Beastly Encounter

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A fuck session between a naive scientist and Bigfoot.
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!!!DISCLAIMER!!!!!!18+ Only!!!

All characters depicted are intended to be 18+!

No scenes depict sexual acts with minors.

This story depicts foot fetish, and consensual sex between a non-human and extra-human entity.


KINK DISCLAIMERS: Feet, Romance, Interspecies, Romance.

Tiff was in her third year studying cryptobiology at the local university and was on the second day of a weeklong solo expedition in the heavily wooded mountains outside of Port Angeles, Washington.

Tiff was a brilliant scientist with a keen mind but was sadly naive about the world around her. In addition to her innocent nature, her deeply held instinctive belief in Bigfoot made her the target of relentless teasing by her lab partners. She didn't care. She stuck to her gut feeling even through the name calling and big piles of hair someone left on her lab station.

As a young child, Tiff had heard rumors and conjectures of the Mountain man or Mountain Mystery that supposedly lived in the upper portions of the craggy mountainside. He was described as a giant creature covered in coarse dark hair and had been heard screaming or making animalistic noises in the night. She had traveled to the mountains of the Pacific Northwest to hopefully get close enough to record the creature's calls or get a few pictures to prove her naysayers wrong.

Tiff may be smart but she was somewhat of a diva and had absolutely no actual experience in camping or roughing it. Her idea of camping was her and her sister Rena glamping by the lake during the summer, so her solo expedition was going to be a bit of an eye opener for her.

Her first night out she camped about a mile from the top of the mountain region that was her ultimate goal of reaching. The lack of noise and cellphone reception made Tiff's mind turn back to her lab partner's teasing which made her muscles tense up and she noticed she was holding her breath. "Dang it! Why does their teasing bother me so much?" Determined to relax and still hot from carrying the unaccustomed weight of a backpack up the side of the mountain, Tiff stripped down to cool off and so she could practice some yoga in the hopes her stress would ease.

She shimmied out of the too-tight jeans she had foolishly thought would be a good idea to hike in, and was left in just her pink thong panties and too-small sports bra that barely contained her more than voluptuous F cups. The breeze on her ample backside was refreshing and left little pricks of goosebumps all over her pale, soft skin. She pulled her thick, wavy red hair into a bun, to prevent the wind from blowing it into her mouth, and she began to slow her breathing as she eased into her nightly yoga practice.

She stood barefoot on a patch of short groundcover, rising to her full 5 foot 1-inch height, and started to move in rhythm to her and out, in and out. The rise and fall of her breath made her gorgeous pink nipples poke out from the top of her bra, but calmed, she began to move through a Sun Salutation series of poses, her blue eyes intermittently opening and closing to both take in her surroundings and to retreat into the peace that darkness can bring. She moved through the poses, transitioning from Mountain pose, Warrior II, Side-Angle, Triangle, and finally her favorite, a bound half-moon pose. She grabbed the top of her right foot, her pink-tipped toes both curled and pointed, the arch of her foot wrinkled, and she allowed her eyes to flutter open so she could focus on the still of the trees to help her keep her balance. Just at the peak of the pose, she caught what she thought was movement behind her. Startled, she released the pose to look around, her breath caught in her throat. "Who's there?", she asked, both a bit scared and unexpectedly excited. When only the wind answered her inquiry, she finished up her practice on her left side and settled into a seated pose to meditate. Her mind now calm and her body ready for sleep, she snuggled into her plush sleeping bag.

She woke the next morning, her spirits slightly dampened, after a disappointingly quiet night, but she struck out from camp, determined that she'd finally see the big mountain man she'd been dreaming of since her childhood.

On the second day of her hike, Tiff finally made it to the campsite she'd been searching for, near the top of the mountain, at the mouth of a huge open cave, with a sturdy overhang to protect her from the weather. She unrolled her open-ended pup tent and struggled to get it set up.

After she got the tent set up and her sleeping bag unrolled and shaken out, Tiff grabbed her canteen and walked the fifty yards to the stream and filled it up. "I never realized how tough it is to hike!", she mumbled to herself as she took a long drink. She gathered up firewood as she walked back to her camp and got a fire going in a ring of stones left over from past campers.

