Barbarian Bound Ch. 06


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I resumed the pressing of my lips and tongue against him, as his hand remained at rest, and would occasionally dip my hips down so that my juices would tease the tip of him. I giggled fiendishly as he moaned achingly at my cruelty.

Urged on by a sense of control, I sat upright, feeling his swollen cock against my inner thigh, pleading for just the few remaining inches to spear me. I released my hold on his hand, and used it to brace myself on his thigh behind my rump. I could see the excitement in his eyes, as he anticipated my willingness to envelop him. I replied by rubbing a lazy finger over my clitoris, my sex still just out of reach of his.

I felt a rumble in his chest, as he moaned lustfully, paying close attention to each delicate swipe of my fingers. It was intoxicating, the power I felt and the pleasure I induced. This position of control was somewhat taxing on me, as my legs and lower back strained to seek pleasure as I prevented myself from falling onto him.

My skin moistened with beads of sweat. And, in the heat of my arousal, I allowed Oro to raise his free hand from the bed to caress and pinch my heavy mounds. My excitement began to build much faster, as I felt the sure signs of bliss on the horizon, and my fingers worked faster against myself. My breathing came out in demure gasps as I coaxed my body to climax.

I felt Oro strain against me and once more his hand moved to my hip with an aching need to press into me. The gentle probing of his thick head against my opening was enough to push me over the edge, and I cried out as my body quivered, as I pitched forward onto Oro's stomach, his hard cock pressed against my cheeks.

He rolled us to the left, trapping my body between his and the bed. I laughed as he tugged at his bound arm, and I felt him grind his hips against me. "Did you enjoy your time on top, Eş?"

"Yes." I moaned, snaking a hand between our bodies to caress my throbbing slit. I fingers brushed the tip of his cock, rubbing his dew against my knuckles as I pleasured myself.

With both of his hands now free, they feverishly ran over my body along with his tongue. I wondered what the saltiness of my skin must have tasted like after my intense climax, and the approach of yet another. Oro pulled his body off of mine briefly, repositioning us towards the head of the bed. He kneeled back on his heels and drew me to straddle his lap, my back against the headboard and arms draped across his shoulders.

My head lolled back against the wooden headboard and I arched my back to press our sweaty chests together. He wasted little time nestling himself inside of my primed core. He took a swollen nipple into his mouth eagerly, running his teeth against my keen bud.

Once more I directed my fingers between my lips to rapidly stroke my demanding nub. Oro's thick manhood filled me and I hardly had to wait long before the familiar building of sensation rose up from my toes to the base of my skull.

I could hear Oro's hitched breathing marking the onslaught of his climax; the telling signs of his ripening cock. My fingers, in unison, twitched one last time to bring me my bliss as I used my other hand to clutch around the base of his cock lifting quickly off of him.

I saw the drunken look upon his face, him close to his release, as I gripped him tightly, my nether lips dripping my climax into his lap. As his face nearly turned into a pained look, I stroked my hand up his slickened cock, making two passes before his seed erupted, splashing against my fingers and our close bellies. He panted heavily, resting his head against my collarbone. "Mmm. I like this side of you." He moaned.

"Me too." I laughed, pulling my sticky fingers from his cock.

A soft knock on the door silenced us, and Jora could be heard from the other side, "Shipmaster Graff has glimpsed Barbos, Majohr. Half a day unless the wind slows."

Oro listened carefully, "Very well." He called. "Come, let us clean up." He helped me climb off of him as I held a sticky hand to the side. I stood next to the wash basin as he left to grab a cloth, and I examined my coated hand carefully.

Oro chuckled. "Taste it." He urged.

I gave him a sideways glance, "I think not." I held my hand out to receive the cloth but he waited patiently.

"Just try it, a sample will not harm you." Oro purred, hands on his hips, his soft cock resting between his legs.

