Beehive for Bairns, Vol. 2: From 1st Size to 2 Years

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[Illustration: Front Cover]

_Beehive for Bairns_


_From 1st size to 2 years_

_with special supplement_



Patons & Baldwins, Limited * Toronto. 10

[Illustration: Baby cartoon]

_To All Those Who Love Babies!_

We are pleased to present Volume 2 of BEEHIVE FOR BAIRNS--giving an even greater variety of Baby garments than Volume 1. It still answers the time old question of "What can I make for a Baby?" and has these special features:

First, the Layette.

From pages 7 to 18 garments can be made in 3 sizes--for 3, 6 and 9 months.

From pages 29 to 47 garments can be made in 3 sizes--for 1, 1-1/2 and 2 years.

Pram Covers and Shawls.

From pages 51 to 59 a special supplement of Lady's Bedjackets and each one can be made in miniature for a baby. A lovely Gift. An original, and we think, an attractive idea.

_All garments are made from especially suitable_ BEEHIVE WOOLS:-


_The Best is None too Good for Baby and the Best is Patons & Baldwins Wool_

[Illustration: Company Logo]


[Illustration: Bye Baby Bunting]

_Bye Baby Bunting_

MATERIALS: =3 ply BEEHIVE NON-SHRINK BABY WOOL=. 14 ozs. One No. 0 Steel Crochet Hook (American Gauge). 4-1/2 yds. Silk Blanket Binding or Satin Ribbon 2 ins, wide. 1 yd. Ribbon 1 inch wide. 3 yds. Ribbon 1/4-inch width.

MEASUREMENTS: 38 ins. × 38 ins.

Tension: 3 groups and 3 rows = 1 inch.

Ch. 231 sts. =1st row:= W.o.h. insert hook in 4th Ch. from hook and draw loop through. (W.o.h. insert hook in same Ch. as last st. and draw loop through) twice. W.o.h. Miss next Ch. Insert hook in next Ch. and draw loop through. W.o.h. and draw loop through all 9 loops on hook. Ch. 1. (This makes one group). *W.o.h. insert hook in same Ch. as last st. and draw loop through. Repeat from * twice. W.o.h. Miss next Ch. Insert hook in next Ch. and draw loop through. W.o.h. and draw loop through all 9 loops on hook. Ch. 1. (thus completing 2nd group). Work 112 more groups across row. Ch. 2. Turn. =2nd row:= W.o.h. insert hook in 3rd Ch. from hook and draw loop through. (W.o.h. insert hook in same Ch. as last st. and draw loop through) twice. W.o.h. Miss next st. Insert hook in next st. and draw loop through. W.o.h. and draw loop through all 9 loops on hook. Ch. 1. (This makes one group). W.o.h. insert hook in same st. as last st. and draw loop through. Complete group and work 112 more groups across row. Ch. 2. Turn. Repeat 2nd row until work measures 29 ins. from beginning. Proceed:-

Continue in pattern dec. 1. group at one edge only, every 3rd row 4 times. (Note:- To dec. a group at beginning of row, omitting turning Ch. of previous row, s.s. across 1st. group. Ch. 3. To dec. a group at end of row, work to within last group. Ch. 2. Turn.). Dec. 1. group every alternate row 3 times, then every row 10 times. Dec. 2 groups at same end on each of next 2 rows. Fasten off.

TO MAKE UP: Press lightly. Bind edges with blanket binding, embroidering with double feather stitching; leave embroidery open at both ends of curve. Cut narrow ribbon in half and draw 1 piece through binding along curve; pull out ends. Hold cover diagonally, curve at top. Measure off 9-1/2 ins. down from top of curved edge on wrong side; mark with pin. With pins complete a curve, having pin mark at centre and ending at outer edges of curve. For casing, sew wider ribbon along this curve, leaving open for 1 inch at centre pin mark. Draw other piece of narrow ribbon through casing; tack ends in place and draw a ribbon loop through opening at centre.

=(A) BABY'S COAT=--_Illustrated on opposite page_

MATERIALS: =3 ply BEEHIVE FINGERING=. 2 ozs. Pink No. 2019. 1 oz. White. Two No. 10 Beehive Knitting Needles. Two Safety Pins. Length of Ribbon. One Stitch Holder.

MEASUREMENTS: Width all round at underarm 17 ins. Length from top of shoulder 9 ins. Sleeve seam 5 ins.

