Becoming Monsters 1: Ch. 22


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"First," Diane tapped and typed on her tablet, bringing up a chart with citations, "that's if you mix magic with magic. Cleric spells work on a different spectrum, receiving power from a Patron that asks for a reciprocal price from the caster. It's like the difference between doing the dishes or hiring a maid to do the dishes for you. The same effect, but the cost and where the effect comes from are different. So you should be fine, though we will start small to test it out. Second," another tap, another chart listing various spells and blessing associated with Clerics of Teteoh, "there might be a solution to you collapsing in pain every time you cum. Apparently, we aren't the only perverts in the world: there are already detailed outlines for a simple blessing to increase the volume of a man's ejaculation as well as making his penis elastic enough to account for the increased load."

Honoka glared at Diane for a solid minute before Diane lowered her eyes, the rest of the room feeling the tension. "I appreciate you working on a solution, and I am more than happy to help Banda, but I do not like anything sprung on me like this. Next time, talk to me."

"Sorry," Diane mumbled, her wings wilted as she tapped her screen back to getting everyone leveled. Banda would focus on blessing and occasionally healing the wives while delving. Diane stays in her alchemy lab brewing potions and coordinating everyone, doubling as the one watching over the home. Padmava was already a high enough level, making her perfect to lead farming expeditions into the dungeon to procure either Transmutation Crystals for money or rare alchemical ingredients to help Diane save money or make more money. Eve and Quinn will join in those delving expeditions and find large numbers of weak mobs as both of them benefit from fighting large groups. Eve would get into a long fight with some while Quinn will use her swarms to crowd control the rest of the mob from overwhelming the goblin. Ironically, neither would benefit as much if the mobs died, so Banda might sometimes be around to heal the dungeon monsters to give the other two a chance to level even faster.

Honoka would be spending most of her time in bed, orgasming.

In the end, the final goal was for everyone to reach level ten in their Class and level five in their harmonization. The points gained when Honoka sexed one of her wives averaged 20%. Diane was level two, Eve and Banda were level one, Quinn and Padmava were level zero. The math was simple. Honoka needed to have sex in the next week, minimum, around a hundred times.

Diane saw the moment Honoka realized what her week entailed, and she nodded sagely, tapping a chart into being. Honoka's Boinking Schedule. Every moment of every day was accounted for, wives coming in and out of the Harmony room at the top of each hour and making sure they earn those twenty points before they left at the end of the hour. It ensured Banda performed numerous blessings and everyone took at least two sets of C&A potions every day at specific intervals. Honoka's potion schedule was also rigorous to avoid her dying from stamina or mana depletion. Even her breaks existed just to eat more food in her need to feed the Beast. The only time remaining was each morning when she trained for two hours with an 'expert.'

"Who's the expert?" Honoka asked, her penis hardening, which the black woman thought was a complete betrayal.

"Friend of a friend," Eve replied quickly, still picking some of the popcorn crumbs she spilled off the floor and chomping away. "Level fourteen Dualist - I don't know either, but apparently it's powerful - she recently quit her guild for moral reasons. Specifically, some of her guild defended the actions of a pedophile, so she beat them all into a bloody and bruised mess and walked away. Been experience trouble finding work and planned on moving back to Japan to try her luck with the dungeons there. For three years, she was her guild's top raid leader into the deep levels, past Floor 200. Name's Miaka Watase."

Waves crashing against rocky cliffs, sakura petals gently falling in the breeze, the wet earth smell of mountain rice fields in the morning, the unbreakable spirit of the people of the morning sun! It should surprise no one, but there were not that many natives of Uzume's homeland in Boston. A few otaku here and there, a Mormon who spoke very fluently sometimes, but not many Nihon-jin. Honoka's face lit up with 国粋主義, the love of country Uzume told her children that is born into the blood of all Japanese people.

"I figured you might like to meet her. She's coming tonight to sign the Contract and then begin training early tomorrow," Diane said, tapping her phone and pulling the next slide up. Quinn and Padmava: Time To Pop The Cherry. "Because we're on a schedule, I don't mean to excite anyone into an orgy, but we all need to get naked now. Honoka also needs to pull up the two new Status' so I can record the digits."

Everyone complied with some good-natured dirty talk in the mix. Honoka expected this, thankfully recovered from her headache yesterday and began with Quinn.

"Beastkin don't receive much fancy Racial stuff, it's added to their Attributes." Quinn scratched her head, unconsciously doing an ineffective job of coving her boobs while she fidgeted from her Status read off like that. "Even Water Creature only means I swim a little better an' can hold ma breath for about twenty minutes. I added my points in Charisma 'cause that helps with my Class."

"Look at her, she's embarrassed she has three of her Ten in the twenties." Eve joked, folding her arms and harrumphing with a lot of melodrama, which did bring a blush and a smile out of the otter girl. "Just read off P's so we can get on with the show: I want to see snake Honoka!"

