Because of a Rotten Fish


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She began to masturbate him slowly and he started to make little gasping sighs of pleasure. She speeded up her movements and he suddenly cried out, "I'm going to come…don't make me co…aaaah."

She had taken the crown of his penis into her mouth just as the first gobbet of his warm viscous semen shot out of his urethra. The head of his penis being so large it seemed to fill her mouth and she battled to try and swallow the outpouring of his emissions.

He pumped out what seemed to Prue to be an endless stream of sperm and it began to ooze out of her mouth and down her chin, there to hang for a moment before it dropped onto David's groin. After what seemed an age he gave a shuddering sigh and relaxed. She sucked the last drops out of him and fell back on the bed beside him.

Echoing her words he said quietly, "That was beautiful."

Prue wanted to reply but found that her mouth was gummed up by the semen she had been unable to swallow. She got off the bed hastily and fled for the bathroom and there washed out her mouth. Returning to the bedroom she brought a wash cloth and commenced cleaning David's penis and groin.

She laughed as she asked, "Do you always have such enormous ejaculations?"

He returned her laugh and said, "It depends on how often I have sexual intercourse."

Chapter 10. A Confession

A thought popped into Prue's head and it grew until she spoke it.

"You know about Jerry and me and how there hasn't been anyone since Jerry, but what about you, is there any one?"

An awkward silence ensued, and Prue went on, "There is, isn't there?"

"Yes," he mumbled.

Prue felt jealousy stab her like a dagger. He had made love with her, had declared his love, and all the time there was someone else.

"You've made love with me, David…you said you love me…have you done and said the same things to her?"

"Well, yes and no."

"David, if we're going to hide things from each other at this stage in our relationship, what's it going to be like in the future?"

"I don't want to hide anything from you Prue, honestly I don't, but I'm not sure how you'll take it if I tell you. You see, it's not exactly…well…it's not quite the usual sort of relationship."

"What's so unusual about it?" asked Prue, somewhat apprehensively since she wasn't sure what she might hear.

"I suppose I'd better tell you," he said.

"You don't have to, but I do need to know if that relationship is going to continue, because if it is our relationship won't."

"It can't continue indefinitely," David said.

"Oh, why not?"

"It just can't, we both know that."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes, but not in the way I love you."

"In what way then?"

"All right, I'd better tell you; it's my aunt."

"Your aunt!" Exploded Prue. "Incest!"


"How the hell did that happen?"

"Well you see, my mother died when I was ten and my aunt took over. She was unmarried so she came to run the house."

"All right, she came to run the house, so…?"

"I…er…she…one day a couple of years ago she caught sight of me when I was naked, and she…she came and kissed me, and one thing led to another, so…"

"So you got into bed with her."

"Yes, that's more less it."

Prue could well understand why the aunt would want to get into bed with David. After all, given his magical aura and the sight of his sex organ she had succumbed easily enough. "A lot of women would," she told herself. Nevertheless she wondered that David had entered into a relationship with a woman who must be far older than him and his aunt of all women.

Feeling perplexed and angry she asked, "And how old is this aunt?"

"About twelve years older than me."

"Is she attractive?"

"Yes, in a buxom sort of way."

"She's not married or anything?"

"No, she doesn't want to get married, but she has had a few lovers."

"And she had to have you as well."

"Yes, I suppose you could say that, and after the first time she said she'd never experienced anything like it before and that she wanted to go on with me."

"And you wanted to go on as well?"

"Well, yes…it's so damned awkward to explain…she'd been like a mother to me but she wasn't my mother and…well, she is good in bed and as I said we both knew it couldn't last. I was working hard and she was there in the house, and it meant…it meant I didn't have to be plagued with sexual frustration and that made things a lot easier."

Prue had kept herself in check up to that point, but now she burst out, "And I've made things a lot easier, have I? Relieved you of the sexual frustrations you've been experiencing while canoeing, is that it?"

"No…no…it's not like that."

"What is it like then?"

"I've told you I want to marry you."