Tiff opened up an MRE and dumped it into a small cooking pot then set it over the fire to heat up. After her meal, she cleaned up the mess, washed the pot in the stream, and started getting ready for bed. Tiff stretched and then crawled into her low tent. She kicked off her hiking boots, peeled off her thick socks, shimmied out of her tight jeans, and took off her flannel button-up shirt, leaving her in just her sports bra that strained against her huge breasts, and her thong panties.

Tiff grabbed a tube of her favorite spearmint-scented foot cream and rubbed it into her soft bare soles to protect her from blisters and calluses. She took a deep whiff from the top of the tube before she recapped it..."I just LOVE this scent! It's so strong but sexy!", she giggled to herself as she crawled into her sleeping bag and zipped it up.

As she lay there listening to the crickets and other creatures chirping and calling in the night, Tiff fantasized about getting her proof and showing up her wise-assed colleagues. She gently stroked her clit through her silk thong, teasing herself with naughty edges, heightening her pleasure as she saw herself winning a full grant for her work. "That'll show them!", she moaned as the orgasm overcame her. Within minutes, she was fast asleep.

A little after midnight Tiff was startled awake by a strange noise. She laid stock still and strained her senses to determine what she'd heard. She listened intently until she heard a series of guttural grunts. She tried to recall the animal noises she had recorded when she interned at the zoo to determine the species that was nosing around her campsite. For the life of her, she couldn't figure it out, so she kept quiet in hopes the animal would get bored and move on. She crawled deeper into her sleeping bag as quietly as she could and zipped it all of the way up.

Tiff started to doze off again when suddenly the grunts she'd heard outside her tent were now coming from the open end of her tent by her feet- she immediately froze! She could hear the creature breathing heavily as if it was sniffing around and she could feel its large presence getting closer and closer. Suddenly she felt it rooting its nose around the foot of her sleeping bag, inhaling deeply.

Tiff was scared stiff! She was terrified of moving and angering the animal, so she bit her lip and stayed perfectly still. The creature continued sniffing at her feet and then suddenly ripped open the bottom end of the sleeping bag and began to sniff and lick Tiff's bare toes.

She couldn't hold still any longer, the tickling sensations of the creature's rough tongue on her bare toes sent shivers of pleasure right up her spine! Tiff began to giggle uncontrollably as the unseen creature gripped her ankles in a vice-like grip and began to lick her soft soles greedily! Her giggles turned into shrieks of laughter as the beast tongued her tootsies without mercy!

Without warning the creature drug Tiff in her sleeping bag out of her tent, slung her over his massive shoulder and slowly carried her away from her campsite. She struggled in her sleeping bag trying to get the zipper open enough to get a look at the beast that was carrying her away. She was terrified of her being carried away but the scientist in her was intrigued at getting a close look at the mythical beast in his natural environment!

As the creature lumbered through the woods with his prize slung over his muscular shoulder, Tiff's mind was flooded with wild thoughts and emotions. Her fight-or-flight response was overridden by her obsession with studying this beast. She conjectured that he was a gentle being, after all, he hadn't attacked her in her tent, he just sniffed and licked her bare feet for some reason that she couldn't deduce just yet.

Her thoughts were jumbled because in the position she was in over his shoulder and, with his every stride, his massive shoulder muscles rubbed against her crotch causing her unexpected sexual pleasure and an overabundance of wetness...a physical condition that had plagued her since puberty. Tiff had an ultra-sensitive clit, just the slightest touch caused her body to overproduce her natural sexual lubricant and, with the constant contact of the beast's shoulder on her tender nether region, she had a very wet trail going up her belly due to being inverted.

Tiff finally got the zipper to her sleeping bag open enough to peek out but because her upper torso was over his back she could barely see anything besides his hair-covered back. She was irritated and overstimulated...every time she tried to have a rational thought the beast's shoulder muscle sent her libido into overdrive and her thought would vanish!

