Bessie’s New Job Pt. 02

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Bessie and Atlas move in together.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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Atlas had been a highly paid lawyer in his previous life, his name had been Trystan and unfortunately he had experienced a stress induced breakdown after his girlfriend cheated on him. He had been fired from his job and had no one and nothing. While walking he had seen the poster. The doctor heard him out his reasoning beeing nothing to live for and asked him plainly,

"What if your only job was to fuck. You never had to think or worry. Your only responsibility, reproducing." Trystan's answer had been equally straight forward.

"How do I start?"

He had just finished with the doctor when there was a knock at the door.

"Answer it, say nothing, bring them straight to me." The doctor warned. Atlas walked to the door opening it to a small curvy woman with deep brown eyes and honey blond hair, his cock twitched. She mooed and he realized she wasn't a woman, she was a cow. He let her in and showed her the way, she walked past him and he smelled her. There was an instant feeling of warmth in him and it began to spread through him. He had never felt so comforted. Just as quickly as the feeling had begun, he had been loaded up and shipped out by his trainer Mark.

When he arrived, he immediately noticed he was the largest bull. Standing at six foot eight and broad as a barn he had easily trumped other men in terms of size even in his old life. Here he was three inches taller than the next biggest bull but significantly broader. The next biggest bull, Chief immediately walked up to him with a malicious look. He stood a couple feet away. Atlas stared him down. Chief didn't like this new bulls confidence so he charged. Atlas simply punched Chief just before he could reach him. He was out immediately. The other bulls stared for a moment and then went about their business, the new pecking order established.

At eight the next day the bulls were awoken by their trainers, collard, washed down, and brought to a room with gurneys with straps. Each bull was strapped by their wrists and ankles to the gurneys, and a masturbator was attached. Each bull was given male enhancement through an I.V. and masturbated for an hour. It was almost unbearable, his cock trapped, forcibly drained. He had lost track of how many times the endless sucking had caused him to cum, he shouted, he mooed, he snarled, but the machine just kept sucking. His balls ached from the draining, it didn't even feel good anymore, not that it mattered how it felt, this was exercise for the bulls.

By the time the bulls finished at ten they were spent. They were fed a massive meal of protein and vegetables and brought to a room full of treadmills. Each bull had weights strapped onto them and were told to run. They ran for half an hour, and then were released from their weights. The bulls were then collared and brought to a strange hallway.

Atlas and four other bulls were brought to a room on the end. Then he smelled something. It was sweet, and familiar and comforting. The cow he had met at the doctors. She walked in and the bull to the left of him mooed loudly, Atlas remained quiet. He didn't need to express his desire or virility, he was already on top of the herd. The cows trainer said something but Atlas wasn't listening, he was entirely focused on the cow. One thing did come through though, her name, Bessie.

Bessie sniffed the first bull, Atlas' heart skipped a beat, but she seemed disappointed, he was pleased but there was still another bull before him. Bessie walked right by him, her eyes on him. He looked into her big brown eyes trying to seem neutral but he couldn't help himself, he mooed softly in wonder at her beauty. She smiled at him and sniffed him, her scent enveloped him and his cock grew even harder. Her eyes trained on his hardened member, she then lowered her head. She gave his cock a soft tenative lick. He shuddered from the pleasure. She looked at her trainer and mooed. Atlas grinned. He and Mark followed Bessie and her trainer into the room.

Finally they let him begin, his cock was throbbing with need. The male enhancement drugs from earlier gave him better endurance and larger excretions and she had made him oh so hard, so he was eager to finish. He fucked her rough, each stroke burying into her, his cock becoming one with his pretty little cow. She moaned and mooed which only made him want more. After what seemed like all too long and yet not long enough he finally filled her, he could feel some of his cum dripping out of her, she was so full. They began the setting process and he could still smell her desire so he reached for her pleasure button. Gently stroking her she shuddered on his cock, making him release another small load, she continued squirming and shuddering as he pleased her for the remaining four minutes. The trainers were whispering about something but he didn't care about anything but the cow in front of him. His cow.

