BBQ Lessons

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A son gets lessons after the BBQ.
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Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy. Love Mica xx Yorkshire England.

Jack was mowing the lawn. Under sufferance of course, but the lawn was getting mowed. I had said he could have some pals around for a BBQ as long as he tidied the garden first.

"Can I cook?" He asked.

"I don't know Jack, can you cook? I have no evidence that says you can."

"Ha ha mother. I meant can I cook the food on the BBQ?"

"What are you planning on doing?"

"What ever we go and get from the supermarket."

"The sooner that you get the garden done, the sooner we can go and get stuff to cook."

I left him to it, he knows what a tidy garden looks like and went up and showered and dressed. I put my bikini on, and then a loose blouse over the top and a skirt. Brushed my hair back into a pony, and then made the bed.

Back down, Jack was just putting the mower and stuff away.

"I'll just get washed and dressed and we can go mum," he called.

I inspected the garden, the lawn was tidy, the edges had been done, but, the borders still had weeds. I would let him off, it looked neat on the surface. I dragged the BBQ into place, we could do with some more charcoal, so we would get some whilst we were out, just in case.

"Ready mum," Jack called.

I went in, locked the back door behind me, grabbed my keys and purse and we were off.

"We'll call for charcoal first, no point in buying all the meat if we can't cook it."

We stopped at B&Q and grabbed the biggest bag of charcoal that they had. We had everything else we needed, we were just a little low on charcoal, then we headed to Lidl.

We grabbed Corn cobs, sausages, burgers, steaks, chicken drumsticks, loads of cheap beer, buns, rolls and various BBQ sauces.

Back home Jack went to prepare the BBQ and I opened and washed all the meats. I put the chicken into the oven to part cook, just to be on the safe side, then I sliced all the buns and rolls, and put the beers into a great big trug with loads of ice. I tied the opener to the handle of the trug, and put a big cardboard box to one side for the rubbish. Smoke was rising from the BBQ, but it would still be another hour before it would be ready for cooking.

We got all the various chairs out from the garden stores and dotted them around.

"Remember Jack, no smoking, no vaping. Okay? I don't mind beer, and I am not buying anymore, so if you run out, you go to the store to buy more, but I will not have smoking or vaping."

"Cool mum. Perhaps I should ask the guys to bring some beers with them."

"Wouldn't hurt. Any girls coming?"

"A few."

"And what are they going to drink? Water?"

"Oh. Yeah, didn't think about that."

"Come on, quick, the Co-Op is nearest, we'll go and grab some wine."

We ran to the car and rushed up to the Co-op. I grabbed three bottles of chardonnay and some paper cups, and then back to the house. I added a roll of kitchen roll to the table, people could use that to hold the food.

Jack started to spread the charcoal out over the bed of the BBQ, it looked nearly ready. I set up a folding table next to the BBQ and started to bring out the food, covering it in Tea Towels to try and keep the flies at bay. I also lit a few citronella candles, although I was pretty sure that they didn't actually work.

Jack's friends soon started arriving. The weather was hot, way above twenty degrees, and so I undid my blouse, but left it on, just providing a little cover from the sun and teenage boy's eyes. There were a few girls with the boys, but the boys outnumbered them around two to one. Jack started adding the meat to the BBQ and soon there was the smell of cooking food and the sound of the sizzle. I grabbed my deckchair and sat with a beer and watched through my sunglasses.

Yes, I know I could have left them all to it, but this was my garden and I wanted to enjoy the sun. It was also quite fun watching all the behaviours. I didn't say anything, my sunglasses hid my eyes and I think after a while most of them just kind of forgot I was there. A few of them were making out, a lot of kissing and a fair bit of fondling, but nothing too overboard. I didn't notice any couples sneaking into the house, although I wasn't really looking for that, I was just watching the behaviours in the garden.

As I suspected they would, they ran out of beer and I saw Jack give one of the lads some money and then that lad went around the others gathering more money. Then he disappeared and I guessed headed to the Co-Op. He came back about 15 minutes later with a good supply of beer.

There was a lot of general banter and laughter and looking my way. After a while Jack came over my way with a fresh bottle.

"Alright mum? Another beer?"

"Yes and yes. Thank you. How is it going, you all seemed quite lively just now."

I swear Jack went bright red.

