end of the bed and looked down at him. His eyelids were already sinking down. I ran my fingers across his hair and along the side of his face. He turned his head in the direction of my hand and nuzzled it. His body was so warm and seemed to radiate love. A literal bundle of joy.

As I continued to sit with him, waiting for him to drift back to sleep, I suddenly became aware of how at peace I was even though he wasn't my child. But since we'd been on this vacation, it had been almost like he was. The Jennings' had brought me along for extended babysitting services and help with caring for Alex around the clock. And in doing so, I came to realize I could do this full-time. I could be his mom--or, step-mom, rather. I could marry his father. I'd be a great wife. I'd do anything for him and give him anything. More children even.

The only thing in the way was Mrs. Jennings, but she was halfway out of the picture. She'd all but admitted that her husband wanted me more than he wanted her when she agreed to letting me have sex with him as long as we continued as if she didn't know about it and her husband didn't know she knew. But it didn't matter. She was on borrowed time. Mr. Jennings couldn't resist me. In time, he'd admit it to her, and then the two of us would be a family.

Alex's eyes had fallen shut, and he was breathing deeply. I leaned down and kissed his forehead and then stood and carried him to the makeshift crib on the side of the room. I gently lowered him into it and pulled the blanket over him. I took a moment to watch him to make sure he stayed asleep before going out the door.

The living room was silent as I walked back up the hallway. One or both of them had probably fallen asleep while waiting for me to come back.

As I entered the room, I saw that it was Mrs. Jennings who was asleep. Mr. Jennings didn't seem far off with his head lowered and his chin on his chest. Mrs. Jennings was lying on her stomach between Mr. Jennings outstretched legs with her head in his lap. But--her head was moving. That bitch was sucking his cock!

I froze in my tracks and watched her head bobbing slightly up and down, her long blonde hair moving with the motion. I wanted to walk over and kick her in it. But instead, I quietly veered off to the kitchen. I put my hands on the counter and braced myself. I closed my eyes and silently counted to ten. When I opened them, all I could see was red. I tucked my fingers beneath the counter and tried to pull it off the wall.

Why was she like this? And it wasn't the first time. She always threw her marriage in my face. She acted like she was something special, but all she'd done was meet Mr. Jennings before me. Because if it was the other way around, he'd be mine. And there wasn't a chance in hell that he'd be cheating on me with her.

I pulled a glass from the cabinet and slammed it on the counter. I ignored the shuffling sounds behind me as they scrambled apart and tried to act like nothing had been going on. I turned on the sink and filled the glass to the top, letting the cool water cascade down the back of my hand. I took a sip and dumped the rest down the drain. I touched my wet hand to my forehead, but it did little to cool my fury. I turned and walked to the living room.

"Alex got back to sleep?" Mr. Jennings asked. His voice was shaky with embarrassment as if he wasn't sure whether I'd seen Mrs. Jennings blowing him.

I nodded. "Yep, he went right out. Sleeping like...a baby." Mrs. Jennings chuckled at the unintentional pun, and it took everything within me not to look her way and shoot eye daggers at her. I crossed the room and returned to my seat on the floor. "Who's turn is it?"

"Actually, I'm getting a little sleepy," Mrs. Jennings said. "I think I'm going to turn in." She got to her feet and headed down the hallway to the back bedroom.

Pfft. Yeah right. She wanted to finish what she'd just started.

Mr. Jennings leaned forward and began clearing off the Monopoly board and returning the tokens to the box. I sighed and gathered up the money, sorting it by color, and returned it to its slots in the box.

We cleaned up in silence for several moments before I spoke. "I'll put a movie on. Did you have anything in mind that you wanted to watch?"

Mr. Jennings looked toward the hallway. "I'm a little tired too. How about a raincheck?"

I should've known he was going to follow her down the hall like a lost puppy. "Ok, that's fine." I didn't make any attempt to mask my disappointment.

"Well...I guess I don't have to go right away. I could hang out for a few minutes."

I walked over and picked up the remote and settled back on the couch. He glanced at the hallway again before coming to join me. I had to fight to keep the smile off my face. I didn't want him to think he was doing me any favors. But as soon as he leaned back and put his arm on the back of the couch, I leaned in against his body. Feeling his chest rise and fall against me made my heart flutter. I was so in love with him.

