Becoming A Slut Wife: Helen

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He neglected her so she went elsewhere.
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Part 38 of the 84 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 07/02/2004
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The phone call was hoped for, but not totally expected. I had figured that the soonest I would hear from them, if they took the deal, would be at least two weeks away. But at eleven-thirty the phone rang and Mortenson said, "We are going with you Bruce. I've signed the papers and a copy is being faxed to you. You should have the originals by FedEx in the morning. Looking forward to doing business with you guys. Talk to you later."

I walked over to the fax machine just as the document started coming in. This was the last of seven deals that I had spent the last five months putting together. Five months of fourteen and sixteen hour days including working in my home office in the evenings and on the weekend, but it had been worth it. I was a lock now for the VP of Sales slot and the salary, bonuses and other perks that went with the job. I stapled the package together and walked down the hall to the boss's office. I knocked and Harv hollered at me to come in. I walked in and dropped the package on his desk, "Mortenson - signed, sealed and delivered. If you have no objection I'm going to take a week off and see if I can't get reacquainted with my wife."

Harv gave me a big smile and said, "You earned it. Take however much time you want. While you're gone figure out how you want your new office decorated - Mr. Vice President of Sales."


On the drive home I wondered if Helen would faint from shock when I came in the door. It had been months since I'd gotten home before nine in the evening and even then I had disappeared into my den for an hour or so. I guess I can honestly say that during those months I had been a good provider, but not much of a husband. We'd had several arguments over the lack of attention that I'd paid Helen, and I had tried very hard to explain that all the work I was doing was for our future, but it was hard to make her understand that. Great, I thought as I pulled up in front of the house and looked at the three cars in the driveway. The day I come home early intending to get reacquainted with my wife she has a bunch of friends visiting.

I went into the house and immediately knew that something was wrong. The noise coming from upstairs sounded like a sound track from a porn video, "Fuck me. Oh god yes, give me that cock. Harder damn it, harder. Fuck me, fuck me, please fuck me."

What shocked me to the soles of my feet was that it was Helen's voice. I wanted to turn around and leave, but something made me climb the stairs and go toward our bedroom. I stood in the doorway to the room and saw Helen on the bed with her head in the lap of a man while another man was fucking her from behind in her asshole. A third man stood next to the bed and was stroking his hard dick while he watched the action on the bed. The guy who was fucking her in her ass announced that he was cumming and Helen moaned, "In me baby, shoot it deep in me" and the man grabbed her hips and went at her ass like a jack hammer for several seconds and then he slowed to a stop. When he pulled his cock out of Helen her asshole looked like an open tunnel with a river of white running out of it. She took her mouth off of the man she had been sucking and told him to get up and take her in the ass. He got up from where he was laying and when he did he saw me and stopped dead in his tracks. The others noticed and turned around to look where he was looking and when Helen saw me she smirked, "That's only my husband; he's harmless so don't let him slow you down. Take my ass Roy, hurry up, I want you in my ass."

She looked at me and said, "They like my ass Bruce. They really get off shoving their hard cocks up my ass and cumming in me. Watch Roy Bruce. Watch Roy slide his hard cock up my ass. Watch him do what you haven't done in over five months."

The one called Roy looked warily at me as he climbed on the bed behind Helen and I heard her grunt as he slid into her. The man who had been standing beside the bed moved to put his cock in Helen's mouth and when she started sucking him I turned and went down the hall to the home office I had set up in the spare bedroom. I sat down at my desk and tried to sort out my feelings. There was something erotic about what I had just watched, but there was also a curious lack of feeling about it. I wasn't angry, I wasn't turned on, if anything I was indifferent.

I sat there for several minutes listening to Helen begging her friends to feed her more cock. What made me get up and get the camera I don't know, just as I didn't know what made me go to the gun safe in the closet and get out my Colt 1911A1. I tucked the gun in the small of my back and walked down the hall to the bedroom and started taking pictures. When I got there Helen was sitting on one cock, sucking on another and taking a third up her ass. I took several pictures and then went back down the hall to my office. About three minutes later two of the guys came into the room and said, "Give us the fucking camera." I told them that I didn't thinks so and one of them said, "Give us the camera and you won't get hurt. If you make us take it away from you, you won't like it."