I brought my hand up to smell it first, and not finding it offensive, I stuck my tongue out licking a small amount from the tip of my thumb, taking his salty musk into my mouth. It was not as I imagined but I still made a face as the texture slid over my tongue and swallowed quickly.

Oro laughed huskily now, "You will become quite used to it, with enough practice."

"Practice licking up your spending?" I queried hesitantly.

He laughed much louder now, "If you wish, but I hoped you might take me into your mouth."

Oro's meaning was more than clear as his rod twitched at the thought. It would really be no different than what I had done with Jora, but it was certainly a more intimidating prospect. "Oh." I noted softly.

He gave me the cloth, and we both dunked our rags into the basin, and began to work it over our skin. "If it only takes a half a day, we will arrive in the middle of the night, so will we wait on the boat till morning?" I asked.

"No. Our villa will be ready for us." Oro smiled at the certainty of it.

"A villa?" I questioned. "I did not know warriors could amass such wealth."

Oro shook his head, "I am the last of my family. I inherited Doguhan Kret Villa, after the death of my grandfather."

"Are you eager to return?" I asked softly, moving back towards the bed, nestling within the covers.

Oro sauntered over to me as he too slipped beneath the covers, pressing his naked body against mine. "Yes, it is odd to trade one home for another. I love both Lamoria and Barbos equally, but I have missed the warmth of our soil."

He kissed my shoulder and murmured, "You will have to wear a veil when you walk under the sun." Oro stroked my covered arm softly.

I gave a large yawn as I turned to face Oro, "I still have my riding cloak and linen top, but I will need new bottoms if we expect to leave this boat."

"There will be plenty when we arrive, for now you will simply have to wear your under garments." Oro said kissing my lips gently.

"Of which I have none." I retorted. "Did you not find it odd that I wore none beneath my leathers?"

"Of course not, I thought you did it for my benefit." Oro laughed, rubbing his hand over my hip.

Now I laughed, "Hardly, you just manage to tear everything to pieces!" I snuggled in close to him and sighed, "Well at least I have that long cloak, but let us move directly to your villa, hmm." I stated.

"Our villa, Esyld Oroeş." He mused.

"Oro-esh?" I sounded out, "Another title?"

"Yes, in a sense. It becomes like a name. When pairs are formed, the woman becomes Eş, a mate to her partner. With their bond, the woman becomes Eşim, a life mate to her partner." Oro explained.

"What of the men?" I asked, working my fingers through his coarse chest hair.

"They assume the name of their father, that is unchanged. As I am Doguhan Canizade Oro, of the house Doguhan, son of Canizade." Oro said proudly.

"Canizade, it sounds like such a strong name." I commented, my eyes longing for sleep.

"I believe he was a strong man. He stood by my mother to the very end. My grandfather told me tales of the two of them. I always wanted that for myself." Oro mumbled with a soft smile, kissing my cheek. "Time to rest, we may have only a few hours before landfall."

"Aye, Majohr." I teased, as I eventually slipped off to sleep.

A couple taps on the door was enough to wake me, although Oro was still sound asleep. I carefully slipped out of bed, using his shirt to cover my nudity, and gently opened the door. Jora looked as if she were on verge of falling asleep where she stood.

I came out into the cool night air, and gently shut the door behind me. "What is it?" I asked groggily.

"The wind has died down some, Zee. We are another few hours off." Jora mumbled, listing in place.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Mhm." She grunted.

"Seriously, go to bed, there is no need for anymore updates until morning." I laughed, and rubbed her cool arms.

She leaned in against me, resting her head on my shoulder, she was nearly as tall as Oro and so the position strained her neck. "Come, I'll tuck you in." I whispered, taking her by the arm, and leading her down the open hall.

We came to her quarters, the one I had killed the governor in a few weeks ago, and I helped her onto the bed. I helped her remove her boots and leather belt so that she could lie comfortably. I ran a hand through her overgrown hair and kissed her softly on the lips, taking a deep breath as I did. I could tell despite her wanting to remain alert to my attention, exhaustion was simply too inviting and she succumbed to her deep reverie. I slipped a blanket over her lithe form, and left the room as quietly as I came.

