Becoming Mrs. Pleasure


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Dan looked every bit the military man even out of uniform in his navy blue jacket and banker's gray paints. Tall and good looking, the dark haired officer was what every army officer should look like.

"Thank you for coming," Sara said.

"Sorry, I didn't think of this myself and way sooner," He said.

They split a bottle of merlot over two reasonable steaks. They were nearly finished and ready for an adjournment to a well-appointed room before Sara raised the matter that brought her.

"When you were in Afghanistan did you ever meet or hear of an officer named Richard Pleasure."

Dan stopped eating and gazed at Sara with a look of pure disgust.

"Why ask such a question?" he demanded.

"I—I, my best friend is married to him, and I just thought—"

"Tell her to run for the exit," said Dan sitting rigidly straight.

"Please, I need to know more than that."

Dan turned away from her and looked blankly across the hotel lobby as he began his story.


Overnight there had been an action in the mountains. No one was sure what had happened. There were four casualties, so a report was needed. Dan had just been promoted to Major and was taking his responsibilities seriously. He didn't get to the field much, and this seemed a good opportunity for a trip close to the action.

The pilot of the Lakota was not thrilled by the landing site or being in the higher less safe elevations. An RPG or even a missile could appear from any of the surrounding outcrops. But Dan insisted, and they set down.

The rangers were in a reverse crescent. They were holding a high ridge of rock above a narrow valley. The mountain sloped steeply behind them. They occupied a high defensive position as if they were expecting an attack. But only madmen would attack such a position. The copter set down in the shadow of the ranger pickets.

"We can't stay here long major," the pilot said as Dan jumped out.

He landed on hard rocky ground with no welcoming committee in site. No one came to greet them, but Dan found a small trail and began walking towards where he could hear voices. There were a group of enlisted men kicking a rag ball on the rocky hillside. On the other side of the narrow trail, three men stood in a group. There were two black sergeants and a white man who wore no insignia but was clearly the man in charge of the little group. They were arguing about something as he approached.

"So we just sit here," the taller of the two black men said.

"Maybe you want to go and give Bloody Rick your thought on the situation," the white officer said.

At that point, the conversation stopped as they caught sight of Dan.

Coming up on them, he demanded, "Who's in charge here, and don't you men salute a senior officer?"

The three men looked at him like he was a Martian.

"Well, "Dan demanded having received no reply.

"Lieutenant Jack Williams," the white man introduced himself and then the taller of the black men, "this is Sergeant Dennis Johnson."

"And my colleague Tom Chapman acting sergeant. We're sorry but you kind of surprised us," Johnson said.

"Didn't you men hear my helicopter?" Dan asked.

"Sound travels odd in these mountains. Just ask him," Chapman said nodding down to where the rag ball had stopped a few feet from them.

Dan looked down to see the ball was actually a man's head still wrapped in a head scarf. It took all Dan's discipline to stand there and not react.

Williams stepped forward and gave the head a kick back to where the men were playing.

"Hard to find one just the right shape," Williams said with a shrug like that would excuse the barbaric action.

"Are you aware of the rules of engagement?" Dan said.

Now the three men laughed as if his words were a jest.

"Where is your commanding officer?" Dan demanded.

"Down there," Williams said pointing to where the trail sloped sharply downward.

"Well take me to him."

"Sorry, but I like my head just where it is. Bloody Rick is in one foul mood. My advice Major is to go back to Kabul or wherever and leave well enough alone. We can't leave or we would in a heartbeat," Williams said to nods of agreement from the sergeants.

Since his authority had no effect on these men, Dan had no choice but to proceed down the trail alone. About fifty yards on he came to a turn. On the other side, he found a group of four men heaping bodies on top of a wood pile.

"I think we may need more wood, There's a lot of bodies," said the corporal in charge.

"Ain't got no more," a man at the bottom of the pile said.

"What are you men doing," Dan inquired."

"Building a bonfire," the corporal said.

"Stop that immediately. It is prohibited by the rules of engagement," Dan ordered.

"Sorry, Captain's orders."

"I'm a major."

"Well, he's Bloody Rick. Ain't he," said the man closest to Dan causing the others to laugh.

"Where can I find Captain Pleasure," Dan called to the corporal.

The men pointed to where a group of battered trees grew out of the rocky slope. It was about thirty yards further on, and a lone figure stood to stare at something across the narrow valley.

Captain Rick Pleasure was drinking coffee out of a large metal cup when Dan found him.

"Captain Richard Pleasure I need to speak to you," Dan said.

There was no response.

