Behind the Lines of the Were War Ch. 10


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Renee woke up confused and aroused, she tried to sleep but her mind and her wolf would not let her. After an hour she gave up and walked out her door, taking a right towards the door at the end. She quietly let herself in.

Robert's wolf was instantly alert when he first sensed someone at the door, but he calmed down when he recognized her scent and saw her naked form in his doorway. "Renee?"

She fought back the tears and looked at him, her wolf encouraging her forward until she was by his bed. "Hold me?" She held a hand out to him.

Robert turned back the covers and pulled her forward. "Whatever you need, I'll be her for you." She climbed in and snuggled up to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he caressed her back. "Sleep, we can talk in the morning." Robert's desire was strong but his wolf was willing to put up with his human's insistence on patience as long as he got what he wanted.

Renee slept soundly for the first time in weeks.


Crested Butte Pack, Colorado


Stanley Diggs was furious as his caravan pulled into his compound. They had arrived after midnight, the long drive up from New Mexico being done with as few stops as possible. The senior Beta left at the compound met him as he stepped out. Before Diggs left, Darrell had been a mid-level Beta, and Stanley had rarely dealt with him. "Where is Blake?"

Darrell used all his willpower just to stay standing as he exposed his neck in submission. "Alpha, no one has heard from him since yesterday. He was last seen going after the Painter and other families."

"Well, he's not answering my calls so he is either dead or he's joined them. Have you heard back from the trackers I told you to send?"

"They followed them to a highway and their scent disappeared. They must have arranged for a vehicle to pick them up. They could be anywhere by now."

Diggs turned to leave. "Call a Pack meeting at 9 AM. Everyone is expected to attend."


Gila Pack Den, New Mexico


Renee stirred but didn't want to open her eyes yet. She was warm and her wolf was content, she didn't want to ruin the feeling.

She relaxed her face into the firm pillow that was his stomach as she began to trace her fingers lightly over his thigh. She was luxuriating in his smell, so male, with hints of pine and forest dew. Her wolf appreciated the muscles and scars that she found in her exploration, but was much more interested in the cock that was lying just below her face. Slowly she moved her hand up, becoming more bold she lightly stroked his balls before running her fingertips up his length. His morning wood was impressive, her wolf kept sending her images of how she would feel with this staff plundering her depths.

Her movement over his cock head as she collected the drop of precum brought Robert out of his slumber. He didn't move, choosing instead to relax and see where she was going with this. He smiled as she wrapped her hand around him, her fingers not able to reach fully around him even before his knot formed. She knew he was awake by the change in his breathing, but she pretended not to notice. She kept slowly and gently moving her hand on him as he got even harder.

Renee finally opened her eyes to see his purple head just a few inches away. She stretched her tongue out, shifting it slightly, and ran it over the tip to taste the fluid. She smiled as she heard his quick intake of breath. Gaining confidence, she moved her head down and gently took him into her mouth. She luxuriated in his taste, swirling her tongue around him as her hand began to slowly stroke him up and down. He was stretching her mouth as she pushed down, stopping just before her gag reflex hit. She bobbed up and down a few times before going deep and sucking hard.

"Oh Luna..." Robert's head tipped back and his hands gripped the sheet as the sensation of her mouth on him overloaded his senses. It was like she was trying to suck the sheets through his ass, it was so intense. She let off, and went back to swirling her tongue while increasing the pace of her hand. He was never going to last. "I'm going to come," he said to give her a chance, but she kept going. He felt like a teenager with no staying power but he didn't care because it felt so good. Renee sucked hard again and rapidly stroked his flesh, yanking his orgasm out of him. She swallowed quickly as he filled her mouth with his seed.

Renee finally pulled off with an audible pop and laid her head back down on his stomach. He was running his fingers through her hair when he felt her tears running onto him. He pulled her up on top of him so he could look at her as he wiped her tears away. "Renee, that was amazing. You have no idea what that means to me. Don't cry because you think I'm a two pump chump, I promise I'll last longer next time."

