Bad Girl's Night Out Ch. 02

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The Trio Leaves the Club For A Nasty Anal Threesome.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 04/19/2024
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Bad Girl's Night Out; Maggie and Nicole part 2

Now it was just the three of us in all that shadowy darkness that smelled of dust, rust, and urban decay. At the dark's far end lay the building's gaping exit and we made for it. Crossing that vast empty floor in all that murky black, the only sounds we could hear were the clomping boots of my bare-assed female companions and their hilariously high as fuck cackles.

Now when I say, "made our way" I mean, it was best I could manage with the two stoned and well-sloshed (not to mention well fucked), women to either side of me hanging on my arms. Everything was now hysterically funny to them and they teetered and veered in a left or right zigzag with me but we managed to push along step by unsteady step, (that is until Nicole announced she had to pee).

Without warning she promptly squatted bang in the middle of the warehouse floor and held my hand. She continued to hold my hand somewhere down in that darkness and began pissing as Mag's mentioned that Nicole's weed had always affected her in quite a similar diuretic fashion. Then while Nicole made a sizzling ammonia puddle between her boots, Mags pulled in close to me and kissed my neck while placing Nicole's blunt to my lips.

I figured, 'What the fuck,' and I took a hit. I mean, I'd promised Maria not to drink and it was just one little hit, plus the drive back to the AirBnB wasn't a long one. Mags then plucked it from my mouth and brought it to her own lips for a good long hit to kill it before she flicked it aside and kissed me again, this time full on the mouth and grabbling a handful of dick and balls through my jeans.

I was fine with all of that right up until she blew a great lungful of smoke into my mouth, (well to be perfectly fine with it after but FUCK tell a guy). Oh well, it wouldn't be good to spoil the surprise. Maria again, I want you to know, I at LEAST didn't drink anything. My hardon began to swell in her grip.

With the break of the kiss came the big stinky skunky exhale and the finish to the piss. Both bare-assed ladies joined me on either arm and we now moved to the gape of the sliding warehouse doorway. We were outside now with the stars shining down upon us and a slight autumn nip in the air.

We moved across the gravel drives between the machine sheds and past the loading docks, all silent and sad, the boots of the ladies making crunching sounds on the pebbly surface. We passed in and out of shadows and retraced our steps through the maze of empty tin buildings. At some point one of the tequila bottles came out of a purse, and then its twin emerged from the opposite hand bag.

The ladies clinked their bottles across my chest as we walked. A messy and unfathomable toast was shouted and then both bottles found pretty feminine lips and were tipped skyward, the last contents glug glug glugging down two very pretty and oh so "choke-able" necks. A second later and there was a crash of glass to my left and then to my right as the empties were discarded and drunken giggles and snorts from my companions filled the air.

We walked on until we made that final turn and stood before the car, basking in the glow of the streetlamp above. While both ladies swayed and giggled I fumbled for the keys in my pocket. My dexterity was a bit "off." Thing was, I was beginning to feel "it" too. Whatever that shit was Nicole had procured, it worked fast.

At first I thought I was tired but no, I knew this sensation for what it happened to be; just not this sudden or overwhelming. I felt happy and upbeat about writing the very story I'm banging away upon now. I also had a simply ferocious boner desperately in need of a good banging away upon once again.

I'd no sooner popped the driver's door open and was about to tell the girls to hop in when Maggie announced that now she too had to pee. Before I could advise her to move into the shadows, she was already squatting, RIGHT THERE, bare-assed and fully exposed by the the street light above the vehicle! It didn't matter to her though; it was as if the glare were some sort of limelight and she was center stage, cackling and yelling with Nicole as if she were daring somebody to come discover us.

Her steaming ammonia gush commenced to sizzle in the dirt below her seconds later. Presently a large bubbling puddle began to spread across the ground beneath her, with little yellow bubbles travelling this way and that across its surface as she and Nicole continued to howl, and I looked left and right hoping we'd not have anyone watching us.

I listened intently, trying to determine what was the noise of movement close by and what was merely the sound of cars passing on the nearby highway late at night. Well, the place was deserted enough and we'd easily hear footsteps of anyone's approach. Up until now, our very same steps had reverberated off shed and building alike. Still there was no sense throwing caution to the wind, I needed to shut these two up and get them in the car and back to my place.

