Beth Likes It Ch. 10

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Beth discovers the shame of being marked.
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Part 10 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/04/2024
Created 04/11/2024
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There was a feeling inside me that was growing as we left the bar. It was like wafts of warm air carrying me along behind Ben and Jarvis, as if I were floating two feet above the ground. My skin was stretched taught like a balloon, and I was light as a feather inside, warm and full of joy and very free. My clothes were gone but Jarvis had fitted me with a pink dog collar and a leash made of red leather, and Ben held the end of my leash like a child holding the string of a balloon, as if to keep me from floating into the starry night sky.

"Do you have to go to the bathroom?" Asked Ben, and I realized that I did indeed have to go. So as Ben and Jarvis watched I squatted down in front of Tito's Bar and peed in the grass. Ben looked down impassively as Jarvis chuckled.

Tito's Bar was not in the middle of town exactly, but it was near an intersection with a few other storefronts and office buildings, and the corner was fairly well-lit. When the light changed I followed the two men across the street, happily aware that I was bare naked and covered with intimate bruises. The myriad tack punctures had stopped bleeding, but their marks covered my bottom and thighs, and also my pubic mound. Even from a distance one could discern hundreds of swollen bumps that looked like large mosquito bites. And the cheeks of both my behind and my face were still bright red from Ben's lengthy and severe hand spanking.

It must have been three in the morning, and only one car passed us as we walked down the street and into a tiny strip mall. There was only one business with any lights on: Papa Murphy's Tattoo. The sign was green and gold above the door, but a red neon heart glowed more prominently in the window, like one of those traditional tattoos a sailor might wear on their upper arm. "Sorry Mom" it read in glowing letters. I was still floating, but now I was thinking about my mom and dad.

They had always been vehemently against me ever getting a tattoo, and although I went through a rebellious phase as a teenager, by the time I was old enough to make my own decisions I had bought into the idea that my skin was better unmarred. I had come to look at tattoos as trashy rather than cool.

A little bell rang as Jarvis opened the door and Ben strode inside, me following on my lead. An older gentleman with a long, braided beard greeted us warmly. He had been waiting for us to arrive.

"We've decided on a few," announced Ben after greetings had been exchanged. He winked at Jarvis.

"We better take care of this in the back," said the bearded man.

Down a narrow hallway was a room without windows. Aside from the large chair and small sink, the room was bare and drab, very different from the main room in front which had been filled with framed pictures of colorful tattoos. The four of us could barely fit, until I was directed to sit down in the chair, which turned out to be a gynecological exam table. It had stirrups and leg rests that could be spread wide. "Can you give her the shot?" Asked Ben.

The bearded man approached with a latex strap and tied it around my upper arm. "Make a fist," he said, and a huge wave of adrenaline pumped through me, making my teeth chatter as I realized I was about to be drugged. All the same I made a fist as instructed and took the shot, which made me feel very, very good for a moment before everything went black.


I woke up back home, on our plush couch facing the fireplace, the same one where I had burned my entire wardrobe literally the morning before. It was broad daylight, and sunshine was streaming in through the west windows, which meant it was past noon. I didn't feel terrible, and was surprised I was not more hungover from the drugs and exhaustion, but I realized I had probably slept fifteen hours, and that not all drugs have hangovers the way alcohol does. I had to pee.

As I rose and stumbled into the bathroom I caught a glimpse of Ben and Jarvis out on the deck playing cards and smoking cigarettes. I was puzzled to see Ben with a cigarette, because I had never known him to smoke in his life! They were also drinking gin, which was odd because while Ben was a fan of single malt whiskey, I had never known him to drink gin. In fact, I had never seen Ben spending so much time with a male friend before. Suddenly Ben and Jarvis had become inseparable, which aside from everything else struck me as a fairly odd match.

I peed, then stood in front of the full length mirror on our bathroom door to see the damage. I was indeed bruised and scraped up, but it looked like the men had cleaned me, and my myriad thumbtack punctures had been covered with occlusive bandages. All except my pussy, which was exposed, and it looked like they had been fucking me in my sleep.

But then there were the tattoos.

I didn't know how to feel about them. Even after everything I had been through, and even after the strange revelations I had experienced while being spanked, these tattoos still made me very uncomfortable.

Ben and Jarvis had instructed the tattoo man to write on me, in irremovable black ink. And the first tattoo was in the center of my forehead.

In a slightly cartoony font, is said simply "Oink".

I knew what my ex-husband thought of me, and I knew what my new role in life was, but there was something about this one word that was so incredibly demeaning that I couldn't help but cringe, a pang of embarrassment running through me even there in the bathroom all by myself. I looked at my face in the mirror as it slowly turned red, and I looked at my own nipples as they puckered into stiff points, and I felt ashamed.