Renee snorted. "It's not that, it's just that I had a dream last night and I'm still processing it." She described her dream to him as she started to rub her sex over his rapidly hardening member. "Gary wants me to live and love again, but I feel like such a slut for having these feelings for you so soon after he is gone."

Robert pulled her up and kissed her. "You are the first woman to share my bed since she died. I've been punishing myself for failing my mate for over a decade. When I met you, my wolf sat up and took notice. I couldn't sleep that night. I finally realized that what she had always tried to make me happy, and that wouldn't change just because she was gone. She wouldn't have wanted me to beat myself up over what might have been, she would have told me to live my life to the fullest. When I recognized my desire for you, it allowed me to accept that she was gone and I could have a second chance at love." He caressed her back. "Sometimes we think too much. Your wolf knows what you need, he won't lead you astray."

"Right now my wolf wants you inside me." She reached back and guided him into her sodden sex. He filled her completely as she slowly sat back, feeling every ridge and vein along the way. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back with the sensation. Robert ran his hands along her side to her firm breasts, cupping them from the outside as his thumbs flicked over her erect nipples. She moaned as she wiggled her hips to force the last couple inches in. When she had him all, she opened her eyes and smiled down at him. "Oooooh... that's so nice." She didn't move her hips, but she squeezed and released him a few times, causing him to moan. She slowly lowered her body down until her breasts were within range of him. "Suck?" She moaned and moved her hips again as he complied. She planted her hands alongside his head and began to rock up and down on his length.

He wanted to make it last, but she wasn't playing fair. She was so wet and tight, and her mewling noises as he laved her breasts were driving him nuts. When she hoarsely begged him to "take me," he took over. He rolled her onto her back and pressed deep within her. Hooking one leg up, he started to pound her into the mattress. Her moans became near continuous, her hips slamming up into him as they drove to their climax. "Come with me, Renee." She was tossing her head from side to side as the sensation of his long strokes drove her over the edge. He saw her wolf come forward in her eyes but just as quickly it went away. With a final thrust, he kissed her deeply and emptied himself into her depths. He rolled off her and gathered her in his arms.

Renee pushed away from his chest and started crying. "What is wrong? Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head. "No, it's just me. My wolf wanted to bite you and I just couldn't let it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to. I just can't do this to you."

He gently kissed her. "Well, then, my job is to have you go to sleep every night wondering how you survived another day without being my mate. I won't play fair, either." She immediately tensed up and rolled away.

"NO! I can't mate you!"

Robert tried to put his hand on her shoulder but she bolted for the door. "I'm so sorry, I can't do this to you." She ran to her room, closed the door and sank to the carpet, hugging herself as she cried. She couldn't hurt him like that. She loved him too much.


Crested Butte Pack, Colorado


Alpha Diggs looked over his Pack with disdain. The full impact of the defections was apparent, it looked like over a third of his pack was now gone, including his second and a number of his Betas. He stepped forward on the platform to address them, his remaining Betas lining up behind him.

"Our Pack has come under attack. It was not the honorable battle that we sought, rather it was done with subterfuge and deceit. The families that left have not just betrayed me, they have betrayed us all. There will be a price for their betrayal." There was a murmuring, and he let it die down before continuing. "The time of reckoning is fast approaching. Those who admit their error and return voluntarily will be granted mercy. Those that continue to rebel will be dealt with. Make no mistake, there is no place of safety for them, no place to hide from the consequences of their actions. If any of them contact you, help them out by encouraging them to return and receive my mercy. Luna help them if I have to get them back myself. Any questions, contact your Betas." With that, he jumped down and walked back to his office.

He had just sat down at his desk when his phone rang. It was Alpha Hastings.

"Robert, how are you doing?"

"Better every day," he replied. "I'm calling to invite you to a gathering of Alphas this weekend at Red Rocks in Denver. We will be discussing how we can help each other now that we are in the open. At the same time, we will be having a gathering we are calling Wolfstock for all the unmated wolves. It will be a chance to find out if your mates are in other packs or among the humans that attend."

"Is every Alpha going to be there?"