"I put +8 into my Health from leveling because that is where my Class needs it," Padmava said, her nakedness on full display without any shame, "+4 into Dexterity because even with Racial assists it is hard to coordinate four arms and +4 into Strength because I grow quickly tired moving this much body. I am unable to put anything into Endurance. I respectfully request some of my Harmony points going into Endurance."

Diane typed into her phone. "Done." Then the succubus looked at Honoka expectantly, her tail twirling in a get on with it motion.

"Slave driver," Honoka mumbled, receiving a few chuckles from the peanut gallery. Going in order, Honoka focused on Quinn's slider and pushed it up.

The first thing Honoka felt was itchy. Really itchy, along every part of her skin. Her body contorts as she tried to find relief but the sensation quickly went away as all her hair retreated and was replaced with thick, light brown fur. The weirdest phenomenon is the fur covered all of her skin, and for a few seconds, Honoka sported a furry dong before it shrunk down into a clit. Feeling over her pelt, it was so plush and soft, Honoka hardly noticed her hands gaining claws and webs. She did note when her center of balance shifted as her legs shortened and her abdomen stretched, almost falling to the ground. Honoka's newly grown, thick tail pushed her back into stability and kept her steady. Looking at one of the wall mirrors, Honoka saw and felt her face shifting and reforming into an otter shape, flat black nose thrusting forward and whiskers springing out like time-lapsed weeds growing. She also noticed that most of her fur was a light brown unlike Quinn's black on some white, but from her neck and down along her chest and belly, it was more beige. Then the other changes hit.

With a silent scream, Honoka desperately tried to cover her cute, round ears as she suddenly heard everything. Heartbeats, breathing, scales scraping on the ground as loud as jackhammers, women rushing towards her but Quinn shouting for them to back off 'an' try ta be quiet as mice!' The Lair echoed with sounds of people walking and talking in the distance, the commotion of an entire city in an enclosed cavern, reverberating all the noise back and forth, the dungeon itself making little groans and ticks all by itself. Cacophony is the only word Honoka found to describe the noise. If she hadn't gone through something similar with Eve, it might have taken her longer. The goal wasn't to try in shut out the senses, it was to come to terms with the information and adapt. Five or so minutes and Honoka's breathing slowed, removing her hands and she was able to look up and think again.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!?" Diane shouted.

Honoka flinched back from the question. Only, on thinking about it, Diane had whispered, it just felt like a bullhorn in her ear. Keeping calm, Honoka readjusted and gave a thumbs up.

"Wow, guess I gotta buy a razor if'n I'm gonna be humaning much."

Human Quinn - all the women looking at her silently agreed - was a knockout. A blond bombshell with the same baby blue eyes, the teenager only needed some pompoms and she would be the head cheerleader. A touch of Scandinavian softened by her Southern features, she exuded youth and vibrancy. Her bright blond hair reached to mid-waist, her perky juggs jutting outward without a hint of sagging, down to a narrow waist and rounded hips. She was, as she lamented, rather bushy in her crotch and down her legs, but it was all light blond hairs so hardly noticeable in the light.

"I would definitely love to help you shave," Eve offered, coming up and rubbing her face against Quinn's thigh, getting swatted for her efforts. "Or wax, or slowly nibble."

Honoka laughed as she silently agreed, giving the Southern belle one last look before moving around. The change in senses made her miss the physical changes that came from the allocated Attributes, but feeling herself up, she was pleased with the effect. She gained some muscle tone under the fur, though it didn't show through very well, popping a bicep and feeling the small bulge there. She also developed some breasts, though no more than an B cup. Jumping lightly on her feet, Honoka caught some real air and her entire body felt so very flexible. She crouched down on all fours and ran around, amazed at how fast her lithe body moved. Standing up, she discovered the wives all cheering her on, apparently enjoying the show. Embarrassed, she pulled up her Status and allocated back.

"Crap on a crust!" Quinn swore when her Race and Attributes returned, the shock putting her on her butt. "There needs ta be some hand signals or somethin' 'cause this just switchin' back and forth is hard on the nerves!"

"You get used to it," Diane said deadpan, though she shook her head in the negative, a few locks of fiery red hair tousled over her green horns. "I lied, you don't get used to it."

Honoka was still a dozen feet (3.7m) from the group, but she allocated away from them because she wasn't sure what a naga would do to the floor space.

Padmava was distracted with everyone else as they lightly joked about Eve still hugging Quinn's leg, the otter girl only mildly keeping the horny goblin's hands away from her erogenous zones. When the naga felt the changes, something clicked in her mind and she spun around with her arms waving frantically. "Everybody run! NOW!!"

Honoka wasn't sure what was happening, but she only paid half attention when the wives didn't question the tone of Padmava's urgency and moved their naked butts further down the gym, Banda helping the transforming naga as her tail rapidly shrunk. Honoka then fell to the ground as her legs were forced together and melded, stretching further and further out as her entire body expanded and grew. The stretching sound she came to associate with allocation wasn't present. Instead, a sort of scraping noise echoed in the large room as scales formed underneath her black skin and then burst outward, shedding her skin like a reptile. Her entire face crushed in on itself before exploding flatter and much longer, her mouth reforming into the inhuman shape of a snake's. Her tongue grew over a foot longer and widely forked, bringing a sudden rush of senses and information that invaded her mind but she wrangled it under control.

