Back to Skool Ch. 02

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Sofia shows intelligence, and gets rewarded.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 04/19/2024
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This is the continuation of Sofia's story, the teacher sentenced to 7 years of slavery and 500 lashes for vehicular manslaughter, and Miguel, her owner. The story takes place in contemporary Portugal but in an alternative reality.

This story takes place after the events described in "Don't Drink and Drive" and "Sex on the Beach" and is set in the universe I created in the "Portuguese Crime Reduction Act." Although it could be included in the original series, I thought it would be better to present it as a separate and independent story. To better understand the universe that I am creating, I recommend that you read all my stories. If I have the time, I will continue to write more.

In this part, I also open the doors to new stories, in the same universe.

I would appreciate it if you could comment and give your opinions and suggestions.


Sofia Pov.


08:00 am, the bell rang to call the students for the first class of the day. It had already been one of the most intense days of my life, but so far, the balance was positive. Despite the welts from the first 6 lashes of my 500-lash sentence still throbbing on my breasts, buttocks, stomach, and back, and the rollercoaster of emotions that had been the previous two hours, I found myself once again inside a classroom as a teacher. I was to serve my sentence, but I also knew that I wouldn't have to do it alone. Miguel had shown that he was more than just my owner; perhaps "Patron" would be a more fitting term for him.

My students began to enter the classroom. I had been absent for three days, and everyone knew why. Some of the students and their families had been present during my trial and subsequent sentencing. Most of them had testified on my behalf, and I suspect their testimonies played a part in my relatively lenient sentence. A few had also witnessed the enslavement ceremony where I was stripped naked in the courtroom, and then uttered the words:

"I, Sofia Daniel Santos, deemed a slave by the ruling of this court in accordance with the law of the Portuguese Republic, do hereby submit to Miguel Mourato as my master and rightful owner. I am bound by this oath to obey his will in all matters pertaining to me, abandoning my own desires and serving him with both body and mind to the utmost of my capabilities."

Most of them were surprised to see me, many were whispering, possibly having witnessed the display Miguel had made by parading me on a leash on the coffee shop and inside the school.

"Good morning, let's take attendance." I glanced around the classroom and didn't spot any empty seats, but it was a ritual meant to interrupt the chatter of recess and signal the start of the lesson.

"Ana Guerra?" "Here." "Antonio Ribeiro?" "Here." This chant continued until I finally called out the last name, "Xavier Mata?" "Here."

My 20 students from class A1 were all present, I had two more classes, A2 and A3, all students in their 12th grade. By the time students reach the 12th grade, they are usually from classes A or B; the most troublesome ones either get transferred to different schools or give up on education without even attempting to enter university.

I chose to silence the whispers and rumors before starting the lesson. "As you all know, I was involved in a car accident where a young man died, leading me to be sentenced to seven years of slavery and 500 lashes. However, this changes nothing between us; I still remain your teacher. The only difference now is that I must wear this collar and am owned by the gentleman some of you saw this morning, walking me on a leash."

I peered upon their faces, knowing that soon the questions would arise, some easier to answer than others.

Isabel Matos, the class representative and also the president of the student association, stood up and spoke in a formal tone. It's challenging to be formal at 17, but she straightened herself up and said.

"You are is our best teacher, and both as a student representative and on a personal level, I am very pleased that you will continue to be our teacher." Her words almost made me cry.

"Stora Why did that evil man have a leash on you? did you try to run away?" It was a question from a small shy girl in the back, it was a hard question.

"No Vanessa I didn't try to escape, and Miguel is not a bad man; on the contrary, the leash is just a ceremonial thing. It serves to show everyone that I am a slave and belong to that man and no one else." My answer was not really true, the leash served two purposes: it humiliated me but also protected me. Being Miguel's slave meant I couldn't be approached by other men. But every time I had to use the leash in public, I felt humiliated.

Carlos Braz raised his hand, and I nodded to indicate he could speak. "Miss, you told us that slavery is an outdated system of labor organization, but are we now back to having slaves?" The question was relevant since Portugal had abolished slavery in mainland Portugal since the 18th century, but unfortunately, it was making a comeback. I wasn't referring to cases like mine involving judicial slaves, but rather to the hordes of immigrants from Southwest Asia and Africa who, despite being free, were virtual slaves.

