Before It's Too Late


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"You're a smooth talker Walter Ableton, that's what you are." and she kissed him on his cheek.

Walter smiled.

"No seriously, client evenings can be very long and well, a little lubrication always helps the business along if you see what I mean."

Pattie smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"Lubrication? I hope I'm not getting the wrong idea here."

Walter blushed again.

"No, I meant lubrication in the form of alcohol but I can see that what I said was somewhat ambiguous," he said, smiling.

Pattie laughed.

"Well, ambiguous or not it's enough to put naughty thoughts into anyone's head."

"Oh really, and how often do you get naughty thoughts in your head?" Walter asked.

"Well, for the past several years not often enough but I have the feeling that's all changing."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their taxi.

The drive to Sped Hall took them 15 minutes and they sat holding hands, not talking but just enjoying each other's company.

As the car scrunched over the gravel drive Walter turned to her.

"Would you let me see you to the door?"

Pattie smiled.

"Yes, that would be kind."

He held the car door for her and followed her to the front door, standing back just a little as Pattie unlocked it. She turned to him smiling.

"I've had a lovely evening; you've been charming company and I'm sure there'll be plenty of other occasions in the future to deepen this lawyer client relationship ... with or without lubrication."

Walter was about to reply but she put her fingers to his lips to stop him and then kissed him, pressing herself against him as she did. She could feel his chest and thighs pressing against her and the unmistakable bulge of his arousal.

Walter returned her kiss eagerly and moved against her but Pattie broke their embrace, whispering to him.

"Enough for now hey? Off you go home before I change my mind."

She waved as the taxi pulled away and then once inside leant with her back against the cool oak of the door, smiling to herself. It had been a very long time since she'd had a man openly desire her and it felt good, very good.

That night Pattie used her vibrator, recalling the feel of Walter's excitement against her and imagining how it would feel as he entered her but her handbag sized vibrator, as Sally had called it, didn't satisfy that urge and she decided she'd have to ask Sally about the bigger one that she'd said she had. But for the moment she was happy, feeling her sexuality rekindled and certain that before too long she would be making love with Walter in this very bed. In amongst these thoughts a memory slipped into her mind, the feeling of Sally's body against hers, the shape of Sally's breasts and hips when she'd cuddled her. She came several times, sometimes thinking of Walter and sometimes thinking of Sally but somehow, whoever she was thinking of it felt incomplete and she wanted more.

Chapter Nine

Jen's account of the evening with Mike and Elaine

I'd dozed as Rob had driven me home from our dinner with Mike and Elaine but woke as the car scrunched over the gravel of the drive. We went straight to bed and I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

I was dreaming and somewhere in my dream I could feel someone's fingers exploring me, touching my wetness and caressing my clit. Jerry's face swam into view only to be replaced by Mike's face accompanied by the trickling sound of wine being poured and his voice: "Have you two ever thought about it? Swapping?"

Now I was fuzzily awake and I groaned inwardly. Yes, of course I'd thought about it, not constantly but often, always with Jerry as the other man but now, now that it seemed a real possibility after the conversation at dinner last night, it was Mike's face that filled my mind as my fingers touched and stroked my labia and clit. My buttocks clenching as the waves started to sweep through me and I had to hold my breath to stop myself crying out as wave after wave coursed through me, sweeping me to a shuddering orgasm, pressing my clit hard with my fingers so that the sweet agony was heightened.

'Yes, yes oh yes'. I strangled the words in my throat aware of Rob sleeping beside me as the images of Jerry and then Mike flashed before my eyes.

"You awake darling?"

The sound of Rob's voice had made me freeze and hold my breath. Had he heard me? Could he tell what I'd been thinking? The images of Jerry and then Mike making love to me had been so intense, so vivid, surely he must know?

Rob was nuzzling his cock between my cheeks and talking to me.

"Don't know why but I just woke up feeling horny for you."

Dear Rob, my faithful and loving man. I didn't know if he had heard me masturbating or if I had actually called out as I orgasmed.

I let my breath out slowly, my voice breathy and enticing.

"Mm that feels good." I wriggled my butt against the head of his cock as it made contact with my rosebud aware that soon he must come into contact with my pussy which was still soaking wet from my recent orgasm.