"Yes mum, er, well, they were just saying stuff."

"What stuff?"

"About you mum."

"What about me?"

"What a MILF you are mum."

That made me smile. I was old enough to be their mum and they were thinking they wanted to take me to bed.

"Jack, they wouldn't have the first clue baby. Not a clue. They would be so out of their depth it is untrue."

"Well, not everyone is inexperienced mum."

"May be not baby, and as flattered as I am that they find me interesting in that way, they really wouldn't be able to keep up."

"Mum, bloody hell. What are you saying?"

I then realised that he had probably never even thought of his mum having a sexual life. Well, I did keep things on the QT, so he would have no idea, and I certainly never had men friends here at the same time as him.

"I am saying, Jack, that your young friends would have no idea how to satisfy an older woman, like me, and that their dreams would turn into embarrassment. For them, not me, I would just end up unsatisfied."

"Shit mum."

I smiled and too a mouthful of beer. He wandered back to his friends and I could see some heated exchanges going on. Was he defending my honour I wondered? Ah well. In their dreams, his young and inexperienced friends held no attraction for me. I remembered the fumbling and failures of boys in my teenage years, and believe me, an experienced man is worth several boys.

The day wore on and the box for the beer empties filled. Eventually the food ran out and people started to wander off, many of the boys and girls taking the time to come across and thank me for allowing them to have such a good time. I smiled and thanked them for their courtesy.

Jack was obviously a little tipsy as we cleared away, closed the dampers on the BBQ and left it to run down over night. We folded the chairs and leant them against the Garden store, we could sort them out tomorrow.

In the house it seemed quiet and almost dark after the day in the bright sun with the hubbub of the garden noises.

"I'm going for a shower. I'll be back down in a bit."

"Okay mum," he certainly sounded 'a little worse for the wear'.

Upstairs in my room I stripped off my blouse, skirt and then my bikini. I had been pretty much covered from the sun, but I thought I would rub some aftersun on after my shower. Wouldn't hurt to keep my skin hydrated.

I turned the ensuite shower on and stepped under the water. I turned the temperature down from my usual, it had been hot outside and I wanted to put some cool into my skin. As I rubbed my vulva I thought I could detect a few spikes, probably need to wax again in a few days, but be okay for today. It was only when the towel snagged that I knew I had left it too long.

After I had dried myself, I started rubbing aftersun onto my skin, slowly ensuring that I covered every square inch, and even though my groin hadn't been exposed I did rather enjoy the sensation of my hands applying the aftersun to my mons, resisting the temptation to let my fingers slide down and between my lips. The thought of all those teenage boys wanting to shag me had left me a little aroused.

As I turned to go and get my robe I thought I detected a moving shadow, perhaps it was a trick of the light, perhaps it was someone spying on me. I grabbed my robe and slid into to it, doing the internal ties and then the belt, ensuring no accidental display could occur, and went downstairs.

"Drink Jack?" I asked through the lounge door.


"I am having a martini over ice. You?"

"Same works for me. Thanks."

I grabbed two highballs, ice from the freezer, and then poured in the vermouth. I topped with some lemonade and went through, passing one to Jack and then sitting opposite him, he lounging on the sofa, me on the single armchair.

"How did you think that went then?"

"It was great.'

"Good. Did your friends get over their disappointment?"

"What disappointment?"

"That your mum was not prepared to drop her knickers for the wild orgy of their dreams."


"Well, did they?"

"They had no choice did they?"

"No. And was it because of that, that you watched me in the shower and in my bedroom?"

He had the good grace not to lie and to actually blush.

"I guess."

"You have had girlfriends, what is the attraction of looking at your mum?"

"It isn't the same."

"What isn't? We all have boobs and a fanny, only I'm older and a bit more saggy."

"No, it is not the same and you are not saggy. And yes I was looking at you, mum, you may not realise it but you are really hot."

"I am very aware of how I look Jack, I am just not sure that you should be looking at me that way."

"What way?"


"Why not? In some cultures it is permitted, encouraged even, and the bible is full of begetting with mums, dads, sisters, etc. It is only man made laws that make it taboo."

"Maybe, but it is those laws that we have to live by."

"Well. I make no apology for looking."

"Even if that makes me feel uncomfortable?"

"Does it?"

I couldn't answer that, not honestly. I ignored it.

