Beside the Firepit Pt. 02

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Maggie's Hotel Adventure.
11.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 12/17/2023
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Porn star Brittany And Maggie and I were driving through the night, each lost in our own thoughts. We were returning from visiting her mother, and we had a long drive ahead of us. Conversation had slowed, and the drone of the tires was making Maggie sleepy. Light snow was falling, and as we rose in elevation, the snow started to get heavier.

My thoughts drifted back to the time Maggie had sex with the three college students.

I could always get an erection thinking about that time. I was slightly ashamed of myself for not stopping things before they had gotten out of hand that night, but I also then had recognized that a part of me had that desire to share her. I did let Maggie go down to the firepit alone the next evening, knowing full well what she was going to do...

Apparently it was a different mood and rowdier than the previous night. I heard lots of laughter and whoops of joy late into the evening. When Maggie finally returned just before dawn, she just nodded 'yes' to my unspoken question of whether she had had sex with someone else, while I waited in our bed all evening. She was disheveled and had small bite marks on her chest and breasts.

"No questions right now, please, honey," she said, as she got naked and lay down on the bed.

As she spread her legs, I could see her female parts were swollen and shiny with fluid.

"Just put it in me and get off, okay?" she said. "I've had my fun already tonight and I'm tired."

I wasn't going to refuse that, and immediately had the head of my cock against her opening... that another man or men, had recently been in. I started to thrust in her pussy, trying to get it over for her as soon as I could.

As I felt my orgasm build I just had to ask her one more question. "How many?" I whispered in her ear.

"Seven," was her reply.

I couldn't hold back, and immediately spurted my warm juice to the stranger's semen that was already in my wife.

Then driving along with those memories, I felt the familiar stirring in my groin.

Maggie never wanted to talk about it since then, and would always change the subject when I brought it up. I thought she was embarrassed about her urges she hadn't know about, and just wanted to be a normal housewife.

She never did get pregnant, and still wasn't using protection, and we still wanted a child.

The snow as getting very heavy and traffic was slowing down and bunching up. As we crested a rise on the Interstate, I could see about a mile of red brake lights coming on as we got closer to the next intersection. Just before the intersection, I could see the Highway Patrol had the highway closed and were directing everyone to take the exit ramp. As we slowly made our way along the exit ramp, I rolled down my window and asked a patrolman what was going on.

"The highway is too dangerous, lots of crashes. You might want to get a hotel room, as I don't think this storm will end for a day or two."

I looked at Maggie and asked if that's what she wanted, and she agreed that it would be better than trying some backroads that weren't plowed.

Just of the Interstate was a complex of two familiar national chain hotels. Along with them were a steakhouse, a Mexican restaurant, and a breakfast restaurant.

Across the large parking lot was a gas station-store, and on the other side of that was a truck stop with a restaurant, and facilities for the truckers to shower and change, according to the signs on the truck stop.

We parked in front of the first hotel and went in to find a single clerk trying to book in about twenty guests. There was nothing to do but wait our turn.

As we waited, we started chatting with two men in front of us. Just the usual stuff about the storm and what our plans were. It turned out they were both doctors.

Sam was an older gentleman, about mid-sixties I guessed, and Jack was a younger man about early thirties. Jack was working at Sam's clinic with the idea of taking over Sam's practice when Sam was ready to retire. The two men were returning home after some kind of medical convention. Maggie was really enjoying the conversation with the two doctors, when it was their turn to check in.

Maggie and I waited and looked around at the chaos around us. Hotel staff were rolling cots everywhere, trying to get everyone a place to sleep.

Sam and Jack had just gotten their room keycards and turned to go to their room when the desk clerk put up a sign saying, 'Sorry, Full. No Rooms Available.'

I asked the clerk if there were any other rooms anywhere, and he said the town was opening up an emergency shelter at the high school, and that we could try there.

I didn't want that and was wondering what we could possibly do, when Sam came back and said, "I overheard that there are no rooms for you. Jack and I talked it over and we have a suite with two king-sized beds. You can take one bed and we'll take the other one. Would you and your wife like that?"

Maggie was hesitant, but both Sam and Jack insisted we join them and that it was no trouble. Lacking much choice, Maggie and I agreed and went up to their suite with them.

