Bedding the Babysitter Ch. 06


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Before I had time to consider this, the cashier called "Next," and I let go of her warm hand and smiled through my sudden blush, "What would you like?"

The moment past, we ordered a big tub of popcorn to share and a couple of drinks. Once in the theatre and seated, we both had time to consider our feelings. We each grabbed some popcorn and ate, as a way to avoid the unavoidable upcoming and awkward conversation that we were both obviously insecure about. My phone rang and I jumped and it was a text from Karen.

Karen: Have u fucked her yet?

I went red.

Ashley asked, "You ok?"

"Yes," I replied, putting my phone on vibrate.

"Are you really going to the prom with Troy?" Ashley asked out of the blue.

I shrugged. "It happened so quick. One moment I'm a shy, nerdy outcast, the next a popular cheerleader. I never even had a chance to catch my breath before Karen made me say "Yes," so I did. Troy and I haven't even talked after that one time at school."

"Do you want to?" she asked, her question so insecure.

I loved where this might be going and replied honestly, "I don't know. I've never had a boy interested in me before, but now that I do I'm realizing something," I admitted, after a brief reflection.

"What's that?" Ashley asked, hanging on my every word.

"I'm not really interested in boys." I threw the hint out there, scared to declare my confirmed lesbian status, as always afraid of rejection, yet hinting at it as a way to say I was available to her. After a brief silence I got even braver and asked, "Are you going with anyone?"

"I was supposed to go with Dixon, but we broke up last night," she revealed, opening the door for me the same way I just had for her, cautiously.

"Oh," I replied, "how did that go?"

She smiled, clearly not at all heartbroken by the ending of her relationship. "Oh, you know, the usual. He told me I was a cock-tease, a bitch and how much I would regret dumping him."

"You dumped him?"

This time her hand went to mine eagerly and yet nervously and she revealed, "I've fallen for someone else."

My face flushed again and for a long moment I was speechless. After a lingering silence that spoke volumes, I asked after some of the informative volume managed to seep into my head, tentatively, nervously, even though every sign was screaming yes, "Me?"

"Yes you, Jenny, you dummy," she admitted, slapping my shoulder playfully. "I'd always questioned my sexuality even though Karen's been calling me lez forever, and the fact that I never remotely wanted to have sex with Dixon only enhanced my questions about my true sexuality. Dixon and I never had intercourse. I gave him head a few times, but that was it and I can't say even that was remotely appealing." After a pause she added, "Other than the odd fooling around with the girls in hotels at cheerleading competitions, I'm rather inexperienced. I went way further with you the other night than I ever have with anybody! Not that I'm complaining... about the you part."

"I was inexperienced too until very recently, as in totally inexperienced except... you know, by myself," I admitted, hoping to make her feel less insecure about her lack of experience.

"Jenny, I like you, I mean I like-like you," she admitted nervously, putting her heart dangerously on her sleeve, her cheeks ruby red.

I didn't hesitate when I repeated her words back, "I like-like you too, Ashley."

Her eyes lit up, her cautious smile breaking wide open as the sunshine and ignoring the quickly-filling theatre, she leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was soft and tender; cautious and sweet. It only lasted a few seconds, five maybe, before we broke it, realizing the setting for such intimacy wasn't ideal.

Our feelings now out in the open, and can you believe it mutual hooray, we had a full movie to sit through, giving us time to silently consider the repercussions of our declarations to each other. I assume Ashley was pondering how her very Christian family would take the news, while my worries went in a completely opposite direction. Even though Karen had already approved Ashley's and my relationship, I pondered how to deal with having not only two Mistresses but now a girlfriend! Did I actually have a girlfriend? Was that how to describe what this was? Just a couple of weeks ago I was a virgin and ignorant of my sexuality (although I had sneaky suspicions) and now I was very confident of who I was, or at least about the label. The lights dimmed, the first of many trailers began and I was too nervous to reach for any popcorn because it might get awkward. I wanted to hold her hand, but even after our declarations and our kiss I was still nervous.

After the first trailer, which I could tell you nothing about with my head ping-ponging inside over my insecurity and excitement, Ashley, sensing my anxiety and thank goodness way more confident than I was right now, turned to me and asked with a teasing smile as she purposely dropped a couple of pieces of popcorn down her very nice cleavage, "Do you want some popcorn?"

I blushed like I had so many times this past week. "I'd love some."

I glanced around slyly, nervous of others seeing, before leaning over and using my mouth to retrieve the popcorn pieces perching on top of her small but firm, well-showcased breasts. I returned to my upright position chewing, but Ashley pointed out as she unbuttoned one, then two buttons on her blouse, "Careless girl, you missed a piece."