First thing was to make Maggie a bit more silent. I fumbled with my belt and suddenly she stopped cackling as BONK! my dong hit her on the nose. Her instincts took over and my cock found itself in her jowls as she commenced throating me. The whole time she kept spraying the parking lot like an alley cat making the rounds.

I filled my hand with her pretty red hair and the back of her skull and commenced shagging her throat. Now my free hand shot around Nicole's waist and I pulled the surprised hottie in for a kiss. Nicole immediately returned the embrace and threw arms about me as I slid my hand between her legs and began to fingerblast her. It worked! Save the hiss of Maggie's urine jet piddling an ever-growing lemonade lake beneath her boots and the far off traffic of the highway, all was silent now, (well, save loud SHLUP SHLUP SLUP noises Mags made upon my dong).

Mags was finishing up with her piss and was straightening up upon her two shaky legs and now all was good. We could get out of here and... GUESS AGAIN. Now Nicole announces she has to piss again and the two launch a loud duet of laughter into the night sky, making me immediately glance around. Without a word, Mags steps from the puddle and Nicole moved the middle of the piddle pond and squatted, taking my ding-dong up in her cocksucker and going to work on it as she began to fizzzz and spritz in an overall effort to make that nasty body of water even bigger!

"Better in than OUT," Mag's chuckled, "after all, you don't want us to have to go while we're in your car."

With that, she pulled me in for a kiss in the same fashion as Nicole had done before and in the same manner as before with Nicole, I now finger diddled Maggie's now soaked snatch; using the pee in her unwiped twat as a sort of lubricant to slick-stroke her clit and pink pussy pit. It was all nice and quiet and hot and horny for the three of us when all of the sudden, Mag's tongue pushed something in my mouth, DEEP!

I swallowed. It was quite the lump I thought. A second later, Mag's wicked grin told me all I needed to know. She'd somehow managed to slip me one of those gummis! That sneaky little shit! Gotta love her, but SHIT, I was the designated driver and I'd already puffed on that skunky blunt back in the ware-house.

Now we were in a race for time. If the blunt was strong I knew that gummi had to be Olympic level. Nicole finished whizzing and I motioned for them to go to the other side of the car and get the fuck in.

Okay, perhaps I should have been one, more specific and two, more meticulous; for I'd hopped into the driver's seat with my pants still open and my wobbily ding dong whipping around like Dumbo's trunk. On the other side of the shift column, both Maggie and Nicole had piled into the the front passenger side. Nicole was seated bare-assed in Mag's lap and was somehow attempting to get the seatbelt across the both of them as Mag's hollered,


My car already smelled of a hundred things I didn't want to explain to a cop. I started the engine and we backed up before then swirving out of the lot, in the rear view mirror I could clearly see the streetlamp reflecting on Pennsylvania's newest wetland. That was the last thing I CLEARLY remember until now as I type this.


I don't recall the drive home. I recall images, like when you try to remember a fever dream and its several hours after you are awake. Its mostly gone but still a lot is there in my head. Let me do my best.

I remember thinking to myself that I was doing fine; stopping red lights and stop signs, yielding right of way at traffic circle, and maintaining the speed limit. I kept checking my mirrors to ensure no police were eyeing me. Happily, there were none around from what I could see.

As I was congratulating myself at one such red light, I realized I'd Maggie's pretty red mane bobbing up and down with vigor in my lap and my prick in the warm stewy squeeze of her lovely cocksucker. In retrospect it had been going on for quite some distance, but it was there and then that it struck me what was happening. It was only then and there I was cognizant of both the marvelous roadhead happening below my steering wheel, and the fact Nicole was busy with hands all over and up inside Mag's lower extremities as she streamed a torrent of lewd suggestions and incoherent giggles at her red-headed bestie. Well so much for inconspicuous.

At some point I remember braking and yielding right of way to a large semi-trailer. After letting the trucker pass, I noticed it was now Nicole's pretty head I palmed in my lap. Glancing over into the front passenger seat, my eyes met those of Mag's, who stared back with a mixture of lust and devilry across her face. Just as Nicole had done to her, she'd one hand up inside Nicole; making a pretty finger puppet of her friend and all while Nicole groaned and mooed like a dairy cow with a mouthful of myself.