I handed him the remote and watched as he flipped through the channels before settling on an action movie that I didn't recognize. Before long, I was the one who ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, the TV was off and he was gone. I had no idea what time it was or how long I'd been asleep, but I was sure he'd gone to fuck Mrs. Jennings.

I got up from the couch and headed for my room. As I reached the door, I changed directions and continued down the hallway to the back bedroom. I don't know why. Maybe I intended to interrupt their fun. If I couldn't have Mr. Jennings tonight, I didn't want Mrs. Jennings having him either.

I stopped outside the door and listened. Silence. I had expected to hear low moans or grunts, but there was nothing. Maybe they were already finished.

I grabbed and slowly turned the door handle and eased the door open. The overhead lights were off, but the nightlight plugged into the outlet below the light switch cast a glow across the room. Mr. Jennings was lying on his back with the covers pulled up to his chin. Mrs. Jennings was lying on her back as well. She was lying on top of the covers and wearing the same clothes from earlier. Whatever she'd planned for him tonight had fallen apart. Excellent.

I grinned and leaned back through the doorway, pulled the door quietly closed. I got halfway back up the hallway to my room before pausing. Another grin crept across my face, and I returned to the Jennings' bedroom door. Once again, I slowly turned the door handle and opened the door. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings were still sleeping soundly, their chests rising and falling slowly with each breath.

I crossed the room to Mr. Jennings' side of their bed and knelt next to him. Even when he was asleep...there was just something about him. I wanted him so badly.

I looked over to Mrs. Jennings. She was still dead to the world. I reached for the edge of the sheet hanging off Mr. Jennings and lifted it while looking back and forth between him and her. When I got it off his legs, I saw that he'd stripped down to his boxers, and as I raised it further, I saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I couldn't help running my fingertips across his torso, tracing them over his solid pecs and then down to his abs. My fingers continued lower until they reached the waistband of his boxers. After a quick check to make sure they were both still asleep, I slipped my hand inside the hole in the front of his boxers. I smiled wide and stuck out my tongue when I felt the heat of his cock against my palm. He was semi-hard. I wondered what he was dreaming about. Probably me.

With small movements, I managed to work my hand around him and gently massaged it, biting down on the tip of my tongue as he grew to full size. Once he was there, I used my other hand to hold open the hole of his boxers and pulled his cock through. I moved closer to the side of the bed and pulled the sheet over my head. Feeling somewhat concealed from Mrs. Jennings, I leaned in and ran my tongue along the underside of Mr. Jennings' shaft. His body didn't respond. Emboldened, I opened my mouth and took him in, sliding my lips halfway down before returning to the head. It took about seven slow bobs before I heard Mr. Jennings snort in his sleep. Three bobs later, and his hips flexed and his hand came down on top of the sheet over the back of my head.

Encouraged, I brought my tongue into the action and swirled it around him as I continued to work my mouth up and down. I wrapped my hand around the base of his shaft and worked it in time with my mouth. My lips were slick with saliva as they slipped up and down his cock. I knew I was driving him wild when I felt his other hand go to the back of my head and slightly push down. At the same time, he raised his hips off the bed and pushed himself deeper into my mouth. I resisted the urge to cough and gag as his tip tapped against my tonsils.

"Oh, God, Ashley...that feels so good," he whispered.

I lifted my head, making a slurping sound as I pulled my mouth off his cock. I pulled the sheet off my head. "Guess again," I said, grinning at him with my wet mouth.

He lifted his head from his pillow. "Jasmine?" he said, louder than he should have.

We both froze and looked over at Mrs. Jennings as she muttered something in her sleep. She lifted her arms above her head and faded back into whatever dream she was having.

When he was satisfied that she wasn't waking up, Mr. Jennings said, "Jasmine! What are you doing?" His voice was a whisper, but it had all the urgency as if he'd yelled it at the top of his lungs.

"I'm just helping you out since Mrs. Jennings fell asleep on you."

"We can't do this. You have to get out of here before she wakes up."

"Let me just finish you off. You'll sleep better."

Mr. Jennings waved his hands at me. "No, get out of here."

I made a pouting face. I still hadn't removed my hand from his wet cock and slid it up and back down to the base. Mr. Jennings let out a low moan. I grinned and did it again, and he moaned again and dropped his head back down to his pillow. I leaned forward and flicked my tongue over the tip of his cock, drawing another moan. When his hands returned to the back of my head, I opened my jaw wide and rubbed the tip of his cock along the inside of my cheek which drew another round of moans from him and caused him to grab my hair.