I took out the .45 and said, "I'm not giving you the camera, now get the fuck out of this room." The two of them backed hurriedly away and almost ran back to the bedroom and I heard Helen say, "You guys better go. I think me and my hubby are going to need to talk" and a few minutes later I heard the front door slam. Several minutes after that Helen appeared in the doorway. She stood there looking at me and finally she said, "Well?"

I turned to look at her, "Well what?"

She made a face and said, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"Why, and to what purpose?"

"Oh come on. You have to be upset or mad. Don't you even want to know why?"

"Not really. I know I'm out busting my ass to make a good life for us and apparently it inconvenienced you for about five months. Most women would have considered that a small price to pay for financial security, but then I guess you aren't 'most women' are you? I come home to tell you that all the hard work paid off and I'm now the new VP of Sales and I find out that you sold me out."

"Hey, don't you dump all this on me. This wasn't any case of working with you on a project or anything like that. You have ignored me, totally ignored me for over five fucking months now. Up in the morning and gone without a kiss goodbye, home at night at nine or ten and then into this fucking office for another two hours or so and then not coming to bed until after I was sound asleep. Even on the weekends you couldn't spare me a fucking minute. You realize my birthday was three months ago and you didn't even give me a fucking card? You couldn't even remember me long enough to pick up the phone and wish me a happy birthday. And what about our wedding anniversary? It was three weeks ago. Did you by any chance remember it? If you did you sure didn't let me know. Did you ever take the time to tell me what you were doing? Did you ever say to me, "Be patient with me honey, it will only be a couple of months and then things will be better? No you fucking did not! Overnight you went from a loving husband to someone who didn't even know I existed and I was supposed to sit idly by and twiddle my thumbs until you chose to notice me? Well fuck you Bruce."

She turned and went down the hall to the bedroom. I sat there and thought about what she'd just said. I had forgotten our anniversary and her birthday and if she was right about that she might have been right about some of the rest of it. I hadn't realized that I was coming across to her that way, but even if I was, was that any excuse for her to be fucking other men in our own bedroom? Could she not have walked in the door on one of those nights I was working and talked to me? I sat there and thought about things for another hour and a half and then I got up and went looking for her. I found her in the bedroom closing a suitcase.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm packing my stuff and getting ready to get out."


"You know fucking well why. You didn't take those pictures for the family scrapbook. The only reason for them is because you need evidence when you divorce me. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of tossing me out. Get your fucking divorce for all I care. I'll send you an address where you can send the papers." She grabbed the suitcase and was down the stairs before I could say anything. I heard the garage door open and by the time I got downstairs she was gone.


It took me about a day to realize that I had fucked up big time. Helen and I had been sweethearts since the third grade and we carried our relationship all the way through college before finally getting married and settling down for ten years of a very good marriage. How could I have let that all go down the drain? I had loved her - no, make that I loved her -and now she was gone. The thought of not having her around for the rest of my life was something that I did not want to contemplate, but what was I going to do? Even if I got her back would I ever be able to get those three men out of my mind? For that matter, could she? But I couldn't do anything until I heard from her.

The next two weeks drug slowly by with no word from her. After the first week I went back to work and tried to lose myself in my new duties and every night I would come home hoping to find something from Helen that would tell me where to find her. I called her parents, her brother and sister, her friends and anyone else I could think of who might know where she was, but no could, or would, tell me where I could find her. Finally I received a letter telling me that I could address all correspondence to her to a post office box. I found out which post office had that particular box and then I took a couple of days off work and camped outside of it. I sat there for two days before seeing Helen walk in. I got out of my car and followed her inside and I walked up and was standing behind her when she opened the box.

"You won't find any divorce papers in there if that's what you are looking for."

She turned, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I find it hard to talk to you unless I'm either where you are or on the phone. Since you haven't given me a phone number I had to come here."

