Bard's Tale 01 - The Beginning


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Tahna looked at her. "It has been a long time. Tia's done the best of the three of us, but even she's been a bitch on occasion."

"I heard that," came her voice from the other room.

They grinned at each other. "I'm pretty sure that when she studied diplomacy, she minored in bitchiness," Mindal added loudly.

"I can still hear you," Tia said.

"When I'm with Reison, Tahna, I feel alive again. Tia loves him already. And you? I saw you give him a real smile. I've missed seeing that. And then you kissed him. Several times!"

"Yeah, I did, didn't I? It... was good. Come on, Mindal. Let's go find out what big sister has planned for us this week."

Getting up, they headed toward the dining area. Mindal was surprised when Tahna gave her a quick squeeze with her arm. It had been ages since the last time Tahna had done that. She halted.

Tahna turned to her. "Something wrong?"

"No. I missed you, Tahna."

"Yeah? You've actually been bearable the past several days. It's been nice for me, too."

"You'd give your life for me, wouldn't you." A statement. Not a question.

"Protecting you is what I do."

"You are brilliant in your own way, too. Not like Tia -- well, Tia is Tia. Still, you are able to see a lot things that most of us miss. So if anything happened to you, I'd really miss you and drink a lot of beer to your memory."

Tahna raised her eyebrows at her. "Remind me why I love you again?"

"Because I'm adorable?"

"In your own mind only. The rest of us have better taste. You're more like the family pet."

"Nice one. Three cutting jabs with very little effort."

"I've learned from the best."

Mindal nodded. "I've missed that, too."

"What, the put downs? Though in your case, they are actually suggested improvements."

The bard's mouth opened.

Tahna grinned. "Okay, I'll lay off. Let's go harass Tia."

"Now you're talking!"

"I heard that, too," Tia warned.

* * * * *

It was a bright, clear, warm March morning, with the promise of getting unseasonably warm by the afternoon. Dianne Starshine, wife of Duke Thorband, was out in her garden. Behind her were two gardeners, one with tools and the other holding a basket with cuttings selected by the duchess. Nearby was her assistant, Mari Rider, chatting about the day's schedule.

The duchess herself was in a yellow sun-dress with tiny blue printed flowers, a reverse of House Starshine's colors of blue trimmed with gold. Tall at a hundred and seventy-eight centimeters, the duchess had curly, chestnut locks and bright green eyes. Her physical appearance was that of a woman in her mid-thirties, but Dianne was only a year younger than Tia Landers. Her mother, Charlotte Moramorian, had been gifted with long life, as if she were one-quarter elven, like that of her co-wife, and the trait was passed on to all of her children.

Seeing Tia Landers approach, the duchess handed off the clippers, then walked to her old friend, holding out her arms. "Tia Landers! Oh, it's so good to see you. I've missed you, my friend!"

Each gave the other a heartfelt hug. It had been months since their last visit together, during their fall trip home to New Brittany.

"You're looking good, your grace. Is that a new dress? The colors work for you. How are you and your family doing? And have you heard from Priscilla lately?"

"The winter was pretty quiet. Thorband's gone for the next several days, checking some of the frontier stations with the patrol. He'll be back next week. That is, if I don't track him down and visit him in his tent in the middle of the night." The duchess suddenly grinned. "Think he'd like that? A midnight visit from his horny wife?"

"He'd be a fool not to. And we both know he's no fool."

"No, he's a good man. I'll have to make some adjustments, but now that it's on my mind, it would be good to let him know how much I miss him. Priscilla is fine. Likes being a noble woman on her own. I visit in person when I can, chat by telepathy when I can't get away. We're both terribly busy and time gets away from us too often. As for my kids? Tali never sleeps. I swear that girl breathes magic. Moril is with his father, still trying to impress him. He's a good son, but I wish he had more wisdom. And Anya's getting restless, thinking about leaving the nest for good, I think. What about you? Tell me about this young man of yours."

Tia was surprised. "You know about him?"

"I'm the head of the church, Tia. You are an invaluable member of that church, both for me and for Valeeta in the capital. You personally made a request for an outsider to be instructed in the first part our Rite of Adulthood. It got noticed and it was in my morning updates over breakfast. It was my good upbringing that kept me from heading over to the temple and giving him the third degree. You are my dear friend, so I feel protective about you. I've been eagerly waiting for you to get here and tell me all about him. So give!" The duchess raised her eyebrows.

