Being Neighborly Ch. 07

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Mel submits to Mistress Night, Donnie upgrades his control.
8.9k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/23/2024
Created 08/02/2023
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Neighbors Mel and Donnie Adler, Jill and Brian Halter continue their quick assent up the ranks of a secret BDSM society operating within two sister developments. The couples live in Cardinal Bay, and across from them, separated by Grand Mistress Knight's complex is Cardinal Creek.

Gladys Knight is the Supreme Mistress of the democratic BDSM society residing in the complex for many years controlling both sides of the development. She has woven support throughout both, controlling the council and board meetings, using her connections to maintain her sovereignty.

Never married, Carol Sutton doesn't own a property introducing Gladys and her late husband Rylan into the pleasure of pain as their first Mistress. She has a professional connection as an accountant and has worked with Jill and Brian as well.

Carol secretly desires Brian's cock.

This chapter features Mel's journey as a pawn in a grand plan to unseat Gladys at the top with Mel's husband Donnie.


"Melanie!" Gladys Knight, known as Mistress Night, said with excitement. "It's been a month since I've seen you."

Gladys and her late husband Rylan developed Cardinal Bay and Cardinal Creek subdivisions of Cedarville, Iowa, 18 years ago. The sister developments are beautifully landscaped and carved into a wooded area, numbering 60+ houses. Together they occupied the gated complex houses and buildings between the two.

"Have a seat sweetheart," Gladys motioned to the living room, victorian style furniture sitting on the coffee table was some tea and scones. Mel and Donnie's house was nice but this was lavish and palatial. "Please feel free to speak and act freely, we're not going to start for a bit."

"Thank you Mistress," Mel said, not ready to give up the formalness of their roles, her memories of Jill, Donnie and Gladys's hand vividly. "I am honored to be here, it is so beautiful."

Gladys poured some tea and Mel took a small bite of scone, a sip and placed the cup down. If she could escape to this place, if Gladys offered just a corner room to stay and be part of the tapestry of Duvessa's life, Mel would sign up.

"You have great taste, Mistress." Mel said looking up at her with big eyes, the pain of Donnie's domination, the affection of attraction towards her domme.

"Ah, it's the worldly possessions we covet instead of touch, taste, feel and thoughts that we should hold closer to our hearts," Gladys said running her hand over Mel's hand, sitting besides her on the couch. "You're looking very beautiful today, may I ask how are you?"

A degree in psychology, Gladys knew compliment, open with a relevant question. She knew the punishment, torture, near enslavement that Mel had gone through, and the affirmation combined with sincere interest got the response Gladys sought.

"Oh thank you Mistress, I'm surprised you think so I...I...I" Mel started to talk, the words getting caught in her emotion. Mel stopped and broke down crying, Gladys let the 52 year old woman melt into her 61 year old arms.

"Melanie....there, there now," Gladys stroked her hair, kissed her cheek. "Mistress Jill has said nothing but good things about your progression."

Her heart sank. Mel couldn't tell Gladys all that was going on, that Donnie had ascended like like Phoenix from the ashes of their marriage to displace Mistress Jill as the dominant in Cardinal Bay.

Mel thought she had to keep his growing power a secret.

Mel cried for about five minutes, Gladys using aftercare techniques, comforting her like she did after delivering the first punishing, painful blows to Mel's body back in Galena.

"You make me happy, Melanie," Gladys said, lifting Mel's head after the sobs subsided, drying her submissive's tears.

"I don't feel worthy of any of this," Mel said, both hating and loving every moment of pain, pleasure, sadness, euphoria and discourse she'd been through the past month.

Looking into Gladys eyes she thought of telling her about Donnie and Jill, their plans to infiltrate Hades Night with their stable and take Gladys down.

"You also make me hopeful, Melanie," Gladys continued, now rubbing the younger woman's thigh softly, inching up the dress Melanie had on, her fingers touching lace panties. "You make me feel young and alive."

Gladys moved her lips to Mel's, holding her face, the river or tears still evident on her cheeks, Mel's hands on the slim woman's torso.

"A week ago at your indoctrination, I hear Donnie has taken control of Jill's stable," Gladys asked, kissing her where her tears ran, then her lips, Gladys hand up the skirt brushing the front of her panty, pressing at her clit.