She said, "We don't have anything to talk about Bruce."

"I think we do. I've apparently fucked up our marriage and now I need to go about repairing the damage."

Helen shook her head, "It's too late for that Bruce. Too many things have happened in the last several months, things that can't be undone."

"Can't we at least talk about them?"

She stared at me for a moment or two and then said, "We can talk, but you won't like hearing anything that I have to say, but if you want to subject yourself to the pain we can talk."

We went across the street to a lounge, ordered drinks and then I said, "What do I have to do to make it right?"

She gave me a rueful grin and said, "You have to become Superman."

"What does that mean, become Superman?"

"It means that the only way you can get me back is to have the stamina of a Superman - you need to be able to fuck me most of the day and night."

I just stared at her. "Well" she said, "You wanted to know."

I just shook my head and asked her to explain.

"It's simple. I've found out that I love to fuck and I like to fuck a lot. I've also found out that no one man can satisfy me anymore. You know where I'm living now? I'm living with two of the guys that were fucking me when you came home that day. Two of them Bruce, and they can't keep up with me. On any given night they have anywhere from two to five friends over to try and keep me happy. That's right Bruce, I get gangbanged almost every night of the week."

She saw the expression on my face and reached out a hand and put it on mine. "It's both your fault and not your fault Bruce. It's not your fault that I am the way I am, but it is your fault that I found out about myself." I must have looked confused because she went on, "The way it happened was that you were supposed to take me to Barb's birthday party, but it was one of the many things that you forgot about or couldn't be bothered with when you went on your quest to become an important executive. I'd already spent two months being ignored and so I went to the party by myself. I had a bit too much to drink and was feeling real sorry for myself and a guy hit on me and I let him pick me up. He fucked me in Barb's driveway on the back seat of his car and we ended up at his apartment. He fucked me damn near all night and when the morning rolled around I was still horny, but he couldn't get it up any more.

"If I had got up and gone right then we might have been all right, but I didn't. I stayed and kept trying to get him back up and while I was trying a couple of his buddies came over. He was supposed to play a pick up game of basketball with them and they had come by to get him. I was still trying to get his cock hard when they came into the room and watched. One of them said, "If he can't help you, I can" and he pulled his cock out of his pants and offered it to me. I took it and they never did get to play ball that day. The four of them fucked me the rest of the day and all night and after that I was hooked.

I can't get enough anymore Bruce and you know what the worst part was, at least for me? I left the house for Barb's party at five Friday afternoon and I didn't get home until nine-thirty Sunday night and you never even knew I was gone. Three days later I went over to Brad's place and he and four of his friends fucked me almost steady for four days and once again I came home to find out that you never even missed me. That's how much I meant to you Bruce. I was so important to you that I could be gone for days on end and you never even noticed. One night I brought Brad home and fucked him in our bedroom with you working just down the hall. I did it to prove to myself that you really didn't give a shit about me. You know how vocal I get during sex, how could you not have heard me? I wanted you to hear. I wanted you to come busting in the room. You were only one door down the hall and still you ignored me. Now you have your executive position and you think that we can all go back to normal, go back to the way we were, but we can't. I'm a cock hungry slut now baby and there just isn't anything that you can do for me."

"Do any of those guys love you?"

"They love my pussy, my mouth, my ass and they love it that they can have me whenever they want, but love me? No, I don't think so."

"Well I do. I didn't realize how much until you walked out the door."

"It might surprise you to know that I still love you baby, but like I said, I'm a cock hungry slut now and you can't help me." I stared at her in silence for several moments and then I said, "Maybe I can."