Prue want to yell, "Why don't you marry your bloody aunt," but realised the ridiculousness of that thought. Instead she said, "I'd wondered about you're wanting to marry me after knowing me for only a couple of days and having a bit of sex with me, it's all been a bit too easy hasn't it?"

"But that's what I want. My aunt knows that. I told her I wanted to get married and have children and she understands, even if she doesn't want that for herself. She says she wants to enjoy me while she can and no regrets when it's over."

"Oh really, so what are you going to do about her? Are you going to tell her about me?"

"Does that mean we're still going to go on?"

"To use your own words, yes and no."

"I don't understand."

"Then I'll explain. You've sampled the goods, sexually speaking; I've nagged you; I've lost my temper with you, so you know something about me, and I propose to change the arrangement we discussed earlier."

"How change it?"

"You still go back and join the practice; you can write, email and telephone, but for that whole year you will not see me."

"But Prue…"

"No, don't argue. I admit that like your aunt I want your penis in my vagina, but I'm prepared to forgo that pleasure for a year. I've managed without sex for the past four years and I can manage without for another year. You can go back and copulate with your aunt as often as you like, but you can also consider whether you still want me. If you decide yes, then the aunt goes…and any other woman goes however much they want you in them and can't manage without you."

"But Prue, I've already made up my mind about you, I'll stop having sex with my aunt."

"So you drop the poor woman just like that? Is that how you treat women who have been generous with you? When will you be dropping me?"

"God, Prue, I don't know what you want."

"What I want is for you to have time to consider, and I also want that time myself. You don't have to be deprived of sex, but at the end of the year we will both have made up our minds…I hope."

"Prue I can't…"

"That's the deal, David, take it or leave it."

There was a long silence, and then David said resignedly, "Okay, I'll take it."

"You will not see me for twelve months, that's clear isn't it?"

"Yes…yes, of course it is, but it'll be damned hard."

"Good, you told me that in your family you don't get things for nothing, you have to work for them. Well this is one way for both of us to work for what we really want."

"By not seeing each other; that doesn't make sense."

"You might find that harder work than you think, David. Now, I have a feeling I should kick you out of my bed and not let you near me, but since you've given me a taste for you" - she stopped and smiled for a moment, "quite literally as it happens - we'd better make the most of what time we will have together. So, if I haven't wilted that formidable phallus of yours completely, you'd better carry on making passionate love with me until you leave."

She hadn't ‘wilted that formidable phallus," and it went into action over the following four days. After that David set off in his canoe and watching him paddle away there were tears in Prue's eyes.

Chapter 11. The Long Wait

To the last David had insisted he loved her, but she knew that once he got back to the city she might well fade from his memory and become only a pleasant but passing interlude in his life. She wondered if that might prove true for her as well.

Three weeks later David finished his trip and almost immediately began to bombard Prue with letters, emails and telephone calls, all swearing undying love. She expected these to slacken off during the course of the year, but they didn't.

He said nothing about copulating with his aunt, but Prue suspected that being a young potent male, and having temptation right there in the house, he would succumb. To her surprise she found she didn't mind this too much. Having the sort of influence he had with women, if it wasn't his aunt it would be someone else unknown to her. For all his apparent reticence David was after all a very potent young male once he was sure of his ground, as she had discovered.

Her own desire for David did not seem to wane, and in considering the old saying, "Absence make the heart grow fonder, " she added, "And the vagina wetter."

Her sexual hunger was somewhat ameliorated by events that took place in her life, but she constantly looked forward to the end of the year with a mixture of apprehension and longing.

Once the elderly lady came back with her ancient dog; she looked quizzically at Prue and said, "I saw you going out with that young fellow, did you find out what I meant when I was in here before?"

"What was that?"

"I told you they all have one thing in common, the quiet ones with atmosphere. You see, they don't have to boast about it like those who haven't got it.

"Boast about what?"

"The size of their thingy, love, they all have a big one."

Prue was not convinced that there really was a correlation between being a quiet male and having a big "thingy", so she gave a non-committal reply, "You may be right."