I'm not exactly fat, in fact my waist is tidy and well-formed, but my boobs are a little larger than they should be, and they look sort of pudgy and swollen, somehow a little wide and out of proportion, and it embarrasses me when a man sees me naked, even my husband... my former husband. Likewise my ass is downright fat, it really sticks out, and although I've been assured by many that it's very shapely, it somehow strikes me as obscene, especially when viewed from the side. It is the very definition of what folks call a "balloon but", and it is the reason I always avoid going to the beach or even wearing shorts. My whole body feels obscene to me, in a garish and corny way, almost like a short, brown-haired Jessica Rabbit. Even if I am not overweight, I still feel pudgy and inflated in all the wrong places. And my cheeks are pudgy too: chipmunk cheeks, as Ben used to call them.

And I couldn't help but stare at that word "Oink", right on my forehead where everyone could see it.

Hi everyone, here I am, just a desperate, greedy, infantile Miss Piggy, at your service... "Oink!".

You can all fuck me now, if you want to stoop so low as to fuck a pig.

Just this one word renewed my astonishment at Ben's level of disdain for me, making the tears dribble out of my eyes pathetically even as my nipples sharpened into points and my sore, sick pussy began moistening once again. How could he do this to me? And what on earth is wrong with me that I like this, somehow, or just crave it. Yes I crave it, I need it, but I do not like it. The pang of humiliation is indeed a two edged sword, and once again I can feel myself being cut by it. it hurts, but of course it leaves me feeling breathlessly aroused.

And that was jut the first tattoo. There were four.

The second one was right over the top of my sternum, where a pedant might hang if it were suspended from a choker. I knew it was so high up that it wouldn't ordinarily be concealed be my clothes unless I wore a turtleneck sweater or something, and as I was thinking about that I realized that now I didn't own a single garment that would cover it.

"Rape Me", it said.

Oh God, God help me... is this what my life has become? Yes. Yes, Miss Piggy. Yes Miss naked Jessica Rabbit. Yes it is.

I started to feel dizzy and I couldn't help but hyperventilate. Was I having a panic attack, or was I simply starting to pant from the intoxicating arousal? I wasn't sure if there was a difference for me anymore, but either way I knew that touching myself would bring some sort of comfort. Or having Ben touch me. Or having any man touch me. My nipples felt like tight little knots, and I couldn't keep from imagining Jarvis's bony fingers squeezing them, drawing them out, his pale, silky thumbs running gently but firmly along the very tips. I wondered whether these tattoos were Jarvis's idea, or if Ben himself had thought to inflict this on me, marking his territory in this way.

It didn't matter. I was his now, and I couldn't escape any of this, not in a million years. And it was not only him: they all had me, they were all going to rape me, forever. Ben would share. It was an insane nightmare, but I could feel my pussy starting to drip, wetting the bandages at the tops of my thighs as I stared at my reflection in the full length mirror.

There on my pubic mound was the third tattoo.

"Hurt me", it said.

And although I knew I was a masochist, having such a clear directive posted in that exact location made my heart race and my socks threaten to peel off my toes. There were so many ways to hurt me down there!

And the fourth tattoo was longer: four words this time, inscribed on my pudgy, well-spanked ass. I had to contort into a very uncomfortable position in order to see it, but it would be clear as day to anyone standing behind me.

Spanning my cheeks at the plump curve where thigh meets buttocks, the tattoo read: "No Limit Pain Pig".

No Limit!? Really!? I knew Ben could not tolerate any limits imposed upon him, he would never stand for anything like that, but this tattoo would be read by anyone close enough to see it, whether Ben was there to protect me from harm or not!

My face burned with the implications of this. What it said about Ben and how cruel he can be; what it said about our relationship, that I had yielded so much power to him that he truly felt entitled to not only destroy me, physically, but to give blanket permission to anyone else to do the same.

I was so upset reading this and thinking about it that I literally had to start rubbing my poor sore pussy vigorously in order to keep from crying. And the worst part was not what it said about Ben or about our relationship, but what it said about me. Am I really so utterly worthless and subhuman that ANYBODY can hurt me AS MUCH AS THEY WANT!?

And why was this Idea so intoxicating? Why did some undeniable part of me want exactly this directive tattooed on my ass, no matter what the outcome? Who would see this? Who would "rape me", invited by the inked phrase beneath my neckline; who would "hurt me" when they found their way to my tender pubis, and who would use me as a "no limit pain pig", making zero effort to control their vilest instincts. Permission granted, folks! Permission granted in writing clear as day.

Would I survive? Would Ben even care if I did not?

And the sad answer rang heavily in my ears: Ben would not care very much. He did not feel obliged to look out for me. I was alone in this world now, alone on a very dark path, and at this point there was absolutely nothing I could do to escape my fate. I was trapped. And as I started to squeeze and pinch my left nipple ruthlessly while shoving three fingers as deeply into myself as I could, and as the beginnings of a terrible, devastating orgasm begin to ripple through me, I looked at my own blushing face in the mirror and at the word "Oink" tattooed indelibly across my forehead and thought about how funny I must be to them, how little they must think of me, and how utterly right they are to think of me in this way, how utterly appropriate and natural their treatment of me actually is.