I had been slow and secretive before, but now I was reckless and determined. I wanted to make him cum. I wanted to make him cum right next to his sleeping wife. She had failed to satisfy him yet again, but I was more than willing to show him that I had what she was lacking.

I slid my mouth and hand up and down Mr. Jennings in tandem, creating a continuous shaft for him. Every few strokes, I paused at the top to wrap my tongue around the head, much to his apparent delight. He began pulling my head down to meet his upward thrusts.

Despite the noise I was making on his cock, he did nothing to reduce the sound. He was solely focused on the blowjob. Part of me wanted Mrs. Jennings to wake up and see me sucking off her husband. She'd given me permission and knew I was doing it when she wasn't around, but I wanted her to witness it. I wanted her to know how much he enjoyed it. I wanted her to know how much he enjoyed me. How much he loved me.

I slipped my mouth off his cock with an audible pop. Mr. Jennings lifted his head and looked down at me with a confused expression. I narrowed my eyes and looked across at Mrs. Jennings who was still sleeping and then looked back at Mr. Jennings. He must've known I was up to something because he sat up on his elbows and pushed against my shoulders.

"Let's finish this up tomorrow. She's liable to wake up at any moment." He gave me another gentle shove when I didn't move. Finally, I released his cock and got to my feet. A look of relief washed across his face, but it immediately turned to panic when I put my knee on the side of the bed. "Jasmine!" I ignored him and leaned across his body. He grabbed me around the waist.

I turned my head to him. "I just want to kiss Mrs. Jennings goodnight." I grinned again and strained to pull myself through his grip while he fought to keep me from crawling over him.

I don't know why, but at that moment, I wanted to kiss those full lips, still tainted with strawberry red lipstick. It wasn't a feeling of attraction, but I wanted to feel them. I wanted her to feel mine. I wanted her to feel the wetness on my lips that had just been bathing her husband's cock. I wanted her to taste his cock on my lips.

I strained again against Mr. Jennings' desperate grip but finally gave up and slid off the bed. I scraped my fingernails down his chest and continued lower, but he reached up and grabbed my wrist before I reached his cock which was still standing tall. I gave him an exaggerated frown. "Ok, I guess I'll go back to my bed. All alone. want to come tuck me in."

Mr. Jennings turned his head and looked at Mrs. Jennings who was still sound asleep. He looked back at me and shook his head. "Tomorrow. We'll finish this tomorrow."

Yeah right. As soon as I was out of the room, he'd roll over, wake up Mrs. Jennings, and finish himself off with her.

I snatched my hand free from his grip and walked to the door. When I reached it, I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up over my head and dropped it on the floor. Then I reached back and unhooked my bra and let it fall on the floor on top of it. I unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to my feet before stepping out of them. Finally, I hooked my fingers into the waistband of my panties and slid them down, bending over at the waist, knowing Mr. Jennings was staring at my ass. I pulled them over my feet, but instead of leaving them in the pile of clothes I'd created at the door, I twirled them over my head, turned, and flung them at the bed. My aim was off, and they ended up falling on the floor despite Mr. Jennings' attempt to grab them out of the air.

He turned and looked at me with wide eyes and a slight grin. I stood at the door and ran my hands over my neck and collarbone, across my breasts, down over my stomach, and brought them to rest on my hips. I cocked my head to the side and waited.

I could see the indecision playing out on Mr. Jennings' face as he looked at Mrs. Jennings and back at me. After about ten seconds of watching his eyes roam across my naked body, I shrugged and turned to the door and walked out of the room.

At the very least, even if he didn't follow me, he'd have to get up and pick up my clothes. I didn't think he'd be able to come up with an explanation for them if Mrs. Jennings woke up and found them there.

I walked into my room and turned on the bedside lamp and then dropped onto my bed face first. I lifted my head and propped myself up onto my elbows and rested my chin on my hands. And waited.

Seconds passed. Minutes.

And then finally, I heard the sound of shuffling feet outside my door. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Mr. Jennings standing in my doorway with my clothes in my arms. "You forgot these. I just wanted to make sure you didn't lose them." He walked over and dropped them onto the foot of my bed.