I moved again allowing the head of his cock to slip between my labia and then fully into me but as he pushed into me my mind was filled with images and thoughts of Jerry and then of Mike, for it wasn't Rob that I wanted; it was someone else, anyone else, the illicit feel of another man taking me, filling me.

The urge that had started more than twenty years ago that unconsummated night with Jerry needed to be satisfied now and Mike was the one who I was going to get to satisfy me.

By now, Rob was ramming into me hard from behind, hurting me, as if telling me not to think of other men, as if he had read my thoughts.

"Hey, steady tiger." I moved to make myself more comfortable. "Go easy hon."

And then, just as suddenly as he had started, he eased to a stop. We lay for a moment and then I pulled away from him and turned to face him.

"You ok hon?" I stroked his face and kissed his forehead.

Was this how it got in a long marriage or was Rob just tired from the evening and from the effects of the wine? I couldn't tell but he seemed distracted as if he were thinking of something else or perhaps, of someone else.

It was a couple of weeks later that Rob told me he'd bumped into Elaine in town. Immediately I was excited; perhaps this was the opportunity I'd been waiting for. Call it female intuition or whatever but I was sure that Rob was as eager as I was to experiment; certainly, from his behaviour and the excitement in his voice when he'd told me about meeting Elaine, I knew that he was keen on her but would he actually swap partners and have sex with her? And how would he feel about me having sex with Mike?

As incredible as it sounds, no matter how much we feel that we know our partners there will always be that little bit that we must guess at, that for each would be too risky to reveal to the other, and it was no different for Rob and me.

Had Rob had his "Jerry" moment too while I was away all those years ago? I'd never asked him just as he'd never asked me about my time away.

Perhaps we were frightened of what we might learn but now I was determined to give him every lead, every opportunity so that I could realise my fantasy and so that he could realise his too; that is if he had one.

Sure enough, just as Rob had suggested, Elaine called me a couple of days later and we arranged that she and Mike would come over for supper.

I had to plan the evening so that there would be times that I could be alone with Mike and that Rob could be alone with Elaine; the difficulty was though it had to look normal, not contrived and, just as importantly, Rob would have to know that when he was alone with Elaine they wouldn't be disturbed by Mike or me so I tried to visualise the evening, even walking the rooms of our house choreographing where we'd be and making sure that Rob and Elaine would have their time together unseen and undisturbed by Mike and me but at last I had it, even down to the menu that would let me get Rob at the BBQ on the patio with Elaine while Mike and I were alone in the kitchen; then, after eating, Mike and I would be on cushions by the stereo and Rob and Elaine could be together on the sofa.

God was I horny! Whilst checking the sight lines in the living room I lay on the floor by the stereo and just couldn't keep my hands off my clit, fingering myself to a massive orgasm, imagining all the time that Rob was with Elaine on the couch.

I hoped that it wasn't just wishful thinking; I'd promised this to myself when I went back to Rob and the children all those years ago and I wasn't going to let the opportunity slip by; this was payback time for all the years of always putting the girls and Rob first.

This would be for me.

By the Friday morning I had the evening planned in detail and a little word play in the kitchen before Rob left for work convinced me that he was up for it.

I called him at his office, one of our sexy phone calls, and that left me so certain that I was confident enough to have Rob help me shave my pussy completely smooth and then, the next morning, to help me change the bed sheets. "Well you never know" was all I said and when he didn't demure and suggested that we went 'commando' for the evening, well then I knew, absolutely.

"Hon, do you want to fire up the BBQ? I'm starving and I bet Mike and Elaine could eat something."

This was the start of my plan: Mike and Elaine had arrived as planned and we'd already had a couple of drinks and now I needed to get Rob and Elaine out on the patio while I got Mike into the kitchen; it was an easy pretence and I knew that Rob would be at the BBQ for about twenty minutes which was plenty of time to get things started.

"Mike, would you like to help me in the kitchen?" As I led the way into the kitchen I called over my shoulder to Elaine.

"Elaine, can you take these wings and kebabs out to Rob please. You'll need a coat though, it's cold." and I handed her a padded jacket of mine that I'd already looked out.

As Elaine left, I looked at Mike and he smiled at me.

"You are one very sexy and clever lady, organising things like this."

I smiled back.