Tension: 8 sts. and 10 rows = 1 inch.

PATTERN: =1st row:= With White wool. *K3. Sl. 1. knitways. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. K3. =2nd row:= *K3. Bring wool to front of work as if to purl. Sl. 1. purl ways. Put wool to back of work. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. K3. =3rd row:= As 1st. row. 4th row: As 2nd row. =5th, 6th, 7th and 8th rows:= With Pink wool, knit. These 8 rows complete one pattern.

The coat is worked in one piece to armhole. With Pink wool cast on 127 sts. Knit 10 rows Garter st. =11th row:= K6. Leave these 6 sts. on safety pin. Knit to last 6 sts. Leave these 6 sts. on 2nd safety pin. Working on remaining 115 sts. work 9 complete patterns, then first 4 rows of 10th pattern. Work now measures approx 5-1/2 ins. from beginning. =Next row:= (5th pattern row). With Pink wool K27. Turn. Leave remaining sts. on st. holder.

RIGHT FRONT: Work 6th, 7th and 8th rows of 10th pattern. Work 3 complete patterns, then first 4 rows of 14th pattern.

=To shape neck:= At neck edge, with Pink wool cast off 12 sts. Knit to end of row. Work last 3 rows of 14th pattern. Work 1 complete pattern, then first 5 rows of 16th pattern. Cast off.

BACK: (5th pattern row). Join Pink wool and knit 61 sts. from st. holder. Work last 3 rows of 10th pattern, dec. 1. st. each end of needle on last row. Work 5 complete patterns, then first 5 rows of 16th pattern. Cast off.

LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond to Right Front, being careful to work neck shaping for opposite side.

LEFT FRONT BORDER: With Pink wool pick up 6 sts. from safety pin and continue in Garter st. until same length as Front. Leave these sts. on safety pin.

RIGHT FRONT BORDER: With Pink wool pick up 6 sts. from safety pin and continue in Garter st. until same length as Front, ending at neck edge. Cast on 50 sts. Knit Left Front Border sts. onto end of same needle. 62 sts. on needle. Knit 3 rows Garter st. =Next row:= (eyelets) *K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2. Knit 3 rows Garter st. Cast off.

SLEEVES: With Pink wool cast on 47 sts. Knit 11 rows Garter st. Work 7 complete patterns, then first 7 rows of 8th pattern. Work now measures approx. 5 ins. from beginning. Cast off.

TO MAKE UP: Press all pieces carefully being careful not to flatten Garter st. Sew all seams. Sew borders along Fronts. Sew neckband around neck. Thread ribbon through eyelets.

=(D) BABY'S MITTS=--_Illustrated on opposite page_

MATERIALS: =3 ply BEEHIVE FINGERING=. 1/2 oz. each White and Pink No. 2019. Two No. 10 Beehive Knitting Needles. Length of Ribbon.

Tension: 8 sts. and 10 rows = 1 inch.

With Pink wool cast on 32 sts. =1st row:= K2. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 1st. row for 2 ins. =Next row:= (eyelets). K2tog. *Wl. fwd. K2tog. P1. K1. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. Wl. fwd. K2tog. 31 sts. on needle. Knit 3 rows Garter st. Continuing in pattern as given for Coat, (A), work 4 complete patterns.

=To shape top: 1st row:= With White wool, *K1. K2tog. Sl. 1. knitways. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. =2nd row:= *K2. Bring wool to front of work as if to purl. Sl. 1. purl ways. Put wool to back of work. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2. =3rd row:= *K2tog. Sl. 1. knitways. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2tog. =4th row:= *K1. Sl. 1. purl ways (as given in 2nd row). Repeat from * to last st. K1. =5th row:= With Pink wool K2tog. to last st. K1. =6th row:= Knit. Break wool. Thread end through remaining sts. Draw up and fasten securely. Sew up seam. Thread ribbon through eyelets at wrist. Make another mitt to correspond.

=(B) BABY'S BONNET=--_Illustrated on opposite page_

MATERIALS: =3 ply BEEHIVE FINGERING=. 1 oz. each White and Pink No. 2019. Two No. 10 Beehive Knitting Needles. 2 yds. Ribbon.

MEASUREMENTS: Width all round brim (when stretched) 11 ins.

Tension: 8 sts. and 10 rows = 1 inch.