"Hee, hee, hee," the senior citizen replied, "I'm sure I'm right, I've had two of them."

Chapter 12. The Return

As with a child waiting for Christmas or a birthday to arrive, it seemed to Prue that the year would never end. As its end did approach she detected in David's communications an equal impatience for the day to arrive.

He must have been counting the days very accurately because twelve months to the day a Mercedes drew up outside the clinic and a flushed and excited David hurtled into the reception area. Sally gave him a censorious look as he asked, "Where's Prue?"

Giving a snort of disapproval she replied haughtily, "She's in the kitchen getting…" But David was gone before she could finish. He rushed into the kitchen and swept Prue up in his arms.

"Oh God, I've missed you so much, Prue. Now do we get married?"

Prue managed to struggle out of his embrace and said, "Come into the lounge and sit down, David."

Davis was stunned by what he perceived to be Prue's cool reception, but he followed her obediently and sat.

Prue sat opposite him, looking at him intently. "So you still think you want to marry me?"

"Yes…yes, of course I do, haven't I said so every time I've written and spoken to you?"

"Yes, you have. What about your aunt?"

"That's over; she understood…she's always understood. I told her we were going to get married. She cried a bit, but sort of gave us her blessing."

"You've rather jumped the gun a bit, haven't you?"

"How do you mean."

"I said at the end of the year we would discuss marriage, ‘discuss' David."

"Well, isn't that what we're doing?"

"No; you've taken it for granted we will get married, but are you really sure? You may have thought I was a push over on that sandbar and in bed, but you have to realise I'd been without sex for four years, and when I saw…well never mind. What I want to say is, I don't come cheap."

"I know that, look how long you've made me wait."

"I'm flattered that your ardour hasn't been dampened, David, but I want you to know the truth…have the facts. Come with me."

He followed her upstairs. He thought that for all her apparent coolness she was taking him to her bedroom to make love. Instead she opened the door to another room and signalling him to go in she said, "You'd better say hello to our daughter."

David stood still, stunned. Despite the fact that he could see the child in its cot he asked, "What did you say?"

"You're not going deaf, are you David? I said, ‘say hello to our daughter'."

"You've had a baby!" he yelped.

"That's the usual way one produces daughters or sons."

"And I'm the…"

"Don't you dare even think it, David Baxter."

"I didn't mean it like that, but you keep me away for a year, you have our baby and don't even tell me; why…why?"

"And have you come here full of righteousness, ‘Must do the right thing by the poor little woman and marry her'. And what then, ten year from now you might look at me and think, ‘She trapped me into marriage by getting pregnant'."

"Oh no mister Baxter, I wasn't having any of that. I don't need your support, I can look after myself. If you were going to marry me it would be because you wanted me and not because you wanted to play the gentleman. You said in the lounge you wanted to marry me; that's fine because you said it before you saw Emily. I won't hold you to that, but for goodness sake look at what we've made."

Somewhat awestruck David stood beside the cot looking down at the child. He said nothing for nearly two minutes, then giving a deep sigh he said, "She's just like you, beautiful."

That said, for a while neither David nor Prue seemed to know what to say next. Then finally Prue said, "That's how it is, David, Emily and I come as a package deal, now let's go back to the lounge and leave her to sleep, you can hold her later if you want to."

"Of course I want to, she's mine, isn't she?"


"What! You said I'm the…"

"She's ours," said Prue, emphasising "ours."

"Ah, sorry."

"All right, but don't you ever imply that you may not be her father."

In the lounge Prue asked, "Do you want the package deal or not?"

"You always make it sound like a commercial transaction."

"Well you say it another way."

"I'd like to marry you and Emily – and by the way, I didn't think you were a push over on the sandbar or in bed."

"Well, since it was me who made the first approach I thought you might…"

"As a matter of fact I was very grateful, I didn't have the courage to approach you?"

"Oh, why?"

"After knowing you for only two days? I knew there was something special about you…"

"And sandbars?"

"Yes, okay, and sandbars; but you looked so beautiful…"

"With my hair all wet and stringy?"