Finally, after what felt like an hour-long hike, the creature stopped and dropped her in her sleeping bag onto something soft. Tiff peeked through the open zipper and saw in the pale moonlight that she was on what seemed to be a large pile of leaves and long grass. Her bare feet were still sticking out the bottom of her sleeping bag and when she started to draw them back into the sleeping bag, she heard the creature grunt, it surprised her because it sounded like he grunted, 'Uh-uh', disapprovingly. Tiff slid her feet back out of the sleeping bag and she heard him purr in delight.

The creature was squatted down on his haunches as he watched Tiff's nervously wiggling toes with complete lust. He shuffled closer to get a better whiff when a new smell caught his attention-he could smell her sexual arousal strongly! He crept closer and closer to her sleeping bag. He put his furry face right up to the center of her sleeping bag and inhaled deeply then grunted excitedly. He grabbed the sleeping bag and ripped it completely right down the center, spilling his prize out onto his crude bedding.

Tiff's eyes widened in instant wonder when she finally saw the creature in real life that she'd been dreaming of since she was a little girl. Her wonder quickly turned to fright when she saw the lust in his huge speckled green eyes! The beast stood up to his full eight foot height and rolled his shoulders as if he was showing off his physique. Tiff instantly recognized it as a mating ritual of some kind. He then dropped to his hands and knees and began sniffing Tiff's midsection where her juice trail ended and traced it directly to its source. He got more and more excited with each inhalation of her love juices.

Tiff was frozen in terror, but was unconsciously getting aroused. She laid absolutely still as he sniffed and nuzzled on her belly and her crotch. She noticed that the beast's odor was acting like an aphrodisiac on her. She tried to fight the wanton urges that were rising up in her but he just smelled SO good. Suddenly she felt him tugging on the elastic band of her thong and her pink sports bra. She then felt them both ripped off he pulled them off of her. She automatically blushed when she felt her nipples exposed to the air and to his wide tongue licking her most sensitive areas with abandon!

The sensation of the beast's tongue on her clit made Tiff howl in pleasure. The creature lifted up his head momentarily and howled right back at her then dove back down face first into his prize's sweet snatch with eagerness! She was going crazy with lust as he licked her tender clit over and over, causing her to dribble and squirt her love juices generously all over his hairy face, which spurred him on to continue on even harder! Tiff had her hands deep in his scalp hairs holding on to the beast's head for dear life as she squealed, howled and screamed in pure ecstasy repeatedly!

The beast pulled his face from her wetness, leaned back on his heels and shook his shaggy head as he howled in delight. Tiff looked him up and down with a huge smile on her face, then she spotted something that made her toes curl-his 16 inch long, 4 inch round cock with testes the size of baseballs pointing straight at her!

As she laid there staring intently at his monstrous member she thought to herself, "There's NO way that'll fit inside me without splitting me in two!" Suddenly a brilliant idea struck her! Tiff pulled her feet out from under him then wrapped her soft and dainty size 6 feeties around his massive meat missile and began to stroke him gently but firmly. The creature looked down at what she was doing and growled in appreciation. She gleefully milked his huge cock expertly caressing it with her sensitive soft soles while wondering how big of a load he would shoot.

As she milked the beast's humongous cock with her tiny tootsies, Tiff slipped her fingers between her delicate folds and tickled her sensitive clit to multiple orgasms! The combination of the pheromones the creature was emanating, the size of his monstrous member, and her FINALLY finding the discovery of the millennium had her libido skyrocketing! Her analytical mind was on the back burner as her pent up sexuality made its long awaited debut!

The beast grunted in absolute delight as his playtoy fondled herself while pleasuring him to his core. Her scent drove him crazy with animalistic lust for her! He stretched out a muscular arm and gently stroked her fiery red hair with his huge hand and purred. Moments later he could feel his orgasm building and Tiff sensed it too. His huge cock throbbed between her bare soles and she could literally feel his pulse quickening with her feet-so she sped up her efforts to make him cum.

Suddenly the beast threw back his head and roared as his cock exploded in ecstasy and sprayed Tiff with a massive load of beast batter! Rope after rope of thick cum shot out and generously coated his playtoy from head to toe. After he was spent he leaned back on his heels to catch his breath.