FRONT: With Pink wool cast on 67 sts. =1st row:= Knit. =2nd row:= K1. K2tog. Knit to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows 4 times. =11th row:= K2. *K1. Inc. 1. st. in next st. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. K3. 83 sts. on needle. Proceed in pattern as follows:-

**=1st row:= With White wool K1. K2tog. Sl. 1. knitways. *K3. Sl. 1. knitways. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. =2nd row:= K2. *Bring wool to front of work as if to purl. Sl. 1. purl ways. Put wool to back of work. K3. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. Bring wool to front of work as if to purl. Sl. 1. purl ways. Put wool to back of work. K2. =3rd row:= K1. K2tog. Repeat from * 1st. pattern row to last 6 sts. K3. K2tog. t.b.l. K1.=4th row:= K5. Repeat from * 2nd pattern row to last 2 sts. K2. =5th row:= With Pink wool K1. K2tog. Knit to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. =6th row:= Knit. =7th row:= As 5th row. =8th row:= As 6th row.** Repeat from ** to ** 4 times. 43 sts. on needle. Keeping continuity of pattern dec. 1. st. each end of needle every row to 15 sts. on needle. Cast off.

BACK: With Pink wool cast on 57 sts. Work first 10 rows as given for Front. 47 sts. on needle. =11th row:= K9. Inc. 1. st. in each of next 28 sts. K10. 75 sts. on needle. Repeat from ** to ** as given for Front 6 times. 27 sts. on needle. Keeping continuity of pattern dec. 1. st. each end of needle every row to 15 sts. on needle. Cast off.

TO MAKE UP: Press pieces carefully. Sew the decreased edge of the Front to the decreased edge of the Back. Make ribbon rosettes and sew to bonnet as illustrated.

=(C) BABY'S SLIPPERS=--_Illustrated on opposite page_

MATERIALS: =3 ply BEEHIVE FINGERING=. 1/2 oz. each White and Pink No. 2019. Two No. 12 Beehive Knitting Needles. Length of Ribbon.

Tension: 9 sts. and 11 rows = 1 inch.

With Pink wool, beginning with slipper sole, cast on 20 sts. =1st row:= Knit. =2nd row:= Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. Knit to last 2 sts. Inc. 1. st. in next st. K1. Repeat 1st. and 2nd rows 4 times. 30 sts. on needle. =Next 2 rows:= Knit. Continue in Garter st. dec. 1. st. each end of needle on next and every alternate row to 20 sts. on needle. =Next 2 rows:= Knit, casting on 8 sts. at end of 2nd row for heel of slipper. =Next row:= Knit to last 2 sts. Inc. 1. st. in next. st. K1. This is for toe of slipper. Knit 3 rows Garter st. inc. 1. st. at toe edge on 2nd row. Proceed:-

Beginning with 1st. pattern row as given for Coat, (A), continue inc. 1. st. at toe edge on next and every alternate row to 34 sts. on needle ending at heel edge. Break White wool. =Next row:= With Pink wool cast off 15 sts. Join White wool. Cast off 1. st. Beginning with 1st. pattern row of Coat, work to last 2 sts. Inc. 1. st. in next st. K1. Work 17 rows even in pattern. =Next row:= Work in pattern to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1. (toe edge). Work to heel edge. Break White wool. With Pink wool cast on 16 sts. Continue in pattern dec. 1. st. at toe edge on next and every alternate row to 28 sts. Knit 1 row. Cast off.

CUFF: With right side of work facing pick up and knit 42 sts. around ankle of slipper. =1st row:= K2. *P1. K1. Repeat from to end of row. =2nd row:= (eyelets). K2. *Wl. fwd. K2tog. P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 1st. row once. Work 8 rows Stocking st. Cast off. Make another slipper to correspond.

TO MAKE UP: Join centre back seam. Put back point of sole to this seam and sew sole into position. Sew up toe opening. Thread ribbon through eyelets at ankle and tie as illustrated.

_The Layette_

[Illustration: (A) Coat--_See page 2_. (B) Bonnet--_See page 2_. (C) Slippers--_See page 2_. (D) Mitts--_See page 2_. (E) Sleeping Suit--_See page 4_. (F) Panties--_See page 49_. (G) Bootees--_See page 19_. (H) Bootees--_See page 17_ _A Matching Pram Cover for A, B, C, D is shown on page 24._]

=(E) BABY'S SLEEPING SUIT=--_Illustrated on page 3_

MATERIALS: =3 ply BEEHIVE NON-SHRINK BABY WOOL=. 4 ozs. Two No. 11 Beehive Knitting Needles. Two Stitch Holders. 10 Buttons. One Medium Crochet Hook.