Mel's eyes got big while their lips were pressed, she felt the pressure below, wanting Gladys to take her there in the large sitting area, with servants walking past occasionally.

"Ohhh....Mmmmm....Ohhh... Mistress, that is correct," Mel said, pulling from the kiss, looking into the domme's eyes, Gladys slipping her hand out from her floral dress. Gladys paused, took a large inhale through her nose, Mel's body smelled amazing, light musk and violet.

"Jill was his Mistress for most of the last month," Gladys said, her hand pushing into Mel's breast, then asked, "Did you know that Child?"

"I've discovered it recently," Mel's eyes distant, reliving her own body pinned to their island by her husband Donnie, plowing her cunt ceremoniously recounting his infidelity, admitting to a relationship with Mistress Jill.

"Jill is still your domme and Donnie is Master of you both," Gladys said letting go of Mel, getting up and pouring herself some tea, taking a sip.

Mel was surprised there were no questions from Gladys about Donnie's exploits, and if he had anymore subs or had been sleeping with anyone else. She should be able to at least assume that he wasn't stopping with just one.

She asked no more questions.

"We'll retreat to my lair at 5 p.m.," Gladys said, it was around 3:45 p.m. "Let me show you your room."

The house had to have at least 5000 square feet of space, there was a grand staircase leading to the upstairs, and a hallway that Gladys took Mel down, passing several rooms before arriving at one on the end.

"I will send someone for you, and if you need anything there is a phone that goes to a service to make requests," Gladys said, looking into Mel's eyes. "I'm so glad you're here. Melanie."

The taller, older, slimmer and more elegant woman leant in and kissing Mel full on the lips, turning her face and pushing her tongue in her mouth.


The daughter of two hippies growing up in the 60s, young Gladys Holgran saw a lot of people in and out of their house partying, smoking weed, her parents generous with their possessions, time and bodies.

She turned 18 the summer of 1978 and her parents gave her money for college, several investments and a car, while they jetted off to the west coast to produce network television.

Gladys met Rylan Knight, a football player for the University of Minnesota, on a summer weekend away with friends to the Twin Cities. The two were inseparable after that one weekend, he introducing her to sex and he was very skilled. They had a hot summer filled with lake nights, hitting the Minneapolis night life and some drugs.

Gladys enrolled at Minnesota that Fall and fast forward five year, she would marry Rylan at their Lake House in Hackensack. Only his Dad attended, his mom ran off with a movie producer and was high somewhere in Hollywood.

Rylan was a business major and had a job right out of college. His Dad loved her, owned property in the midwest giving them a plot of land, they would eventually develop into the community, as a wedding present.

Their courtship through the engagement and into marriage was magical and open. Gladys hippie roots, and Rylan's jock mentally brought many others into their bedroom. Gladys bringing girlfriends in for threesomes, and Rylan letting football buddies make out with Gladys before she would take whomever if the beer and weed were plentiful.

It wasn't always smooth sailing, but Rylan was the captain navigating the rough waters of multiple lovers. Despite their openness, Gladys discovered several unknown affairs Rylan had during their courtship, engagement and marriage.

In counseling they admitted they each had a taste for others bodies, the obvious part. What wasn't obvious when Rylan he had a taste for some of his football buddies, but vowed he "was done with all of that."

In their last session Gladys admitted on transgression, with Carol, an accountant with the firm that managed his parent's assets. She admitted to letting Carol dominate her and that she wanted to have Rylan dominated. It also came out that Rylan was with Carol his Freshman year before meeting Gladys.

The couple quit counseling, and pursued Carol who began to spend full weekends at their house. She did some light domination of one or both of them and would introduce more and more into the bedroom.

"Once you begin pushing the envelope, the opening becomes wider," their counselor had said, acknowledging they were unique in the depth and breath of their openness.

Carol took them to a new level.

One night she asked if she could bring a friend over to talk about the "Dark Arts" and they listened to a presentation about denial, pain, bondage, and they accelerated their journey that evening with Carol and her Mistress "FunTashia".


Waiting for her final task before committal to Gladys during Hades Night, Mel was getting ready. She was dressed in a robe, and looked out into the hall, flagging down one of the helpers for a razor to shave herself smooth. Ten minutes later a viral young man, wearing outdoor landscaping gear, brought her a quadruple blade shaver.

