Battered But Not Broken


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Liz took Amanda's hand and squeezed it sympathetically.

"While I was waiting for you last night, I looked around at the pictures in your living room." Elizabeth pulled the covers down and patted the spot on the bed next to her. Amanda locked the wheels on her chair then swung her body into the bed. The two women pulled the comforter over them to ward off the morning chill. "After last night . . . when you two were asleep, I watched him. He held you so tenderly. When we . . . when we were making love . . . and I was on top . . . Brent wouldn't look me in the eyes. He stared at my tits and my pussy. He watched me riding him, but he wouldn't lookatme. He lookedthroughme. Because he sawyou, Amanda."

Mandy choked back a sob.

"He may have been inside of me, but he was making love to his wife," Elizabeth's smile turned from empathetic to envious. "You two have something special. Something that only one in a million couples get: true, unconditional love. And for that I am jealous of you."

"So jealous you'd trade your perfect body for a broken one like mine?" Amanda whispered.

"Your body isn't broken, sweetie," Liz raked Mandy's arm with her nails. The featherlight touch left a trail of goosebumps across the skin. "It's just not like it used to be. Just as you had to re-learn how to dress and get around, you have to re-learn how to have sex."

Amanda started to say something, but stopped herself.

"How many times did you cum last night?" Elizabeth asked.

"Two," she replied.

"After the accident, you never thought you would again." It wasn't a question.


"And yet, you had two orgasms in a very short amount of time. With a little practice you can have a regular and very satisfying sex life." Elizabeth must have seen the doubt in Amanda's eyes. She rolled over and reached for the duffel bag that was on the floor. "Let me introduce you to one of my good friends. This is Mr. Rabbit."

Amanda couldn't help but giggle as the young woman slowly unwrapped the sex toy from its packaging. With practised ease, Liz slipped the batteries in and turned it on. A soft humming sound filled the room. The tip spun, the beads on the side intended to stimulate the insides of a woman.

"The vibe we used on you last night was a straight tube vibrator, this one does so much more," Elizabeth explained. "Once you put it inside you, this part stimulates your G-spot and this fits right up against your clitoris. You can move it in and out, or you can just hold it against you. The dial here controls the speed. Just turn it and it goes from slow . . . to medium . . . to Oh-Jesus-take-me-now."

The vibrator let out a high-pitched buzz and both women chuckled.

Mandy took the toy from the other woman and held it in her hands. She was becoming aroused at the thought of using it on herself. She knew Brent would like to watch her with it.

"You have some sensation, right?" Elizabeth reached over the side of the bed for the lube she had used the night before.

"That's right," Amanda replied. "Being paraplegic is kind of like being blind; for most people it's not complete and there are varying degrees of severity. For instance, even if I hadn't lost my feet, I will never be able to walk again, but I can still bend my knees like this and move my hips a little. If you touch me from the waist down, it's like being touched through a wetsuit."

To demonstrate, she ran her fingertips across the skin on her leg. There was no response. Then she did the same thing on her arm and the hairs along the way stood straight up.

"So when you use this, or when you and Brent have intercourse, you will just have to lube yourself up and take your time," Liz tossed the tube to her.

Amanda looked tentatively, the resolutely made up her mind. She unscrewed the top and squirted a dab into her hand. "I will if you will."

"Oh, twist my arm!" Elizabeth giggled. She pushed the covers down and the two women lay back in the bed.

Once more, Amanda watched her reach over the side of the bed and produce a third vibrator. She offered the lube to her.

"No, thanks. I'm still wet from last night."

Both women gasped as they penetrated themselves. Low buzzing sounds filled the room. Their eyes locked together and they each began to masturbate.

Mandy's eyes glazed over with pleasure. With the vibrator in one hand, she cupped her breast with the other hand. Both her nipples stood straight up.

She worked it in and out of her. Elizabeth was right; it took a little longer, and she started out at a higher setting, but Amanda could feel the oscillations inside her and against her clit.

Glancing over, she saw Liz playing with herself. Her eyes were closed and she indulgently ran her hands over her body, sometimes stopping to pay particular attention to a sensitive spot or two.

Turning her attention back to herself, Amanda grunted and moaned softly. The minutes ticked by, lost to the pleasurable sensations emanating from between her legs.