Thinking of Reison, for a few moments, her mind had wandered, and she'd imagined how she'd greet him. In all the deliciously gushy-wet details.

"I'm trying not to overhear your thoughts, but you are broadcasting really loud. And if you do that too hard, you can injure the boy and yourself, too. And that other position is totally overrated in my opinion. You might like it, but hanging upside down like that, all the blood rushes to my head and I get lightheaded and forget what I'm supposed to be doing. You've got it bad. If you keep thinking things like that, you are going to get me wet, and then its either you or I go find my husband for a proper drilling. And you are here, my dear, in arm's reach. How long have you known him, where did you meet, and what are your plans?"

Blushing furiously, Tia grinned. "I can't help it. I do have it bad. I met him five days ago, in Ayerdine's Crossing. Well, it was close to midnight when I first saw him, so technically, it's been four days."

"Four days! Is this serious?"

"When he gets out, he's going to marry all three of us."

"What!" Dianne put her hand on Tia's forehead. "No fever. Eyes are clear. Four days and you're getting married? Stay right there, Tia, and don't move! I'm going to check for enchantments and charms, because this looks like you've been spelled by a real doozy."

"I'm fine. Really. It only took one look into his incredible eyes and I was lost. All the man has to do is look at me and I get sopping wet. I've never had it so bad. I have had to add extra lining in my panties."

"All three of you are getting married to him? How old is he? What does he do?"

"Yes, all three of us. His idea. And I know what you're thinking. I did, too, at first. But I realized he was right. This way the three of us can stay together, and I think that's why we never really found happiness separately."

"I remember you tried. I wish I'd known what you were going through back then. You had no business trying to tough it out. Abuse is abuse, Tia. When I first learned about it, I wanted to smack you. You, with all your learning and your wise heart! But then I hurt because my good friend whom I love dearly was going through hell. I know I've said this before, I would have been happy to put the fear of god in his nasty little heart."

"I thought I knew better. I think almost forty years is plenty of time to get my head on straight. And thank you. I would hurt anyone who treated you badly, too."

The duchess smiled. "That's what friends and family do, right? Look out for each other? So tell, girl. Give me all the skinny on your man."

"He's a half-elf, twenty-two years old, and he's just getting started on his way to becoming a bard. And a few hundred gold to call his own, but certainly not enough to live on for any length of time. I don't care about that, though. I've enough money to take care of all four of us comfortably for the next hundred years, and my sisters are well set, too."

"Can I meet him?" the duchess asked.

"What? And let you get your claws into him? Not a chance!"

"That was a long time ago. I haven't had to work the temple in years. Is he Ba'lorian? Oh? Then what faith is he?"

"He's a follower of Brigit."

"Ah. Interfaith marriages are bumpier than the usual, but it's not insurmountable. Irish, yes? Hmm. Guesting Rights. We could honor his people's customs. Yeah. I could invite all of you overnight. You three take Thorband for the thrill of his life and I'll give your young man a spin. I'll give you my honest opinion in the morning. What do you think?"

Tia laughed. "Mindal might give your husband a try, but definitely not Tahna. And, we haven't talked it over with him yet. He was raised among elves."

The duchess nodded. "Well, if truth be told, while I used to be wild like that and I've enjoyed teasing you, I like keeping my husband to myself. Your young man is safe, even if you do choose to accept our hospitality. You don't have to get married to him, though, Tia. Shack up for awhile first. Well, whatever you decide, I'm happy for you. Have you told your parents yet?"

Tia turned pale. "No, I haven't."

"Invite them. I'll run some interference for you with them. We'll throw a huge party for you. It'll be a city-wide event! Everyone and their cousin will get drunk off their asses and toast to your happiness. And I'll foot the bill. What do you say?"

"We're doing it country style. Jump the broom, smash the oat cake, and consummate the union. We hadn't planned on inviting anyone."

The taller woman put her hands on her hips. "Tia! I'm one of your oldest friends! How come you won't let me help you celebrate this major change in your life? Besides your nephew at the city library, you have a brother and sister and their families living here. And there's your twin sister, Judge Tanner, at the capital. If you don't tell them, there are likely going to be a lot of hurt feelings. Whether you believe it or not, you and your sisters are important to a lot of people, and some of them are important, too."