MEASUREMENTS: Width all round at underarm 18 ins. Length from neck to crotch at centre back 12 ins. Length of sleeve underarm seam (cuff turned up) 5 ins. Length of leg seam including foot 8-1/2 ins.

Tension: 8-1/2 sts. and 10 rows = 1 inch.

BACK: Beginning at shoulder, cast on 50 sts. =1st row:= K4. *P2. K3. Repeat from * to last st. K1. =2nd row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 2 ins. from beginning ending with 2nd row.

=To shape armholes:= Keeping continuity of pattern inc. 1. st. each end of needle on next and every alternate row to 62 sts. on needle, then cast on 5 sts. beginning next 2 rows. 72 sts. on needle. Continue even in pattern until work measures 5 ins. from beginning ending with purl row. Proceed:-

=1st row:= K2. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 1st. row 5 times. =7th row:= (eyelets). K2. *Wl. fwd. K2tog. P1. K1. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Repeat 1st. row 5 times. With right side of work facing, proceed:-

=To shape back:= =1st row:= K42. Turn. =2nd row:= P12. Turn. =3rd row:= K20. Turn. =4th row:= P28. Turn. =5th row:= K36. Turn. =6th row:= P44. Turn. =7th row:= Knit to end of row. =8th row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. Leave these sts. on st. holder.

LEFT FRONT: Beginning at shoulder, cast on 16 sts. =1st row:= K1. P1. (K3. P2) twice. K4. =2nd row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. Repeat these 2 rows once. Proceed:-

=1st row:= (neck edge). K1. Inc. 1. st. in next st. (K3. P2) twice. K4. =2nd row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. =3rd row:= K1. Inc. 1. st. in next st. P1. (K3. P2) twice. K4. =4th row:= As 2nd row. =5th row:= K2. P2. (K3. P2) twice. K4. Repeat 4th and 5th rows once. =8th row:= K1. Purl to end of row. Cast on 10 sts. =9th row:= K7. *P2. K3. Repeat from * to last 6 sts. P2. K4. =10th row:= K1. Purl to last 7 sts. K7. Repeat 9th and 10th rows until work measures 2 ins. from beginning ending with 10th row.

=To shape armhole:= Keeping continuity of pattern, at armhole edge inc. 1. st. every alternate row 6 times, then cast on 5 sts. once. 39 sts. on needle. Continue even in pattern until work measures 5 ins. from beginning ending at Front edge. Proceed:-

=1st row:= K8. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to last st. K1. =2nd row:= *K1. P1. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. K7. Repeat 1st. and 2nd rows twice. =7th row:= (eyelets). K8. *Wl. fwd. K2tog. P1. K1. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Repeat 2nd row once, then 1st. and 2nd rows twice. =Next row:= Knit. Leave these sts. on st. holder.

RIGHT FRONT: Beginning at shoulder, cast on 16 sts. =1st row:= K4. (P2. K3) twice. P1. K1. =2nd row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. Repeat these 2 rows once. Proceed:-

=1st row:= K4. P2. K3. P2. K2. Inc. 1. st. in next st. P1. K1. (neck edge). =2nd row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. =3rd row:= K4. (P2. K3) twice. Inc. 1. st. in next st. K2. =4th row:= As 2nd row. =5th row:= K1. *K3. P2. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2. Repeat 4th and 5th rows once, casting on 10 sts. at end of last row. =8th row:= K7. Purl to last st. K1. =9th row:= (1st. buttonhole). K1. *K3, P2. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. K3. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K2. =10th row:= As 8th row. =11th row:= K1. *K3. P2. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. K7. Keeping continuity of pattern and working a buttonhole in Garter st. border at Front edge every 10th row, continue to correspond to Left Front until work measures 5 ins. from beginning ending at side edge. Proceed:-

=1st row:= K2. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to last 7 sts. K7. =2nd row:= K7. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 1st. and 2nd rows twice. =7th row:= (eyelets). K2. *Wl. fwd. K2tog. P1, K1. Repeat from * to last 9 sts. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K3. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K2. Repeat 2nd row once, then 1st. and 2nd rows twice. =Next row:= Knit. With wrong side of work facing, proceed:-