"It is not right."

"You are evading the question mum."

"No I am not."

I had another drink of my Martini and looked across at jack, properly. He evidently had an erection, the front of his shorts was tented. His eyes were attempting to undress me as if to see me naked once more. I wasn't sure how I felt.

"Do you think that sexually I think of you the same as those friends of yours wanted me to think of them."

"No. I don't."

"But you wished that I did."

"Yes. I can't help it."

"So, that means it is going to be awkward in the house then?"

"No. I won't do that to you mum. But I cannot help what I am thinking."

"And I cannot help what I am not thinking."

"I understand that mum."

The next day was a little overcast, not really a day for sun bathing, but it was still warm. The BBQ was now cold and so Jack could clean that and put the ash in the bin. I put away and stacked the chairs in the garden store, had a check around the garden for misplaced bottles or plastic cups and found none. I was impressed, Jack's friends actually were a decent lot. Many had thanked me for hosting and none had hidden bottles in the shrubbery.

I sat in the conservatory suppling an Elderflower Pressé as Jack cleaned down the BBQ. I played again the conversations that we had yesterday. His friends all thought I was a MILF, an expression I actually dislike, mostly because of the F but also for how demeaning it was as a woman. They would all have loved it if I had dropped my bikini bottoms and invited them for a gang bang. In their dreams, certainly not mine, and then the revelation that Jack felt the same, that he saw me, his mother, as a sexual object.

That did surprise me as I know he has had a number of girlfriends and has had sexual relations with them. It is not as if he were 'going without,' and I were the only port in a storm.

Jack eventually finished, bagged and then binned the cold embers and ashes, smiled as he walked past and I heard him washing in the downstairs bathroom. He then went to the kitchen and I heard the tap run. He sat down opposite me and took a long drink from his glass of water.

"Good day," I said, "yesterday."

"It was, thank you again for letting it happen and for not 'getting in the way."

"I think you friends were courteous, polite, and excellent examples. I am pleased, and happy for you that your friends were like that. They all seemed to have a good time."

"Yes they did mum, yes they did."

"Even though they didn't get the orgy that they seemed to want."

"That was just talk mum."

"Tongues loosened by beer."

"I guess."

"Yours too?"

He was silent and looked at me.

"No mum, my tongue wasn't loosened by beer."

"So, what you said, you meant."


"Are you therefore disappointed that the sun is in today and I haven't an excuse to put on a bikini?"

"Yes. I am."


I sat there and supped more of my pressé. I was in a quandary, I wasn't sure what to do or say. Paul, Jack's dad, had passed a few years before, there was only Jack and I these days, and I did not have the first clue how to handle his desires.

"Go and put out two sun loungers."

I got up and went up to my bedroom. I took a sharp and deep breath and then I stripped. I looked through my drawers and found what I was looking for, my briefest, smallest bikini. It really was almost obscene. Well, let's see if he can cope with his saggy old mum displaying her wares like a tart in Amsterdam.

I went downstairs, two sun loungers were on the grass, lined up opposite to each other, one unoccupied and one facing where the sun would be if it weren't hidden by clouds.

"I have no lotion on. If the sun comes out, you will have to apply it for me."

"Okay mum."

He was wearing just a pair of swimmers. I lay on the free sun lounger, sun glasses to protect me from the invisible sun and I lay. I propped the back up so I wasn't completely flat, and facing Jack, my eyes hidden, his not.

"I think I need a Gin." I did, a good shot of lady courage.

"I'll get you one mum. Tonic?"

"Please, but not too much."

"I might join you." He said as he got up and walked past, an erection all too obvious. Oh Lord what was I doing? To be honest I didn't really know, I sort half had an idea of letting him see me in a bikini, letting it fuel his imagination and then he would toddle off, deal with it, and that would be that.

I heard him coming back, he stood next to me, his shorts jutting almost into my face, and passed me my gin. I took a sip, my, my that was strong. I said nothing other than thank you. Perhaps he was trying to get me tipsy.

"After yesterday, you can have your friends around again, but I think it is only fair that some of them host you first."

"Thank you mum." I noticed he was only sipping at his gin, I decided I really ought to do the same.

"And then you can all ogle your friends' mum."

"None of them have a patch on you mum."

"Really, I doubt that."

