Bad Neighbors Pt. 06

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Andy and Abbie's daughter returns from college.
11.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 05/15/2024
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-- All involved are well over the age of 18. Thanks to all of the feedback on this series so far. --

The next morning Andy trudged down to the kitchen with a bad hangover. His head was throbbing and he felt like he had slept for only a few measly minutes. The bright sunlight shining through the kitchen windows stung his sore eyes and when he reached up to rub away the dryness he was met with the musky scent of last night's events still lingering on his fingers. His cock twitched at the memory.

Last night had been sureal. He began to replay the details in his head and a wave of shame washed over him as he recalled how he had tasted what he was now certain was Dean's cum while eating out his wife. The thought of it brought on a sudden urge to vomit.

As he replayed the night in his head he heard Abbie shuffle into the kitchen behind him. She wore a simple white robe that stopped halfway between her knees and her hips and Andy he couldn't help but admire her curves beneath the delicate fabric. Even after just crawling out of bed, she looked like a goddess in his eyes, with her long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders and her bright blue eyes sparkling in the morning light.

"Morning, baby," Abbie said, her voice hoarse from drinking last night. Andy thought it may have been the sexiest she'd ever sounded.

She walked over to Andy and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her body against him. Andy's cock stiffened in his boxers as he felt her breasts pressed against his chest. He kissed her deeply, tasting the remnants of last night's events on her lips.

Abbie moaned against his lips, her hips grinding against him. He knew she could feel his hard cock pressing against her thigh, but he didn't make any moves to take it further. He just wanted to enjoy the moment, the feeling of her body against his.

"Good morning," he whispered, breaking the kiss. "Did you sleep well?" 

Abbie nodded, her lips curling into a seductive smile.

"I guess you really wore me out," she teased.

Andy suspected it wasn't him that had worn his wife out, but he made no comment. He felt pangs of jealousy as he imagined their neighbor ravaging his wife, giving her orgasm after orgasm before finally emptying inside of her. Inside of his Abbie.

Abbie looked up at her husband with a playful smile. "I want you," she whispered, as she slid her hand down to squeeze his cock.

Andy looked down at his wife and was about to suggest they go back to bed when a knock on their front door interrupted their moment.

Abbie pulled away from Andy, her eyes filled with disappointment.

"Who could that be this early?" she muttered, tying her robe tighter around her waist.

Andy took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He had a sinking feeling he knew who it was before he even opened the door. He reached for the handle and sure enough, there stood Dean and Jenna.

Dean's eyes twinkled mischievously as he looked at Andy, a smug smile on his face.

"Morning, neighbor," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I hope we're not interrupting anything."

Jenna raised an eyebrow, her eyes scanning Andy and Abbie up and down. Her gaze settled on the bulge in Andy's pants before looking back up at the couple.

"Ooh, I think we are interupting," she said, a knowing smile spreading across her face.

"Good morning," Andy said simply, ignoring her insinuation.

Dean smiled, leaning against their doorframe.

"Just thought we'd drop by and see if you two want to grab breakfast with us," he said, his voice dripping with faux innocence. "You look like you could use some coffee."

Their neighbors' smug and casual smiles angered Andy. They knew exactly what they'd been doing, how they'd inserted themselves into his and Abbie's relationship. He felt a swirl of anger and embarrassment, his face growing hotter by the second. He couldn't believe these people were standing on his doorstep, acting like they hadn't just completely fucked with his head last night and literally fucked his wife.

"No, I'm sorry, we have plans today," Andy said shortly, trying to keep his anger in check.

Jenna pouted, looking genuinely disappointed.

"Are you sure?"  She looked past Andy.  "Abbie dear, how are you feeling this morning?  You had a lot to drink last night.  You were wild, girl!" Jenna laughed. "It was nice to see you let loose!"

Abbie's cheeks flushed.

"I don't remember much," she admitted with a shy smile. "But I do remember having fun." 

Dean nodded, his gaze locked on Abbie's curves. "Yeah, you did. You're a wild one, Abbie."

Andy's chest tightened at the way Dean looked at his wife, but he kept his cool, forcing a tight smile. He noticed Abbie was clearly avoiding eye contact with their neighbours. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was obviously uncomfortable in their presence this morning.  Was it guilt?  Fear of Andy finding out about her indiscretions?  Or mere embarrassment over her own behavior?