We entered the suite and were immediately glad we had accepted their offer.

There was the standard shower and bathroom on the right and then the room opened up into a sitting area with a small couch, TV, writing desk, fridge, microwave and chairs. Beyond that were glass doors that led to the large bedroom area with the two large beds. We all unpacked and settled down with a bit of relief that our travelling was done for the day.

Jack looked into the fridge and courtesy bar. "There's not much here. Let's get some snacks and mix, and maybe some vodka at the convenience store I saw across that parking lot. Anybody want to come with me?"

Maggie quickly jumped up and said, "I'll go. I want to stretch my legs after driving for so long today." She looked at me. "Is it okay, honey, if I go with Jack?"

Obviously, I couldn't refuse. I looked closer at Jack. Slim build, good looking, black hair and a great smile. I could see why Maggie wanted to get away from me and the older Sam. "Sure, no problem," I said, and they left, excitedly talking about what they needed.

I thought I'd like to get to know Sam a bit, since Maggie and Jack had gone.

He was sixty-one, still married and had two grown daughters. We talked about my work and what my hobbies were. He asked about Maggie too. How old she was, how long we have been married, that sort of inquiry. He told me about his wife and how he missed her when travelling.

He told me about his partner, Jack. Jack was thirty-two, unmarried and quite the stud, according to Sam. Sam said he knew Jack had lots of girlfriends on these trips. "Sometimes, they did it in the next bed while I pretended to sleep," Sam said with a sly grin.

"Wow!" I said. "What did you do?"

"I did the normal thing... I jerked my penis as they fucked. Jack knew I was awake and wouldn't mind if I peeked a little. He liked to spread her legs for me, so I could see her special parts.

I was surprised that he was so open with me, so I asked, "Does your wife know about this stuff?"

"Yes, she knows. I tell her everything. She gets hot thinking about Jack. I don't mind. It helps spice up the bedroom fun, if you know what I mean."

Believe me, I knew. That was what I enjoyed too.

"Does your wife mind being in the room with us here, tonight?" asked Sam.

I told him Maggie would be fine with it, but she might be a little shy at first.

"If you hear any noise coming from our bed tonight, it's probably just Jack masturbating," Sam said, with a chuckle. "If he doesn't have a woman on our trips, he gets awfully horny."

I could just picture me in bed, holding Maggie and rubbing her clit, as we listened to the sound of Jack stroking his cock. That image started a little blood flow to my groin.

"What do you do if he's masturbating in the same room with you?" I asked.

"Oh, I often masturbate under the covers mostly. I am straight, but jerking while listening to Jack is naughty fun. We are good friends now, and have seen a lot together. We share a lot now."

"Have you ever shared a woman?" I asked, tentatively, with my cock swelling just a touch more.

Sam looked at me for a long time, thinking. Finally he said, "I really don't know you, but as we probably won't see each other again, I guess I can tell you." He paused, "Jack has fucked my wife."

My heart jumped. I was happily surprised. Here was a guy a lot like me.

"How did you like it, watching them, I mean?" I asked Sam.

"My wife and I loved it," said Sam. "It really increased our sex life and our respect for each other. We are both open to anything now. We seem to have lost all our inhibitions and old hang-ups about sexuality.

I thought about whether I should let him know about Maggie's little adventures. I decided I would tell just a little to get his reaction.

"Promise not to tell Maggie that I told you, but Maggie has had another man, too." I cautiously said. Sam had a slight smile on his face. I knew he was imagining my wife underneath another man, probably himself.

"I had a good feeling about you, young man." said Sam. " Does the thought of being a cuckold turn you on, too?" he asked.

"Yes, it does." I confessed, watching Sam lightly rubbing himself through his pants.

"I completely understand," said Sam. "but before I get an erection that I can't do anything with, I am going to have a shower."

With that, Sam stripped down and went into the shower. I stripped off too, thinking I would shower when Sam was done. After about five minutes, I heard Sam calling me to come in. He was still under the shower, and said, "I left my shampoo on the counter. Can you reach it for me?"

I picked the shampoo up and pulled the curtain back a little to give Sam the bottle.

