Beauty and the Booty

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Can NXT's Ariana Grace really "fix" Gigi Dolin?
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"Georgina! Georgina! I'm here! Where are you!?" Arianna Grace yelled, a hand over her eyes as she peeked her head into the NXT Women's locker, hoping to shield herself from the filthiness she could hear occurring within. Arianna struggled to contain her disgust, but even worse was the fact that, with all of the screaming, moaning, begging and the like, simply announcing her presence to the woman she was searching for wasn't enough. So, she sucked it up and burst into the locker room, a place she'd done her best to avoid since hopping onto WWE's developmental scene. Typically, she wouldn't be caught dead even casting her classy, sophisticated, lady-like gaze on the lewd, disgusting behavior usually mucking up what could be a very graceful and elegant locker room. But, every occasion has an exception. For Arianna, that exception was Gigi Dolin, the latest in her quest to bring her fellow superstars up to her own beauty and class standards.

See, Gigi's quite beautiful on her own. That much was obvious to anyone with at least a handful of working brain cells and partial vision. But that attitude? Her penchant for partaking in...well, Arianna didn't like to get specific in regards to the filthy women of WWE and NXT. The things Gigi liked to do with her rear-end? Yeah...ew. Needed work. And as NXT's resident beauty queen, it was Arianna's duty to assist in any way she could...even if Gigi didn't want any help.

"What do you want, Arianna?" Gigi asked with a groan, barely visible as the famously fat-assed beauty was already bent over, waiting for that delicious dumper of hers to receive it's regularly scheduled ass fucking. Though sadly, for Gigi's sake, she seemed to be caught between a pair of newer, fresher, more sought after bottoms. And it was obvious by her tone that the former tag-team champion wasn't happy about it.

To her left was the familiar trio of Lyra Valkyria, Tatum Paxley, and the new NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez. Essentially, "the main event scene" from the last few months. Though, instead of running things on top, like most champions, The Prodigy was currently busy getting double-bummed by that sweet and psycho duo and, upsettingly to Arianna, loving every second of it.

To Gigi's right was a group of women, all lined up in this order, from the front of the collection to the back: Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson, Kiana James, Blair Davenport, Sol Ruca, and Izzi Dame. Before the line was the action, and another trio. The cutest human firecracker, Thea Hail, NXT's poison, Jacy Jayne, and her protege, Jazmyn Nyx. Though, there was no surprise in regards to who exactly was the bottom between those three. The high-energy Uni student was a born bottom, hell, even Arianna could tell that, even if the fact did disgust her. Though unlike the poor, pathetic Prodigy, Thea was only getting her plump cheeks clapped by one woman, Jacy, while Jazmyn looked on, stroking her lube covered cock as Jayne pumped that pooper and barked informative notes at her mentee.

"Did she just call ye Georgina?" former NXT Women's Champion Lyra Valkyria asked, so confused that she actually pulled her attention away from the euphoric happenings in front of her, that being sharing the asshole of her arch nemesis Roxanne Perez with her psycho goth girlfriend, Tatum Paxley. An occurrence that, unsurprisingly given the state of The Prodigy's booty, had been happening quite a lot recently. Even if Roxanne HAD beaten her at Stand and Deliver for the belt.

"Yeah, she does that...I guess," Gigi confirmed and, naturally, Arianna stepped right over, silently refusing to explain why she insisted on butchering The PAWG Princess' name.

"Well, Georgina," Arianna began bluntly. "I stopped by this little FILTH HOLE to see if you'd be interested in cashing in on your end of the our wager today?" Arianna was of course referring to the bet she and Gigi made, where if Arianna won their match, she'd get to "re-make" Gigi in her image.

"This again?" Gigi asked with a groan. "I told you, I don't want to do it! And you didn't even beat me anyway, so who cares?"

"But Georgina, I WON the match...and you know what they say, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. The referee's decision is final," Gigi mocked, flapping her hand open and closed to mimic the mouth movements. "I'm really sick of hearing that, Grace."

"If ye that bothered by 'er, maybe ye should just keep up yer end, Gigi? Get it over with," Lyra added, naturally in between a sharp, deep thrust into Roxy's prodigious booty, one that had the new, 2-time NXT champ squealing with far more delight than someone of her standard and acumen normally would.

"Yeah, Gigi, just let Arianna class you up a bit," Tatum added in. "I mean, you're such a whore as it now, it wouldn't hurt, would it?"

"See, Georgina? Even your, umm...playmates agree with me! They think you should show some respect for yourself by giving up these filthy habits."

"No we don't," Lyra clarified with another brutal butt pump, poor Roxy shamefully loving every second. "We just mean that 'er whole punk style is feckin' lame and out-dated. Get 'er some new clothes, ye know?"