"Mandy," Elizabeth whispered, drawing her out of her reverie. "We have an audience."

Amanda opened her eyes enough to see her husband standing in the doorway. His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. She could only imagine what he was thinking. "Hi, honey. We started without you."

The two women both sighed contentedly.

"Can we do one more thing, Mandy?"

"Like what?"

"I want you two to make a sandwich out of me," Elizabeth said. She turned her vibrator off and rolled over on her side. Amanda's eyes were wide, the pleasure momentarily forgotten. "Trust me."

"Okay," that was the only word Mandy's mouth could form.

Without giving her the chance to change her mind, Elizabeth set her sex toy on the nightstand and climbed over Mandy, as if to mount her. Their breasts pressed together. Elizabeth pushed Amanda's hands away and she took control of the vibrator inside her.

"Brent, I want you to fuck me," Liz called. There was a mischievous look in her eyes.

Amanda saw the confusion on his face. She nodded her assent to her husband.

"There's a condom in the bag on the floor. Put it on and then fuck me from behind," Elizabeth commanded in her most sultry voice.

He crossed the room in three quick steps, flinging his shirt away and slipping his jogging shorts and briefs off.

Mandy could smell his pungent odor. He had been out jogging, and between that and the sex from the night before, he was giving off plenty of masculine pheromones. Amanda was instantly turned on.

"That's it," Elizabeth cooed. "Your cock is so hard for me, Brent. Get that condom on and put it inside me . . . Oh! Just like that!"

Propping herself up on one elbow, Liz spread Mandy's legs. One arm was behind her neck, the other between her legs.

Elizabeth gasped and Amanda knew Brent was entering her. His hands grasped her firm ass and he thrust his hips forward. She looked over Elizabeth's shoulder and her eyes met her husband's.

They smoldered with desire. And love.

"He's all the way inside me!" Liz said in Amanda's ear. "God, his cock is big! He's gonna fuck you so good with this thing, isn't he?"

"Yes," Mandy gasped. She saw Brent pull back and thrust back in. Each time, Liz matched his stroke with the vibrator inside her.

The three of them quickly found their rhythm.

At Elizabeth's expert touch, Amanda's arousal quickly reached its peak. She felt as if each of Brent's strokes went right through Elizabeth and into her body. She wrapped her arms around Liz and hung on.

"He's so hard, Amanda," Elizabeth's voice husky and burned with lust. "He's so hard foryou."

Amanda closed her eyes and groaned.

"Brent's fucking you, Amanda . . . He's ramming his cock into you . . . It goes so deep!"

Like the night before, Mandy was flooded with memories. She could feel the way Brent grabbed her hips and pulled her to him with each thrust.

How he would pull back so only the tip of his cock was inside her then ram it into her a full speed.

"I can feel him grabbing my ass . . . like he does to you." With each stroke, Liz let out a soft moan in Amanda's ear, only furthering her excitement.

And like the night before, the tingling started between Amanda's legs. It was brought on not only by the vibrator which was running a top speed, but at the flood of memories that came over her.

Liz let out a surprised yelp, and Amanda's eyes shot open. Brent had grabbed a handful of her thick auburn locks and pulled it back.

Both women began to scream deliriously as Brent picked up his pace.

Amanda watched his face. His jaw was clenched. His muscles taut. He was using Elizabeth's hair as if it were a leash.

With each thrust, the younger woman's tits jiggled against Amanda's. Her throat was exposed. Her eyes were blazed with lust.

Looking her husband in the eyes, she saw he was already gone. The normal loving husband had been replaced by a primal lust-driven beast.

Oh, how she loved it when he got that way!

His desire overpowered his reason. His lust ruled him. Brent had always been an ass man, and when he took her from behind, his hands grabbed onto her ass and didn't let go until he had cum.

Brent was taking Elizabeth the same way. His brow creased and dripped with sweat.

"He's going fucking crazy!" Liz moaned in Mandy's ear.

"Fuck him," Amanda growled. Despite having Brent pounding her from behind, Liz never let up on the vibrator in Mandy's pussy.

The room started to spin and Amanda knew she was going to have another orgasm. Liz knew all the right spots and was hitting each one. Where her orgasm the night before was triggered by memories, this one was brought on by a new sensation.

Brent began to grunt and Mandy knew he was close.

