Becoming Art

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A woman's unwilling conversion into a work of art.
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Loretta Sky scanned the room. She was attending a professional mixer, not that she needed any more contacts. No, she was here looking for a canvas for her newest project. Loretta is a proud lesbian and she wanted a canvas on which she can create a mural to the history of lesbianism. Others had created such murals, but they had done so in a mundane fashion, on fabric, wood, or marble. Not Loretta Sky. She would create her mural on a different canvas. Her canvas would be a woman's body.

To make her project even more fun, the woman she would use as her canvas would not be a volunteer. Not that Loretta would stoop to kidnapping or some such. No, she would mold the woman's psyche slowly until she realized her purpose in life was as a work or art.

Almost ready to give up on this venue as a hunting ground, her eye was caught by an attractive woman in maybe her late 20s. She had nice large tits, something Loretta knew her canvas required.

Loretta moved quickly but not too obviously over to her prey.

"Hi there. My name's Loretta. How are you today?"

"Oh, hi. I'm Stephanie."

"You look a little lost. Stephanie."

"Well, I'm not really sure why I came. A friend from work suggested it but. Oh, I don't know."

"Why don't you stick with me? I can show you the ropes and introduce you to some people."

"Thank you. That would be lovely. I was hoping to get some contacts, maybe a lead on a new job."

"Oh, what do you do?"

"I'm an office manager. What about you?"

"I run my own business."

Stephanie looked her over and then said "Must be pretty successful."

Loretta laughed and said "You could say that. I cleared 27 million last year after taxes."

"My lord! What are you doing here? Surely you don't need any other contacts?"

"No, I don't. I was looking for someone I could help. I think I've found her."

"Why would you want to help a stranger?"

"It's a hobby. If you really want to know. I have everything I want in life, so now I indulge myself in various hobbies. Another one is art. I love creating beautiful things, well, maybe I should say inspiring others with my ideas and having them create the art. Now, let's introduce you to some people."

For the next two hours, Stephanie met person after person. Many were interesting but not able to help her. But, all in all, it was a productive evening.

As the evening ended, Loretta turned to her and said "How about this Saturday I take you with me to an event where you will meet some really important people?"

"Could I bring my husband?"

"I think this event would be better if you were by yourself. Remember, this is about selling you. I am sure your husband is a wonderful guy. But let's keep things simple. I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow evening. Wear something nice."

"I'm not sure if I have anything suitable."

"In that case, why don't we get together for lunch and then we'll go shopping?"

"That sounds lovely. You really don't have to do all this."

"But I insist. You are my current project."

Not sure how to react to being called a 'project,' Stephanie just stood there.

"Now, why don't I pick you up at your place at 12? Give me your address and number."

Stephanie was still not sure how she felt about all this but gave her the information anyway. Later, in the privacy of her car, she reflected on her evening and her experience with Loretta. She realized that, while she'd told Loretta all about herself, she'd learned little about her new benefactor. Loretta seemed so nice but there was something inside her that made Stephanie wonder. She finally wrote it off to the woman's obvious immense talent and intelligence.

The next day found Stephanie waiting nervously in her house for 12 to roll around. She'd told her husband about her experiences but he'd scoffed and said she should be excited someone so successful had decided to take her under her wing.

Loretta's limousine showed up right on time. Stephanie was impressed when the chauffer jumped out and held the door open for her. She'd assumed the driver would only do that for Loretta. Once inside she was greeted warmly by her benefactor. They swept off to lunch at an exclusive restaurant where Loretta was obviously well known.

They were not given menus, so Stephanie was unsure of what to order. But Loretta was not fazed. In fact, when the waiter came up, she announced that she would have the baked scrod with a green salad and that Stephanie would have the same.

Loretta saw the look on Stephanie's face and said "You must learn to watch what you eat. Your body is a canvas and must be kept ready for the art it is designed to bear. That said, I think we can indulge in a little champagne"

Thinking that Loretta meant the clothes they were going to buy, just shook off the comment about being a canvas. They chatted over their drinks and generally got closer. It was in this chatty conversation that Stephanie mentioned that she had pierced nipples, to which Loretta said "How delightful! I think a woman's body is designed to be enhanced by whatever most suits her."

