Bestie to Bitch

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Busty college girl enslaves her submissive best friend.
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Disclaimer: This contains erotic material of a kinky and female-dominated variety. If this material is offensive or uninteresting to you, I recommend reading a different story.

All characters in this story are eighteen years of age, and this story is intended only to be read by those eighteen years of age or more. If you are under 18 please navigate away now and return when you are of age.

This story is the intellectual property of ManofthePublic to exclusion of all other persons and parties.

This story is intended as a fantasy and is a work of fiction, any and all similarities to real events or persons is merely coincidental.

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Without further ado, our feature presentation....

Gary and Anna were best friends. The two had met during the first day of Freshman orientation. Both were using support services. He had Asperger's and anxiety and she had ADHD and was bipolar and they wound up bonding while waiting to get their support services and medical issues straightened out and were both granted single rooms in the dorms.

They discovered they had similar senses of humor and after dealing with their support services needs were able to participate in orientation and both were very competitive in the games, laughing regularly.

The two began connecting more when they realized that due to their conditions, both were night owls and insomniacs and often would stay up late into the night playing board games, table tennis and football in the common room, making food runs, wandering around the well-lit parts of campus, and sometimes sitting in these big wooden chairs set up that overlooked a stream and pond, at least when the weather was nice and warm.

Most friends would find themselves as being more similar, but they were different in a lot of ways. He was Catholic and conservative; she was Protestant and a liberal. He was from a rural community in Ohio, she was from New York City. He was often logical and guarded, and she was very emotional and open.

Gary was somewhat overweight, bespectacled, and had a lot of geekier interests. He would prefer to play esoteric board games or Dungeons & Dragons, or read books on philosophy or science, and watch shows like Doctor Who. He enjoyed folk music. She was a very typical girl, she had beautiful straight to wavy blonde hair that came down to her shoulders, and had very large breasts, despite being a somewhat thin and athletic girl, with a toned body from moving patients. She liked amassing a collection of clothes and shoes, she enjoyed rom coms and women's magazines and liked going out to bars and dinner with her female friends. They both had a certain degree of disdain for the differences in hobbies they both had, but still their friendship was strong, even the political and religious differences couldn't stop the two from laughing and having a good time whenever they hung out, even though they could agree on so little.

Because Anna was so pretty and very talkative, pretty, and charming, Gary had crushed on her from the first day they met, and occasionally when she was going through a romantic rough patch she considered him, especially as he was struggling to find a partner. However, his self-discipline and intellectual bend enabled him to realize it was in their mutual best interests to stay at an arm's length. However, Gary had grown increasingly attracted to the busty blonde and the two were effectively best friends early into their first semester. Anna even began referring to Gary as her "bestie."

Gary and Anna did enjoy hanging out, they could talk about most things, and Gary seemed eager to please Anna, letting her decide what they did and where they ate when they were together. He regularly gave her backrubs and foot rubs. She didn't always return the favor and simply allowed her friend to pamper her. Although she was allowing him to feel her body, which she figured was erotic in its own right. It also usually resulted in her in her underwear which she knew he liked. She felt it was a fair trade as it stood.

Gary, however, liked the idea of servicing a beautiful woman, and while exploring her body in near undress was fun, being on his knees doing his work, while she laid on her bed texting or reading a magazine, was a great feeling to him. To him, it almost felt right. He wasn't sure how to handle it. It wasn't long after he started that he realized her strong-looking legs, which he had included in his repertoire for the back rubs. One late night, he breached the subject and said, "you have really toned legs."

"Yeah," said Anna, "I do lots of spinning, I'm pretty fit, do you work out any?"

"Usually no, I just can't get into it," said Gary.

"You should, it'd make you stronger and feels great," said Anna.

"I know, I should be stronger than I am, you know your friend, Maxine?" Gary asked. Maxine was the mutual friend from whom we met through. She was a full-figured brunette with glasses.

"Yeah," said Anna, "didn't you guys date?"

"Yes," Gary said, "Briefly. Never had much chemistry, but, she was a lot stronger than me, and really enjoyed it."

Anna laughed a lot before saying, "how'd you guys find out?"

