Beth's Awakening Ch. 10


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He raised that quizzical eyebrow of his once more at my unusual request, but found a bottle and pulled the cork as I fidgeted.

"I have some amazing news," I said.

He poured us each a glass and sat down. "So, what gives?"

"I talked to Dan today." He nodded and took a sip. "He made me a most interesting proposal. He's been promoted and apparently it's a very good one. Part of his promotion package is a week-long executive retreat for him and his wife. So, he needs to have a wife for about ten days. The lucky lady--that would be me--gets to accompany him on a private jet to an exclusive resort in Mexico." By the time I got all that out, I was out of breath and gulped in some air.

"You're pretty excited about this, aren't you?" I nodded. "I haven't seen you so animated in months. I like you this way. If you get to go with Dan, will you promise to stay this happy until summer rescues you from the blues?"

"God, yes," I said. "On top of that I promise you can have whatever kind of kinky sex you can dream up."

His lips curved in a slight smile. "That's my girl. Now call Dan back and tell him your husband says you can go on one condition." Uh oh. What was this?

"What condition?" I hesitantly asked.

"That he return you to your real husband, tanned, satisfied, and happy." I jumped up and kissed him then held up my glass.

"A toast," I said, "to the best husband in the entire world." He grinned at me as we clinked glasses.

"Let's call him from the den," Rick said. "We'll have privacy there. We can put him on the speaker phone and mess around while we're talking to him."

Leading the way, I picked up our glasses and Rick got the bottle. He snapped the lock behind us while I dialed. Dan picked up on the second ring.

"Hi," I said. "It's me. I've got good news. Rick says the trip's okay with him. He's right here so I'll put you on the speaker."

I pushed the button and Rick pulled me down onto his lap. "Hey, Dan. Do you remember that time in Providence when Claire was topless and sitting in your lap while she talked to Spencer on her cell?"

"How could I forget," he said. "She's one outrageous bitch. That was an oustanding bit of lechery. We had a lot of fun together. Didn't we?"

"We sure did," Rick said. "And we're sbout to have some more. At this moment, Beth is in my lap and I've got one hand on her tits and the other between her thighs."

"Is she naked?"

"Not yet, but she will be very soon," my husband said, helping me pull off my sweater and unhooking my bra. "She's topless now," he reported.

"Kiss her sexy nipples for me."

Rick kissed and sucked them noisily sending shivers down my body.

"Shit. I can hear you sucking her tits," Dan said. "How quirky is this!"

I stood up then shucked out of my tight jeans and thong. "Beth's naked now. If you were here, what would you do to my gorgeous wife?"

"I'd be eating her pussy, Rick. I'd have my tongue as far in her as it would reach. Then I'd suck her clit until she comes. Since I'm not there maybe you can do that for me while I talk to her."

"Yeah, I can do that," my husband said and we changed positions. I sat down and he got between my thighs and began eating my pussy.

"You haven't said anything, Beth. Can you hear me?"

"Of course I can," I said. Just then Rick's tongue touched a sensitive spot and I gasped.

"I heard that. Is he making you come?"

"Not yet, but I'm close."

"Hold his face against your pussy and hump his tongue. That always works when I'm eating you."

I did and, just as he predicted, I enjoyed a quick little climax. "You're so clever, Dan. You just managed to talk me into a long-distance orgasm."

"There'll be plenty more climaxes in store for you on our little vacation. You'd better take care of Rick now. If he's like me, he has a boner that needs attention."

"He's pretty stiff all right, but I'll take care of him in bed in a few minutes. Why don't you fill me in on the travel arrangements." Rick sat down again and I reclaimed his lap. He fondled me as Dan talked.

"We fly to Mexico a week from Sunday. Hopefully that'll give you enough time to get things organized on your end."

"That should be plenty of time," I said.

"You'll need to spend a couple of days here in Boston. Long enough for us to shop and get you properly outfitted so you can play the part of my executive wife. I'll send you a ticket so you'll arrive on Thursday afternoon. That way, we'll have Friday and Saturday to get ready for our Sunday departure. Does that work for you?"

"That's perfect," I said. "I'll be there."

Rick and I gathered up my clothes. Taking our wine along, we went upstairs where I showed him just how much I appreciated his generosity.