When he pulled out she looked at him, her eyes said "I'm yours" just as much as his said "you're mine." Bessies trainer said something about putting them together in the pairs barn and Atlas was satiated. As they walked out of the room on their leads they saw Chief and his trainer. Chief started approaching Bessie and Atlas reacted. He threw Chief against the wall and headbutted him, his limp pathetic body falling to the floor. He breathed a sigh of relief and then turned to Bessie, she looked afraid. He was despaired at making his mate afraid. Good bulls were supposed to protect their cows not scare them. He bowed his head in shame in front of her, but she simply pushed his chin up with her nose and nuzzled into him, he bent and rested his head into her neck and on her shoulder breathing her in and reassuring her he would always protect her.

They were led to a new barn away from the others. It was surrounded by its own field and housed three cows and three bulls. Seeing the other bulls Atlas started snorting and getting aggressive but he then saw that each had their own cow they were trailing behind. He relaxed.

The new barn was very much like the ones they'd come from but housed their own milking and masturbation facilities. The paired cows were kept away from the others as the bulls were prone to aggressive outbursts towards the single males. It was also safer for the trainers if they kept the bulls' cows close. The pairs were Glenda and Duke, Misty and Bruiser, Cleo and Ceaser. Atlas and Bessie were released into the pen, Kelly and Mark watching from the fence. Duke was the oldest, followed by Ceaser, and then Bruiser, but despite being the youngest Atlas was the biggest, he felt no threat though so he simply mooed at the other males and their cows. Bessie sniffed the other cows and they kissed her on the cheeks. They all retired to a shady corner of the pasture and the cows braided eachothers hair and played while the bulls laid around and watched.

At curfew they returned to the barn. Bessie and Atlas went straight to their stall laying down. Atlas lay on his side, Bessie lay down in front of him and quickly pressed herself tightly against him. He wrapped a large arm around her, squeezing her soft, enormous, breast. He gently massaged it gently pinching and twisting her nipples as he went. She squirmed pressing and rubbing herself against his thigh. She moaned in pleasure, soaking his thigh. He just kept massaging until her moans turned to soft snores.

The next morning at eight the bulls were led to their jobs leaving the cows to sleep, when Bessie was woken up by Kelly at nine she panicked and mooed loudly searching for Atlas.

"Its ok sweetie he's just doing his work, you'll see him soon." Bessie relaxed and followed Kelly. The other cows leaned against her and held her as they walked remembering their stressful first morning in the paired barn. They nuzzled and kissed her face and gently stroked her pussy and Bessie soon felt completely relaxed again. She was washed, fed, and milked feeling soothed but missing Atlas. Finally when breeding time was in the old barn, she was led back to her and Atlas' stall to find him waiting there for her. She mooed in delight and rushed up to him. He grabbed her and hugged her close. They kissed deeply and then made their way to the bed. Bessie sat on all fours and faced the wall. Atlas came up behind her and shoved his cock in while rubbing her. She drenched his cock in her cum making him groan and fuck her harder. He came and then kept fucking her until he came again. By the time he finished Bessie could hardly hold herself up, her limbs wobbling, he flipped them over cock still implanted deep in her fertile pussy and placed her in his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her and slowly licked and kissed her neck making her moo softly. She fell asleep in his lap with him licking and kissing her neck. When she woke she was still in his lap, cock in its place, with him staring dutifully and lovingly at her. He had not moved a muscle while she slept to ensure he would not wake her. She pulled herself off of him kissed his forehead, then his cheek, his lips, and then his cock, and grabbed his cock to lead him to the pasture. Bruiser sat next to Atlas watching the cows create a clit sucking train. He very carefully reached out and grabbed Atlas' cock. Atlas looked at him and nodded. Bruiser continued to stroke him and Atlas reciprocated until they both came.

The cows continued to play, making out and petting one another. Cleo was gently rubbing Bessie's back and gently rubbed her finger against Bessie's wet pussy then carefully slid it into her ass. Bessie mooed with glee as Cleo gently fingered her ass, quickly adding another finger. The other two cows copied them until they had all been ass fucked to completion. Atlas loved seeing his cow happy.

The next two weeks were much of the same. Atlas cumming into Bessie until she was full everyday and Bessie producing milk by the litre. One day though at milking time, when Kelly tried to put the breast pump on Bessie she pushed it away. Bessie usually loved milking so Kelly had a good idea what was up. She led Bessie back to her stall and had her pee on a stick. Kelly kissed Bessie on the lips and told her the news.