"She beat me in arm-wrestling on the first date, then pinned me down when we got to her bedroom, then gave me a whole speech on how she's superior to me," said Gary.

"Is that why it didn't work?" asked Anna.

"Hardly," said Gary, "Actually that was one of the things that did work....I'm actually very submissive..." He paused, realizing he may have said too much.

Anna laughed and said, "Wow, and here I just thought you only gave me backrubs and wanted to rub me down to have an excuse to touch a girl's body, or see me in next to nothing."

"Oh, you know I love both," Gary said.

"Well," said Anna, with a giggle, "Maxine is very big and strong for a girl, but like, do you think I'm stronger than you too?"

Anna smiled and turned around to face him, still in just her bra and panties. She sat up and had Gary sit next to her. Her shapely breasts defying gravity looking desperate to spill out at any moment, "So, do you think I'm stronger?" Anna flexed her biceps; they were actually surprisingly strong looking, she could tell Gary admired them.

Gary was hard and turned on, he nervous replied, "I don't know."

Anna laughed, while flexing again, "Let's see!" Flexing them again, noticing how much he enjoyed them.

"I know I'm a lot smaller, but let's find out!" said Anna as she threw on a casual pink dress and her slippers and added "come with me." She led the way to the common area, which was predictably deserted that late.

The two locked hands and both pushed, Gary almost secretly wanted to lose, but he didn't have to worry about that as even his hardest wasn't moving the smaller hand of his best friend and object of his fantasies. It was only a matter of time until the busty blonde began to gain the upper hand. As soon as she had his hand began a steady, but sure decline.

As his hand continued to decline Anna locked eyes with him and smirked arrogantly, Gary found this arousing and his hand was then slammed on the table.

"Hahaha, bestie! It looks like I win!" said Anna triumphant, laughing in her casual pink dress, her large breasts jiggling under the fabric, "how does it feel to get beaten in a test of strength by a girl?" teased Anna, pushing her breasts together to accentuate that she was a girl, and a very attractive one at that. She knew he loved her chest.

"Stand up," Anna said with a commanding tone, but still wearing a playful smile.

Gary knew he was erect and tried to shift his penis so his bulge wouldn't be too obvious before climbing to his feet.

"I said, stand up!" shouted Anna, her grin not matching her tone.

Gary stood up, his erection immediately protruding directly toward his foe.

Anna burst out laughing and said, "I see," before returning to a laughing fit, "this turns you on, does it? Losing to a girl?" She punctuated this with more feminine laughter as Gary stood silently, his erection growing as the busty blonde laughed.

After a pause Gary meekly said, "Yes."

Anna smirked and grabbed him by the hand leading him back to her room.

"Sit down," she commanded, he immediately sat onto the futon opposite her bed.

The busty blonde traded her slippers for a black sandal-like pair of stilettos. She knew little about dominating boys just yet, but felt the added height would make her seem more powerful. Gary found the shoes a turn-on, but more in a fetishy way, he always found high heels sexy. This, he had already disclosed to Anna, but she felt it more as a power move, that anything erotic. The shoes clacked on the floor and she walked over to stand before him. She eyed him quizzically. He was silent, but she could see his erection.

Her blue eyes bored into her best friend and she said, "We're still besties, no matter what." She kissed him on the cheek. The college girl sat next to her geeky friend on the futon.

Gary said, "You don't think less of me that you're stronger?" That thought finally connected with the teenage beauty that despite being a girl, she was stronger than her friend. If he didn't mind it, she didn't either.

"No, you're my bestie," she smiled, "it's ride or die for us. We're like Keenan and Kel, C3PO and R2D2, nothing can change that."

"I just, I feel like you're superior to me and don't want that to complicate us being besties," Gary really did feel beneath Anna for a while now, but this was new. Her proof she was stronger than him was now real and on display.

Anna laughed and said, "What do you mean by superior?"

"It's intangible, really," said Gary, "but like it' I don't know..."

Anna listened and said, "Like, I'm stronger than you. you think I'm smarter than you too?"

Gary didn't know what to say. He was the nerd, she was actually a pretty normal girl, and a pretty one at that. He played chess while she went clubbing. He had a high SAT score, he was caught off guard by the question, but something about how she said it slowed him down and the more he thought about it, the more he almost recognized on some deep inherent level, his best friend and crush was just that, smarter, possibly substantially. Brains wasn't about hobbies or personality. He tried to play it cool, it being a tough pill to swallow and played it worse making an unintelligible noise.