Dean's eyes trailed over Abbie's body, lingering on her firm breasts mostly hidden by her thin bathrobe. A dark, lustful hunger burned in his gaze, reminding Andy of what he suspected they had done together.

"Well, we'll let you get back to it then," Jenna chimed in, her eyes flicking between the two of them. "But promise me we'll grab drinks soon, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Abbie mumbled, her cheeks still flushed. 

It suddenly struck Andy as he watched his wife's discomfort, that it wasn't just Dean that Abbie was uncomfortable around. It was Jenna. Abbie believed Jenna was oblivious that she'd slept with Dean. Just as she assumed Andy was unaware, she was feeling guilty at facing her new friend after sleeping with her husband. If she only knew, Andy thought.

Andy began to close the door, when Jenna suddenly turned and rushed back up their front step.

"Oh Abbie, I almost forgot," she reached out and put something in Abbie's hand. "You forgot these at our house last night."

Andy and Abbie both looked down at the lace bra and panties in Abbie's hand, neither sure what to say. Jenna raised an eyebrow, smiling wickedly.

"I think these belong to you, don't they?" She asked playfully.

Abbie's face turned a deep shade of red.  She looked up at Jenna then Andy, then down at her underwear again. The silence was almost deafening for what felt like an eternity until Abbie finally tried to speak.

"Umm," she stammered, her voice trembling.

"Dean said he found them next to the sofa.  Guess you must have taken them off before you passed out." Jenna continued, winking at Andy.

Abbie's face was a mixture of shock and embarassment as she quickly shoved her underwear into her robe pocket, averting her gaze from both Jenna and Andy.

"Um.... thanks, Jenna," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

"No problem, what are friends for, right?  We gotta look out for each other," Jenna smiled, giving Abbie a knowing look before turning to leave with Dean. "Alright, see you both later," she called over her shoulder, sashaying down the front steps with Dean in tow.

The door closed with a hollow thud, and the couple were left in stunned silence. Abbie looked like she was about to burst into tears.  He could see the overwhelming guilt on her face and in spite of the anger and humiliation that was coursing through his body, all he wanted to do was make her feel better.  So he decided to let her off the hook by playing dumb.

"Geez, hon," he said with a playful grin. "You must have been pretty drunk.  Guess you girls got pretty crazy."  He chuckled, trying to diffuse the tension in the room.

Abbie didn't respond. She just stood there, staring at the ground, her face still flushed. Andy walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"You okay, babe?" He whispered in her ear.

She nodded, still not meeting his gaze.

"Mmm, hmm," she murmured, her voice trembling.

He could feel the tension radiating off her body, could tell she was struggling with what to say. Andy sensed she was beginning to feel overwhelmed by her betrayal of both her husband and her friend.

It suddenly occurred to him that Abbie may be about to confess, tell him everything she had done and beg for his forgiveness. The thought terrified him.  He wasn't ready for that, to hear her actually admit it.  It was crazy, but he thought he might prefer if she never told him that she'd cheated on him and they just put it all behind them and pretend life was normal again.  

Andy sighed, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head, and Abbie leaned into him, visibly relaxing.

"Maybe we should lay off the drinking for a bit, huh?" Andy suggested. "I know I'm feeling pretty hung over.  I had quite a bit of whiskey while you were out with your friends,"  Andy was hoping he could use her current emotional state to steer her away from Jenna and Dean for awhile at least.

"I know, I drank too much, I should have known better," she admitted quietly. "Fuck, I'm really sorry." She said, closing her eyes, completely mortified. "I don't even remember taking those off. I'm so embarrassed, Andy."

Andy smiled reassuringly, pulling her closer. "Don't worry about it," he soothed. "I've seen your lingerie collection before. And I don't think finding someone's underwear at their house would be too shocking for our neighbors," he chuckled.

Abbie laughed nervously, "Yeah, that's true. Thanks for being so understanding.  I don't deserve you."

Andy smiled, relieved that Abbie seemed to have agreed to ease off the drinking, which he hoped would mean avoiding their neighbors for the forseeable future.