"It's a very interesting question, Carlos, my situation doesn't fit into the work organization; it's a punishment for a crime, it has no impact on the economy, but wouldn't it be good if you and your colleagues thought about the consequences of having 20% of the population made up of slaves again, like in the 16th and 17th centuries? I want a written response to this question in the next class." The other students looked at Carlos with displeasure, but I was a good teacher, not for providing answers but rather for asking questions.

"Stora, I saw the way your owner exposed your breasts in the coffee shop. How can you allow him to abuse you? If he is a such a good man, he should not treat you like that, it is legalized rape, you should fight him."The girl speaking was Sara Messias, one of my most intelligent but also troublesome students. Looking at her, you wouldn't think she was a straight-A student. With her blue hair, piercings, and Left Bloc t-shirt, she was the leader of an anarchist environmentalist movement. She was either going to end up with a collar around her neck like me or, in parliament, maybe both.

"What you're telling me is that you accept your situation voluntarily, how can anyone accept slavery voluntarily?" Sara was putting me in a position of moral weakness that could undermine my authority as a teacher.

"Yes, Sara, I accepted this sentence with all its bad but also its good, it was a voluntary choice All slaves made the same choice I did; I chose to be a judicial slave and not a prisoner or a corpse. Others in the past have chosen to be slaves on sugar cane plantations instead of being killed in a gruesome way. The choice is never easy, but there is always a choice. Perhaps you would have chosen differently; I hope you never have to." She was not convinced.

"How can you insinuate that slavery is the responsibility of the slaves, and what good can there be in slavery?" It wasn't a question but an accusation. For Sara, everything was black and white, but life was grey.

"I never said that slaves are responsible for slavery, but that it's an individual's choice when placed in a situation where they have to make that choice. I had to make that choice after being convicted for the death of a boy; others had to make that choice after being defeated in battle. And yes, there are good things in slavery; for me, being able to have this conversation with you is a good thing, preferable to being locked in a 6-square-meter cell." She gave me a condescending smile.

"I like you, Stôra, but no one should be enslaved," Sara said.

"Did you want Stôra to be in prison? Dahh!" Said a boy, but I couldn't tell if it was Mario Brás or Tiago Sá.

It was a hard conversation to have. What would be the most painful choice? And which one is the most honorable? I myself did not know yet; other students gave their opinions, and I decided to end it and switch to teaching history as I was supposed to do.

"Kids, No more talking about me! We were talking about post-World War II in Europe and the effects it had on the world order... Vasco, pay attention. Stop playing with your cell phone, and you too Isabel." They got faces red as peppers, and I continued my lesson talking about the importance of the colonial empires to europe, and how USA and URSS removed the old colonial powers to better exploit the resources of 3rd world countries, and how oil and other resources are located in all the major conflict areas of the world.

"We must end oil to get peace." Sara interrupted.

"And how do we do that? Sara, any Ideas?" If history teaches us anything, it is that there will always be a need for another scarce resource be it oil, coal or water. What would Sara's solution be?

"The government and the EU should ban Oil and gas, all cars should run on electricity only." Sara and her kind never stop to think about how electric energy is produced.

"That is a great idea, I want you all to write an essay about the quantity of power 4 million cars use and where can we get clean alternatives to gas and oil. We will read and debate the best essays next time." It was going to be an interesting debate, and they will learn better than from any textbooks why electric cars are a fraud.

TRIIIIMMMMM! The bell rang and all the kids started to leave the classroom, "Vasco, Isabel I need to talk to both of you!"

"Why Stôra?" Isabel asked in a shy voice.

"Because you two were messing around with your cellphones in class, can I see them?" They were very embarrassed.

"It is private... you can't..." Vasco Anjos protested feebly.

"Here, stôra, take mine... but it is... gross... It wasn't me." Isabel gave me her cell phone, almost crying, while Vasco was looking for a hole to crawl into.

I took Isabel's Phone and looked into her WhatsApp, there I saw the messages, pictures of me naked from the court, some messages, and a dick pic of Vasco

(See your role-model's tities I bet they are better than yours.)