"Captain I'm Major Sutherland from GHQ. Here to—"

Dan froze as a pair of dead blue eyes turned on him.

"Rick, not Richard. He is long gone," Rick said.

"I must inform you that burning bodies is against the Muslim faith."

Rick looked Dan up and down from his well-polished boots along his neatly washed fatigues to the crisp brim of the cap on his head. Rick Pleasure was worn and rumpled with the wear of battle. One hand resting on his sidearm and the other holding coffee that was no longer hot.

"That's the point," Rick said coolly, "It's an act of disrespect. An insult that can't be ignored," Rick said, but he might have been talking to himself.

"My fault, I moved too quick last night. Several dozen got away. The trap was good but the execution less than perfect. Tonight we'll have them. They'll come for revenge," he said with a certainty in his voice.

Dan was speechless. He was standing on a barren mountainside with a madman. "But the rules of engagement," Dan said.

s Rick wasn't listening, only talking to himself, "I understand the men, it's the women who confuse me. See them over there, the little black figures. They're mourning their men. He pointed across the narrow valley to where figures could be seen wearing the traditional Burqa.

"Their husbands, brothers, and sons we murdered last night. They cover themselves head to toe. I wonder if even their husbands see them naked. The men beat them, abuse them in every way including mutilating their genitals, and the best they can hope for is to be worked to death. Yet, there they are mourning the bastards. Is it love or something else? Well, it's not my job to solve riddles. I just murder people," with that he poured the rest of his coffee out and turned to walk away.

"Corporal Peterson, How the fuck long does it take to light a fire," Rick Pleasure shouted.

"Sorry sir, almost ready. No excuse. Be done in a minute," the corporal said the fear evident in his voice.

Dan stood frozen as Bloody Rick walked up the hill. A moment later the flames shot up so high and so hot that Dan wondered whether some accelerant was used. He was hit by a wall of heat followed by the stench of burning flesh. He swore he could hear a wailing coming from the other side of the valley.

In that instant, Dan knew the Muslim men would come seeking revenge and shouting the name of their God. Brave men come to be slaughtered against an impregnable position. More women would cry and mourn, and Bloody Rick would shake his head and go on to set another murderous trap.

Dan returned to Kabul believing the report he would make would ensure the removal of Richard Pleasure from command. The General listened and thanked him for his efforts. Then the general's aide saw him out.

"But what about Captain Pleasure? What about the rules of engagement? " Dan asked the aide.

The man gave Dan a meaningful look, "Bloody Rick stays right where he is unless you're volunteering to replace him."

"But surely there is some consequence for his actions."

The general's aide smiled, "With any luck, the enemy will resolve that for us."

By the time Dan had finished his story the food had grown cold and they had lost their appetites. All thoughts of adjourning to a room had fled. Sara had no idea what to say.

"I don't tell people about that day. It's not the norm. We don't...."

"I must go. I need to warn Lynsey," Sara said.

She tried calling, but Lynsey's cell was not answering. Nor was it accepting messages. Sara's drive back north was well above the speed limit, but she managed it without being stopped. Her first destination was the Rodmen/Pleasure home, in Loudon estates. The house was dark and only Lynsey's car sat in the driveway. She was gone but to where?


The house at 10 Everett road was finished. Rick Pleasure had done most of the work himself with some help from his new friends Franks and Heinz. It was a good house. The very house you would expect a high school teacher and junior varsity coach to live in.

The house for a peaceable man returned from the war to settle in and raise his family. The house and home he had earned by enduring in the face of adversity. It didn't come without effort and some degree of cunning. But it was all working out. He had put Afghanistan behind him with all its pain and suffering. Now it was softball in the spring and golf in the summer. Time to relax and enjoy life as only those who have come through hell can truly do.

Rick was seated in his newly reupholstered chair. Lynsey knelt by his feet. She was naked except for her pink collar. Her back side showed the marks of her most recent beating. Rick looked down at her. Gone was the self-assured executive. The woman who had whored herself to get ahead and the cougar who had stalked stupid young men were equal missing. Only the weak, helpless female remained to kneel at her master's feet.

Rick took a sip of coffee. It was dark and hot the way he liked it. Lynsey had made and served the coffee. She was becoming quite domestic, but it was time for her test.

"Lynsey pay attention. Your punishment is over you can take your collar off and go. We are done you don't need to come here anymore," he said.

Her hands shot to her neck but then they fumbled. As hard as she tried her hands could not remove the collar. A tear ran down her cheek. She was caught. Her mind was demanding that she return to the life she had, but her body refused to cooperate.

"I can't," she finally said giving up.

"So you want to remain here with me?"