"Of course," he said, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

That night, as they lay in bed talking about the coming week, Abbie's phone rang. Andy glanced at the clock, surprised anyone would call so late.

"Hello?" Abbie answered, trying to sound more awake than she felt.  "Oh hi, sweetie, how are you?" 

Andy could hear the excitement in her voice and knew it had to be Katie. They hadn't seen their daughter in more than two months.  Between her university classes and her part time job, she hadn't had much time to visit or even call. 

Andy's worries melted away as he watched his wife laugh and talk with Katie.  He waited to see if she would hand him the phone so that he could say hi, but Abbie wrapped up the call. 

"That's fantastic, honey, I can't wait," she sounded happier than Andy had seen her in some time. "We'll see you soon.  Be safe."

After Abbie hung up the phone she bounced over and cuddled against Andy, squeezing him tightly.  

"Katie is coming home tomorrow," she said, unable to hide her excitement. "She has a few days before exams so she took some time off work so she could come visit."

"That's great," Andy said, equally excited to see their daughter. 

Katie was a great kid.  Ok, perhaps not a kid anymore, he thought, she was 20 years old after all.  But she was really starting to find her way.  Her teenage years had been a challenge, which Andy figured was typical for girls that age.  But Katie had a wild streak and she went through a rebellious phase that strained their relationship not so long ago.  She sometimes wouldn't come home at night, dated a string of guys that were definitely not guys Andy wanted anywhere near his little girl, and she liked to party.  It struck Andy as he lay there that she may have gotten that wild streak from her mother.

But while her first year of university was spent partying and making poor decisions, her sophomore year seemed to be a turning point.  Her grades were up and until their recent breakup, she had been dating a junior from her school that both Andy and Abbie thought was a pretty decent guy.

"When will she be home?" Andy asked.

"She said it would be around dinner time." Abbie responded.  She lifted her head and looked at Andy excitedly. "We should take her someplace nice for dinner!"

They continued to talk for another half hour, about their daughter, about work, both of them carefully avoiding bringing up anything to do with their neighbors.

Eventually, Abbie's eyelids began to droop and Andy knew that she was spent. He pulled her close, spooning her body with his, wrapping his arm around her waist, and pressing his lips to the curve of her neck.

"Get some sleep," he whispered.

She sighed softly, her body relaxing into his.

"I love you," she mumbled. It was the first time she had said that to him in days.

Ever since his wife's lapse in judgment at their neighbor's, she had been distant and reserved.  There had been some amazing nights, last night being the most intense so far, but most days Andy felt like they were both walking on eggshells as they tried to conceal their respective secrets.

He thought perhaps some time with Katie was just what they needed to take their minds off of everything and refocus on each other. The thought made him smile and he drifted off feeling more relaxed than he had in weeks.

Dinner the following night with Katie was a welcome distraction for both Andy and Abbie.  They laughed and caught up on what was going on in Katie's life at school.  Her grades were steady and she was enjoying most of her courses. One of her profs was 'an old perv', as she put it. Turns out he was likely only a few years older than Andy.  Funny how you never see yourself as old as your kids see you, he thought.

In spite of agreeing to ease off their drinking alcohol, they indulged in a glass of wine over dinner to celebrate Katie's being home.  It truly did feel like an uplifting celebration for Andy. Over the past few weeks his life had been turned upside down to an almost unimaginable degree.  

He had done something stupid and inappropriate and was now being blackmailed. Then it spiralled out of control. He was sure his wife was cheating on him and he couldn't tell her he knew, nor even discourage it, per his neighbors threatening instructions.  And as if that wasn't enough, he was being manipulated by his neighbors to engage in or be a party to oddly degrading sexual acts he had never before considered.  Ones that he should have been downright disgusted by.

But in spite of all of that -- and it was a lot to wrap your head around -- he couldn't deny that his and Abbie's sex life had been more intense and exciting than it ever had. He had stumbled upon a side of his wife that had both thrilled and terrified him. The way she had seemingly surrendered to her impulses, even if it was by cheating on Andy, had ignited a fire in their marriage he couldn't have imagined.  What he really couldn't understand though, was why wasn't he more angry about it?

