Becoming a Slut Couple (1) Martin


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"What about your husband?"

"What about him?"

"Won't he wonder at your being gone?"

"My husband and I have an unspoken agreement. He stays out of my way and he gets to continue living the easy life. If he causes me problems I'll throw his ass out."

"Doesn't sound like all that great a marriage."

"It isn't Martin. I caught him cheating on me and I forgave him and gave him a second chance and one month later he cheated on me again and as far as I was concerned that ended the marriage."

"Why didn't you divorce him?"

"Because, financially, it is cheaper to keep the cheating asshole than to divorce him. One of the major disadvantages of having money Martin, is that other people want to take it away from you. A divorce would make the lawyers wealthy. Since I am the one with the money I would end up paying through the nose just to get rid of someone I ignore anyway. No baby, it is just cheaper to keep him."

As I drove home I was thinking about how happy that weekend was going to make Jennie. She would never know why, but she would be happy that I never bothered her for sex again.


Beth was out of town on business when I went into work on Monday, but I did get a call from her around ten asking me how the weekend went. I told her that everything had gone well and she thanked me and told me that she would be back in town Thursday. Around eleven Angela called me and asked me if I could join her for lunch and I agreed to meet at Mario's again. When I got there she was sitting with another woman. I was introduced to Cathy Loring, the owner of Cartridge Incorporated and after a leisurely meal which was accompanied with a bottle of wine Angela told me that Cathy was a very good friend of hers and that Cathy knew about what I had done to get the Montrose account for Bev's company.

"Cathy is having some problems with her marriage Martin. She just discovered that her husband has been screwing his secretary and she wants a little revenge. If you would like to help her she would be most appreciative. I'm sure you know that Cartridge is one of the accounts that Bev lost and there is a very good possibility that you could get the account back."

I try very hard not to be stupid so I immediately asked Cathy the most important question. "Would helping you get your revenge become public? Would you be throwing it in his face and telling him that I was the one who helped you hang the horns on him?"

"Of course not. It is interesting however that you mention throwing it into his face because that is very close to what I have planned for the bastard. If you help me I'm going to go home and have him go down on me while I'm still fresh from being with you, so I guess you could say I'm going to put his face in it. How about it, think you can help me?"

I turned to Angela and jokingly said, "I guess it is up to you. Are you willing to share me?"

Angela said, "Cathy can have you on the nights I can't take care of you."

"I'd be a fool not to say yes. When would you like to do it?"

Angela laughed and said, "We gambled that you would say yes so we took a room at the Marriott. Would now be too soon?"


Friday morning around ten Beth called me into her office and close the door. The door no sooner closed behind me than she came to me, threw her arms around me, and then kissed me.

"She signed Martin, she signed and now I can breath easy. Thank you Martin, thank you, thank you, thank you" and she kissed me again.

I thought Angela had drained me to the point where I wouldn't be able to get it up for at least another month, but Beth pressing herself as she kissed me stirred me and she felt me as I started to rise. She stepped back and looked at me and then she smiled.

"I did say you would never go without again, didn't I. Lock the door Martin. We wouldn't want to be interrupted, now would we?"

I turned and locked the door and when I turned back she was stepping out of her panties. She dropped them in the middle of her desk and then walked over to me and turned her face up for a kiss. As our lips touched her tongue pushed into my mouth and I felt her hands unbuckling my belt. She broke the kiss and knelt in front of me and worked my trousers and briefs off of me, pushed them aside and then leaned forward, took my cock in her mouth and proceeded to give me magnificent head. In almost no time she had me ready to come and I told her so. Her hands clutched my butt cheeks and she pulled me into her mouth as deep as she was able and I let go. Her head kept bobbing as she swallowed and when I was spent she licked my cock like an ice cream cone for several seconds and then took me back into her mouth.

She worked on me until she got me hard again and then she stood up and walked over to her desk, bent herself at the waist and leaned on her elbows. She looked back over her shoulder at me, smiled at me and waited. As I slid my cock into her from behind I could not help but think about how my dry spell had ended. From almost no sex from Jennifer for years I suddenly had all I could handle - and I wondered how long I could make it last.

When it was over and I had my pants back on Beth had me sit down and tell her about my weekend. She wasn't interested in the sex part, just in anything that Angela might have said about Beth. I told her what Angela had said and she gave me a rueful smile.

"Oh I know my husband cheats Martin. I'm well aware of what that asshole does. Did she also tell you that she fucked my husband a week after we returned from our honeymoon? That's how I know she is a slut Martin. The bitch seduced my husband before the ink was dry on the marriage license. Not that the asshole needed much in the way of seducing."

Her phone rang and she picked it up hello and listened for a minute and then she hung up. She stood up and said she had a meeting to go to and then she said:

"Thank you again Martin. I won't forget you, I promise."

"Before you go to your meeting I think you should read this" and I took the Cartridge Incorporated contract out of my pocket and gave it to her. "You need to check it over and make sure that I got the terms right and then call and confirm."

I gave her a smile and left her office.


And that is how it started. For the next eight months I had sex with Beth two or three times a week, sometimes in her office and sometimes in a hotel or motel when we took a long lunch. Once she even took me home with her and I spent the night in her bed (after calling Jennie and telling her about the emergency business trip). Friday nights and every other weekend I spent with Angela. I occasionally got a call from Cathy, but not all that often. I had stopped even trying to make love to Jennie; she wasn't interested in me anyway and I was getting all I could handle for Beth and Angela and Cathy.

Life was good.

To be continued...

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