All in all, it was a delightful afternoon. They had such a great time. Loretta even insisted on paying for Stephanie's dress. Somewhere in that time, Loretta convinced her to get a tattoo. She immediately swept Stephanie off to a tattoo artist she knew where a heart was placed right above her bush.

The day seemed to slip away and finally Loretta said "My, it is getting late. Why don't you call your husband and tell him you won't be coming home until after the party? We can go to my place, get a little nap and then head off."

Stephanie made the call and soon found herself taking a nap in a magnificent room in what could easily be called a mansion. She was awoken by a maid at 5:30 and told it was time to get ready. The maid took her into the bathroom and hovered nearby while Stephanie took a shower. She then did her make up for her before helping her to dress. This was a new experience for Stephanie but she felt so pampered that it swept away any nervousness.

It wasn't until she saw herself in her new dress that her nervousness returned. The dress showed off so much of her body. She had been given a shelf bra to wear under the dress. Combined with the way the bra held them out and the low cut of the dress, her breasts were practically on display! Luckily, the dress was not so low cut as to reveal her large areolae; but then Loretta came into the room and exclaimed "Darling, you look scrumptious. Everyone will be drooling over you. Now we must be going."

With that, they took off. It was a night Stephanie would never forget. The venue was magnificent, the food divine, and the people were so obviously rich. Loretta took her hand and led her around, introducing her to so many people. In some ways it seemed that Loretta was showing her off. Stephanie could see no reason for her to do that. It wasn't until 2 in the morning that Loretta dropped her off and Stephanie was exhausted.

The next morning as she lay in bed, Stephanie reflected on her experiences the day before. It was then that she realized that it was Loretta that had chosen her dress and the tattoo, not herself. She had also held her hand the entire evening. Stephanie finally decided that it did not matter because she had a lot to learn about being with upper crust people.

Stephanie's cell phone rang that afternoon and upon picking it up, heard Loretta's voice. "Darling, you did so well last night. We'll have to do something again next weekend. There is a luncheon I want to take you to."

This time Stephanie decided she had to take her husband. She said "But this time I want my husband to come with us."

There was silence on the line for minute before she heard Loretta agree. The week went along normally except that she received a package midweek. It was a beautiful dress with shoes. The dress was not as revealing as the last, but it was still slightly scandalous. Looking at herself in the dress, she realized that her husband had nothing so elegant. So that evening they went shopping for a suit for him. It was more expensive than they could really afford but she knew that he'd need something nice to fit in.

Saturday rolled around. Once again. Loretta's limousine showed up at the door. But this time, the chauffer did not leap out to open the door for them. So her husband had to open it. Inside, Loretta cooed at her, but barely acknowledged her husband. The whole afternoon seemed to go that way. Once again, Loretta held her hand as she led Stephanie around, stopping here and there to chat with someone. Her husband trailed along, obviously uncomfortable and underdressed in this, so elegant crowd.

Later, after they had gotten home, he complained about being dragged to such an event and how out of place he'd felt. He also said it seemed that Loretta held Stephanie's hand, not in a loving way, but rather in a possessive way. He complained that was his role, not this strange woman's. Stephanie was his wife!

Stephanie didn't know what to say to all this. She told him he was being silly. That Loretta was just trying to introduce her to people that could help her career.

It was midweek again when Stephanie's cell phone rang and it was Loretta again.

"Darling, you did so well Saturday. But now I have a problem that I think you could solve. I have these silly young people on my personal staff and they need some looking after. I think you'd be perfect for the role. Interested?"

"Me? Really, work for you?"

"Yes. I've seen enough of you to know you have a good head on your shoulders and are responsible. Of course, you'll have to start calling me Mistress or Ms. Sky. Can't have an employee be too familiar."

"I'd be delighted to work for you. When would I start?"

"I need you today but I understand that you must give notice. So, let's have you start a week from next Monday. In the meantime, let's go out tonight and celebrate. I will pick you up at your work at 5."