My mouth dropped open slightly before I leaned over and retrieved the last popcorn piece from right between her small athlete's breasts in their white lace bra. I felt a rush as I sat back up and thoroughly chewed that lucky piece of popcorn. Ashley didn't fix her blouse as she offered me some more popcorn in the traditional way and returned to watching the screen with a sexy smile on her face. I helped myself to some more popcorn (in the traditional way) and, now relaxed, I watched the trailers with my sexy girlfriend or whatever she was, although the bit about sexy wasn't part of the question.

A few minutes into the actual movie once it started, Ashley put the popcorn tub down and entwined her fingers between mine. A chill electrified my spine and a sweet warmth filled my body.

The next hour and half, give or take, was the most uncomplicated and most amazing little period of time of my life. Everything just made sense. We watched the movie, both of us content just to be together with our declarations and the indescribable inner warmth that went with them. Neither of us ever touched the popcorn again, neither of us willing to let go of the security and good feelings that went with simply holding hands.

As the credits ended, as they inevitably had to, I felt a wave of disappointment, not because the movie was over, but because our first date, this small ripple of perfect time, was ending. Real life was always so much more complicated than any single small, welcome moment of bliss that always ended. Even as we both sat quietly and the credits rolled, I wondered: now what?

Eventually we were the only two left in the theatre and Ashley finally spoke, breaking the lengthy awkward silence, "So I guess we didn't eat much of the popcorn."

The words spilled out of my mouth without thinking, "That wasn't what I was hungry for."

A second later when I realized what I'd just said, I tried to apologize, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why...."

My apology was stifled mid-sentence by Ashley's soft lips.

Her tongue parted my lips and we were soon sharing a tender, passionate kiss like nothing I'd ever experienced. I imagined the fireworks above my head exploding like in the movies as yet another chill of pleasure snaked up my spine. The kiss lasted only a fraction of a minute before the lights began to flicker, asking us to leave. Ashley asked, "Do you want to come over to my house for a bit?"

"Sure!" I agreed eagerly, my loins on fire even though I assumed there was no way we'd be able to do what I was craving.

Ashley took my hand, entwined (isn't that a lovely word?) our fingers again and led me out of the theatre. A couple of people noticed, but I didn't care. I was a lesbian and I no longer wanted to pretend otherwise. In a move totally unlike the old me, I even blew a playful kiss to some guy I caught watching us.

In her car we drove in a comfortable silence, both of us content with what we had shared and declared, although I was still nervous and excited at the possibilities of a relationship...good and bad. It was hard to believe that today had started with me attempting, failing and then succeeding in seducing Miss Morgan (which was exhilarating), was followed by my walking in on my Mother being dommed by Karen (which was really scary and upsetting), and now I was potentially in a real relationship (which was still pins and needles, but hopeful too). It was all so surreal, the kind of stuff you read about on Literotica, not the kind of stuff that actually happens...yet it all had happened and this crazy day wasn't yet over.

Pulling into her driveway, Ashley announced some news that instantly sparked a fire down below, her tone trumpeting she was thinking about the same thing I was. "My parents are at some charity event and won't be home till late."

But then like we kept doing to each other, once we were in the house she suddenly was nervous and unsure what to do. I tried to help by asking, not so subtlety, "So, where is your room?"

Her face went red, but it seemed to give her the tiny push she needed. She grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs and into her room. On the wall were posters of various eighties bands. She apologized, "Sorry, I love the eighties."

"Me too," I said, and began singing, "Wake me up before you go-go, don't leave...."

She joined in and we danced and goofed off, allowing the awkward tension to fade.

Exhausted and giggly, I fell back on her bed. She looked at me doubtfully. It was my turn to be the brave one and I felt up to it right now, so I smiled and teased, "Come over here, Ashley, I don't bite...hard."

She laughed nervously but joined me so we were lying on our sides. I looked into her eyes and she into mine and I leaned in for the kiss which seemed to be the next cool thing in our script. She closed her eyes and our lips touched. When we'd first had sex at the cheerleader's retreat it was amazing and somewhat intimate, lots of it about what was going on inside, but chiefly mind-blowing, considering the circumstances and my role at the time as a submissive for Karen.