We were sipping the last of our wine, enjoying our afterglow, when he said, "The timing couldn't be better. I'm going to be busy as hell these next few weeks. The company is introducing a new product line and I'm responsible for making sure the software is up and running for the introduction. So, between work and taking care of the kids, I won't have time to think about you and your stud screwing each other's brains out in a tropical paradise."

"You poor neglected dear. Who's going to help you with child care while you're working those long, long hours?"

He grinned at me. "Let's see. I'll bet I can get the K girls to help and maybe Dee Dee."

"What I'm hearing is that you're planning to screw the baby sitters while I'm gone."

He laughed. "It could happen," he said, kissing me. We turned out the lights and went to sleep.

My roundtrip ticket--first class, no less--arrived by UPS in a couple of days, tangible proof that my upcoming adventure wasn't a dream.

At first I agonized over what to take to Boston, but after considering that Dan had promised me a new wardrobe there didn't seem much point in taking anything but a carry-on.

My hot, red dress was definitely going along. I had a number of fond memories linked to that garment. The last time I'd taken it off for a lover was the night Jerry screwed me--definitely a memorable occasion. Dan had removed it on that first amazing night in Boston when Rick and I had flown there to meet my lovers. That gown was my good luck piece when it came to getting laid.

I planned to wear it on the plane because I remembered how Dan had practically tripped over his tongue when he saw me in it for the first time. I hoped that the dress would be good for an encore. Beyond that, I didn't take much except for personal stuff like lingerie, shampoo, sunscreen, and makeup. Dan had made it sound like he'd take care of everything I'd need.

By the time Thursday finally arrived, I was a ball of nervous anticipation and I had plenty to fret about. A front was coming our way--more damned sleet the weather man said. If it was bad enough, that could keep the plane from flying. I was also apprehensive about what my role as Dan's counterfeit wife might entail. Could I play the part? Last, but certainly not least, I was totally anxious to see my lover.

Bless his heart, Rick took time off from work and drove me to the airport. After I checked in and we shared a quick lunch, he walked me to the security gate where we said goodbye, hugging and kissing one another like I was going to be gone for a month.

I went through security still hearing Rick's final admonition to have a good time--what a wonderful husband.

Getting on the plane first was a new experience for me. Before the coach passengers boarded, the attendant took drink orders and I asked for a glass of red wine. Stretched out in my roomy, first-class, window-seat, I watched the coach people wrestle their carry-ons and kids into the cabin just like I had always done. I decided that I liked this a lot better.

After reaching our cruising altitude, I had a second glass and that helped calm my nerves. I was on my way to be with Dan and I'd soon be in his arms.

Anticipating sex is one of my favorite things, perhaps the strongest motivator for me to continue pursuing this lifestyle I've discovered. Sometimes I think I'm addicted to that twitchy feeling I get throughout my lower body whenever I can look forward to having intercourse with an eager lover. It gives me such a thrill when I imagine what I'm going to do to make my guy come into heat. Sometimes I can almost feel his body against mine.

Those sensations were rippling through me big time when I thought about Dan and the pleasure that lay ahead. So, I was happy when the stewardess passed out a video gadget that I played with to calm myself down. Another glass of wine helped too. She served snacks and quite a nice lunch that I barely touched.

Then it was time to land and we touched down smoothly--right on time. There was snow on the ground, definitely an improvement over freezing rain and slush.

After I got off the plane, I hurried along toward the baggage claim. We'd agreed to meet there before I decided to just take a carry-on. As soon as I passed through the security exit I saw Dan waiting for me and moments later I was in his arms. We kissed and then kissed some more. When we came up for air, I opened my coat to show him what I was wearing. His eyes widened.

"God, Beth. Isn't that the same dress I helped take off of you when you and Rick came to Boston?"

"Very good, Sherlock. This time you'll have to do the job all by yourself."

"Oh, I think I'll be up to the task," he said, patting me on the butt. He took my bag and led the way to the covered garage. Thank goodness, I didn't have to wade through several inches of snow in my red, stiletto heels.

Dan had a new Porsche Cayenne, a red one, and I kidded him that he'd gotten it to match my outfit. "Yeah," he said with a crooked grin. "Red turns me on." I got his drift and opened my coat again.

"See what I mean," he said, eyeing me. I looked down and his pants were tented. Stepping into his embrace I pressed myself against him and felt his delightful hard-on against my belly.