"Sweetie, you're going to have a calf! What a good girl you are. We'll make sure you and Atlas get a special treat!"

Mark brought Atlas back to the stall early. Bessie was sitting there and she smelled even better than normal, her breasts were also impossibly large. He went over to the bed and laid his head in her lap, she stroked his hair.

"Atlas, Bessie is growing a calf in her, so you need to be gentle with her. You can still fuck her but you have to be gentle and slow. Can you do that?" He mooed. He would die for Bessie no question, this was irrelevant in comparison. He saw that Bessie was experiencing discomfort he mooed, concerned. She looked at her breasts and groaned out a discontented moo. He raised his head slightly and Bessie placed a pillow beneath it. He started by softly licking her nipples she moaned in pleasure, he then very carefully and lightly began sucking and massaging with his lips. The pillow started to become wet as she mooed, and moaned, and sighed.

"Good boy Atlas," said Kelly "Your treat is you may collect and drink Bessie's milk until the calf is born." The farm had calves all the time, they were all extremely healthy and adopted out to grateful infertile couples. The milk from the cows was sold to adoptive parents or mothers who couldn't produce milk or couldn't produce enough. Many preferred it as it was cheaper than formula at the grocery store and all natural.

Atlas continued gently suckling and soothing Bessie until the other cows and bulls peeked their heads in. Seeing Atlas suckling Bessies swollen udders, they knew that she was growing a calf. The cows carefully approached the bed as they knew bulls were extra protective of pregnant mates. Atlas unlatched and snorted, but allowed the other cows to approach his cow. The bulls waited at the door, knowing they were not welcome. They would not be able to get anywhere close to Bessie until she had birthed, and even the cows would be closely monitored and limited.

The cows surrounded her, kissing her from head to toe and mooing. They massaged her belly and breasts and rubbed and licked her pussy. They braided her hair and massaged her scalp. Atlas sat at attention next to her the entire time. Finally the cows each kissed her belly and left with their bulls. Cows became pregnant often so the rules and rituals were well established. This was Bessie and Atlas' first though so the other cows and bulls knew Atlas would be on edge. Atlas lay with Bessie on top of him against his chest and gently rubbed her belly until she fell asleep.

Two months later Bessie had started to show. She would go out and play with the other cows but Atlas would always be watching and would stand between if he decided they were being too rough or Bessie needed a rest. Bessie would get washed with the other cows but would be sent back to her pen where Atlas would meet her after his washings and workouts. Today Atlas arrived back and grabbed his cow. He placed her on top of him, slowly and carefully pressing her hips down until his cock was fully submerged in her warm wetness. He rocked slightly so her clit would rub against his pelvis and his cock would hit her spot inside. She groaned and gasped. He then began his gentle nursing and the relief took her breath away.

Atlas felt the warm, sweet, creamy liquid begin flowing. It was delicious and as perfect as she was. He would suck, swallow, and then suck again but he'd leave the milk in his mouth and kiss her, forcing the milk into her. She had become even more plump since becoming pregnant and he wanted to make sure she had enough nutrition to stay healthy through the pregnancy. She accepted the extra calories gratefully. She loved how her bull took care of her. Atlas kept going like that for a long time, holding back to ensure her relief and pleasure, but finally relenting and filling her.

Bessie felt incredible. Her breasts were full but Atlas never allowed them to become painful and the other cows had been paying her clit and ass extra attention lately. Most importantly, she loved the warm weight from the calf inside of her. Everytime she rubbed her belly she enjoyed it more. She felt full and oh god she loved it. Atlas' loving care made her satisfaction even deeper. He had been servicing her orally three times a day, as well as breast feeding twice a day to ensure her comfort. She loved feeling him latched on, knowing she was caring for him just as much as he was caring for her, loved the vulnerability she saw from the hulking, aggressive bull in those tender moments.

As Bessie became further and further along, Atlas became more and more protective. By the time she reached the end of her third trimester, Atlas would simply escort her to the base of the tree in the field and sit her there, back against its sturdy trunk, protected from the heat of summer by its branches. Normally during the free hours the cows would pleasure each other, but Atlas wanted to keep his cow safe and healthy so he would gently lay in front of her, kissing and licking from her belly down. While Atlas licked and stroked her, she would enjoy watching the other cows play while she rubbed her full, swollen belly. She'd run her hands through Atlas' hair, his needy tongue unrelenting. Her orgasms were slow and soothing. She would moan and moo, letting the pleasure wash over her with the breeze.