Sure, there were moments of intense jealousy, times when he could barely contain the rage he felt when he thought about his arrogant neighbor fucking his wife. When he thought about how she was essentially choosing her own sexual gratification at the risk of her marriage. But he just couldn't deny that the thought of Abbie submitting to another man behind his back turned him on in ways he just couldn't comprehend. He wished he understood why, it seemed absolutely absurd, but there it was. He felt so torn.

When they finished their dinner and returned to their house, Katie threw her bag to the side and headed for the kitchen. By the time Andy and Abbie entered she already had another bottle of red wine opened and was filling three glasses.

It was not lost on Andy that he and Abbie had just agreed to lay low on the alcohol for awhile.  But Katie handed them each their glass and Abbie showed no hesitation before accepting.  They retreated to the back deck to sit and enjoy the warm evening.

Katie asked about their new neighbors and Abbie and Andy exchanged a nervous glance, neither of them wanting to discuss the topic. Granted, neither of them would be able to tell her the truth about them anyhow, since Abbie didn't know that they were blackmailing Andy, and she didn't think Andy suspected her of sleeping with Dean. It all seemed so confusing.

"They're a fun couple I guess, adventurous I've heard," Abbie offered, trying to downplay her knowledge of the neighbors' sexual exploits.

"I see," Katie replied, certain that there was more to the story but not pushing it.  She was curious though, there was obviously something they weren't telling her.  She would find out somehow, she thought.

As they finished their wine, Andy excused himself to go to the bathroom.  Katie refilled their glasses, and both she and Abbie took another drink. The alcohol was starting to kick in, and Katie became braver. Now was her chance.

"So, seriously Mom, what are the neighbors really like?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

Abbie shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?" she asked, although she knew very well what Katie was digging for.

"Come on, Mom," Katie said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not an idiot. I've heard the rumors about them. Sounds like they are.... a little wild." She winked at Abbie. "I think it would be exciting to live next door to a couple who are so open about their sexuality. It's rare to find people like that, who aren't afraid to just be themselves."

Abbie felt her cheeks flush as she thought about her encounters with Dean. She had been so turned on by not just his looks but his dominance. He knew what he wanted and he wasn't afraid to take it. She had felt powerless to resist him and even though she knew how wrong it was she had given in to her primal urges. The thought of it made her heart race.

Katie leaned forward, her eyes shining with excitement. "Mom, you must have heard some stories. What are they like?" she urged, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Katie," Abbie responded with a sigh, beginning to get annoyed. "There's nothing to tell. I mean, I barely know them." 

"But you've met them, right?" Katie said, her voice dripping with excitement. "I know you're not telling me everything. I can see it in your eyes." She giggled, her eyes dancing.

"Jesus, I don't know, Katie," Abbie sounded exasperated with her daughter's probing.

She looked at her for several seconds unsure how to share her assessment of their neighbors.

"Fine," she relented. "Yes, they're attractive and certainly not afraid to be themselves, to say the least. And they're pretty open about their sexuality, which can be... intriguing, I suppose. I guess you could say they have a certain charisma. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're good people," she added quickly.

Katie's eyes widened with excitement. "Intriguing, huh?" she repeated, savoring the word. "How many times have you hung out with them?"

"I don't know, a couple I guess. They seem nice enough, but I wouldn't say I know them well," Abbie replied, hoping to end the conversation.

"Mom, you're blushing," Katie teased, grinning mischievously. "You like them, don't you?"

Abbie felt her cheeks grow even hotter. "No, I don't. I mean... yea, ok, they're nice enough. But I don't know them very well, I don't know that we have enough in common that we'd ever become close friends or anything like that."

Katie leaned back, revelling in her mom's discomfort.

"Well, you guys had better be careful. You may become better friends than you planned," she laughed, trying to get a rise out of her mother.

"What? Jesus, Katie! Don't be ridiculous," Abbie stammered, feeling her face turn red. "That's not your father and I. We are just... a boring old married couple," she added with a grin, taking a drink from her wine glass. She was feeling warm and a little lightheaded from the alcohol.

"What are we talking about?" Andy asked as he returned to the deck.

Abbie blushed even deeper, as if caught sharing secrets she shouldn't be sharing.

"Oh, nothing really, we were just talking about the neighbors," Abbie answered as casually as she could.

Katie chimed in, "Yeah, mom said you guys are thinking of becoming swingers," Katie laughed.