"God, Beth. Take it easy. You'll have me coming in my pants."

"Well, that will never do," I said, kissing him and backing off. "I have much better places for you to make your deposit."

"And I'm looking forward to trying them all."

He drove carefully. The outside temperature read-out in the car was stuck on twenty-seven degrees. Boston was beautiful--a winter wonderland. A few flakes drifted down as Dan's warm and cosy chariot carried us safely to his lovely apartment. I was a happy camper, wrapping myself in a comfy blanket of lustful anticipation, contemplating the pleasures that lay ahead of me, when Dan ripped it from me with one simple statement.

"I have a girl living with me," he said. "Her name is Brandi. You'll meet her when we get to the apartment." I gasped and put a hand to my throat, trying to catch my breath. Seeing how upset this unexpected piece of news had made me, he hurriedly continued. "Don't worry, Beth. This doesn't change anything between us. We can do whatever we want. She thinks that she and I are an item, but she's wrong. She's just 'a little gadget I screw in the bed.'"

He squeezed my knee and grinned. I'd gotten his lame joke, but I wasn't impressed. This must be the same bitch that caused Kate and Kelli to move out. At first I didn't know what to do. Should I get back on the plane and go home? I didn't like that idea one bit. Giving up my lover, a tropical vacation, and a new wardrobe, I couldn't see the sense of that. I'd come this far so I decided to just be cool and figure out a way to deal with this shitty situation. Then he proceeded to make it worse.

"We might even have some fun with her."

"Yeah, right. Tell me. How old is she?"

"She's almost nineteen."

"Shit, Dan. You're inviting me to go to bed with a fucking teenager. I'm middle-aged for god's sake. You do this kind of shit and that makes women like me crazy. Hell, even though they both love you, Kate and Kelli bailed on you. Now you expect me to put up with this. I don't like it one damn bit. I don't want you comparing me to your young stuff."

"Don't be silly, Beth. You're beautiful and sophisticated, not to mention, the best lover I've ever had. Brandi is nothing more than a pretty little slut who keeps my bed warm."

"Where did you find this female appliance?"

"I picked her up at the same club where I met Kelli--it's a good place to shop for pussy." I pointedly removed his hand from my thigh.

"She's a topless dancer with a bad tit-job and ambitions of becoming a model. She's typical, like hundreds of other girls. Long, bleached-blonde hair and skinny hips. The bitch is a bony ride."

"If you think so little of her, why the hell is she living with you?"

"I've been working night and day for the past six months to secure this promotion and haven't had time to look around, or date, or anything. Having Brandi handy is better than jerking off."

I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing. This was vintage Dan--handy Brandi, huh. He was just using this poor little girl. I decided not to let her ruin this for me. I was here to have fun and that was what I planned to do.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"You," I said, putting my hand on the front of his pants. "You treat your women like we're packages of snack cakes from a convenience store. You just keep us on hand, opening us up for your enjoyment whenever you're ready."

He glanced at me, clearly puzzled. "You're not like that, Beth. I'd never take you for granted. You're witty, smart, and poised, a delight to be with. Not only that, but you're terrific in bed, and also good to talk to, plus you're not afraid to tell it like it is." He grinned. "Like you just did. In short, I've never met a another woman like you and that's probably a good thing because, if I had I would've married her and undoubtedly screwed that up too like I did my first two marriages."

"That's sweet," I said. "I mean all those nice things you said and also the part about marrying someone like me. Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep looking. You'll find the right girl some day."

"See what I mean about you being special. You've made me feel good with just a few words. I'm really looking forward to being your doting husband for the next ten days."

"Me too, lover," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Honey, get ready because I'm going to spoil the shit out of you."

We pulled into the garage and parked in his reserved stall. He got my bag and we rode up in the elevator to the top floor. He opened the door and there was Brandi all smiles as she tried to kiss Dan. He turned his head aside so her lips just brushed his cheek.

Wrapping a possessive arm around his waist, she said, "You must be Beth. "Danny's told me so much about you that I feel like we're almost sisters." She giggled. "Sisters that share everything, that is."

"You're right. I am the Beth you've heard about," I said, seeing Dan roll his eyes as he took my coat. "Strange that you should mention sharing. I've got a sister and she's already shared Dan with me."