He gave Mel a wink and a bow before leaving.

She drew a bath and spent the next 1/2 hour shaving and preparing her body to be as fragrant and pleasing for Mistress Night. Laid out on her bed were the adornments and a a robe to wear on the way to the complex where her last bit of orientation was going to commence.

"It's time, Love..." A beautiful young woman who peeked in the room glancing at naked Mel said. The woman dressed in a black corset, long knee high boots melting up onto her thighs. Her black eyeliner was intense against the silver eye shadow, cat smear wider that usual. Mel noticed her breasts suspended, pushed up and a nipple peaking out when she walked, turning to compliment saying. "You look stunning dear."

Mel had put the leather cuffs around her ankles, wrists and the belt around her waist, all with loops for clips to be attached. The woman draped a robe over the her naked body, clipping a chain to her waist adornment and began to lead her out the door.

Mel's head was down, watching the young woman's ass bounce and sway walking, wanting to taste and smell her 20 year-old flesh. The leather thong under the net stockings that were pressed tightly forming her ass perfectly.

The amazing architecture, flowers outside windows of grand rooms, while there were workers preparing for Saturday's celebration, everything about this place put her at ease.

Mel wanted to be HERE.

Two large men, shirtless in leather chaps walked by nodding at the young woman and Mel, their asses sculpted by many weighted squats. The woman led them to a long corridor that proceeded underground.

Natural light poured in from windows at the top, the floors lit with LED, shelves with ledges held vases and flowers, fragrances filled the air with sweet aromas.

"I'm home," Mel whispered to herself. "I never want to leave."

The hallway dipped down then up, and after a four minute walk they emerged through a garage door sized opening into a circular room. High ceilings were above and Mel figured it had to be part of the complex you could see from Jill's deck, in the middle of this grand space was a circular stage, with steps leading up on all sides.

Mel could visualize a sacrifice of herself today, in the middle of the empty room. She felt honored to come here even if they were going to carve her heart out of her chest and feed it to the workers buzzing around outside, every other wall panel a window.

"Just drink my blood, sweet Duvessa," she whispered, looking around, feeling the energy of the room.

Mel's bare feet felt the coolness of the tile floor that gave way to stone steps. The stage had a wooden and cushioned feel and in the middle a pad and nothing else.

"Mistress Night will arrive shortly," the young woman said unclipping the chain and taking the robe, Mel took a kneeling position on a pad sitting on her heels, her head bowed. The presence of the young woman left, Mel's heart sank a little wishing for her to watch and participate the torture, the sacrifice.

"I'd give myself to you, young one," she whispered. The footfalls grew quiet and in the moment she went from confident and wanton, to scared and worried. She did want much, but now she feared her performance not up to Mistress's standards.

'Meditate by telling yourself you are strong, and you are worthy', Jill told Mel many times preparing her. Mel began repeating those words in her head, trusting her will to please would elevate her performance.

Her heart leapt hearing new footfalls echoing in the large, empty space drowning out the workers coming from behind her. Mel's head still down awaiting her savior, while still in that moment wishing this was an execution.

In a way it was, the final killing of her old soul creating one that was to be filled by her Mistress Night.

The clomp, clomp clomp got closer and then slowed, sounding muffled, coming up the steps of the stage.

Mel felt HER presence.

"Rise Urchin!!" Mistress Night bellowed, Mel obeying quickly. There was a rush, the loud clatter of a chain being lowered from above. A second, and a third rattled the links pouring over wheels from the ceiling.

Mel could smell the young servant woman again, who began gathering the chains clasping them to her ankles, her waist and her hand adornments.

The furry action stopped, the "snap" and the pain happened at once.

"Agghfft!" Mel screamed, the precision of Mistress Night's whip produced a mark across Mel's stomach, a second and a third hit fast "AHHFFT! AFGGGHT!"

An almost perfect "N" angled down under Mel's breasts, marking HER slave with Mistress's initial.

The chains rattled and took in the slack simultaneously, the young woman adjusted for placement her hands and clipping the final one to her waist. The young servant ran her hand over Mel's thigh, garnering a slap across the back of her head by Mistress Night.

Mistress pushed a button on her belt and the chains quickly, and surprisingly smoothly, pulled Mel off the ground, horizontal and comfortably into the air.