=1st row:= K7. P32. of Right Front. P72. of Back. P32. K7. of Left Front. 150 sts. on needle. =2nd row:= Knit. =3rd row:= K7. Purl to last 7 sts. K7. Still working buttonholes in Garter st. border at Right Front as before, repeat 2nd and 3rd rows for 4 ins. ending with knit row. =Next row:= Cast off 3 sts. Purl to last 7 sts. K7. =Next row:= Cast off 3 sts. Knit to end of row. =Next row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. Continue even in Stocking st. until work measures 6 ins. from bottom of ribbing at Front, ending with purl row. Proceed:-

K72. Turn. Leave remaining 72 sts. on st. holder. **Working on these 72 sts. continue in Stocking st. dec. 1. st. each end of needle on next and every following 4th row to 40 sts. on needle. Continue even until leg seam measures 7 ins. ending with purl row.** Proceed:-

=To make foot:= =1st row:= K19. Turn. =2nd row:= K1. P13. K1. Turn. =3rd row:= K15. Turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows 8 times, then 2nd row once. =21st row:= K1. K2tog. K9. K2tog. K1. =22nd row:= K1. P11. K1. =23rd row:= K1. K2tog. K7. K2tog. K1. Break wool. Join wool at inside edge where the 21 sts. were left and knit to end of row. =Next row:= K21. Pick up and knit 14 sts. along side of foot. Knit the 11 sts. across the toe. Pick up and knit 14 sts. along the other side of foot and knit the 4 sts. which were left. 64 sts. on needle. Knit 9 rows Garter st. Proceed:-

=To shape toe:= K23. (K2tog.) twice. K28. (K2tog.) twice. K5. =2nd row:= Knit. =3rd row:= K22. (K2tog.) twice. K26. (K2tog.) twice. K4. Knit 2 rows Garter st. Cast off.

Join wool to remaining 72 sts. and continue in Stocking st. repeating from ** to ** as given for other leg. Proceed:-

=To make foot:= =1st row:= K36. Turn. =2nd row:= K1. P13. K1. Turn. =3rd row:= K15. Turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows 8 times, then 2nd row once. =21st row:= K1. K2tog. K9. K2tog. K1. =22nd row:= K1. P11. K1. =23rd row:= K1. K2tog. K7. K2tog. K1. Break wool. Join wool at inside edge where 4 sts. were left. K4. =Next row:= K4. Pick up and knit 14 sts. along side of foot. Knit the 11 sts. across the toe. Pick up and knit 14 sts. along other side of foot. Knit the 21 sts. which were left. 64 sts. on needle. Knit. 9 rows Garter st. Proceed:-

=To shape toe:= K5. (K2tog.) twice. K28. (K2tog.) twice. K23. =2nd row:= Knit. =3rd row:= K4. (K2tog.) twice. K26. (K2tog.) twice. K22. Knit 2 rows Garter st. Cast off.

SLEEVES: Cast on 32 sts. Knit 18 rows Garter st. =19th row:= K2. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 19th row 13 times. =Next row:= K1. *Inc. 1. st. in next st. purl ways. P2. Repeat from * to last 4 sts. P1. Inc. 1. st. in each of next 2 sts. purl ways. K1. 43 sts. on needle. Proceed:-

=1st row:= *K3. P2. Repeat from * to last 3 sts. K3. =2nd row:= K1. Purl to last st. K1. Repeat these 2 rows until sleeve measures 5 ins. (cuff turned up) ending with purl row.

=To shape cap:= *Keeping continuity of pattern, cast off 2 sts. beginning next 2 rows then 1. st. beginning following 2 rows.* Repeat from * to * to 13 sts. on needle. Cast off remaining sts.

COLLAR: Cast on 16 sts. Knit 8 ins. even in Garter st. Cast off.

TO MAKE UP: Press all pieces carefully. Sew all seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew collar in position placing the ends 2 sts. from the edge of each front. Sew the cast-off sts. in position at Front. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes. With double wool crochet a cord. Thread through eyelets at waist. Make and sew a tassel to each end.

[Illustration: BB Logo]

_Needles and Tension_ USED IN THIS BOOK

To make it easy for you the following paragraph shows you how to use the Needle and Tension charts below.

For example: BABY'S CROSS-OVER PULLOVER (See page 16)

Wool 3 ply Beehive. Size 3 mos. Needles No. 11. Tension 8-1/2 sts.

(The * shows how this reading was made)