Anna laughed and sweetly said, "it's okay, you can say it, it's just us here." Anna felt so sure she was right.

Finally, Gary said "Yes."

"Yes, what?" said Anna.

"Yes, you are smarter than me..." he said slowly, after a pause he added, "I never considered it before, but the more I think about it, the more I think about you, I can't deny it," Gary stated.

Anna smiled brightly and said, "It's okay. I know it's hard for a guy to see a girl as stronger than him or for a nerd to admit that a social, popular, blonde girl I know he finds hot is smarter. But you're my bestie and we need to share these things with each other. I think you knew both deep down."

"I understand, Anna," said Gary, "I just never wanted you to think less of me."

"I don't, Gary. And you still have a boner, letting you know how good it feels to admit I'm stronger and smarter. You love to submit. I want you to submit to me, and...." Anna stood up, "seeing that boner is clearly for me, take your clothes off, I wanna see!"

Gary stood and slowly removed his pants, kicking them aside. He hesitated with his underwear causing Anna to yank them off him and throw them across the room, his erection sprung out.

"Hmm, there he is, happy to see me, right?" said Anna, she bent over to get a closer look and several inches from it said, "Happy to see stronger. Smarter. Superior. me." Anna punctuated her adjectives to let them sink in. She laughed as Gary's erection twitched. She poked it and his balls a bit and said, "Not bad, bigger than I expected, about average size." Gary squirmed and blushed, but was so aroused by his best friend.

"Gary, does it turn you on that I'm stronger than you?" asked Anna sensually, putting her hands on his shoulders, "Or is it even more sexy that I'm smarter? Just think, a smaller girl is stronger than you and a regular cute blonde is smarter than a nerd." Anna noticed his cock twitching and said, "calm down boy!"

"So, Gary, we're still besties, but like, now that you want to submit to me, we can do this, what turns you on in regards to submission?" asked Anna, hands on her hips. She was standing over him now and her body posture was confident. She already felt empowered.

"Well, Anna, first, today feels great just putting it out in the open. I always felt slightly inferior to you--girls like you-- and I want us to see that as the way, at least in private. It feels more comfortable that way," Gary said.

Anna smirked at him with a hint of pride, she said "I was thinking, with these new acknowledgements we can both have some fun. Gary. I know you think I'm pretty and because I'm smarter, I know what's best. Even if you weren't smart enough to see why and challenged it, as being stronger, I can get my way that way too. So, look, do your work for school, meet your geeky friends and do your silly hobbies with them, we'll still act as besties, especially in public, but a lot of our night time will involve you servicing my wants and needs whatever they may be--"

Gary chimed in, "Anna..."

"Quiet, let me finish. I think it's right that you never interrupt me again," said Anna, "I know you want to service me. Between us I was born to be in charge, a leader, and you my servant and slave. So you'll make me happy and will be rewarded, but I also want the right to punish you."

"How are you going to--" interrupted Gary

With a clacking of her black heels and a flutter of the short pink dress, cleavage bouncing before Gary could go further Anna had grabbed a pair of panties from the hamper and rammed it into his open mouth. She smiled in self-satisfaction as his muffled voice became unintelligible before falling to silence.

"I said no interrupting," said Anna playfully, ruffling his hair. She could see Gary; despite his immediate surprise and disgust he was loving it. She was having fun too. She could get used to being in charge.

"I want to start out by setting a standard, when we're in public it's normal, but I want you to always address me as Princess, and you are to be called bitch or bitch boy. Nod if you understand," Anna said matter-of-factly.

Gary nodded.

"Good boy," said Anna in a patronizing tone.

"Now, I'm going to be very bossy at all times, even if our fun games only exist in private when we're together, which, does make it happen pretty often. I'm completely in charge during these times. You can speak your piece, but it's up to me what we do, period. Do you understand and agree?"

Garry nodded.

"Good boy," said Anna, "Now when we meet in private I want you to drop to your knees and kiss my feet, if you fail to do so, I will put you on your knees. Is this clear?"