(Stop it creep)

(image of a penis)

(See I showed you mine; you can show yours.)


Isabel was crying, I took her apart. Isabel, you didn't do anything wrong, don't cry. Vasco and I will talk about what happened. Give me a strong hug."

"Stôra, he... I think he likes me... but I...he is a jerk!" She hugged me tightly.

"And you like him too but he's a jerk, most men are jerks." I held her close, thinking how women are even more foolish for loving them.

Isabel left the room and I stood alone with him, locked the door so that no one could Interrupt us.

"Vasco Anjos, what do you have to say?" I asked him with a stern tone.

"I'm sorry... I didn't... think." Of course, you didn't think you idiot, if you had thought, you wouldn't have done what you did.

"You did not think, and now you are thinking?" I asked him.

"I apologize. You are the most beautiful woman... and Bé...mean Isabel she..." He couldn't bring himself to look at me, his voice trembling.

"Look at me when I am speaking to YOU!"

"Sorry, I am ashamed... I just wanted to date Isabel... and she idolizes you..." I had that figured.

"You thought Isabel would want to go out with you if you sent her a photo of me completely naked in the middle of the court and another photo of your penis? Is that it?" I retorted sarcastically.

"Yes... No... I was challenging her... I was stupid," he said, his eyes once again on the ground.

"Yes, you were stupid, YOU ARE STUPID! Do you have any idea of how stupid you are?" I knew his level of stupidity. I had a workshop on bullying and sexual harassment.

"I am sorry... I will delete your photo... and mine." He said almost crying.

"You are sorry. Well, I am sorry too, look at me, see this collar around my neck; I will have the next seven years to be sorry, you like my breasts; look at them; then see how hot they look now." I unbuttoned my blouse and showed him my breasts--not the pure white ones of the picture, but the ones with the blue whelps across. He was shocked at the sight of my breasts, turning his eyes away.

"I didn't mean to offend you... I am so sor... I... can I go?" He could not go not yet.

"I am not offended, I know all of you boys have nude pictures of me and probably masturbate looking at them; that is ok." It was a lie. I still don't feel okay, but my owner loves taking nude pictures of me.

"No, you can't go. How old are you, Vasco?" I told him in an admonishing tone.

"I'm 18 years old, just turned 18 last month... Why?" Fear was replacing shame in his voice.

"And Isabel, how old is she?" If she were a minor, it would be hell on earth for all involved, me included.

"The same; she is the oldest of the class; she was born on January 1st; she complains about that."

I cut him and said, "At least that, Do you have any idea of what you have done?" I asked him.

"Yes, I was a jerk, I thought... I was just having fun and flirting, but Isabel was upset... and you miss." the tears ran down his face, his voice stuttering.

"Yes, you were a jerk, but legally, it is far worse. You have sent pornographic pictures to a fellow student inside a school; lucky for you, Isabel is not a minor."

"What do you mean legally?" He was scared.

"Let me think about it: bullying, sexual harassment, dissemination of pornographic material, sexual coercion, and sexual offenses in a school environment. I am sure the police can add a few more, If I were a free woman, I could add invasion of privacy. Here, take your phone back and google all those crimes and the respective sentences." He took the phone back He started touching the screen frantically.

"It can't be It is not right... 12... no, 15 years... I can't go to jail, please... I just deleted these here it never happened... please miss... I won't do it again ever." His eyes were flat with tears.

"And don't forget that you will probably also get an ancillary sentence; in a case like yours, it will likely be some form of sexual punishment. I know sex offenders are emasculated." He was in a panic.

"Emasculated? Will they cut my balls? I beg you... don't tell anyone, I won't do it again, please miss..." In reality, I was the wrong person for him to beg,Isabel was his victim, none of those were public crimes; if they were, I would be bound to report them.

"Cut your balls, no, that would be barbaric. During the time of the sentence, the penis and balls are simply placed inside a very small metal cage." I used an ironic tone, It was probably even worse than plain castration, but I let the image of his penis inside a metal cage sink in.

"Please miss... I can't... I beg you... Don't let them put my balls in a cage." He was right where I wanted him, ready to be redeemed.