"Yes, I have to—But what about Richard."

Rick's face softened with his deep feeling as he showed pity for the first time in their relationship. He placed his hand beneath her chin and lifted her head to look into her eyes.

"I'm sorry," he began, "Richard was lost a long time ago in Afghanistan. There is only me now."

Lynsey sobbed, and more tears fell, but she could only nod her head realizing at last and for the first time, there was nothing but truth between them.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

USMC Vietnam

Understand But I don't really believe most people do as too many young people were there.

21 after volunteering for USMC and then Vietnam twice before getting there gung ho

Called Old man

18-19 enlisted men

Some made it others STILL suffering PTSD

If combat send older as we did till WWII. Leavening effect. So I can empathize with Rick

tsgtcapttsgtcapt12 days ago

Still a bit confused, chapter 2?.... thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

I agree with an anon. I don’t think that the idiotic dichotomy people make with “alpha” and “beta” really works.


My take is that Richard really didn’t die. There was an opening for his existence, but it was cruelly sniffed out by a whore. Well, I guess all the women in the office were whores. But Rick is the dead eyed cruel part of anyone’s psyche. And sometimes that wins out and destroys a lot of things.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Well that was a dark take filled full of people who for varying reasons were immoral and in one case amoral. It was written very well but the subject matter was distasteful both the violence and the casual betrayals and whoring. As such I'm not sure how I want to rate this story. I don't think I've read a story full of distasteful people who you can't like yet the fact I read it to the end does speak of the quality of the writing. It's a very disturbing yet clever story. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

OMG! Terrifying!

bacchant2bacchant24 months ago

You started with the same old myth about size matters which is so easy to check on the internet these days and of course its a total fallacy when its been scientifically published that its the whole package of build up to the act that matters and strangely the distance between the clitoris and the virgina. So knowing all that i couldnt be bothered to read the rest of your story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Another cuck soldier story. Surely not everyone in the military is a cuck, and no one believes that the MC's behaviour changes that.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


Madeira1076Madeira10767 months ago

Wow, fuck me!

Apocalypse Now. What a story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

They say never disturb a sleeping dragon. She did by her prostitution (closing contracts) and her adultery. What more can you expect from a person that has PTS and a hot of other things. PTSD may only surface when it is triggered, like a film, a smell, a touch or loads of other things. In this case I would say it was her adultery. With me my trigger was my wife. She divorced me for it but her affairs gave it to me. As soon as the divorce was final my OTSD evaporated by around 95%. She has gone far away from I have leaned. What I can't say is will it trigger again i I ever meet her? I hope I never find out.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I agree with the commenters who divine the purpose of this story. But I am curious of the psychobabble gender dichotomy used: the Alpha and Beta male descriptors. It's like social Darwinian or a sociobiological explanation of human male behavior. Ridiculously reductionist bullshit. Makes a convenient literary device but in the real world would be a mental illness or dysfunction. Which of course make its a satire because the male protagonist IS mentally ill. That RichardGerald managed to manipulate that trope in his story is pure genius.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


Rick was not pretending to be Richard. Two personalities resided within him, fighting for dominance, and one thing is obvious: at the very least Richard was not privy to Rick's thoughts. They were as separate as two whole different people.

This is evidenced by Richard even receiving the postcard from Rick, let alone his response. It was a message to Richard directly and would have no meaning for any other person.

If Rick was just pretending to be Richard, there would have been no need to inform himself that Rick was on his way for him. The postcard was not used as a plot device in any other way, so it is what it is, on face value.

As two separate personalities, it was the circumstances of his life that allowed one or the other to come to the fore.

He was probably schizophrenic his whole life, but war allowed the Rick persona to emerge and become entrenched, as a matter of survival.

It would have been just as strong a need to 'survive' for Richard to reemerge after the war: a way of returning to civilized life, segregating away the monstrosity of his war experiences.

Her betrayal also needed to be 'survived'. Richard could not have done it, but Rick sure could. Richard, being the soft, kind, beta male would never have gotten over the devastation... so he will remain suppressed, and Rick is here to stay.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Laughing... a snigger, really.

Ok... the anony comment from a month ago did say the story was psychobabble... but the one thing focused on, the one thing the reader pointed out?

...The grammatical error of using discuss instead of disgust.

If that's the issue that plagues you, dear anony, after reading this story, then I question your own psychological profile.

As for grammatical errors, that's something I would expect of stories posted on an amateur site like this. I am not sure too many literary geniuses or professional writers submit work here: although some of it is stunning.

As for this story... kudos.

While the subject matter may be distasteful and dark, no-one can say it's a cliche, like most of the work posted here.