"Stop interrupting, I'm trying to say something important."


"As I was saying, I thought that if I made an approach it might spoil everything and…"

"That's what you said at the time."

"There you go again; I know what I said at the time, but you assured me it wouldn't spoil things, but I didn't want to chance it until you asked me to touch you."

"You see, I'm a slut…a loose woman."

"Don't be so bloody silly, Prue, I…"

"Don't swear, it's not good for Emily."

"But she not here."

"No, but you've got to get out of the habit in case you swear when she is here."

"Okay; all I was going to say was that you had the courage to bring right out what we both wanted."

"David, I'm not really old fashioned, but isn't there something you've forgotten?"

"Have I? What?"

"If you can't remember it can't be very important to you, can it."

"But if I can't remember it how will I know if it's important or not?"

"I'll give you a clue; think about me and Emily for a moment."

David sat staring at her for a while then said, "It's no good, I can't think what you mean."

"The you'd better go back to town."

"But you said…"

"No I haven't, but you're getting warm."

Then the light came, "Oh my God; Prudence, will you marry me?"

"If I say ‘yes', will I be living up to my name?"

"What do you mean?"

"Will I be prudent?"

David laughed and said, "I've got a lot of money."

"Sod the money."

"You told me not to swear."

"Sorry, I forgot. I'll put it another way; I don't want or need your money."

"All right, forget the money, but what's the answer?"

"For a sensitive guy you're not being very delicate."

"Please tell me your answer Prudence."

"Stop calling me Prudence, nobody else does."

"I just thought the situation called for a formal mode of address."

"The answer is ‘yes', so you can stop being formal."

David rose from his chair and going to Prue he lifted her on to her feet and began to hug her.

"Hey, careful, I'm feeding Emily and my breasts are a bit overfull and tender at the moment."

"Does that mean I won't be able…?"

"No you won't."

"For how long?"


"That bloody kid – sorry – is a spoil sport. By the way, do I have to ask her as well?"


"About getting married to you?"

"She doesn't know you very well so she'll probably say ‘no'."

"Then I won't ask her."

"Good idea. Do I have to ask anyone about our getting married?"

"Like who?"

"Pat or your aunt?"

"Aunt is fixed and Pat will probably be very happy."

"My breasts may not be available, but the rest of me is in good working order."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I've got half and hour before I have to get back to work."

They retired to bed and began the process of making up for their year's separation. The activity continued after work and when Prue finished feeding Emily, but before bed, David held Emily for the first time.

"Dad will be delighted," he commented, "he always wanted a daughter and didn't get one, but now he'll have a granddaughter."

"Does your father know about me?"

"Of course he does, I told him we were going to get married and that I'm coming here to live."

"I bet he didn't like that."

"You're right, he didn't at first, but when he got used to the idea he decided to turn the situation to his advantage."


"He said, 'Since you're determined to go to Queens Bend and marry this woman whoever she is, you might as well open a branch of Baxter, Baxter, Baxter, Baxter and Epstein there."

"Marvellous! Suppose Emily decides to take up law, it would be Baxter, Baxter, Baxter, Baxter, Baxter and Epstein. And if our other children were to…"

"What other children?"

"We're not going to stop at one, are we?"

"No I suppose not."

"How long before the practice opens?"

"Oh, it'll take a while, but I'll keep popping back in the meantime; by the way, did you see my Mercedes?"

"Yes, I saw the ostentatious thing."

"I'll buy you one as a wedding present."

"No, but I could do with a new van for carrying animals in. Now stop talking David and do something nice to me…be careful of my breasts."

"I shall treat them with the utmost respect – by the way, had it ever occurred to you that we have a rotten fish to thank for our being together?"

"What rotten fish?"

"The one that Pat ate."

"Yes, of course; just circle my clitoris with your finger for while, you do it so nicely."

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KarensClit1990KarensClit1990about 6 years ago
No flow

I didn’t enjoy this story compared to your others.

It started out realistic but then quickly changed.