I would have stayed to watch her a bit longer, but I could swear I could still smell the Governor's blood under foot. I shuffled my way back down the hall to our room, and again took great care to be as quiet as possible. I managed to slip back into bed, and I felt Oro curl around me, "What did she say?" I muttered.

"Another few hours away. She is tired, I told her to leave watch and go sleep." I yawned, and wiggled my body against his warmth.

He kissed the back of my neck, "I am glad for more time to sleep, you have exhausted me far too much, fox woman." Oro held me tightly, allowing me to feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back, and as he drifted back to sleep, the warm breath of his slumber upon my neck.

The docks of Barbos were vast, and I was astounded at just how large the city appeared. It was much larger than Lamoria, and the city seemed very much alive, even just as the sun was rising. The air, despite the early morning, was quite warm and had a nutty, spiced scent to it.

We all felt a little bleary eyed as we left the boat, and continued along the long wooden dock towards the stone steps leading to the upper platforms. Large red clay pots, filled with fragrant shrubbery dotted the platform edges, and helped cover the salted smell of sea worn beams and stones. A few crimson clothed guards roamed through the docks, a short curved sword on their hips.

Barbarosans were mostly of a darker skin tone, likely from the years spent under the warm sun. Occasionally Oro's hand would meet my lower back, ushering me forward as I would stop to gape at my surroundings. I had always lived in Lamoria, and became quite accustomed to the similarity of most things, I was learning in this moment just how different Barbos would be. Much like Port Villesra, people carried about their business and appeared unique to one another.

The buildings closest to the docks seemed to be made mostly of stone or some type of plaster, but as we ventured further inland, wooden peaked structures became predominant.

Up ahead there was a wagon filled with strangely shaped nuts, and recognized the smell from earlier. "What are those?" I asked Oro, pointing at the wagon.

"Cobnuts." Oro smiled. "Very good for you, Barbos is famous for them." He went up to the cart, taking me by the hand and motioned to the merchant.

The thin merchant came to stand by his cart, and spoke in what I assumed was a native tongue. "Ne kadar istersiniz?"

"Çeyrek taş." Oro replied.

"Çok iyi, bir an." The man dipped his head graciously, and scuttled to grab a large sack, and began shoveling the nuts inside. I stood fascinated as the thin man placed the bag of cobnuts on a scale, and a quarter stone on the other, balancing one against the other. "Çeyrek taşı, iki şilin." He brought the bag and placed it in Oro's hands.

Oro looked to me then, "There is black pouch at my hip, please grab two silver marks for the man."

It did not seem like that much for the large satchel that Oro held but the merchant seemed very grateful as I handed him the two silver coins. "Thank you." I smiled at the man.

He nodded and with a confused stare said, "Iyi yaşamak."

"Iyi yaşamak." Oro replied and led me from the cart further down the road.

"What does e-yea yash-a-mok, mean?" I said trying to replicate the words I had heard.

Oro laughed at my poor attempt, "It means to live well. It is a common parting phrase for my people. Iyi yaşamak." He restated slowly.

"Iyi." I said, and with Oro's encouraging nod I tried once more, "Iyi yaşamak?"

"Very good, Eş!" He beamed, and rubbed a hand up my back, under the length of my braid. "You will find most speak common, but there are some natives that do not." We did not have to walk far before the narrow road opened up into a large circular market. Oro peered about, and spying what he was looking for, drew us towards the western part of the courtyard.

"This is South Market, it is closer to the docks, many wares available, and lower prices than North Market." Oro explained as he brought me to a small shop, lined with colorful fabric.

"Do you prefer South Market?" I asked, reaching a hand out to touch the fine cloth.

"It is more unsavory at night, but the quality is very fine, if you know where to buy." He opened the door to the small shop and drew me in. The room smelled a bit bitter, from the saturation of dye on cloth that was being churned in large vats by spindly old women.