But now, just the two of us, it was different. There were no roles, no expectations, nobody watching, we could do whatever we wanted, whatever we were both comfortable with, big or little. We began kissing with tenderness, and I think tenderness is what I like best about Ashley, and we tenderly began exploring each other's mouths. But we didn't have to stay tender either, it was just us. We sat up and her hands began to unbutton my shirt, and the anticipation of more tingled me all over. Not wearing a bra, a chill crawled up my back as my blouse was opened. Once she had my breasts uncovered, I returned the favour by tugging on and unbuttoning her blouse, button by button. Her lace push-up bra showcased her small, sculpted breasts (and smelled like popcorn, tee hee). I reached around and unclasped her bra and allowed it to fall between us. I smiled, "We may be Mutt and Jeff in height, but we have almost identical breasts, so they should call us the Nubile Twins, or maybe just the Nuts, for short."

"Small, but perky," she agreed, shivering, feeling the same cold breeze.

"Let's warm you up," I offered, pushing her down onto the bed. She tugged me down with her and our breasts poked together and we returned to kissing. The heat picked up as the kissing became more raw and needy, each of us melting into the other, until there was no more 'other'...two becoming one, kinda like it had felt on Friday, but less crazy and way less frantic.

Wanting to please her, I rolled her onto her back and attacked her breasts. I spattered kisses all over them before teasing each nipple with my teeth, not hard bites, but little nibbles that made her breathing increase. I slid my tongue down her toned belly, past her cute belly button, before taking matters in hand and stripping off her skirt and panties. Zoning in on her sweetness, I was greeted by a slight gleam on her shaved pussy and a sweet aroma that someday I wanted to die in and carry up to heaven with me. I extended my tongue and began licking, savouring each lick. Her moans increased quickly and after only a couple minutes of pleasure she was begging, "Finger me Jenny, please."

Thinking, no problem, I slid two fingers inside her hot pussy and her moans increased exponentially. Shy, conservative Ashley had fled the room to be replaced by horny, animated Ashley and she was sooo welcome. As I joyously pumped my fingers in and out of her, she got even more animated. "Oh fuck Jenny, harder, fuck my cunt harder!"

I did, thrusting my fingers in and out as quickly as I could, but it wasn't enough.

"Gimme another finger," she begged and I used my three middle fingers to fuck her.

"More," she moaned, "another, please!"

I couldn't fathom another finger fitting into her pussy, but I added my pinkie, which go figure, her cunt also allowed, and easily.

"Aaaah!" she screamed, and I was thankful her parents weren't home.

A minute later Ashley was clearly on the brink of orgasm and she surprised me yet again when she begged, "Fist-fuck me, Jenny!"

"Really?" I gawped, not able to fathom that my hand, although petite as hands go, could possibly ever fit inside her.

"Fucking do it!" she demanded, "fist-fuck my cunt RIGHT NOW!"

Her forcefulness startled me, but with trepidation I did what I was told, scared as I was that I'd hurt her. But just like the four fingers, my whole fist slid inside her wet pussy rather easily. Once it was in, she began bucking her hips really hard on my fist, literally fucking herself. I watched in amazed awe at how Ashley had transformed herself from a sweet, timid girl into a raging slut so quickly, before remembering that I'd recently done the exact same thing with Miss Morgan.

Seeing her thrusting and panting and sweating, desperate to come, I leaned forward, braced my chin against my wrist and sucked her swollen clit into my mouth. That was the pebble that broke the dam, as Ashley's legs wrapped around my head and she screamed, loud enough I was worried the neighbours would think she was being murdered, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

She collapsed onto the bed as her cum sprayed out of her like a broken water fountain. I eagerly tried to catch all her sweet nectar, as all the while I continued to fist-fuck my beautiful lover. Her whimpers continued for a long time, as did her orgasm. Finally she begged, "Please stop, that was incredible, but now I have to pee."

I pulled my fist out, which took surprisingly more strength than putting it in, and Ashley scurried to the bathroom. As I lay in her bed, giddy with what had just occurred and hoping she was going to return the favor, my cunt tingling like there's no tomorrow, I heard the front door open and close.

I anxiously began searching for my clothes just as Ashley returned to her room freaking out sotto voce, "Shit, shit, shit, my parents are home."

"It's ok," I said, trying to calm her down, "just get dressed and they'll never know." I tossed her her skirt and she quickly pulled it on just as I finished dressing.

She urgently found her blouse and I made the bed, which was a complete disaster, just as there was a knock on her door.

Her mom announced cheerily, "We're home, sweetheart. Can I come in?"

Ashley, her face still just-fucked red, looked at me as I hopped on the bed and opened a textbook, and she took a deep breath and answered casually, "Sure, Mom."

Her mom came in, dressed in a beautiful red cocktail dress looking like a twin to Ashley, not a mother. "Oh, you have company."