Tiff laid there in front of him in absolute shock. She'd never heard of a creature that could shoot a load like that. Her analytical mind kicked in momentarily as she quickly studied him...she noticed things that slipped by her before. She saw that he had a necklace of feathers hanging from a braided string around his huge neck. She noticed that he had a kind face and smile wrinkles on his cheeks, almost like dimples. This was not the monster people had been talking about for centuries-this was a sentient being!

The beast looked down at his cum glazed prize and smiled at her, scooped her up into his massive arms, and carried her out of his lair. He carried her a few hundred yards to a shallow river and set her down on the bank before he jumped in the water to cool off. Tiff watched him in awe as he playfully splashed around in the water before she jumped in with him to rinse off. She watched as the gentle beast stood stock still in the waist deep water watching the fish swim around him. Suddenly, in a burst of speed, he thrust his hands in the water and pulled out two fish with his bare hands and then tossed them onto the bank before lumbering out of the water himself.

He grinned widely at Tiff as she waded back to shore while he waved his catch at her-it was like he was saying, "Dinner time!" He scooped her up in one arm then carried her back to his lair, all the while Tiff was utterly amazed and astonished at his actions.

When they got back to his lair, he gently set Tiff down onto his bedding then shambled to the back of the cave. She watched in silent awe as the beast got a fire started and put the fish over the flames on sticks to cook. When they were done, he put them on a flat rock and brought them over to her.

The creature looked at her, smiled then grunted what sounded like, "Eat", which made Tiff almost fall over backwards! The beast chuckled at her response. "You can speak?", she asked, stunned. He grunted, "No", then smiled a crooked smile at her.

After they ate, the creature dug out a few strands of string from under his bedding, plopped down on his behind and began to braid them together. Tiff watched the beast as he held the strings between his teeth and braided them. He took small feathers from the lining of her sleeping bag and tied them into the braid every inch or so.

Tiff was totally flabbergasted that he was able to do such delicate work with such huge hands. He was as skilled as a surgeon with uncanny dexterity! She got up and walked around the cave, exploring as much as she could see in the firelight, and was floored when she found intricate carvings on the cave walls of star systems that she recognized from her first year astronomy class-star systems that couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

Surprised once again by the obvious intelligence of the being she'd been calling Beast displayed, she pointed to the stars on the wall and then to the stars visible through the cave opening and said, "stars?", attempting once again to get her friend to speak.

He looked up briefly from his work to see what Tiff was pointing at, but he single-mindedly resumed his braiding. Curious about what her beast was making, Tiff sat down in front of him, pointed to the project in his large hands and then at the necklace the Beast was wearing, hopeful that he would say more words. She desperately wanted to hear him speak, partially for science, but mostly because she wanted to know this surprising individual better.

The beast carried on with his beautiful work, the strands of material expertly braided, feathers interwoven at equal intervals. Tiff once again touched the Beast's work and his necklace and said, "necklace." He looked up again, shook his head, pointed to his work and then towards Tiff's left foot.

The beast tied the end of the finished braid and, with a gentleness that took Tiff's breath away, lifted up her leg and tied his beautiful project around her left ankle. Eyes wide and heart open, Tiff tearfully watched as the Beast laid claim to her.

She brought her foot towards her face so she could better see the Beast's immaculate handiwork. Awed at the perfection of the interwoven fabric and feathers, Tiff uttered, "beautiful" as tears escaped her eyes. The beast, looking concerned, grunted something that sounded like, "bad" and started to remove the anklet.

Tiff touched his hands to stop him, shook her head and said, "love it." The beast understanding the gesture smiled in pleasure. Tiff said, "thank you" and wrapped her arms around her friend, who she had been seeking her entire life. The Beast returned the hug, his gentle strength made Tiff feel both loved and protected.

She gently touched his face and drew his hand towards hers. "Face", she said. He gently caressed Tiff's smooth cheek as she explored his rough one. He said something indecipherable to Tiff's ears, as his green eyes urged her to repeat the word which sounded like a grunt to her. She attempted to repeat what he said and he shook his head no.

He stood up and determinedly walked towards the back of his cave. She saw him feed wood into the remnants of the fire he had used to cook the fish on. He placed a container of water in the flames and steam very quickly escaped through the top. He took some dried substance, rubbed it in between his giant hands and evenly placed some of the ground matter into what appeared to be cups.