The smile disappeared from her face and the look of despair that replaced it made me feel sorry for her in spite of myself. Shit, I couldn't even gloat over smacking her down.

"I'm sure we'll become good friends," I said. "After all, we both love Dan and want him to be happy."

Brandi was smiling again as she led the way into the living room. The gas fireplace was casting welcome warmth and light into the room.

"That's a beautiful dress," she said. "Red is very becoming on you." I tried to detect a hidden dig, but she seemed sincere. Maybe this wasn't going to be as ghastly as I'd feared upon first meeting her.

"We have time for a drink before we go to dinner," Dan said. "I thought the Italian place up the block would be fun." He glanced down at my shoes.

"I have some flats in my bag," I said. "I can change into them."

"Just for the walk there," Dan said. "I want you to wear those heels at dinner. I love seeing you in those 'catch me, fuck me' specials."

I laughed. "No problem. I'll take them along. As I remember, this place isn't all that fancy. Won't we be overdressed?"

"Don't worry. We'll make it a special occasion--our reunion. You and I will be fine wearing what we've got on and Brandi will put on something nicer than those jeans. Why don't you go and change, sweetie, while I fix us all a Margarita."

She went into the bedroom and I took the opportunity to give Dan a serious kiss. As our tongues got re-acquainted, I put my hand on the front of his slacks and felt him grow. We broke our kiss and leaned back in one another's arms, pressing our hips together.

"Shit, Beth. You're just as hot as I remember. This is going to be an exciting trip."

He slid his hands down and cupped my ass. I kissed him again, little butterfly kisses, as I said, "I love to have you touch me and before this adventure is over I want your fingerprints on every square inch of my body."

"Honey, I'll play you like a piano. Now about that drink--it is a Margarita, isn't it?"

"You remembered correctly. Blended please."

We were grinning at each other like fools while I climbed on a stool at the bar and watched him fix our drinks. He poured three drinks into wide, short-stemmed glasses with salt on the rim and handed me one. We clinked glasses.

"Here's to a dynamite vacation," he said and we drank. "By the way, Brandi has some sort of audition or something in New York this weekend, so she'll be out of the picture after tonight."

"That's excellent," I said. "I'll have you all to myself and we can screw ourselves silly. We've got a lot of catching up to do."

Brandi returned dressed in a short, black, cocktail dress that highlighted her cleavage and her dancer's legs. I grudgingly admitted to myself that she looked pretty good. But, what the hell, the little bitch was eighteen. Even homely people look good at that age. She picked up her drink and raised it to me. We drank, eyeing one another over the rim of our glasses.

"You look very pretty," I said. "That gown really flatters you. I can see why you and Dan are an item."

It was like the sun coming out. She smiled widely and said, "Thank you, Beth. That was a nice thing to say. I was kind of intimidated by you at first. You're so beautiful that I was worried about you and my Danny, but I felt better after I remembered that he said you two aren't romantically involved, just friends with business interests in common." She smiled warmly. Getting along with Brandi was getting easier by the minute. Not only was she gullible, the girl was about as deep as a pizza pan.

I looked at Dan and we both had trouble suppressing our grins. Business, huh. God knows what hoo-haw he'd told her. I thanked her for the compliment and then held up my left hand.

"I'm sure you've noticed my rings." She nodded. "I'm happily married to a wonderful guy. He and Dan are good friends and he approves of our relationship--he trusts us both to just have fun." I winked at Dan, Rick trusted us all right, he trusted us to screw each other's brains out.

"I hope I can marry a man like that some day," she said, giving Dan a wide smile.

The m-word got his attention. He drained his glass and stood up. "Time to head out. We all need to get an early start tomorrow. So, no late night stuff." I drank up and changed shoes. Dan insisted on carrying my heels and I raised my eyebrows at him. He smiled. Just what did he mean when he said he loved them? I was happy that I'd brought my warm coat because the temperature had dipped.

The restaurant was welcoming, cosy and warm, filled with good smells. The cold weather must have discouraged people because it was less than half-full. The waiter seated us in a corner booth and before Dan slid in to sit between us ladies he made quite a production of changing my shoes, even caressing my feet when slipping on my heels. For a moment or two, I thought he might kiss my instep, but he didn't go that far. Holding my foot, he looked up at me and said, "God, Beth. Even your feet are beautiful."