Hot macaroni and cheese sounds rose up from Nicole's well-stirred crotch. Apparently Mag's fingers had hit the spot. Down in my lap things were now equally warm and gooey, as I could feel the trickles freely running down my shaft and collecting at my balls, taint and asshole; as Nicole worked a vigorous blowjob handjob combo on my junk.

"What the fuck was in that gummi?" I gasped.

"Oh, a little this and that. A friend of mine adds a little something SOMETHING to it. You'll love it, love the whole world, even!"

Okay, so whatever was in my nervous system, it was ANYTHING but a garden variety cannabinoid or THC infused Scooby snack. At the moment I noticed that my dash instruments had transformed; the circles containing my tach and my speedometer replaced by two lovely giant female eyes. The front of my steering wheel containing my driver's side airbag had now puffed up into a pair of red bee-stung lips. A lewd tongue ran along the upper lip and my speedometer winked at me boldly, before the mouth became a pretty smile.

Mag's was right about one thing, I DID love the whole world now; hell I wanted to fuck it, pull its hair and slap its tits and before spitting in its mouth. I had this strange insatiable need to find Mother Earth's steaming vag and simply raw dog it until sunup. Until I did so, Nicole's greedy cock gobbling head would just have to do (okay the whole idea seemed good at the time).

It was about that time, that both eyes in my dashboard went wide with a realization. It was as if they were filled with alarm. The mouth went from warm smile to a terrified shout of,


Drive? Did she say dri... Oh wait, we were sitting in the middle of the road. That semi seemed long gone. How long had we just been sitting here?

Figuring such things were better off investigated back home, I hit the gas and sped the last couple hundred yards to the Airbnb which was now clearly in view, apologizing to the deeply concerned hallucination in my steering wheel. Arriving at our destination, I turned into the drive. The lips in the wheel chastised me for not signaling.

We parked around to the rear by my door on the side of the building facing the river. In a moment of clarity, I recall feeling overwhelming relief of having gotten us to someplace safe. I was then back in the haze of whatever this thing was pumping through my veins and making me burn with raging horniness.

Then again, to call me horny didn't go halfway to describing it. I'd been "transformed" into something else. I was the goat god, the ultimate satyr, a fiend above all other fiends!

As I pranced up the walk, heading to the door with my keys out, I realized I'd left something else out. I'd simply never pulled up trousers nor zipped from the last bit of road head, (then again such conventions are meaningless when you're a god). The two shrilly screaming nymphs frolicking close behind on my heels probably would have agreed wholeheartedly, however, (as they were consumed by fits of laughter upon noticing my ding dong wibble-wobbling left to right like it was seeking out the correct door). I suppose I should simply chalk it up to another one of those occasions that was less than my finest moment, despite my feelings at the time.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!" some rotten bastard screamed off a balcony some ways off, the light from his bedroom having just come on.


Well, this sent my two companions into absolute seizures. Mag's fell to the ground as if unable to breath, then her laughter rose deep from her chest like an explosion of HA HA HAH's! Similarly stricken but still able to stand, Nicole helped Mags to her feet. The two took several seconds to get themselves together, before exploding in fits of laughter all over again.

My key went in the door and I shook the handle. It was then I saw the eyes from the dash board of the car had returned; this time at the door and level with my own. Below them was that pretty mouth again scolding,

"Wrong door, Dummy! Yours is down and around to the right, first door; same place as its always fucking been! OH AND BE QUIET! We'll be lucky if somebody doesn't call the cops on us."

I thanked her and seized up my two female companions by the arm. Down the passageway the three of us pushed and then around to the right, just as I'd been instructed. I set the key in the handle and Mags presently seized me by the face, kissing me hard as her hand found my cock and began to frig. As I worked the lock she worked my stiffie. Nicole for her part, had managed to throw arms around us both; providing bites first to my neck then to that of Maggie's, (the weed apparently having stricken her with the munchies).

The door opened and we spilled in. It was one of those spill-ins you'd see in the movies, with he or she getting pushed up against the wall and a set of lips pressing lips HARD and there is a loud KLUMP and lots of breathy moans and kissy sounds. That's how I recall things now anyway, (except it was three folks and the exact order of who smashed against whom is somewhat unclear). I must admit I felt the wall rush up and attack me from behind me so I'm guessing it was Mag's smashing me up against it before she commenced mouth-shagging me, (while an equally ardent Nicole went to work with mouth, hands, and grinding crotch upon us both).