"Yeah, what do you think we are, stupid?" Tatum asked, filling the hole that her girlfriend made upon pulling out. "We need pieces of ass like Gigi around to keep us interested if...and I MEAN if we ever get tired of Roxanne's perfect booty!"

"Wait, wait!" Roxanne interjected, gripping her plump, tan cheeks as if her life depended on it as both Lyra and Tatum's cocks barreling in and out of her free-use chute. "Y-You're just-ahhh-just kidding, r-right, Mistress Tatum? Mistress Valkyria? Y...You guys won't won't actually get t-tired of my fat butt, will ya?"

Lyra, grinning wickedly, pushed Roxanne's hands away, allowing those glorious cheeks to flop down and jiggle about as she clashed into them. Mouth-watering and hypnotic. Roxy's booty, which had already been the source of several hours of pleasure for Valkyria and her psycho girlfriend, was eating up the punishment, and that only became truer once Lyra stopped fighting off the desire to roughly spank those cheeks as well. A quite cathartic feeling, considering all of the shit the little short-stack loved to talk in the ring.

"Nah, bitch, don't worry! It'll be a long time 'til we get tired of ye! Well, for me at least! I don't speak fer Tatum or nothin!"

"Gooodddddd, thank you, Mistress Valkyria!!!" Roxanne cried out, a truly pathetic display that had The Beauty Queen's stomach churning. So much for being a proud champion! All of that time wasted on stupid fights for what? Just got Roxanne to embarrass herself over and over again by know...defiled by the women who can't seem to beat her.

"This is SO gross," Arianna re-iterated her stance, turning away in disgust; she'd absorbed as much of this nonsense as a classy woman can handle. "Georgina, let's get out of here! C'mon, we've got a lot of daylight left, so there's plenty of time to hit a bunch of stores!"

"What? Shopping? You were being serious? That's really how you want me to keep my word?" Gigi sighed, and shook her orange-haired head. "No thanks. Regardless of what they think, I don't need new clothes. Mine are hella rad. You know, when I do actually wear them?"

Arianna took a deep breath, smiled reassuringly despite the fact that she was still facing away from all of the anal action, and reminded, "I christened you Miss NXT In-Training. I gifted you a sash, just like mine! Did I not?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Sooooooo, fixing..." Arianna's hand fluttered, "all of's going to take time. It's a multi-step project, Georgina. Step one is the easiest, but it's very important, I promise!"

"Shopping?" Gigi repeated with a groan.

"More than just that, Georgina!" Arianna assured with passionate aplomb. "Wardrobe. Makeover. Quickest way to class is by dressing to impress and...NOT like you're from a 90s grunge band."

Gigi scoffed.

Arianna continued, "So, c'mon! Let's go! Put those ugly clothes of yours on so we can go find you something proper and lady-like to wear!"

"Listen, Arianna," Gigi began to explain. "I really don't want any new clothes. I'll honor our bet, but I think that's kinda extreme. And besides, I'm not going anywhere until SOMEBODY fucks my ass. I've been waiting two hours already, and I refuse to let all of that good time go to waste!" Gigi, with a face that wore frustration like a Gucci scarf, was practically a few seconds away from bursting into prayer to thank God for the buttplug keeping her hole stuffed, but also submitting her name for more. Scary hours, for sure. There used to be a time, up until very recently, when groups like the one accumulating in front of Thea would line up for her glorious cakes. Of course, that would be on nights where The PAWG Princess wasn't the spitting image of Roxanne, getting tag-teamed by her ex-Toxic Attraction stablemates. Good times.

Sadly, these last few months, Gigi's been left out to dry, the fresher, more exciting fucks killing her dull, used-up buzz. Passed around for the last two years and nothing but, the thrill of banging the biggest, phattest booty in the entire company, brands be damned, had worn off. By now, Gigi had gotten used to this kneeling routine, her knees and hands calloused as she waited and waited for anybody willing to give her dump truck what it so desperately craved. Though, that DID NOT mean she was happy about it.

"But, Georgina-" Arianna attempted to argue, but it was no use.

"But nothing!" Gigi snapped. "We're on my time! And until there's at least one cock in my butt, my time is valuable!"

A few silent seconds passed before Grace broke the intensity. " shopping today then?"

Gigi groaned, and on the spot, decided to stop entertaining the clueless beauty queen's antics. She ignored, instead focusing on the only thing she could do to possibly earn a cock in her ass sooner, rather than later. Begging one of those in the long line waiting for a turn with Hail's humps. Cock poaching, if you will.