"You noticed huh?"

"Yes, I noticed." He replied, nodding His head.

"So... how'm I doing?"

"Very well I think, very, very well."

He moved towards me taking my hand as he did. There was no hesitation between us as we locked our lips together, swirling our tongues in and out of each other's mouths, our hands exploring, pulling and grabbing, my mound grinding against his surging erection.

God I needed this. I'd waited faithfully for more than twenty years for this moment, waited for the time when Rob was ready to go along with me. Yes, I guess it's true that I'd groomed my own husband but it hadn't been difficult. He'd been as eager as me when the opportunity had come along and I was going to enjoy this evening, every single moment of it.

My hand was on the front of Mike's chinos, tugging at the buckle of his belt and then the zip until suddenly they were open and I could grasp the hardness of his shaft, stroking him up and down, feeling the wetness at the tip of his penis and then, dropping to my knees, taking him into my mouth and sucking on him, swirling my tongue around the glans while I massaged his balls with my hand, then standing and kissing him again.

Mike was pulling at my jeans and I undid the button so that he could slip his hand between my legs and his fingers into my pussy. My head went back and my mouth was open as I gasped at the first touch of his finger on my clit.

"Yes, oh yes."

Wave after wave pulsed through me as my orgasm churned my belly then suddenly his hand was gone as he lifted me onto the counter and pulled my jeans down.

I knew it was going to be now, this moment when another man would fuck me and I watched fascinated as he placed the head of his cock between my labia; then a momentary pause as our eyes met as if we were both asking 'Now?' and my almost whispered "Yes." signalling to him that it was going to be now, my first illicit fuck.

Oh the sweet pleasure as he thrust into me, deep and hard, making me gasp and his redoubled efforts as I pulled me to him, his fingers hurting me as they dug into my butt, the pain contrasting with the cold of the granite work surface under me.

"Cumming, cumming," I hissed as multiple orgasms ripped through me and then a final frantic thrusting from Mike and the gush of his semen into me, filling me. This wasn't lovemaking, this was raw primal sex and I loved it, loved being fucked, being taken.

And then, as suddenly as we'd started, we stopped and began to laugh, holding onto each other, rocking against each other.

"Jesus that was good." said Mike as he pulled away from me.

"Ssh, not so loud!" But I knew that we couldn't be heard or seen from the patio where Rob and Elaine were. I'd already checked.

Mike's semen was spilling out of me onto the granite counter and I signalled to him to grab some kitchen towel. I didn't want to have wet cum patches all over my jeans this early in the evening.

We tidied up and I hitched my jeans back up as Mike buckled his belt.

I pointed to the front of his chinos where his penis was still pressed against them but now only semi rigid. He noticed and smiled.

"Don't worry, the little blue pills will take care of that." and I smiled in return.

"I hope so. I'm going to need some more before the evening's over," and I gave the front of his chinos a reassuring squeeze "Lot's more. C'mon mister, we've got food to get ready." But I'd done most of it earlier; I wasn't going to get caught out that easily.

I heard the patio door swish along its track and then Rob's voice, a little loud as if he was deliberately announcing that he and Elaine were back:

"We're all ready here, wings and kebabs, piping hot, come and get them."

I pushed my hair back into place and slipped a couple more sheets of kitchen towel inside my jeans where Mike's semen was still leaking from me and suddenly we were back at the dinner party, all smiles and good nature as if nothing had happened, apart that is from the smudge of Elaine's lipstick on Rob's cheek and the delicious wetness and heat between my legs but Rob didn't need to know about that, not never; that first illicit fuck was mine and was going to stay that way.

Our supper was relaxed with no tension in the air, plenty of wine and laughter and, as we finished and tidied away, I got Rob to replenish the log basket and Mike to open some more wine.

Elaine was fixing coffee and I called Mike over to the CD rack.

"Come and choose some music with me, something slow and sexy." Elaine smiled as she carried two cups of coffee to the table by the sofa.

"Oh he's good at that alright." and with that she lay back into the cushions on the sofa, waiting for Rob as Mike and I sprawled on the floor by the stereo, hidden from view.

With the lights down and the stereo playing softly I heard Rob come in with the last load of logs and the soft murmur of conversation between him and Elaine but I wasn't concerned; I knew that Rob would be totally absorbed with Elaine and she knew only too well what her husband and I were doing and didn't mind in the slightest.