Sometimes it is a little hard to concentrate on the work I bring home to do in my home office, what with all the noise coming from down the hall, but we have an agreement that so far seems to be working. Helen will get rid of her lovers by seven in the evening and then she is all mine until I leave for work the next morning. For my part I ignore what goes on from the time I leave until seven. I suppose that I could wait until after seven to come home from work, but it seems that I can't wait to get to Helen after her lovers are gone. I'm drawn to that cum filled cunt like a bear to honey and I just can't seem to be able to get enough of her anymore. I'm fucking her more now than ever before and that's even taking into account our sex crazy days after we were married. Helen said I would have to be a Superman to stay with her and Superman I'm not, but just the other day she called me SuperBruce. I don't know if that means I'm gaining on him or not, but I'm damn sure trying.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I love it. Please keep writing

NitpicNitpic9 months ago

Long time since I read such a load of crap.

usaretusaretover 1 year ago

Just another cuke story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not good, don't care for cuck stories. No stars

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - really a bad idea

DazzyDDazzyDabout 3 years ago

Hey26' I knew you would just LOVE this one. It is fiction,but stupid people do stupid things. No cuck here

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Dude wth was this tripe? I wish I could get a refund for the minute and a half before I stopped reading.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooteralmost 4 years ago
Great writing, totally different, 5*s!

A very different story, very unusual ending. He deserted her, she got revenge, a gift that continues to give.

Sometimes we don't put our marriage first, sometimes we don't talk about that elephant, and sometimes we pay the price for our ignorance, arrogance, and delicate pride. And sometimes we're just too F'ing macho.

So this story doesn't meet your pre-existing petty standards, don't ding it. It's well written, has good grammar and punctuation, and it offers a new perspective. Get over yourself.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

That was awful. Had to be one of Bob's worst. He must have been mad at the world when he wrote this.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

That was a really sick story from what I've been led to believe is a good author. This story gives lie to that information.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I don't believe it.He must be the most spineless human on the the planet let alone the biggest wimp.As he no pride.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
That Was A Horrible Story

Yes. I read it through to the finish because I so dearly wanted the wife to realize the great sacrifices her husband had made to give them a more financially stable life. But even though he still loves her, it is apparent that she doesn't love him. And why did the men threaten to hurt him if he didn't turn over the pictures he had taken of them? Were they afraid he would end their own marriages? Now that he is back, why does she continue to have extramarital sex in their marital bed? Is she making any effort to wean herself from her many outside lovers? Maybe he should keep that gun handy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well that was horrible.

She's a totally unapologetic whore. Why would he want to stay with her? She's about to get pregnant with another mans child or catch some nasty disease. So just let her be and divorce her for abandonment. Don't need to give her any of his new raise. All done. Stupid bitch. If she was feeling bad, why didn't she say a single word to her husband until she started to cheat? Better off without her.

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 11 years ago
Got to divorce her

After all that time she goes crazy? Before she brings home something you can't get rid of, dump her and move on. Can't trust her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
to know herself

she knew whao and what she was. priceless. bruce could not compete with that or fill the void

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
To: Chagrined

Because you are an author you must know that life experiences make the best forge for good stories. JPB wrote about his experiences with his first wife. Listed below is an excerpt from the Forward to The Helen Chronicles:


A while back I wrote The Dark Trilogy, three stories that reflected my feelings toward my first wife even though she has been out of my life for over thirty years. I received a lot of feedback asking me what in the world she could have done to me to cause that much rage and for me to still feel that strongly thirty years later.

I thought about it and decided to tell the story, but the story comes with a caveat - they are true, but they may not be 100% true. I do not know that much of what I'm writing actually happened the way that I'm writing it. With the exception of the last episode (The Best Friend) I only know what I've been told. I didn't catch Helen with any of her lovers except for Herb. It was only after

catching her with Herb and our subsequent divorce that friends (and some relatives) came forward and told me about the rest. In each case they told me that they thought I knew, that I was one of those guys who got off on having a slut wife.


Here are some of the JPB stories I have enjoyed:

Annie's Tits

The Bought Husband (#12 in the Top List for Loving Wives)

Rebbeca Anne

Mavis Gets Even

Saving My Job

Sally's Birthday

By the way, all of the above stories were rated 9 or more out of a possible score of 10 based upon hundreds of voting readers. I almost never rate a story low because I did not like the outcome. If it is written as a fantasy then was it entertaining (for example, The Accident by JPB)? If it is written as a life drama how realistic was it?