Those two men, as exploitative and amoral as they may be, know me for what I am. They knew it before I did, and they know exactly where we are taking this, exactly what a filthy little pain pig I need to become, exactly what series of unfortunate events should be arranged for me and put into play.

As I rubbed and dug frantically into myself I bandied these thoughts about in my mind, dreadful abysses opening right and left, sparks of miraculous delight twittering like birds in the treetops. And as the heat grew within me, the terrible, wonderful heat flowering from the center of my body, I realized just how lucky I am to have males in my life who understand what is going on, who have the brains and balls to force me into the exact position I need to be in.

For without Ben and Jarvis, I would have not a clue what to do with these feelings, how to feed this insatiable pussy, this insane appetite for pain and degradation and torture and helplessness.

But I know they will help me in my quest for utter destruction. It is natural for them to know how, and to want it for me as much as I want it for myself. And as this realization struck me I stared at the word "Oink" and the phrases "Rape Me" and "Hurt Me" in the mirror. And I couldn't help plunging all five fingers into myself, and plunging them violently, pushing into my incredibly sore and needy pussy both harder and faster than I ever had before. And folding my thumb beneath my fingers and bending until my forehead was literally resting against the mirror, I was able to shove my whole hand in, past the wide part of my palm and through to my wrist.

"Oink", I said out loud. "Oink, Oink!"

And I fisted myself violently as I blushed hard again, imagining a circle of my old friends and acquaintances seeing me like this, naked and masturbating frantically, exposing my intimate bruises as well as my depraved, unacceptable tattoos.

In my mind I saw these friends witnessing me, judging me, and mocking me in peels of derisive laughter, giddy to see all dignity and and respect stripped from me. And I felt my face flush with the shame of it, my body suddenly short-circuited, climaxing spasmodically in an orgasm so intense I could not help but vocalize at the top of my lungs.

And my screaming attracted the men, who came running into the house.

And there they were: Ben and Jarvis pushing their way into the bathroom, where I had fallen in a heap on the cold tile floor.

The last convulsions were trembling through me, but I was no longer sweetly moaning, I was sobbing. They had abandoned their card game and run in from the deck, just in time to find me uncontrollably masturbating at the sight of my disgusting, dehumanizing tattoos, and naturally they found me so hilarious they could barely contain themselves.

"You like them, don't you?" Asked Ben.

"Yeth," I said, and plunged my fist back into my distended, swollen cunt.

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januaryjosephinecunisjanuaryjosephinecunis19 days agoAuthor

thank you anonymous... i hadn't put that together, about the tattoos being temporary.

and thank you KSL, your insights are amazing as usual and your "male gaze" keeps me blushing!❤️

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Believe kajkelli was referring to the tattoos being temporary, not the gentlemen.

(Seemingly) Alone and helpless after willingly placing herself, perhaps even locking herself, into a situation of unknown direction, of surrendering herself completely to the whims of an unknown antagonist, of an unknown fate? Perhaps that should be much more fully explored.

KinkStoryLoverKinkStoryLover20 days ago

The way Beth is so turned on by the humiliation of these nasty, nasty tattoos to the point of pinching, rubbing and even fisting herself to violent orgasms is just yummy!😋🤤 Truly, there's no going back! She'll only throw herself into the pit more eagerly now!! And yes, Jan, writing this is a great way to learn about yourself!😃👍

KinkStoryLoverKinkStoryLover20 days ago

This is hot!! I didn't get the degree to which Ben & Jarvis were "partners in crime" in all this. And a whole new side of Ben is emerging.!! Looking forward to the next parts. Thanks, Jan!😉😂

januaryjosephinecunisjanuaryjosephinecunis21 days agoAuthor

hi kajkelli! i'm so glad you are taking an interest... i have just discovered your series "Sydney's Descent" and WOW! for "Beth Likes It" i have already written chapters 11 and 12, and i'm taking it in a different direction than you propose... although i do find the idea of Beth finding herself alone and in trouble VERY sexy and appealing. i don't want to give away the plot, but i will say this: Beth's story is about what she will consent to, what she gets so worked up over that she can't help but consent to. she's yielding to her own terrible cravings. Ben and Jarvis are amoral and entirely selfish, but as owners they have a vested interest in keeping her alive, and they are amused enough to continue to facilitate her abuse, especially since she seems to have no limits. things are going to get VERY rough for her, but i think Ben and Jarvis will stay in the picture... until...

but thinking of the special feelings that come with being alone and helpless gets me worked up too... you make me want to write another story about a hapless waif type who doesn't consent to anything, but nevertheless responds to everything! she'd have no culpability for her own worsening circumstances, but her body would still respond sexually, no matter how bad things got... ooh... oh gosh i learn about myself by exploring these fictional situations! isn't that funny?

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