"Don't be shy," he said, and pulled back the curtain while standing there naked with his cock about half hard.

I'm not gay, but knowing that we were both naked, and that he was probably aroused by thinking of Maggie and masturbating in the shower, was having an effect on my cock.

I looked a Sam's wiry naked body. A little grey hair, grey tufts of hair on his chest and a few grey hairs on his pubes. And a surprisingly large cock for the man. It bobbed gently in front of him, pretty much horizontal.

We just stood there, both surveying each other's naked body.

"I just thought you might like to see the cock that's going to fuck your wife tonight. That's if you want me to, and she will let me." said Sam.

It was as if Sam could read my mind. "I would like that," I said softly, "but she might not go for it."

"We'll see." said Sam, as he stepped out, gesturing for me to take my turn.

As the warm water flowed over my body, I kept thinking of what Sam had said. How would I get this to happen? Did I really want it to happen? Would Maggie go for the idea of being slutty for me again?

A few minutes later, I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. As I was toweling off Sam came in with two complimentary bathrobes from the hotel. We both put one on and simultaneously laughed. They were too small. They must have sent up 'small' sizes. The sleeves came about halfway down our arms, and the bottom part came to just below my butt. It was hard to keep it tied shut, and as I walked, the robe would open easily and expose my cock and balls. Sam was having the same problem with his robe and we both decided, "To hell with it, let's wear them anyway," as neither of us wanted to change back into our shirts and trousers.

I started to shave and Sam was sitting on the bathtub edge. We were just having idle conversation and waiting for Maggie and Jack to return.

As I leaned forward toward the mirror, I felt a little twitch of pain in my neck. Sam asked what was wrong and I told him I was just a little knotted up from driving.

"I can help with that," he said, and before I could stop him, his powerful fingers were massaging the back of my neck.

It felt glorious! The man knew how to massage. I guess his doctor's training helped.

After a few minutes of massaging the knots out of my neck, Sam said, "Why don't you remove your robe so I can work on your upper and lower back muscles?"

It made sense to me, so I slipped off the robe and stood naked, facing the mirror with my hands supporting me on the counter. Sam must have been thinking of my wife again as I noticed his cock growing under his robe. I also saw him in the mirror

discreetly untie his robe. He started working on my back and it felt amazing. I was lost in the relaxing feelings I was getting from Sam.

"Why don't you bend forward a bit more, it will help me get pressure on your back. And, as you might have noticed, I got hard again, so as I move around my penis might bump against you. Is that okay with you? I am not trying anything funny, you understand," said Sam.

As I said, I am not gay and wasn't getting any kind of sexual feelings, so I figured it was all right. Besides, I didn't know what protocol was to be expected. Maybe that's the way you massage a man. I just didn't know and I also didn't want to upset him, as he had offered his suite to Maggie and me.

"Why don't you lean all the way forward now. I'll have to get right against you to get lots of pressure to work the stiffness out of you with some hard penetration."

I was so naive, I didn't catch his double meanings. He stood against me from behind and I liked the feeling of his warm body on mine, so I didn't complain.

"My penis keeps getting in the way," said Sam. Would it be okay if I put it between your legs, so it doesn't flop around as I massage you?"

I thought it a little strange, but maybe that's what was done and I trusted him, so I nodded my okay.

He spread my legs a little, and then I felt his warm penis sliding under my balls. Still no sex thrill for me from this, so I let him continue sliding back and forth as he massages my back and was running his hands in circles over my chest. Each time the circle was getting larger and his hand was getting close to my penis.

When I looked down, I could see the head of his cock disappear and reappear between my thighs as he continued his motion. I also felt him stop thrusting, as he said he had to 'adjust' himself, and occasionally, it seemed his cockhead was right against my anus. I loved the massage, but kind of wondered why it was done this way.

Then we heard a 'click-click' as someone was trying to use the key card on the door.

Sam quickly jumped away, threw on the silly robe and was in the next room looking calm and relaxed, as Maggie and Jack returned loaded with junk food and booze.

I continued in the bathroom shaving and listening to the friendly taunts to Sam about the bathrobe. I stepped out of the bathroom and got my share of teasing and when I sat down in front of Maggie, I let my male equipment sort of fall out for her gaze.