Tia clasped her hands. "Please believe me, I hold our friendship quite dearly. We haven't told his family either. After we're settled, we'll visit our respective families. But there's too much going on, too much that my sisters and I are still settling on yet."

"Relax, I can see your resistance. I won't push the party. How's Tahna taking this? In fact, I notice she's not with you today."

"She's actually warming to the idea. He broke through her wall, and she's finally letting go of Lysandra. The feelings are still there, but I think last night was the first time she cried over her loss."

"How remarkable." The green-eyed woman looked away. "Remarkable, indeed."

"You aren't angry with me?"

"Angry? No. Disappointed? Most certainly. But we've known each other for close to fifty years, Tia. There's very little I wouldn't do for you. You've done so much for me and for the duchy over the years. It was your suggestions that I pass the Lord Wizard duties to Tali. She's young, but growing into her new duties. And it has been a real blessing to not have those extra tasks on my shoulders. I liked the power and responsibility, but I was burning out. Between you and Thorband, I was able to let go. You helped pick most of my staff in the temple and in my personal household. Is there nothing that I can do -- anything for you or for your sisters?"

"You're set on giving us a gift, aren't you."

"I'm the Duchess. I get to do pretty much what I want around here. Don't make me blow a raspberry at you, because I will. So there!"

Tia laughed. "Fine. We will be honored with whatever you choose."

"Where will you live?"

"In the capital. He wants to be a bard. He's years away from that yet, but in the meantime, we will settle there. Once the children arrive, I don't want to be moving about."

"Are you pregnant? Wait." The duchess narrowed her gaze. "Not yet, but planning on it. Your sisters, too?"

"Maybe. Probably. We haven't talked about it yet. We still have a lot to go over, and my good friend the duchess insists that I spend a lot of my free time with her."

Dianne laughed. "That'll larn ya to be so valuable, won't it! Seriously, though, you look better than when you were here last fall. So how long am I getting you for? I have a long list of things for you to handle for me."

"Fourteen days. Nayli said the lack of notice means that some people had to juggle schedules. Though I find that hard to believe."

The duchess looked thoughtful. "You want me to look into it?"

"No. I invoked personal privilege to get it so soon. I don't want to generate any hard feelings on top of it."

"Tia, darling, most people like to fuck. It feels good. That's why we do it. It's none of my business, but have you even seen what your young man has to offer? I hope that he's up to task. He's going to have to keep three women with strong libidos happy, and yes, I'm including Tahna. You said her emotional wall is breaking, and for years I have often thought her to be a repressed dynamo. I think her needs will outshine both you and Mindal."

"Your grace, we were unhappy, and I prayed about it. I believe the Lawgiver answered by sending him to us. And two nights ago, the three of us walked a dream path. He is meant for us."

"You walked the dream path? Did you see the Lawgiver Herself? I'm impressed, Tia. But his physical endowments probably didn't come up, as it were. You have hopes, right?" Her green eyes glinted in merriment.

"Well, um, yeah?"

"That's my girl. Shall we grab some lunch and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of a man and his bits? I'm due for a day where I do very little if anything at all, and I am thinking today looks like a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with my dear friend."

Tia grinned. "If you insist."

Turning to her secretary nearby, she said, "Mari? Remind me to write a letter in support of Tia being excused from her regular and scheduled duties and going on detached service, in view of her decades of devotion to the church, to the nation of Tildor and the Duchy of Biyandi. Tia Landers is getting married and should be given the time off to do so."

"Yes, your grace," said the young woman, writing notes onto her book.

"Tomorrow, all of us -- that includes both of you -- will have to sit down and figure out where Tia can do the most good in the short amount of time she has with us. But that's tomorrow. Today, we play!"

Arm in arm, the Duchess of Biyandi and Tia Landers entered the manor house.

* * * * *

As the Dianne had suggested, Tia herself wrote ahead to the temple at the capital, notifying them of her pending marriage and withdrawing her name from the list of sex instructors, and requesting exemption from all duties except for emergencies.