Atlas loved his life of service to his cow. She owned him, his heart, his soul, his cock. All hers to play with. Her skin so soft and warm, her eyes gentle. He was lovestruck. The other trainers would laugh seeing him following her around, wide eyed and slack jawed. Kelly and Mark both respected his devotion as it had significantly reduced their workload, the cow and her bull taking care of eachother.

Bessie was moved to the birthing room as she had begun to have contractions. Atlas did not handle this well. It had taken three trainers to hold him when they took her. Mark had ended up with a concussion. They quickly brought in the doctor to sedate him.

When Atlas was awoken by Mark and the doctor the next morning, he found his hands and arms tied to his torso. Bound with his cow missing Atlas began to panic but he felt a sharp pinch and suddenly he felt very calm. The world was slightly bobbing, like he was on a boat, and he felt very fuzzy.

"Atta boy, stand up." Soothed Mark pulling at Atlas' lead. Atlas stood. His head spun from the motion. Mark slowly led him to the showers. He removed the ropes binding Atlas and began washing him. Every touch felt like Mark was stroking the pleasure center of his brain. Atlas moaned, the pleasure overwhelming him. By the time Mark even touched Atlas' cock he instantly came all over Marks hands from the pleasure. The rubbing of the soap made him cum again a mere five minutes later.

"Oh bud, I know, the drugs are making you feel really good aren't they?" Mark said quietly. Atlas couldn't hear him anyway, every sound seemed like it was coming through a long tunnel. Atlas just smiled absently as Mark rinsed him off.

When they finally reached the masturbation area, Mark pushed Atlas down onto the gurney, and strapped him lightly, Atlas wouldn't move much due to the powerful sedative coursing through him. The other bulls watched Atlas, remembering being on the drug themselves, it felt so good physically but the mental confusion and strange dreams weren't worth it. Mark pushed Atlas so he laid flat. He then hooked the bull up to the machine, putting it on low. Atlas instantly came just from the initial pull, it felt like the grip of an angel. He screamed and moaned but was so overwhelmed from the pleasure and the drug he couldn't move. Paralyzed with his own lust for the following hour.

They took him back to his pen afterwards, helping him onto the bed. He instantly fell asleep. He dreamed strange dreams. Bessie, his Bessie, chained to a bed where ten bulls led by Chief fucked her mercilessly, taking turns in each hole, grabbing her roughly, bruising her. Atlas struggled and tried to scream but he was tied to the door. He could do nothing, Bessie looked at him, pleading, begging, while chief shoved his enormous cock into her mouth. She choked on her own screams and... He woke up.

Atlas wasn't one to cry but that dream had a lone tear slide down his cheek, the drugs numbing his emotions. He fell back into a dream laced sleep. He dreamed of Bessie calling for him, of her crying as they slaughtered her for her flesh, and a hundred other nightmares he could hardly stand.

When he woke the next morning he was tired, he felt like he hadn't slept for a week and paired with the drugs unsettling perpetual wave of motion Atlas couldn't even stand. Mark brought the doctor in when Atlas wouldn't get up.

"He's physically fine but he's suffering extreme seperation anxiety." The doctor spoke plainly. "I recommend you just leave him until his cow returns." The doctor added. Mark sat on the bed and stroked Atlas' hair softly. Atlas, desperate for touch, accepted the gesture and placed his head in Marks lap as he did with Bessie.

"You'll see her soon boy, she just needs two more days to recover, ok?" Mark saw no understanding in Atlas' eyes. Only a unfocused gaze induced by the drugs. Mark sat like that with Atlas until the bull fell asleep, sitting right outside the stall. The trainers cared deeply about their charges, as much as they'd care for a partner. Mark was deeply pained and unsettled with Atlas' despair. Almost as much as he was feeling Kelly's absence. He had spent so much time with Kelly over the past year. They'd fallen in love shortly after Atlas and Bessie, and whenever they had a free moment it was spent together. He heard Atlas' grunts and moans, and knew he was experiencing the nightmares this drug caused. If he didn't know how strong Atlas was, he'd have him taken off of it immediately.