As for the subject matter itself... well, human life is a full spectrum of different experiences and perspectives. All I can say is, bad things happen, even to good people... but if you should play with fire expect to get burnt. If your own actions lead to misfortune, the outcome may be disproportionate, but it is still the result of whatever you did that caused it to happen in the first place, and I don't feel sorry for you.

Steal from organised crime, and you may lose your hands. Or your life. Them's the breaks.

No laws or social codes have any effect if a person does not abide by them. You can never know what thoughts reside in someone else's head.

Consider this a cautionary tale.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I don't pretend to be sufficiently informed to decode all the levels of psychotic behavior in this story. Emotionally and psychologically it makes me feel a deep sadness for the damaged souls depicted but I am aware that S&M is a very real phenomenon for many.

Though I checked the 4th star regarding the high creative and writing skill which went into its composition--that is the ONLY basis for that rating. The unfolding plot made me sick at heart, depressed for the reality (of sorts) that it represents for some.

I appreciate the great skill RG demonstrates in crafting his tales and have enjoyed (to some degree) reading most of them. Will go search for one which will replace the unfortunate effect this one had on me.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Oh dear, you need you check your imagination into the nearest psych ward soon!!! Thank you for an inventive and outside-the-box adventure. I'm sure not everyone is going to like this, but I don't really care about everyone. Like many of your stories, the layers seem to unfold endlessly, but come to a somewhat tidy conclusion; somewhat tidy meaning there's always room for another interpretation.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

If they are anywhere near Newburgh, it would have been a better story if Rick just threw Lynsey off a bluff and down into the Hudson River.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


Total grammatical travesty... discuss or disgust? etc

Calico75Calico75about 1 year ago

I don't like slave stories and I am sorry this one ended up that way. I also don't like violence to woman, but read the story anyway. It was mostly very well written because it kept my interest wondering what the Rick/Richard thing really was all about. The hypothesis that Rick was just pretending to be Richard all along doesn't work for me. What about the post card? Why would "Richard" warn Lynsey about "Rick"? What makes sense to me is multiple personalities who were aware of esch other. Rick was dominate in the war, and Richard was dominate after discharge, but the infidelity bought Rick back and Richard was lost, perhaps forever. A very sad ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think people misunderstand RG at times. As we see in his stories, he’s cynical and a bit satirical as a result. They’re not endorsements of promiscuity. They’re warnings against it.

The author has several stories (such as Sugar) that indicate some romantic component. To be honest, it’s not a great thing for people to act on impulse. Look at Rick. He is the embodiment of acting with no morals or compunction and we are disgusted. The same can be said of Susan from Crime and Punishment prequels.

So the distaste and anger you feel is what you’re probably supposed to feel. The descriptions in the stories are matter of fact and allows the audience to interpret the story as fits their perspective.

This is a hard piece to read, but it’s the basics of physics: equal and opposite reaction.

theVikingSailortheVikingSailorabout 1 year ago

I don't get it. If "Richard" was lost in Afghanistan, who was the Richard who married Lynsey after he was mustered out of the military? And how could Richard have turned into "Rick" once again? Let me guess: Somehow, Bloody Rick realized he had to disappear when he was discharged, so he became Richard. Trauma from the war had turned him into Rick. But now, without the war going on around him, he was able to turn back into Richard. Until Richard suffered the additional trauma of Lynsey's infidelity at which time Rick reappeared. But how could Rick and Richard both inhabit the same body and appear during the same time frame? Then she becomes so taken with Rick that she lets Richard go. Why? How could she do that if she loved Richard? Perhaps Rick didn't give her a choice so she selected the only option available. This story is hopelessly screwed up. However, Richard Gerald is a fine writer and this story is very successful for a variety of reasons, including that stirs up debate and stimulates thought. Great job, RG. Will Richard ever return?

SmellerSmellerabout 1 year ago

While I don't condone what Rick did I blame Richard becoming Rick completely on the wife and she got what she deserved and by the looks of it she enjoys it.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

"Richard is a beta male" - He was an Army Ranger war hero, not exactly a beta male.

SoleSurvivor1969SoleSurvivor1969about 1 year ago

I'm a Richard.

Good husband, loving father, with my own faults and weaknesses.

I've never told anyone, including family and wife, about what I did and how I lived and what it took to make it back "home".

I don't have guilt about the past, over what I did during war, but I do have much sorrow that so many lives and potential was lost over what is now nothing.

Don't threaten family, friends, or the innocent. I know if the need arises I will once again become Rick, because that has occurred a few times in the last 50+ years.

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