True to her word, the duchess kept Tia very busy over the remaining nine days, working long hours. She was fed well, and sometimes Tia sent a note to Tahna and simply stayed over because of the late hour and the need for an early start the next morning. Very tired within a few days, the duchess kept even longer hours, which Tia both marveled at and admired her for. Dianne was devoted to keeping the duchy strong and trouble-free, and worked as hard as her husband at keeping it that way.

Tia knew she was gifted with her understanding of mathematics. The duchess was similarly gifted with magic, and she'd inherited much of her mother's renowned beauty. In addition to her magic, Dianne was also a powerful psionicist, like her parents and several of her siblings. When she'd first married the duke, besides taking on the duties of running the household, she took on the roles of Lord High Wizard and Lord High Priest, and was arguably even more powerful than the duke himself. Dianne had grown up with her husband. In the long years that they'd known each other, for a long time Dianne had moved to the Caloren States, becoming Baroness Rhys, where she raised her daughter Priscilla. Once her daughter was grown, though, she handed the barony over and returned back to Tildor, where she wandered about, ending up in City of the Suns. Wandered, that is, until invited to dinner by Duke Thorband, where he proposed, confessing to a lifelong love for her. Dianne had told Tia it was a combination of things that convinced her. The fireworks display during their late dinner under the night sky. How he romanced her under the stars and then, while fireworks were going off, introduced her to his huge cock. They were married a month later, in the summer of 2069.

The first time Dianne told her his size, using hand measurements, Tia had thought she was joking. Nope. A few years later, she'd happened to see him come into Dianne's study, half-erect, thinking his wife was there alone. Tia quickly made herself scarce. Dianne sometimes joked that he sometimes fucked the stuffing out of her. Tia could believe it.

Tia's official title was Mother Without Portfolio, and she served directly at the discretion of Dianne Starshine, in her role as Lady High Priestess, Duchy of Biyandi. When Tia was in the capital, she worked in the same role for Valeeta Ramon, the Eldest and leader of all Ba'lorian temples within Tildor. Sometimes Tia accompanied Valeeta or acted in her stead on the Queen's Council. When working on church business, Tia had access to a lot of political power. Often times she floated around, talking with people, determining if there were problems the church should be concerned about, and quietly recommending solutions. She could be found lending a hand taking over a class, helping in the nursery, or being available for spell-casting that the public might pay fees for. Her connection to the leadership was known, but Tia worked hard to convey that her presence was to ease the workload of her peers. And, with her desire to help others, it was also quite true.

A majority of her years had been in the service of the Lawgiver. But she had also served in the temples of Osh Mayan, god of waters, and Li Var Dayanna, the Earth Mother. When working for the Son of Heaven, she taught young people coming of age the joys and responsibilities of making love, getting a lot of sex herself in the process, and helping out in the nurseries with orphans. When Tia worked as a priestess for the Earth Mother, she worked with the earth, with plants, and fostered good animal husbandry.

Even when she hardly met with Valeeta or Dianne, Tia was occasionally given reports to review, and her critiques had an impact. Now, however, the plan was to take time off, get married, and raise a lot of children. Tia had the support of the duchess. The question was whether Valeeta Ramon would give her the same consideration. Tia hated the notion, but if need be, Tia was willing to leave the temple in order to be with Reison Whisper Wind and have his babies. In that respect, he didn't know much she was willing to give up for him. Tia, for her part, didn't intend to tell him either and hoped it wouldn't come to that. She loved serving the Lawgiver.

Normally, as Tia worked with the duchess, overseeing church business, Tahna would attend to her. As a warrior monk, Tahna enforced church law, and that included protecting the clergy from danger. Tahna had passed on Elisabeth's warning about Mindal's drinking, and Tia agreed that Tahna spending time with Mindal was a better idea. It would allow the two sisters to spend time together while letting Tahna keep Mindal from getting drunk and doing something she might later regret. In previous years, the bard sometimes reached a point in her alcoholic haze where she forgot who she was or what she should or shouldn't be doing. Both of them hoped that once Mindal was feeling her connection to music again, that her drinking would ease off.

During the time that Tia worked long hours for the duchess, Mindal accepted three separate gigs to play for the duchess. Each time, she asked for Mindal's song, "Tickle My Toes." Mindal kindly obliged.