Gary nodded.

"Good boy!" said Anna.

She looked in my face smiling and said, "You want this, right?"

Gary nodded.

"Me too," said Anna.

Gary's dick showed no signs of wiling. Anna stood over him as he sat and finally removed the panty gag, tossing it aside on the floor.

She brought her head down to his level so he could feel her breath she said to him, "You know I'm superior to you. I'm smarter and stronger than you are. A hot blonde regular girl is smarter and stronger than a nerdy man--actually, boy. I rule your world as your Princess, and you are my slave. You accept my superiority, and you'll soon learn more about why. Tell me what I just said, bitch."

Gary whimpered and said "You're superior to me, Princess. You rule my world. You're smarter and stronger than me." His cock twitched as he recited this. Anna noticed and smirked she stood over him and said, "Good bitch."

That was enough for Gary to orgasm. Without any touching of his penis it shot cum in a geyser cum rained over him, Anna, and the area around him. Anna was inwardly amused by this actually. She felt empowered she could make her friend cum without ever touching him. She knew he liked her, and was increasingly sure of her superiority, but this was an extreme empowering moment. After laughing a bit she promptly bitch-slapped Gary across the face.

"You little bitch, you made a mess, from now on, no cumming unless I give you permission. Now you're going to clean it up!" shouted Anna.

Gary jumped to satisfy Anna's commands and grabbed a roll of paper towels. As he prepared to take a sheet off Anna slapped him again and said, "with your tongue, bitch!"

"Yes Princes," said Gary. He promptly began to lick his cum off the futon. He was thankful for how little was on the floor, after the futon though Anna shoved her nude friend back on the sofa and made him lick her legs, feet, and shoes clean, "I bet you like this part, little bitch boy!" she said. He did.

"Clean yourself off with the paper towels, bitch," Anna said condescendingly, tossing him the roll with faux contempt.

"From now on, no cumming without permission, and any time you do cum, you'll be doing it in my presence. We're on the honor system here, so I'll be mad if you break the rules. You don't want to make me mad," Anna said menacingly. She then smiled and said in a sexy voice saying, "Besides, we know you want to obey me, right?"

"Yes, Princess," said Gary softly.

"Good boy," said Anna cheerfully, "Now, I've never done this before, but my hamper is awfully full. Get dressed and go downstairs to do my laundry, oh, just for fun, wear those panties that were just in your mouth instead of your regular underwear. You might want to tuck your shirt in so nobody can see what you have on when you bend over."

Gary said "Yes Princess," and struggled a bit to get the panties on, built for someone smaller than him, but ultimately, he got into them. Anna giggled and playfully slapped his ass before he put his shirt and pants on, tucking the former in to ensure the panties wouldn't slide up and be discovered. It was late, but a lot of students did their laundry when they couldn't sleep.

Gary was fortunate to not find anyone really down there, at least not who was the least bit interested in the laundry, until a girl approached him, she was small, but fit, her name was Rebekah, and she was Arab-Israeli and had an exotic beauty, he knew her from a class, She had curly black hair, and cute, pretty face, even this late with no makeup. She was wearing short gym shorts and a tank top and commented on his laundry.

"Hey Gary, is that your laundry?" the girl asked.

"Yes--I mean, no, just helping a friend," he said, visibly nervous, "She has some work to do tonight, I don't, and I'm an insomniac."

"That's so nice of you," said Rebekah, "to help your friend that way, she's lucky to have you." Rebekah smiled and the two started a wash load.

The machines took 43 minutes to finish a wash and an hour to finish a dry. "Nice to see you Gary," said Rebekah as she went back upstairs to wait out the time. After the girl had exited Gary went upstairs as well. He knew the girly underwear he had on were at their greatest risk going up the stairs so after a few minutes he took the lonely walk back up to Anna's dorm.

Gary knocked on Anna's door and she said "It's open."

Gary entered, and said, "Your laundry is in the washer Princess."

Anna smiled, but then approached him with a menacing demeanor. Garry was confused until she slapped him hard across the face. It hurt, Gary thought to himself "damn, she is stronger than she looks." He was however aroused by both the pain and how easily she could inflict it with just a slap.