And celebrate they did with Stephanie finally stumbling in the door at 1 am. It wasn't until the next morning that she realized Loretta, no, Ms. Sky as she'd insisted on being called all evening, had once again talked her into getting a tattoo. This time it was a Grecian urn on the lower left side of her back. Stephanie didn't understand why Loretta had wanted an urn tattooed on her back but she was quite insistent. One thing that Stephanie realized was that if Ms. Sky wanted something, she was like a force of nature. You either went along with it or were swept aside. Thinking of that, she wondered how the job would be, working for such a powerful personality.

Finally, the fateful Monday rolled around and she was nervously getting ready for her new job. She had been going through her clothes all weekend, unsure what was appropriate. Sure, she'd been working as an office manager for years, but this was a different setting. The people she'd be meeting were all well to do. Finally, she picked out a blouse and skirt combination that showed off her assets, but in a professional manner. To boost her self-confidence, she picked out some sexy underwear to wear under her professional outfit.

She noticed her two new tattoos as she was getting dressed and frowned. She'd never wanted a tattoo before and now she had two. She wondered if Loretta would want her to have more, but supposed not since now she was her boss they wouldn't be interacting the same way anymore?

Then it was off to work. Her first day was not anything she'd expected. First, the staff seemed highly competent and didn't seem to need any looking after. Second, Loretta insisted on taking her out to lunch. A lunch that involved many glasses of champagne. Somewhere along the line, she got another tattoo. This time it was of a bare breasted woman in a Greek toga standing next to the urn on her back.

The rest of the week was pretty normal except it turned out that she was more of a personal assistant to Ms. Sky than an office manager. But at this salary, it was hard to complain. Besides, she had her own office off of Ms. Sky's and it was elegantly appointed. There was one strange conversation on Wednesday though.

"Stephanie, from now one when we're alone, I want you to call me 'Mistress.' Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Sky, I mean, Mistress. May I ask why?

"I just feel it is more appropriate for our type of relationship."

Stephanie didn't understand what was meant by that but held her tongue. She couldn't leave this job and go back to her old one. The company had already filled her old position. Jobs were too scarce in this economy to be sure of finding something soon, if at all. Besides, she and her husband were already spending her newfound increase, at least in their minds.

"Oh, and I want you to start dressing differently. You may dress as you normally do to come here. But once here, I want you to change into the outfit I will put out for you. It's not a criticism of your clothes; it is just that if you are to accompany me in my dealings, then you must dress the part."

When Stephanie arrived the next day, she found her new outfit hanging in her office. Everything was included, bra (shelf again), thong, shoes, as well as a silk dress. She tried everything on but kept her old bra. Unfortunately, the dress was so low cut that her bra was sticking out. So, she sighed and took it off, replacing it with the shelf bra. She was glad she hadn't worn this at home. Her husband would have thrown a fit, seeing her dressed so. The dress was so low cut that her areolae were clearly evident.

"Mistress. This dress is lovely but it doesn't appear to be very businesslike."

"Nonsense, it is perfect on you."

"But my tits are out on display!"

"Look sweetie, your tits are a business asset. I want them out there distracting my business associates when I'm trying to bargain with them. In fact, they need to be more noticeable. I know, a nice tattoo. Perhaps a woman? That seems appropriate on a tit."

"I don't want another tattoo! Especially on my tits where everyone can see it. It's one thing to get a tattoo where no one will see it, but to have one so obvious is out of the question!"

"I see. Well, then we'll get one placed so that no one will see it."

"I didn't agree to get another tattoo!"

"Yes you did. But let's drop the subject. We have work to do. Oh, before I forget. I've arranged for you to meet up with a personal trainer and then get a massage this afternoon."

"A personal trainer? Why?"

"I want your body to be as perfect as possible. It is exquisite now, but a little toning will help."

Somehow the topic of her breasts being on display was dropped and as the morning progressed, Stephanie got used to her new look. The session with the personal trainer was mostly just mapping out her training schedule, which would start next week. The trainer also laid out a menu for her that included her meals away from the office. The menu included links to recipes and nothing seemed difficult. In fact, some of them seemed pretty interesting.