"Make him cum all over you," she commanded.

Though lust clouded her vision, Elizabeth looked Amanda in the eyes. "No, Amanda . . . I'm going to make him cum all over you!"

"Fuck!" Brent shouted. He pulled back and then went to give Elizabeth one final thrust.

As if reading his mind, she pulled forward and he slipped out of her. Before he could react, Elizabeth swung herself to the side, taking the vibrator with her. In the same fluid motion, she reached back and slipped the condom off his cock, then guided his tumescent sex right into Amanda's pussy.

"Oh, Brent!" Mandy sobbed as he filled her up.

"Jesus! I'm cumming, Mandy! I'm cumming in your pussy!"

"Yes . . . cum all over me," Her finger nails dug into his back. The tears were of pure pleasure and joy. "I'm cumming, too!"

Out of the corners of her eyes, she saw stars. The orgasm enveloped her.

Whether it was her imagination or a miracle, Amanda felt Brent's cum filling her pussy with warmth. She pulled her husband to her and let loose a scream that was sure to wake the neighbours.

He thrust forward a few more time as his cock pulsed inside her.

They kissed hard and deep. He was crying, too.

The pair lost themselves to one another's touch. For just a moment, their lives were back to the way things were before. Brent's weight pressed down on her. His loving embrace enveloped her.

She held him close.

"I love you," she whispered over and over in his ear.

He simply kissed her back with the intimacy known only by true soulmates.

Neither of them noticed Elizabeth slip from the bed, gather a robe around her and leave the two alone. Nor did they see the way she paused at the door to look back enviously.


Amanda and Elizabeth sat at the kitchen table. Brent was in the shower. Neither spoke for a long time. The aroma of coffee filled the air. Fresh bagels, cream cheese and a croissant or two were spread out in front of them, the fruits of Brent's morning run to the nearby deli.

"You're a lucky woman, Amanda," Liz said finally.

She could only smile dreamily. "I don't know how I can thank you enough."

"You can start by never letting go of that man you've got," Elizabeth said with a rueful smile.

"I don't plan on it," Mandy replied.

"Good," Liz shot her a mischievous smile. "Because if I had a guy like him, I'd never let him out of my sight."

There was a pause in the conversation. Amanda looked over at the other woman curiously. "I don't mean to pry, but why don't you have a man like him? You don't have to answer that."

"Because all the good guys I know already have boyfriends," Elizabeth's laugh was tinged with just a hint of bitterness. Mandy thought to speak but could see that Liz wanted to say more. "In my line of work, you just don't meet a lot of nice guys. And if I did, what do I say when he asks what I do for a living? It's not like I can just tell him, 'I fuck strangers for money.' It won't be for much longer, though."

Elizabeth's eyes grew distant for a second. Then she snapped out of her reverie.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking about myself in front of you," she said. "It's all about you."

"No, I don't mind, Liz," Amanda said, curious about the woman sitting on the other side of the table. "What are you going to do?"

"This time next year, I should be defending my dissertation," she said, her voice unconsciously swelling with pride. "I'm hoping to go into private practice."

"Doing what?" Mandy asked, unaware that the beautiful young woman was a Ph.D student.

"Clinical psychology," Elizabeth replied. "My dissertation is on the role the internet has played in marital sexual activity."

"That's very interesting," Amanda commented.

"It is, actually. I could bore you with all sorts of statistics and stuff, but let's just say that I'm hoping I'll finally be able to hold down a respectable job." There was an odd tone in her voice.

"Are you looking to get out of the business?" Mandy asked, hoping that the other woman wouldn't mind her intruding into her personal life. The gears started turning in her head.

"The money's too good," Liz said finally. "I make enough to not have to be a GA or take out loans for graduate school. I make my rent and drive a nice car. It's a small price to pay for a lot of short term gain."

"If money weren't an object, would you leave?"

"Probably," Elizabeth said. "I got in it for the money. I also really enjoy sex; I always have. You could say that I'm something of a nymphomaniac. So when I figured out how to make money doing something I liked and was probably going to do anyway, it was a no-brainer."

"I think I may have a proposition for you," Amanda said, her voice a little bit nervous.

"If this is a long-term proposition, the answer is no," the call girl's tone was guarded. "Personal attachments aren't good for business. I like you Amanda. I truly do. And I'm jealous of the love you and your husband share. But our relationship is a business one."