I was in no hurry and neither was Mike as we relaxed, touching and caressing each other, a lazy sensuous prelude to what was to come.

I unbuttoned his shirt and eased it from his chinos, pushing it back from his shoulders to reveal his well-toned chest, not over muscled but taught and lithe. He had that wonderful scent of manhood about him, born of his sweat from our earlier exertions and I rubbed my hands across his nipples, feeling him shiver with excitement as I buried my face into him, inhaling deeply and then, almost without thinking I sat up and, raising my arms as if in tableau, pulled my t shirt over my head and kicked my jeans off. The sensation of being naked and vulnerable in front of Mike was thrilling and I pulled his head to me, down between my legs, wanting to feel his tongue on me, in me and he obliged, teasing and nuzzling at my labia, running the tip of his tongue the length of me but always staying tantalisingly short of my clitoris until I could stand the suspense no longer and forced my hand between us, rubbing at my clit as a series of spasms overtook me, my orgasms bubbling to the surface of my consciousness as I came, shuddering and gasping with each release.

I was aware that Mike was now naked as well, his chino's and mine in a tangled heap at our feet and then, above the music we both heard Elaine:

"You want to suck momma's titty? Here baby." and we had to stifle out laughter.

"Time to leave I think," I whispered. "We'll go up to the bedroom and leave them here."

As we left the room I paused and glanced over to the sofa where Rob and Elaine were. They were both naked and in the flickering light thrown by the flames of the fire I could see Rob half lying on the sofa with Elaine straddling him and I heard Elaine's "C'mon baby, fuck me." and watched as she moved onto him and as Rob, my husband thrust into her, pushing as deep into her as he could and his triumphant "Yesss." as he entered her fully.

I lingered just a moment longer watching and then turned into the hallway and to the stairs.

For just a brief moment I felt the tiniest pang of sadness, for Rob and I had lost an innocence tonight but just as suddenly it was gone and I took Mike's hand and led him up the stairs and to the bedroom, the bedroom that Rob and I shared, our marital bed. The sheets were crisp and cool, fresh from when we'd changed them earlier and I lay back with my legs apart and my knees slightly raised, inviting Mike to enter me.

"C'mon Mike, let's see how good those little blue pills really are." and in readiness I gripped the sheets, my knuckles white, and I sighed with pure pleasure as I felt Mike enter me, the slow, slow filling of me; he was not yet fully erect again but I knew that would soon come and I clasped my legs around his waist and rolled back so that I could accommodate him. Mike paused for a while as he gained control of himself and then slowly withdrew until just the head of his penis was inside me then another pause and that slow delicious filling of me, my fingers clutching at the sheet and the air crushed from my lungs and then out again and again in, his rhythm increasing almost imperceptibly, his cock stroking my insides and his shaft pressuring my clitoris as he plunged in and out of me, plundering me, taking me, fucking me.

I could feel my juices running down between my cheeks and then I was aware of another rhythm close by and realised that we had been joined by Rob and Elaine. She was lying beside me with Rob behind her, lying spoons, and as Mike pounded in and out of me Elaine suddenly shouted

"Fuck me Rob, fuck me, fuck me." and although it tipped me over the edge into a spasm of almost continuous orgasms as Mike let go, I found it distracting, even annoying that they had invaded what was my space, my time with Mike.

Why hadn't they stayed downstairs on the sofa? But there was nothing I could do about it right now although if there was to be another time, I'd make sure that whoever I was having sex with, it would be with him and him alone.

The four of us lay spent for a while until I had to go and pee and as I went into the bathroom I was aware of Mike leaving the room and then in a minute or so I could hear the murmur of Mike's voice and then the sound of the front door as he and Elaine left and suddenly it all seemed rather sordid as if we were supposed to feel shame at what had just happened.

I slipped on my nightie that I kept on the back of the bathroom door and climbed back into bed, snuggling under the covers against Rob. I could feel the wetness of his flaccid cock against my cheeks, Elaine's wetness, and that felt exciting as evidence of what we'd just done but somehow, I felt cheated. Why had they left so quickly and so furtively? What we had just done was consensual so what could the problem be?