Friday morning found Stephanie once again dressed in an outfit that displayed far more skin that she was used to. But she knew better than to complain. She just focused on being there for Ms. Sky as she went about her dealings of the day.

But, then at 2, Ms. Sky announced that they were going out to celebrate her first week on the job. They went to a bar not far from the place where Stephanie had gotten her tattoos. She knew that and was determined to avoid a repeat. But that was hard with all the champagne flowing. Six o'clock found Stephanie once more in the hands of a tattoo artist. It was almost 10 when Ms. Sky had dropped Stephanie off at home and she stumbled into bed.

It wasn't until the next morning that Stephanie had a chance to really look at her new tattoo. She stared at herself in the mirror, looking at the latest change to her body. This time it was Stephanie a tattoo of a naked woman on her left breast. The work was incredibly well done, not crude like so many naked women tattoos. The woman was facing her other breast with one of her hands reaching out to her right breast. It looked incomplete, as though there should be another person on her right breast.

She didn't know how she was going to hide this one from her husband. She'd been able to hide the ones on her back from him but the one on her breast would be hard to hide. She hastily pulled on some sweats before her husband saw her. She ended spending the weekend avoiding him, knowing he'd want a little action. There was no way they could make love without him seeing at least one of her new tattoos. He'd see the one on her breast if they went at it missionary style and he'd see the ones on her back if they tried doggy style.

On Monday she confronted her boss even before she changed her clothes. "Mistress, you can't keep getting me tattooed. My husband will never understand. As it is, I had to keep covered all weekend and avoid him."

"But darling, you look so much better with a little artwork. You have to admit the work is divine. Lorraine is a true artist. She just works with a different canvas than most artists."

"It's true, she does beautiful work. But I never wanted tattoos."

"You say that now, but you certainly don't argue when you're being tattooed."

"But I was drunk."

"That is no excuse. Now, enough of this. Get changed. I have a meeting across town and we need to leave."

Hanging her head, Stephanie just replied "Yes, Mistress."

Stephanie was even more depressed when she donned her work clothes. The new tattoo was so plainly displayed. If the artwork hadn't been so beautiful, it would have been obscene. She felt uncomfortable all day and was very happy when her time with the personal trainer arrived. At least then she would be able to wear an exercise bra and cover it up.

The week went along relatively uneventfully. Gradually, Stephanie became accustomed to her new look and even started to enjoy the looks her breasts were getting. She did wonder about the unfinished nature of her newest tattoo.

There were no drunken tattoo sessions this week, but the next week found her getting a clit ring after an afternoon drinking cocktails. That she didn't mind. She had had her nipples pierced a few years ago and loved how they looked. Her nipples had always been small despite her huge areolae, and the bars pushed them out, making them more prominent. They did nothing to help their lack of sensitivity but they gave her a naughty feeling. Her clit ring, on the other hand, made her horny whenever something brushed against it. On more than one occasion at work, she'd had to slip into the restroom to play with her pussy. She found she could twist the ring around a little and get a great orgasm.

She really needed the relief. She'd taken to wearing frumpy clothes at home and generally avoiding her husband's advances. She knew it couldn't go on this way. She loved her husband and needed regular sex.

Then disaster struck. Her husband showed up at the office one day to take her to lunch. He just stared at her with his mouth agape, and then said "Now I know why you've been avoiding me!"

Before Stephanie could say anything, Ms. Sky swooped in and said "Doesn't she look divine! I love her new artwork. It really emphasizes her features."

Ms, Sky took her arm and pointed at her tattooed breast. "You must see the rest of them. Come, step into my office and we'll show them to you."

Ms. Sky guided the stunned couple into her office where she said "Pet, take off your blouse so your husband can see the splendid artwork on your back."

Stephanie didn't know what to do. She knew that now she'd have to show them to her husband but was reluctant to do so in Ms. Sky's office. But she also knew her boss and that she always got her way. So, sighing, she took off her blouse.