Maggie took a quick look over to Sam, and he had followed my lead and she saw his package just flopped down, too. Maggie laughed, and looked at me with raised eyebrows, as if to ask, 'What is going on here?'

Jack had seen both of us, too, and suddenly asked, "Who's hungry?"

That broke the tension and we all started microwaving some pizzas they had brought and pouring drinks. An evening of junk food and booze? Bring it on, was my thought. We ate and talked for the next few hours until Maggie wanted a shower.

Jack piped up saying he wanted one, too.

I jokingly said, "Why don't you shower together?"

Maggie looked at me strangely, but then said, "Well, maybe Jack could wash my back when I am ready."

Then she winked at me and asked me to come into the bathroom for a word with her. We got into the bathroom and shut the door.

"What's going on with you?" she asked. "I know what you're thinking about, don't I?"

I knew I couldn't hide it from her. "Yeah, I was thinking of that previous time you had sex with those guys and was thinking maybe we could do it again. It would be perfect as nobody knows us here."

I could see the wheels turning in Maggie's mind.

"I didn't do anything like that again because I was afraid you would think I am a slut and would leave me," she whispered.

I told Maggie how much I loved her and would never think of her as a slut. I confessed to her that it made me hard a few times during the day, thinking about he cuckolding me. She seemed relieved about my confession and wasn't saying 'never again', so I knew there was, at least, a possibility of sharing my beautiful wife this night.

"If I did anything tonight, it would be with Jack, if that's okay with you," she said, carefully watching her words. "I don't know about Sam though. There's something about him that makes me a little uneasy. Maybe he's too old for me, or something. I can't quite put my finger on it."

I remembered Maggie's experience with Carl at the firepit when they did a little daddy-daughter role-play when fucking. Maggie had seen her father naked and masturbating to her picture once when she came home from college a few years ago. I suspected it was a hidden fantasy of hers. "Could it be because Sam looks like your father?" I asked.

The flush that spread over Maggie's cheeks told me I was right.

"Sam's got a huge cock." I told her, "and didn't you tell me your father had a large penis too?"

Maggie took a deep breath, "Don't you ever tell anyone about that." She looked at me.

"Ever! Understand? I'm not mad at you. It's just that it is so naughty and I wouldn't want my father to know."

I agreed, but I knew that I would have some great fantasy time, having found out about her little kink.

"And how did you know Sam has a big penis?" asked Maggie.

I told her about my strange backrub from Sam, but I didn't think it was anything sexual.

She just shook her head, and held my head in her palms. "Oh, my poor, dopey husband. Of course, he was trying to seduce you. Were you naked with him?"

"Yes," was my answer.

" And did he have an erection?" she enquired.

I nodded my assent.

"And did his cock rub against yours?" she asked.

"Just a little, but nothing happened. I didn't get turned on at all.

"Well, I think he was trying to seduce you. You're probably too straight for your own good." Maggie laughed, and slowly continued holding my face in her hands.

Then she surprised me. "Well, if it did happen. I suppose I wouldn't mind. You have let me have men so I can't be upset if you have one occasionally," she said, with a grin.

I didn't know what to think. I had never thought of guys' cocks or anything like that, and yet, it seemed like Maggie was giving me permission to have sex with a man, but she knew I was straight. I was confused by it all.

"If I do what I think you want me to do tonight, I am going to ask you sometime to do something for me and you can't refuse," said Maggie.

I eagerly agreed, as my lust was starting a slow boil somewhere deep inside me.

"Think carefully before you answer," said Maggie. "It will be something you have never done and might not like it, but you 'will' do it for me someday.

I thought about the things I had done with Maggie; watching her kiss other men, sucking their cocks, watching guys cum in her. I even licked her pussy after her partners had finished inside her. I couldn't think of anything bad that she would task me with, so I solemnly promised I would do her 'special' favor as she called it.

"Now go call Jack, if you want him to come in here and wash my back. Did you

bring condoms?"

I hadn't thought about that. We had been trying for over a year to get her pregnant, but nothing so far. I decided to try something I had been rehearsing for just such an occasion as this. "What if we take a chance tonight and you have sex with them without a condom?" I asked Maggie.