"Hey, Blair, Sol," Gigi called out, turning until her monstrous rear was pointing out at tiny Thea's train instead of the more focused buggery of Roxanne and her tops. "You guys are gonna be in that line forever! You're wasting your time! Why are you waiting to fuck a couple of Little Debbie cakes when I got the entire bakery right here?" Dolin began twerking her booty as a means to entice, and while those cheeks may have been jiggling more than a fat man caught in the middle of a record-setting earthquake, it didn't do the job.

"Sorry, Gigi, but I ummm-" Sol began, looking to decline respectfully. But, respect isn't exactly something Blair Davenport, for all of her viciousness, is familiar with.

"Don't apologize to that whore, Sol! She doesn't deserve it! 'Er used-up bum is exactly that! Used-up! It's not our fault she's been down 'ere for ages! Not our fault she can't get called up to main roster and find some new tops that aren't sick of usin' 'er arse! Not our fault that we're sick of fuckin' the same bum ovah and ovah!"

"Yeah but, like, dude..." Sol softly began, "It's not cool to just SAY that! It's also not her fault that she's, like, super pathetic."

"Oh whatever!" Gigi dismissed in frustration, while Arianna held her head in failure, listening to the sinful, sorrowful sounds of a bitch with so much potential to be a proper lady demeaning herself even further. "Fine, I get it! You guys have been here a while. But Izzi? Izziiiiiii..." Gigi tempted Izzi Dame, the statuesque ex-volleyball player, a woman who hadn't been around the NXT landscape quite as long as Blair and Sol, shaking her booty even more vigorously.

"C'mon, Izzi, just like yesterday! You know you're not actually going to get a shot with Thea's butt. By the time Jacy and Jasmyn and Lash are done with her, there'll barely be anything left for the rest of you anyway! Especially little miss last in line! But, there's no line over here, Izzi!"

"No, Gigi, not again!" Izzi denied. "Eventually, I'll get my turn! Thea's the youngest one here, she can go for a few rounds. And besides, I won't really know if I keep jumping out of line to fuck you, anyway!"

"Yeah, Gigi," Dolin's old partner Jacy Jayne, currently giving Hail's booty the works, began. "Mind your own business! Nobody wants to fuck an asshole that's already as loose as the Grand Canyon! Especially when it's already been fucked hundreds of times by everyone here! God knows I've already fucked you enough for twelve lifetimes!"


Thea ran short of breath, so paused and regrouped for a moment. "I'm ready to lose my two-cock cherry for you, Mistress Jacy!"

"It's about time, bitch!" Jacy barked. "Jazmyn, get over here! This is a, hehe...a teachable moment!" Jazmyn Nyx trotted over, and the two prepared to further Dolin's torment; it wasn't bad enough that Gigi was already incredibly jealous that Roxanne was getting her fat ass wrecked by two dicks, but now Thea was going to as well? Gigi couldn't even manage to sway one cock! God, she wasn't sure who she was more jealous of: Roxanne for getting a former world champion and her girlfriend up that ass, or Thea, for having Jacy, the woman amongst all others, who's spent the most time in Dolin's dumper; maybe not a champion, but Jacy knew her way around Gigi's booty better than anyone, and getting bummed by her was always a welcomed, euphoric nostalgia rush.

Gigi sighed, running out of options. In dire straights like this, Gigi had recently turned to letting equally pathetic bottoms, like Wren Sinclair or Lola Vice pound her cheeks, even if it hardly resembled anything close to a proper butt-busting. But, unfortunately, outside of herself, Thea, and Rox, the lowest of the low were nowhere to be found. Gigi turned back to "the main event scene", and threw on her best puppy dog face. But, no use.

"Don't even think about askin', Gigi!" Lyra barked, her hands crashing down, over and over on her hot, Latin rival's deliciously round, plump booty.

"Yeah, fuck off," Tatum added, following suit in the "explore Roxanne's goddess-like body routine" from the bottom, grabbing The Prodigy's throat and squeezing down, leaving Rox just enough air to squeak out a plea or two.

"Oh God, oh God!" Roxanne cried, her typically cute voice coarse and gravelly. "Guys...Mistress Valkyria...Mistress Tatum...cum! I'm..."

"You're gonna what, bitch?" Tatum asked sternly, plucking her hand from Roxy's throat and using it instead to swat that pretty face.

"FUCK- I'm gonna cum! Can I cum, please? Please let me fucking cum like a double-butt whore for you guys!" Roxanne begged, words that Gigi found surprisingly euphoric. Not because she cared about Roxy's needs, hell no! More so because if Lyra and Tatum were finishing up with Roxanne, they just MAY be willing to take a break and fuck her ass, instead.