I thought at first it might be a cultural difference, I’m from Canada, you’re from Australia. But really were not that much different between countries at all.

It just didn’t make sense:

-she’s a strong woman, yet she’s afraid/insecure of him dumping her because she is “fast” , that “whether he had feelings of revulsion for her who had offered herself after so short an acquaintance” this is ignorant, stupid

-they both! declare love instantaneously—ridiculous

-she gets jealous over his dog? & she’s a vet, don’t believe it

-they separate for a year after just a few day together & declare themselves

-SUPER STUPID & this story is mislabelled=INCEST?! If I wanted to read an incest story I’d go to that category. This new love of her life is banging his aunt?! & has no qualms about it...yeah...he’s a good catch—NOT! He’ll think nothing of fuckibg their daughter next

-SHE has no qualms about him relapsing screwing his aunt because “at least she knows her” & oh yes “he’s a potent man” so that excuses if he fails—totally ridiculous

-she doesn’t tell him that she got pregnant & had a child?! She’s awful.

More to the point, to me it seems like she knew she’d get pregnant because she made no attempt to not get pregnant, there was no “birth control failure”,

If the birth control is excluded from the sex scene then ok, take for granted:

its fantasy, or she’s on the pill. But if you throw in this real life drama of bringing in a child & her ranging on about him not feeling sorry for her & marrying her just because she got pregnant—well she & they did nothing to prevent it — so why is her haranguing brought in?

-they have this hot sex, yet because she is lactating, her breasts are completely out of bounds? That makes no sense.

-he has to be the whimpiest guy. & he’s a lawyer? Not at all believable

Obviously, I’m disappointed in the story, frustrated that I even read the entire thing — I started to bail at the aunt/incest part but realized the story was close to the end...

But—- your other stories are so much better....

Sorry to be so harsh.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
quite a good story

but what a callous cold hearted bitch to treat him like that and not tell him about the baby.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I liked the story. I got swept up in it until the last 1/4 where the characters motivations started to come across as unrealistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Thanks so much.

A fun read, as are many of your stories. I enjoy them very much.

asiaprofasiaprofover 17 years ago
Good start,

nice build up

ending a little abrupt

SalamisSalamisover 19 years ago
I usually love your stories but...

You wrapped this up too quickly. You literally inserted the Aunt and the Daughter with very little regard for the flow of the story. Using one plot device would have been sufficient, not both. If you introduce the Aunt then I would argue that you must give her SOMETHING to do, some action to take. But the major concern I had for this story were the lovers themselves. The dialog between Pru and David was tedious and by the end of the story I wanted David to throw his hands up in disgust and leave this shrill, sarcastic female. You gave us too much of Prue, and the parts you disclosed reduced the naturally sympathetic character you had painted. As for David, what a wimp! I'm surprised he had the gumption to return and more surprised that he wanted to do so. Other than his so called "Atmosphere" he was a shallow character.

For Prue to give the man so much grief upon his return was insufferable. You are one of THE BEST writers on this site. However, this story is not up to your otherwise high standards.

ishtatishtatover 19 years ago
High Pressure Atmosphere

In the top 1% of stories but when you write as well as you do the flaws unfortunately, seem to stand out more.The last part of the story after the hero's return is not quite so convincing. The discovery of a daughter perhaps wasn't really necessary to the plot and would have produced some very deep and mixed emotions in any man.These did not come through.That shows because a strength of the earlier part was the regular reflection by the heroine of her inner thoughts.The heroines character was on the whole a little better drawn than the hero's.The minor parts,the assistants ,the elderly woman and the dog were all very effective.Your description of the sex scenes seems a bit technical in terminology eg inguen & urethra but you redeem yourself entirely by knowing as so few authors do the difference between a vulva and a vagina! Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Excellent. But you must continue adding chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Yay!! Much better and much more like our friend!

Your humour, sexiness and insight comes out full force once again. So nice to see you using your obvious talent in such a great way. Welcome back, Moondrift, your gentle touch has been sorely missed in your explorations of the 'darker side'.

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