"Yes, I'm working with Alpha Johnson to personally contact everyone and so far none have declined. The event starts at 6 PM Friday and runs through Sunday afternoon. Food, music, fun runs... we're getting quite the event together."

"Well, let everyone know I will attend, and I'll bring my unmated along. I look forward to seeing you again." Stanley hung up the phone and sat back in his desk chair. This could be even better, he thought. Where there were Alphas, there were the inevitable challenges. Forcing Renee to submit to him and mating her in front of the others would cement his status. It would shift the allegience of her pack to him. He could also push the Alphas for a simple rule: no transfers between Packs unless both Alphas involved agree. Once that was passed, it would be a simple matter to demand the return of his wayward pack members.

It could even help with takeovers of other packs; once they saw how many Betas he had, and how many unmated males, they would recognize that joining him was inevitable. It would be easy to convince them to ally with him, making him the dominant Alpha of the region. His victory would be complete and relatively bloodless.

It all made his dick hard.


Gila Pack Den, New Mexico


Renee avoided Robert at the head table, nodding quickly before walking over to sit at breakfast with the members of her Pack. She immediately regretted skipping her shower when the smiles and wolf whistles started. "Did you sleep well, Alpha," said Crystal with a smile.

"Yes, thank you. I didn't get as much as I wanted, Robert and I had some things to coordinate."

"Is that what they call it now?" The whole table busted up laughing, she smelled of Robert and sex and fooled no one. They wondered if it was a fling or something more; all of them wanted Renee to find happiness again. The rest of the breakfast went quickly as they talked of people they met, family news and Wolfstock preparations.

Renee finished up breakfast and walked over to Robert. "Alpha Hastings, is there an office I can use today? I have a lot of work to do to get ready for this weekend."

"Certainly, let me show you." He held out his hand but she refused to take it; he smoothly let it drop to his side. He was still trying to figure out what had happened last night, clearly she thought it was a mistake and not the greatest thing that had happened to him in years. She was being polite but distant. Patience, he told his wolf. Patience. He escorted her to a spare office and left her to his work.

He tried to engage her in conversation when he brought her lunch and was gracefully dismissed. Dinner was the same. She went to her room without talking to him. Her avoidance of him hurt deeply, but he had to give her time.

That didn't mean he couldn't try and figure out why. He made his way to the library where he found Crystal reading at the table. "Crystal, may I have a moment?"

"Certainly Alpha Hastings. I've been meaning to thank you for inviting us here, it's the most I've relaxed in years."

"You're certainly welcome. I won't keep you long. I just need help. I think I did or said something to Renee that caused her to push me away, but I can't figure out what it is. Do you have any idea what I can do to get her back?"

Crystal sat back in thought. "I know she likes you a lot, her eyes light up when she talks about you. I also know she likes it here. I think she is just feeling a lot of stress right now and may not feel the time is right for a relationship."

"Is it something in your Pack or is it me?"

"She can't afford the distraction right now. She knows Stanley Diggs will be at the meeting this weekend. You weren't there, you don't understand how much hatred he has for her after she embarrassed him in front of his men. Twenty seasoned warriors turn tail and run from a woman with a cellphone and one low level Beta? He's going to challenge her, and she doesn't think she can win."

"Why not?"

"Well, he's about a hundred pounds heavier, more experienced and a better fighter. Plus, he's not pregnant. She's trying to figure out how to get out of this weekend alive."

Robert thanked her and walked away. Diggs was an imposing wolf, she didn't have much of a chance against him. If she couldn't deal with him, he would have to. She was his mate whether she accepted it yet or not. It was time he started acting like one.


Red Rock Cafe

West of Denver, CO


The gathering on Friday night had started rather well, with twenty two matings during the barbecue dinner. It was a good omen. The Alphas made sure their pack members were OK before they made their way to the Red Rock Grill. They had two days of meetings scheduled and a lot to cover. As with all Alpha gatherings, the challenges would be held first to get any bad blood or disputes out of the way before the real work started.

It was time, Stanley thought. He stood and addressed the gathering. "Alpha Renee Johnson has stolen my pack members and insulted me. I demand that she fight me in the challenge circle."