"Hear me out," Mandy pleaded. "I'll make it worth your while."

"Does Brent know about this?"

"No," Amanda said with a sly smile. "He may be a general, but he knows who's in charge of this household. Here's what I've got in mind . . ."


"Are you sure we can't talk you into staying with us for a little while longer?" Amanda asked.

"No, I don't think that would be a good idea," Elizabeth took a deep breath.

"Why not? You can't go home on your own."

"Marissa is coming by to pick me up this afternoon," Liz said, looking away. "She and Alan went by your house this morning and got my stuff and took it back to my apartment."

"I hate to just leave you here alone," Amanda reached out to take her hand.

Elizabeth squeezed it sympathetically, then pulled back. "I'll be fine."

"Thank you for doing this for us." There were tears in Mandy's eyes.

"You're very welcome," Liz managed a weak smile.

Both women stared off for a moment, their thoughts drifting.

"You never held him," Amanda said quietly.

"I told you before, Mandy: personal attachments aren't good in my line of work," Elizabeth's voice was laced with sadness. "If I had held him, I'd never let you have him. Besides, I know he's in good hands with you and Brent."

Over the past year, the two women had become good friends. They lived under the same roof, and on occasion, they made love to the same man. In some ways, they had become sisters. And they were both mothers to the most darling little boy, who was off with his father in the nursery.

"There's something Brent and I want you to have," Mandy knew she wasn't going to be able to change Elizabeth's mind, so she reached into the pouch that hung over the back of her wheelchair. She drew out a gift-wrapped package and handed it to Elizabeth who sat almost upright in the hospital bed.

Elizabeth opened the card first. Besides the sappy thank you message, a check was taped to the inside. It represented the negotiated fee for Elizabeth's sexual services, as well as payment for being the Stephenson's surrogate mother, plus a little extra as a "graduation present". The package contained two framed pictures.

One was of Amanda, Brent and Elizabeth. The three of them were seated at Alan and Marissa's restaurant. Liz was in the middle; the other two had their arms around her. Everyone looked so happy.

The other was of Amanda and Brent holding their newborn son the day before. The two of them were radiant and more in love with the baby than they were in love with each other. If that were possible.

"Thank you," Liz said softly.

"We'll never forget you, Elizabeth," Amanda said, unsuccessfully trying to choke back tears. "We're going to take our son home and shower him with love. I promise we'll take care of him and make you proud."

"I know you will," she replied, wiping her own eyes.

"And we're going to tell him that he'll always have a fairy godmother who is thinking about him and loves him just as much as we do." Amanda reached out and took Elizabeth's hand one more time. "You're welcome to come by whenever you want."

"I know," Liz said.

"We're never going to see you again, are we?" It wasn't really a question. Elizabeth shook her head silently.

"Thank you, Liz." Amanda tugged at her hand, and the young woman sat up as best she could. For the last time, the two kissed. Tears ran down both their cheeks.

With a resigned sigh, Mandy pulled back. She spun her wheelchair around then headed for the door. As she was pulling it open, she heard Elizabeth calling from the bed.

"The answer is yes," she said.

"The answer to what?" Amanda paused.

"You once asked me if I would trade my body for yours if it meant having a man who loved me as unconditionally as your husband loves you," Elizabeth's voice shook. "Yes, Amanda, I would give anything to have the love you and Brent share."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Beautifully done...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story was emotionally difficult to read at times but your writing skills are superb. Great job.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm not crying, you are.


Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Wow!! such a sad story but so much love it draws a tear to your eye. Such emotion. Well done.

Cuthcavs55Cuthcavs55about 5 years ago

The fuck are you trying to do to my heart... this is way too much and yet not enough. Thank you for writing this story.

omni_satisfieromni_satisfierover 5 years ago
@HLD good one!

@HLD good one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Two for Two

I wanted to bail when the hooker entered the picture, but I decided to stay with it since your first story was so well written. You handled the characters with such grace that I didn’t want to give up on the story. Well done indeed!

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticalmost 7 years ago

I have no words....

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

tender and wonderful love story

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Just Brilliant!

Have read quite a few times now with always the same warmth upon the conclusion of the story. So much love beautifully and realistically written. Such a special and hot story! ;) Thank you!

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