"It looks like you guys are finishing up here? Take me up on my offer?" Gigi asked, once again wagging her tail pathetically.

"Finishin' up? Ha! C'mon, now! Roxanne's my lil' anal sex prodigy! She can cum ten times and still be ready fer more!" Lyra clarified, keeping her thrusts inside of Roxy's rear sharp and forceful as the younger girl lingered on the edge.

"Just piss off, Gigi!" Tatum barked again. "You're ass is gonna be lonely! Deal, bitch! It won't hurt you to NOT completely whore yourself out for once in your life!"

Gigi lowered her head in shame, a shame not brought upon by her purely pathetic behavior, but instead the harsh reality Tatum Paxley had described. And as the sounds of Roxanne Perez cumming her brains out to her left and Thea Hail finally begging Mistress Jacy to lose her double-anal cherry to her right bombarded Gigi's senses, the only woman in the room who didn't see The PAWG Princess as a piece of fuckmeat, Arianna Grace, began to walk away. To give up on Gigi, as well. And, perhaps at her most desperate and jealous, with a million and one thoughts racing through her mind, Gigi Dolin made a hasty decision.

"Arianna, wait! Don't go!" Dolin called out. The Beauty Queen stopped in her tracks.

"Georgina..." Arianna sighed. "I can't be around all of this...ew...anymore. I'm better than all of this, and I thought you might be, too. But I guess I was wrong." Grace resumed her exit, but a few choice words from Hell's Favorite Harlot were enough to stop her again.

"You want to go shopping, right? Dress me up like a doll and all of that other dumb shit?" Gigi asked. "Well, how about we cut a deal?"

"What kind of deal did you have in mind?"

"Well, you want something...and I want something. You want to class me up, and I want big, fat girlcock up my ass!"

"Ew, no!" Arianna immediately cried out. "I'm not doing whatever you're insinuating, Georgina!"

"Aww, c'mon, Arianna! You want to class me up, right?"

"I don't know if I want it THAT bad!"

"Listen, you don't have to make a big deal out of this," Gigi began to explain. "I just need you to do it. You don't have to be good, or into it, or even try! All you have to do is wear a strap-on and fuck my ass. Two little things, and I promise, I'll do whatever you want me to do! I'll go to as many stores and wear as many prim, ugly little princess dresses that you want!"

Arianna didn't respond, but at the very least, she did stop walking away, leading Gigi to continue her pursuit. "It doesn't even have to be a big toy, or anything, if that makes you feel better. I've got a pretty small one that you can use. Please, Arianna, just do this one thing for me! You wanted to turn me into a real lady, right? Well I swear, I listen to everything you say! I swear!"

With each syllable, Arianna could tell that "Georgina" was getting more desperate. And while that may be gross and pathetic to her, The Beauty Queen didn't for a second doubt the genuinity of Gigi's words. Maybe she wasn't into being Arianna's personal dress-up doll, but Dolin would sacrifice her soul for an ass fucking, at this point, with Roxanne and Thea practically taunting her with their litany of tops. And, in turn, Arianna truly did want to "save" her, transform her into a classy lady. A tall task, especially when Gigi was supposed to be the first of many? Sure, but one that Arianna welcomed. And thus, one she couldn't turn down a chance to bring closer to fruition.

"You really swear? Like, if I do...this grossly unspeakable act with'll embrace my ideas?"

"God yes! I said that already, didn't I?" Gigi cried her orange head out. "Just fuck my ass! I don't care, whatever, I'll do anything! Just fuck my ass for the love of FUCKING GOD!!!" the real tops in the room wavered between laughing hysterically and somewhat feeling sorry for Gigi. Who could've guessed she was pathetic enough to beg someone who's never topped before for a butt-fucking? That's some next-level whore shit!

Arianna sighed, then took a deep breath. Even with all of Gigi's pushing and the promises, it wasn't easy for her. A woman of her sophistication really should never partake in activities like this, you know? Not ladylike. Really, WWE's entire backstage culture was quite revolting, but when something's out of order, it needs to be fixed, right? And what's that they say about fire? You fight it with fire, right?

"Okay. Okay, Georgina," Arianna agreed, still disappointed that her quest had come to this. "This one time, I will help you."

"Fuck yeah!" Gigi yelled out before clarifying, "Let's get this fucking show on the road! My bag's over there, grab whatever strap-on you want, I don't care! So long as it's thrusting in and out of my butt, then fuck the size!"

"O-Okay," Arianna agreed, a bit confused as to why someone as pathetically ranked within the theoretical hierarchical ranks would even own so many strap-ons but, she wasn't asking questions! Nope! All of this was just so...ew! So, Arianna was looking to get this over with ASAP in the name of classing up Gigi immediately after.