Renee looked back in disdain. "Since when is it an insult to point out that an Alpha is a power-hungry ass rapist? It's not like you can deny it." The other Alphas snorted, pushing Stanley's rage even higher.

"Challenge circle. Now." Without looking back Diggs turned and stormed off, tossing his clothing aside as he walked to the amphitheater. A circle was set up at the base, below the benches that provided concert seating.

Renee gave a heavy sigh and got up, smoothing her dress over her belly that was just starting to show a baby bump from the twins within. As she followed him down the trail around the stands, she used her bond to tell all her Pack members to meet her there. "Gentlemen, this is something that concerns all of us, and every Werewolf here should witness it. Please summon your pack members to the stands." There was a flurry of activity as wolves stopped whatever they were doing and ran to take their seats. Renee slowly made her way to the Circle, the other Alphas spacing themselves evenly around it as witnesses. Linda was on camera, the events were being carried live and she was explaining Werewolf law concerning challenges to the human audience.

"Diggs, what exactly do you hope to accomplish by this challenge?"

Stanley was pacing back and forth, the rage visible in every part of his naked body. He was heavily muscled and scarred from many fights. "When you submit to me, I will mate you. I will then take you back home and train you until you are fit to rule by my side as Alpha female."

Renee laughed. "Too late, I've heard that one before. Luis is now vulture food with that plan."

Alpha Hastings stepped into the ring. "Stanley Diggs, I challenge you for the right to mate with Alpha Johnson. She will be MY alpha female, not yours." He walked in front of Renee, removing his clothing as he stared down his opponent.

Renee reached forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Robert, I appreciate your actions and maybe one day I'll be ready to mate again. When I do, it will be with you because I choose to give my heart to you. I'm not the prize in some testosterone-fueled contest. Matings should be as our wolves recognize them, not as a violent taking. Stand down, my love. I have to do this."

Robert turned and looked into her eyes, which were equal parts determination and love, before walking back outside the circle. "Very well. I withdraw my challenge." Diggs grinned, her speech meant that no other would interfere.

Derek Johnson then stepped in between the two. Looking apologetically back at his sister, he turned to face Diggs. "Renee is pregnant with twins. I cannot allow her to risk her mate's line in the circle. I will be her Champion and answer the challenge for her." Derek had the law on his side, it was rare but a champion could be used when the Alpha was injured or incapacitated. He looked over at his mate and saw the shock and fear on her face at what he was doing. Clearly, he had done this without talking to her first.

Renee turned her brother to her and gave him a hug. "This is not your fight, Derek." She took his face in her hands and kissed his cheek. "I'm a big girl now, and you have your own family to protect. Don't risk them for me. I need you to let me do this." Tears ran down Derek's face as he wrestled with the thought of her loss. Renee hugged him tight and whispered in his ear. "Promise me one thing, my brother. I will never submit to him. If I cannot resist and he goes to mate me, I need you to finish the job and end my life."

"NO! Don't ask me that."

Renee hugged him again. "I cannot live with myself as a mate to such a man. I cannot bring up my cubs with him. I cannot live in a Pack that mocks everything my mate died for- that no matter how hard it is, you have to do what is best for your people. Gary understood that; we both knew when we left the caves that he was a dead man. His sacrifice changed everything in our relationship with humans. My sacrifice will change everything among our people. After I am done, the Alphas will agree to the changes we need to live and thrive in the open. You MUST do this."

Derek cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "Our parents would be so proud of what you have become. Kick his ass, Renee, I don't want to lose you." He put his head to her forehead. "I couldn't live with myself if you were with him. I promise I won't let him mate you."

"I love you, Derek. Take care of Amanda and raise strong children and a loving Pack." With that, Derek left the circle. He returned to Amanda, taking her into a tight embrace as he apologized. She had kept the bond open and knew what she asked, she was holding back tears with all her strength.

Renee turned back to Diggs. "I will not have a champion, and this challenge will NOT end in submission. It shall be to the death." Stanley nodded. "What exactly do you think my death will achieve, Stanley? Has your neanderthal brain thought that far ahead?"