The pieces that were hanging up to dry were remarkable however, and I had never seen such lovely colors on cloth. "Beautiful." I admired softly.

"Merhaba." A frail lady cooed from behind her tall counter.

"Merhaba bayan. Common?" Oro asked.

"Common, evet." She said with a very thick accent. "Name is Havva, looking for wears to hoş eşim?"

My face flushed deeply at the mention of me as Oro's life mate, I almost moved to correct her if Oro had not spoke up, "Yes, Havva, her skin is too soft for this sun." Oro motioned to my arm, to show her my pink hue.

"Ohhh." She nodded strongly and said to Oro, "Ona hoş," before turning to me and saying "Very pleasing you are. Come we will pick you wears." Her smile was large and increased the dark wrinkles that counted her age.

Oro brought me forward and said, "We need lounge and formal clothes."

Havva looked back a bit of question in her eyes, "Ehh."

"O uyku ve resmi giysiler ihtiyacı var. Yanı sıra şeyleri altında." Oro clarified for her.

"Ohh." She nodded once more. Havva held up some sheer fabric in a deep red color, and held it against my skin, "Uyku, for rest. Do you like?"

"Yes." Oro's deep voice rumbled. "That, over there." Oro said pointing at a wall with rich purple silk fabric.

"Mmm." Havva made an agreeing sound. "Make iyi dresses, very soft." She carefully drew the soft fabric from the wall and brought it up against my pale skin. "Hoş! So beautiful." She exclaimed.

It felt as if we had spent the entire day in Havva's shop, as I tested garments, and she measured me skillfully. Most of the items were too large for my frame, as my height was considerably smaller than most Barbarosans, and so would be sent to Oro's villa later. I did however walk out in rose haltered top, decorated with black beads that ended just above my belly, and what would be a short laced black skirt that came to my calves. I had even received some lace up sandals that helped keep my feet cool, though I decided I would still keep my moccasins.

My stomach growled, as the sun was high in the sky. Oro smiled at my protesting body. "We are almost home."

He was right, after a dozen more minutes there was a line of cypress trees, not unlike what was witnessed at the Governor's manse, framing the stone fence of an impressive estate. There was a red banner posted at the gate entrance, of a golden snake turning upon itself, it was the sign of the Oroboros, and the crest of the Doguhan.

Oro took a deep breath, and turned open the heavy iron gate, and invited me to step through, guiding me through the leaf covered path and up the light grey stone steps to the large iron double doors. The knocker was once more Oro's family crest, it was very large, suitable for his masculine hands.

The surrounding structure was a matching beautiful grey stone, and had several large windows spaced evenly around the walls. It appeared to be two or three floors high, but the height could also be attributed to the peaked roof.

As my eyes wandered, Oro procured a thick long key, and slipped it into the iron doors hold, twisting it around until a firm click sounded within. Oro brought the iron handle downward, and pushed it open, extending a hand out to me. A sudden fear, ran down my spine, but I resisted the urge to run, having come this far, and took his hand to step through the threshold.


Postscript: Ch.07 will start off running in Barbos. You'll have a chance to meet some of the Barbos hierarchy, and learn about what's happening back in Lamoria. There are some BIG changes coming up and there is a lot planned ahead for Esyld, Oro and Jora. Hope you enjoyed!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

İyi yaşamak ne zaman parting word olmuş

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago
Very entertaining

A fun read with a good pace and dialogue. I hope you continue this tale as I've become quite interested in the characters.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Love the turkish (:

LyssabyssLyssabyssabout 9 years agoAuthor
Ch. 07 Coming Soon

Hi Lovelies!

Sorry about the delay, chapter 7 is in edit, and I'm currently working on Ch. 8. ETA the weekend, should be 3.-4 Lit pages. Just recovering from surgery, so I am truly sorry for the delay. Hope you enjoy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago


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