I lay and looked at the clouds in the sky, they did look thundery, if it did rain we would just have to dive indoors. All the garden stuff from yesterday was now away, just these two loungers and us out. It was really warm, warmer than yesterday, just little sun. It peaked through occasionally, but was mostly hidden.

I was laying with my back slightly raised and my feet at the edges of the lounger. Jack was also slightly raised, his shorts tight as he seemed to be filling them with his thoughts.

"Penny for them?" I offered.


"What are you thinking?"

"Mum, you don't want to know."

"Oh. Aren't we passed that?"

"In no way mum. Those feelings and thoughts don't just go away."

"Oh. I thought that they would."

"Is that why you put that bikini on?"

"Well, no, I just thought a quick view would get you over it."

"Not even for a second mum."

I took a sip at my gin with its trace of tonic. "So, tell me, what are you thinking then, come on, enlighten me."

"I am looking at you. I imagining you taking your top off and holding your boobs, watching your hands move around your nipples, your nipples hardening."

Well, I suppose I asked for it, again the focus on the boobs.

"Oh. You do realise that they are not the most interesting part of a woman's body?"

"Of course, but they are the appetiser."

Fair enough I suppose, to a man; being a woman, I don't really see them that way.

"And once you have enjoyed the appetiser?"

"You lay there with your bikini top on the ground and then you undo the ties on your bottoms, folding the front flap forward, giving me a glimpse."

"And what would that be a glimpse off? What do you imagine there is to see?" I took another sip.

"I know that you shave, so there would be no hair to obscure and hide your treasure."

"And just how do you know that?"

"I have seen you in the shower and in your bedroom, remember?"

"So, you know what I look like, you could use that in your dream."

"It is different, you were not close, I could see no detail."

"And what detail do you want to see?"

Another sip, slightly larger. I could feel my arousal and I was ashamed of myself.

"I would see the bulge of your sex. The crease where it parts."

"And what do you imagine would be hidden that you could still not see?"

"I would imagine that you would lift your bottom and slide the bikini bottoms away and I would see how your crease goes down and round to your bum."

"But all would be hidden still, it is just a crease, a front bottom if you will."

Another larger sip. I could feel how wet I was, my nipples were hard in my top, he must see that.

"Oh but what a promise it contains."

"You think? Then what, I am naked but still concealed, apart from my boobs."

"And what boobs they are, nipples hard and welcoming. You would place your feet on the floor, your crease unfurling, opening and revealing the treasure."

"You have a very active imagination. What then?"

"I would come over to you and lean forward and inhale your aroma, I would see you from close up, not afar, I would take in your beauty and imprint it on my brain."

"That is it? You would look, ogle me?"

"No. I would reach out a finger and touch, running through the wetness, and then I would taste."

"With your finger?"

"No. I would use my tongue. Slip it between the lips of your sex, and then into your fanny, pressing as deep as I could, sucking your flavour, the taste that makes you you."

"Oh. Well, would that be it?"

"No mum. No. I would drop my shorts to show you my arousal. My dick hard and wanting. Laying over you I would line up and enter, my dick inside you."

He really had a lot to learn, he is still young, his imagination was all about him, his needs, his wants. There was little of what I would want. He had to learn that.

He needed a teacher.

"Well, that is very revealing. It tells me a lot about you."

"Oh, in what way, you think I am a pervert?"

"Oh no, just that you have not learned the ways of pleasing a woman, for you it is all about the shagging, getting yours. As you experience life you will learn that it is really about pleasing the woman, only then will the sex become mind blowing and not just the release that you could get with a wank."

He was quiet and took a long draught of his gin.

"Would you teach me?"

"I am your mother, that would not be appropriate"

"I need a teacher that cares about me, that will not hurt me, break my heart. Who else but you?"

"That does not make it appropriate."

At that moment the heavens opened with a flash of lightening and the biggest raindrops you ever did see. The rain was warm, but heavy in weight, I felt like I was being battered. I stood and headed to the house. I was already soaked, running wouldn't have helped and I didn't want to slip and twist an ankle or worse. Straight into the kitchen and stripped my bikini off.

"Drop your shorts here, don't drip them through the house." I said to Jack and headed off to my bedroom. As he had admitted, he had already seen me naked, and I didn't want my bikini to drip across the wooden floor in the hall way, and so being naked was no drama.