Ashley was paralyzed, clearly not used to lying to her mom or almost getting caught having lesbian sex. So I stood up and walked over to the statuesque lady. "Hi, Mrs. Swanson, I'm Jenny."

"Hi, Jenny," she replied cordially, adding, "we've heard a lot about you."

"You have?" I questioned, playing all innocent. "I hope at least some of it was good."

"Of course," she smiled, "well, I'll leave you two alone. But it is getting late."

"I was just leaving," I reassured her.

Once the door was closed, Ashley collapsed on the bed. "Oh my God, do you think she knows?"

"How could she?" I asked. "We looked like two girls studying."

"I suppose," she sighed, looking so cute in her insecurity.

"But your Mom's right: I should be getting home," I said.

"I am so sorry I didn't get to...."

I returned to her bed and put my finger on her lips. "Shush. I'll take a rain check." I kissed her again, this time leisurely, wanting to remember her softness.

We went downstairs and after meeting her father and chatting briefly with her mother about cheerleading, it was decided her dad would drive me home, which was a disappointment as I'd wanted to spend more precious time with Ashley.

Some unmemorable generic chit-chat later and I was home. I noticed the light was still on at Megan's, but resisted the temptation to go over, even though my pussy was still begging for attention. I figured I would have to pleasure myself the old-fashioned way... with my fingers.

Checking my phone before going in, I found three texts:

Karen: Answer me, slut!

Karen: I am going to punish you tomorrow, slut!!!

Ashley: Will you be my prom date?

My whole body warmed at Ashley's six words. My hand trembled as I typed my response.


I would LOVE to be your date.

As your girlfriend?


I sat down on my doorstep, eagerly awaiting a response from Ashley that didn't come. I considered texting Karen, but I didn't even know where to begin so I figured I could worry about Karen and her threat tomorrow. Today was too perfect to ruin.

Ashley then texted me:


I can't wait!!! I really LOVE spending time with you and YES you ARE my girlfriend.

On cloud nine, I put my phone away and entered the house.

Once inside, I went to the front room and was surprised for one last time today. For the second time today, I saw my mother in a flagrante position...this time she was on her knees and this time the legs she was between belonged to Mistress Megan.

Megan looked up, smiled at me and asked casually, as if my Mother weren't even in the room, let alone right now pleasing her, "How was your date, my dear?"

Continued in Part 7....

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I like this and to anyone who says how can she know that she is a lesbian if she hasn't tried a real cock. Before you have sex, you have to want it. If she is not turned on by guys, why would she have sex. I have always liked women and men and knew I wanted have sex with both

4chuckssite4chuckssiteabout 2 years ago

Sex is hot and tender. Your stories are detailed enough to make them almost real. Thus, I have to wonder how Jenny can believe she is in love (and with a woman) having never dated or been intimate with a boy and has only been sexually involved for a week. They all seem to love a plastic cock - why not the real thing?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

She should have incest sex with her mother

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
enjoyed all of your ideas

every one of your potential ideas together would keep you writing and us enjoying this story for many more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Jenny and Ashley remain a couple but not exclusive. Both are repeatedly seduced, first lovingly by teacher, then by mom and neighbor Miss Morgan who feverishly fist them both taking turns/swapping. Jenny is driven home again and subduction by Ashley’s dad he takes her anal cherry. Miss Karen takes teacher’s anal cherry and controls her. Football team gets involved and has their way with the girls to keep quite.

I enjoyed your writing very much!

AZTanDanAZTanDanover 6 years ago
More Jenny and Ashley

The relationship has blossomed and in my opinion should be the next logical addition to a superb series.

RastanuraRastanuraover 6 years ago

I have no idea where this should go, but keep up the good work.

MAJOR04MAJOR04over 6 years ago

The mom and daughter should be a regular with Megan and Karen also. please do not bring the GOV/SEN back into the relationship but maybe her daughter????? The teacher should take JENNY'S love from Ashley that was a really hot hookup..Jenny and her mom visit Rosie in the bathroom...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Nicely understated!

You can keep films, while there are writers like you there will always be good things to savour, especially stories, your kind of stories. Loved it ...all of it, please keep writing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Please continue...

There are so many things you can explore, all with the backdrop of Jenny and Ashley's love. I. think the parent-teacher conference between Miss Morgan and Jenny's mom has potential. Also, Megan gently seducing the mother-daughter pair. That could be an amazingly gentle and loving scene. Perhaps Megan and mom are together in the new hot tub, inviting Jenny to soak and relax with them... the conversation turning to joyful loving, friendship, delicious sex.

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