When the second set of arms grew under her standard arms, she panicked a little because it felt so alien. It wasn't as if some appendages were tacked on, she felt the shoulders form first before bone and muscle crept outward with a strange pulling sensation that made her tremble all over. Then grasping all four hands together, the woman had trouble coming to terms with the weirdness of it all, the new anatomy disorienting her. Honoka's tail really kicked into high gear, mass curling down the stone floor, each new yard pushing the rest of the reptile train outward until the weight surpassed the energy of the allocation and her upper body propelled forcefully along the floor by her own magically growing naga flesh tube. Scrambling to stay upright, she almost missed it, but there was another sensation scratching inside her mouth and throat.

"Aim away from us!"

It didn't make sense. Honoka was really unsettled, but she tried looking away when her mouth forced itself open by her newly grown fangs, a stream of steaming black tar shooting out of her mouth. It caught some real air, a couple dozen yards, and as an expert on the volume of expelled bodily fluids, Honoka would estimate around ten gallons (38 L). It was sticky and very accurate, the pool of black foulness relatively small and exactly where Honoka faced. Coughing, her neck and head itching a bit as her hood grew in, Honoka's eyes widened as she heard a loud sizzling from the puddle.

"What was that?" Honoka hissed, laying down on the ground from the most exhausting allocation yet. Breathing in and out, tasting the air in the room and knowing instinctively her family was running towards her, Honoka thought about taking a nap.

"Naga venom." Padmava was a lovely Indian woman, straight black hair down to her thighs, wreathing her motherly beauty.

Honoka squinted to parse out details, her snake eyes framing everything in a mild blur. What she saw through the murkiness, the older woman appeared lovely and hardly showed her age. Spitting her tongue out, though, it was like the tastes painted a picture for her and she sensed relief and concern and a lot of trepidation from the woman.

Padmava continued. "Day of the Change, nearly killed my husband and melted half our dining room wall. Outside of some high-level alchemical potions or potent spells, it is the most deadly poison in the world and possibly the most acidic. About once a month I milk my fangs and sell it off online for a few thousand dollars, but the greater cobra subrace also spits it."

"No naga blowjobs, got it." Honoka's comment broke the tension, and everyone laughed.

Quinn and Eve went to the puddle cautiously and peered down into the hole in the floor. "Its already over twelve feet (3.7m) deep but it looks like the dungeon is eating the rest of the venom." Eve whipped out her phone and made some calculations. "Gonna be about fifty bucks of concrete to fill this."

Diane was distracted as she ran her hands along Honoka's violet scales (lighter than Padmava's, though the yellows appeared darker and slightly red). "Can you take care of that, Eve-chan? I'll order the stuff and it should arrive tomorrow."

Eve nodded, putting her phone away...Honoka did a double-take, seeing goblin phone wedged firmly between butt cheeks as she waddled around.

Note to self, don't use Eve's phone ever. Honoka was about to do more checking out of her body, but the taste in the air of trepidation from Padmava increased.

"I know this is going to sound selfish, but could you stay allocated for the next hour?" Padmava asked, putting her hands over two of Honoka's. "You've probably guessed by now, but snake eyes don't work very well. Glasses don't do anything to help. I want to look at my children with my own eyes if possible."

"Of course," Honoka replied instantly, better controlling herself and lifting off the ground into a hug with the Indian mother. The perspective difference in size was daunting. It was like hugging a small child, but when they broke, both women wept tears and a few others cried some as well. "After this week is over, any time you want."

"In fact, I've been putting some thought into this," Diane announced, coming around and holding onto Padmava's shoulders. "Obviously, it would be wrong for Honoka to collect your daughter, but Honoka's...fluids may hold the key to creating a potion that suppresses a person's Race. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I'm already working on a prototype."

This was big news. Like, Holy Grail big news. Since the Change, the number one unobtainable magic remained transforming people back into humans. Some spells might imitate it, but they were costly, rare, extremely painful and lasted only a minute or two. Padmava, correctly understanding what such a gift meant, to see and touch her little girl as a human, it was as if she woke from a dream. Grabbing Diane tightly, she bawled her thanks into her chest then broke away, laughing as she looked down at herself.

"Does anyone have some clothing I could wear?"

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot7 months ago

I think the approach Hono-chan and Diane are taking is pretty hard to beat. Look at desired outcomes. Do research to find out what different activities and point allocations do. Then match the actions to get the results. Keeping tabs on the results of each iteration with each person, then modifying the schedule where warranted. At least that's how I've parsed what is happening....

AiLovesAiLovesalmost 2 years agoAuthor

How would you grind out your harem leveling schedule?

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