Her entire body was suspended and splayed out in an "X" hovering table height from the floor, slightly swaying, though the forces were displaced so evenly. Mistress moved over to Mel and placed her hand over the marks.

There was a the clunk of boards movingwhile behind her a table appeared from an open floor, a platform mechanically rising.

"My mark is just a start of our transformation," Mistress Night, Duvessa said to the sky her arms held upwards. "One body for the enjoyment of those who can expertly guide it through hell to get to heaven."

"Queen Lucia, she is yours to guide, take her through Level one," Mistress Night said, now tracing the "N" on Mel's stomach, expertly marked by Mistress's whip.

The young woman drew close to Mel, studying the suspended woman's face, a second opening in the floor produced a throne on a elevated platform, Duvessa walking up and from above looking down at the two.

"Look at your Mistress," Queen Lucia commanded, Mel pivoting her head, swaying a little when Lucia's body pushed against hers.

Desire welled up in the pit of Mel's stomach, Duvessa's hair woven into thorny roses, the black feathers and lace intermixed with red, the color scheme matching the Mistress's leather, glimmering with metal loops, studs and diamonds in a $25,000 bedazzled corset. The long boots went over her knees, they had the red element somehow, pointed heels, her legs opened to crotchless stockings.

"Do you thirst for her openings," Lucia whispered into Mel's ear, do you see them glistening with desire to have you satisfy her.

Mel was stunned and confused, looking at her domme's fingers opening the delicate lips, showing her captured prize the wet folds. Mel stared in hunger for her Mistress.

"ANSWER ME!" Lucia screamed, slapping Mel's face.

"AGHHFFTT!" Mel's head snapped in the opposite direction. "YES! I thirst Mistress, I thirst!"

"The first room, in the first Circle of Hell you experience "Limbo", imagine seeing, almost touching, smelling the very thing you desire and not being able to have it, slave."

Mistress Lucia moved between Mel's legs and put her face just an inch from Mel's openings, breathing intently hard warm, wet, breath against her most sensitive flesh.

"Ohhh...Mistress..." Mel cooed, feeling Lucia's tongue close, but not touching.

There was suddenly a circle of men around her head, with masks, naked, cocks dangling. They stood around her, all about six foot tall or a little greater, all shapes and sizes, Mel counted five.

"Circle number two, 'Lust', is almost opposite of Limbo," Lucia said, and without warning a limp member was set on her lips, she opened, welcoming the change to please.

"In this circle of Hades your appetite for everything will continuously be satisfied until its not pleasurable," Lucia said, the table rolled over by one of the men and another laid upon it.

She felt Lucia's hand on her ass, applying cool lubricant, the table slid perfectly under Mel's suspended body, she felt his body just an inch away, he pulled her to him, he slid inside her cunt easily.

"Mmmfftt!" Mel moaned on the expanding cock, she felt the body of the second man, in position under her, his cock hard and pushing against her back, sliding down and now the lubricated member pushing inside of her. "OHFFMMMMFFT!"

She was now double penetrated, the man on the table in her cunt, the man standing in her ass, both sliding in and out of her body together. Mel looked for approval from Mistress Night, wanting to be her enjoyment. She received back a stoic stare.

I large headed cock appeared before her suspended body, over the table, on the man getting it in both holes.

She opened, accepting the offering.

"OHHHhfFFTTTGAHFFTT!" she bellowed the cock hard and pushing deep her in throat, the second sliding deeper in her ass and now this skinny, short cock plunging into her pussy. "MMMGGFFTTT!"

Mel could see Mistress Night watching intently, the three began to pump and fuck her, the other two men just slowly massaged their own meat near her face, waiting their turn.

"Imagine an never ending line of pussy, cock and mouths wanting to devour you and your lust for it never ending," Mistress Lucia continued, the line of men seemingly just like that image she painted.

High above them Carol looked on from one of the observation rooms on the second floor of the complex, the windows lining the top. Brian was pushing his cock into Carol from behind while everyone's Supreme Mistress (outside the compound) took Brians length like a pro.

"Ohhhh, You say....Oh...Brian," Carol moaned, his lips nuzzling her neck. "She's the key to the wholeohhhhhhh, God I've missed that cock of yours...."

Carol's cheek was pressed to the window, she was gentlest with Brian not making him serve a pet role, ignoring most protocol.