"You know, Vasco, you are an excellent student, and I would love to be able to help you, but for that, you would also have to help me, and of course, stop seeing women as objects for your pleasure." His eyes looked at me, hoping to find a way out.

"Anything, miss, just say it; just don't let them put my balls in a cage, I will do anything you say." It's incredible how men value sex above their own lives. What terrified him the most wasn't the prospect of imprisonment or slavery, but the idea of a tiny, restrictive metal box that would imprison his penis and testicles.

"Ok, pay attention. I shall say this only once. You will apologize to Isabel if and only if she accepts your apologies. You will then volunteer to tutor any of your colleagues who need tutoring. Needless to say, you will have to maintain your grades--no less than an 18 average. Last but not least, you will deliver a letter for me; you must do it yourself and alone. Any doubts?" He was so grateful and relieved; it was like if I had removed the nose from his neck at the last second.

"No, miss, thank you. I will delete all your pictures from my phone. I promise you won't regret giving me another chance. Thank you so much." I sincerely hope so, Vasco, for your sake.

"You can go now and meet me in my office at 11 a.m." I went to my office, I had a letter to write and classes to prepare, and in there I could avoid the teacher's room and all the gossip and small talk.

"Yes, miss, thank you." He left the classroom, it was my first crisis solved,and it could help me improve the grade average of the school, plus Vasco would be taught a valuable lesson.

I gave two more lectures to two different classes; I repeated the same story. The student's reactions had been similar, and possibly more of them had shared photos of me naked. If I can raise my student's grades by the end of the school year, this part of my life will return to normal.

Knock!KnocK! 11h00m: I see Vasco is right on time, "You may enter; the door is open." My voice is calm.

Isabel was already inside, sitting on one of the three wooden chairs I had bought to my office; the plastic ones were horrible to look at and caused a pain in the back.

"Isabel Vasco has something to tell you: Go ahead, Vasco." Vasco looked at me and at Isabel. His face was as embarrassed as he could be.

"Hum... Isabel, I want to ask you to forgive me for my childish behavior. I was rude and disrespectful, both to you and to Miss Sofia. I can understand if you don´t speak to me again, but I still like you and was hoping we could be friends. I am a liar. I wanted us to be more than just friends, but I guess I just ruined that. I am truly sorry." He was so ashamed, but I could see that he was being sincere in his apologies. I looked at Isabel, waiting for her reaction.

Isabel looked at me like she wanted my guidance. "What do you say, Isabel? Should we accept his apologies? Maybe I should cane him in the bottom a few times so he can learn not to be an asshole? Pass me the cane, Isabel, and you bend over and drop your pants, pervert."

"No! Don't cane him, Stôra; he is dumb and stupid, but I forgive him Please don't beat him." The way Isabel stood between me and Vasco, just like she stood between Miguel and I back at the coffee shop, told me two things: she had more than forgiven him, those two would soon be a couple, and no one should ever threaten someone that she loves.

He breathed deeply and looked at Isabel. I felt like an intruder in my own office. I called Vasco apart and whispered in his ear, "You have more luck than sense, but I want you to deliver this letter today, and I don't want you dating Isabel before I have an answer to the letter. Remember, I own these." Without Isabel noticing, I reached out and lightly squeezed Vasco's penis.

"Yes, Miss. I will deliver it today." He was enthusiastic.

I turned my attention to Isabel after Vasco left."Isabel, dear, I would like you to remove all the photos from your phone and refrain from discussing what transpired with anyone. These apparent trivial actions can carry significant consequences." She nodded.

"Of course, Stôra, I won't tell a soul. You know Vasco is just a dumb boy. Glad you did not cane his ass... buttocks... Sorry... " I smiled at her slip. If only she knew how serious the matter could have become if it were another person who found the photos on their cell phones.

"Get out, before I wash your dirty mouth with soap." She went out, giggling.

It felt good to see young people falling in love, I took care of some bureaucratic work, and went home after a light lunch In the School canteen, the food is not great but not as bad as the kids say it is and it is quite healthy, plus it was free, Miguel told me he was getting me a bank card for my expenses and pocket money but had failed to do so.