With the door kicked closed and my keys finding their place on the hook, this clotted mass of fleshy humanity stumbled into the room. Someone suggested a shower and never separating from one another, we continued to kissy-grope-stagger as one towards the bathroom. We bounced along the way into things, pinball fashion; shedding garments and leaving a trail of clothes the whole way. The last two items to find themselves on the floor were Nicole's boots and socks, then we were through the door to the master bath. Naked as the day we were born we tumbled into the shower.

Steam and soap should have sobered us up and provided for tranquil clarity. The opposite was true. As things began to fog up, so did we and as things began to heat up, we did as well.

I remember being up against Mag's in the steam with my lips pressed to hers. The showerhead beat down upon us in a savage hydraulic staccato while below us Nicole sucked my balls and jacked my rod in the hot rain. A few jerks of her palm and Nicole plunged my shaft in her gullet like a baby bird with a worm.

At some point Maggie announced that all the jizz up inside her needed to come out and she wanted to push it out to determine how much there actually was and Nicole, always in the mood for some twisted entertainment egged her on. As our laughs and hoots echoed back and forth from off the bathroom wall tiles Mag squatted low. As if on cue, Nicole had already laid down upon her back with feet raised and knees bent and not unlike some sort of dying cockroach; her intent to catch in her mouth anything that the hovering Maggie might expel.

Mags was a bizarre sight indeed; holding her ass cheeks wide and scrunching up her face as nut butter from a whole train of anonymous gentlemen began blurping and flumpfing down from her pink twat and poor pounded anus. These weren't merely clotted curds of man-chowder; they were Maggie's proud fuck trophies as far as she was concerned, and down they tumbled and splatted, straight on into Nicole's greedy mouth. Nicole for her part was like an act at Sea World; catching every last salty blob in her gob before gulping the whole mess down. She then ate Mag's ass and puss clean as a freshly washed tea-cup while I did my part, keenly observing and tugging my junk in the hot water stream to one side of them.

This alone might have made for an interesting part of the story but not to be outdone; Nicole found herself squatting over Maggie's face and expelling the contents of her insides. She blew clump after steaming clump of ball batter straight to in Maggie's waiting kisser, before Mags made "all gone" swallowed everything. She then proceeded to nosh Nicole's beaver and bootyhole, ensuring her friend was spotlessly clean. I remember by this time I'd brought my cock to Nicole's mouth and with a hand on the back of her head, urged her to suck me. Without so much as a second thought she began throating me hard as I drove hips and held her skull with both hands in a marvelously rude facefuck.

Soon Mag's voice rang out from down below. She had to pee AGAIN, mentioning something about Nicole's weed and gummies still playing diarrhetic hell upon her bladder. Nicole, ever the lady-perv, immediately had suggestion for us and eager for more twisted sicko fun, we all agreed to it.

My next view was that of Mags hovering above us with a bent leg raised like a dog at a hydrant while Nicole and I took a knee down below. I can still hear Mag's mad cackles echoing off the tiles as she cut loose with an amoniated spritz. It quickly became a steady sparkling pee stream that ran hot down our cheeks, necks, and chests before the crazy redhead improved her aim until hitting us both in the mouth. Nicole, inspired and not to be outdone, indicated she'd "the urge" again. Presently it was HER leg up and cocked canine-style; spraying squirting Mags and me in the sort of nasty fun of the filthy sort you hope your mother never learns of.

Well, that was all I could take. Not wanting to be left out of the batting lineup, I gulped down a mouthful Nicole's naughty nectar and announced my turn. I can still see Maggie and Nicole; the both of them on their knees looking all marvelously nubile and vulnerable, (just like a glossy German porno mag from the 1980s). They'd turned their heads to one side facing me, pressed cheek to cheek like they were going to sing, each pair of lips forming the perfect "letter O" target for me to hit. As bad as my memory of the event is, my aim may have been somewhat worse but got better over time. I still can vividly recall my hot sparkling stream first dancing upon chins, foreheads, and breasts before going where it was supposed to; first to one mouth, then the other, and back and forth until I was empty. The pair then set upon my junk with their lips all sucks and kisses.