Good cuckold (that's willing cuckold) stories are very hard to write because the basic premise seems too silly to be a good fantasy but too incredible to be a real life drama. After all, why would any mentally stable spouse limit themselves sexually to a partner who fuck others in front of them? JPB gets a lot of hate mail because he writes cuckold stories (which is amazing given his life experience). I dislike most cuckold stories because they are not good fantasies or dramas.

Bottom Line: I look at a story as a story not necessarily

some reflection of life. I dislike many

of JPB's endings but that his right. I

continue to look for really good stories or

gems on this site.


Moked OutMoked Outalmost 18 years ago
System Standard.

Really really old. I here tell I am sometimes boreing to certain audiences. I feel ya just plain bob.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
To Sleepless in MD

And just how is he a jewel? Coal, yes, diamond, no. His stories are all the fucking same! Same plot, same characters, even the same economic strata for his characters. It is like watching the same movie over and over. I don't doubt that he posesses a modicrum of talent. But there are a shitload of scribblers out there. That doesn't make them writers and it doesn't make their stories worth reading. That makes him a cheat. He can do better but chooses not to. I think he has writing software where he plugs in the plotline and the software does the rest.

I will give you that JPB is the most prolific scribbler here but quanity isn't the same as quality. The best writer I have found here almost never posts: X_Bishop. The quality ain't there but you can't beat the quality.

No, it was garbage to begin with and it is garbage now. Thank the Lord this is a free site. I would never pay a nickle for this kind of writing.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
to all you cum eating,stds and aids canidate

who love this kind of crap,more power to you.but to call people who aren't wimp, look at yourself and what you're defending.youre defending a man who eat other men cum from a whoreslut for anybody.hell no i drop her on the spot.i can get another wife,but there no antidope for aids.common sense is inportant in life,think with your head and not your dick.bob writes for people who don't think for themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great Story

Keep them coming.

(And keep on pissing off those monogomous wimps out there too. I love reading their sophmoric stabs of hatred that they toss about. The funniest thing is: they'll probably end up in the same situation they are so vocally against. Kind of satisfyingly ironic. ;)

MagicaPracticaMagicaPracticaalmost 18 years ago

An interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Please read the open letter from JPB at rgarding his view on these stories.

We all know in real life no corporate VP could have an open slut like Helen for a wife (unless it was a porn business). Also the level of the husband's neglect meant that he really did not love her. Lastly, no man who fought his way over his competitors in business would ever (unless he was mentally unstable) take the leftovers from Helen's lovers.

One thing I will give JPB credit is that he is one of the most creative writers in this category. You may not like some of his stories but when you do find one you like, it is a jewel.

His other stories can be found on


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Gosh Love the EMOTION - NO - Not In the story

but only in the comments.

bobie rotes without it but with great care in self and helpless male humiliation. It's exciting to him but doesn't show up in his scribing - it is just a monotone of crude subhuman absurdities to cover up any human one's.

Then the clincher - he has such talent - really? Talent is completion. Being a very good grenade thrower is more than just pulling the pin it. It critically involves delivery - with some style - some emotion that pulls the reader in - creates positive emotion that has some lasting positive residue - not distain - not anger - not disgust.

However, those are the only true emotions from the stories of bobie - and they come from the disenchanted readers - readers who like most sometimes wait at the railroad crossing for the advertised accident with the busload of babies knowing full well it is soon to happen again.

Quite a legacy bobie - emotionless deaths of humanity over and over - how sweet but not filling. Quantitive but not qualitive by choice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Get Real

When Bob goes off half cocked and writes a piece of shit like this,I have to wonder about him.Is he a sub whimp,Married to a dom ? Or is he gay and just loves to put down males? Or is he just stupid.While we know that these are just stories,you have to know that any woman who fucks around as much as BoB leads us to belive this slut wife does,she is going to pick up something and give it to her whimp hubby.No man/male/of anyone is going to live with a cheating slut,whore,and have sex with her knowing this unless he is nuts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Dumb even by your pathetic standards

nuff said.

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