Beth's Story Pt. 01


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Tears flowed down my cheeks. Was I was witnessing the end of my marriage? The lights went on downstairs first and then after a few minutes, upstairs. I decided to wait before I went inside.

A few minutes later I quietly made my way around the side of the house. Looking through the patio door I could see clothing haphazardly scattered around the floor at the base of the stairs. Carefully, I entered through the sliding door into the den. The animalistic sounds of sex coming from the bedroom upstairs left no doubt to what was occurring.

After removing my shoes, I walked softly up the stairs, navigating around Billy's toys. The closer I got to the bedroom, the louder they became. He was fucking that whore in my bed. How could he? They didn't even bother to close the door.

The scene before me was like a porn movie. She was on her hands and knees facing away from the door. My once faithful husband was driving his cock hard and fast into her wet, sloppy cunt. I knew Randy well and could tell he was nearing the home stretch because of his rapid pace. The bed squeaked and the headboard drummed on the wall. They were so absorbed in their infidelity that they didn't even notice me standing in the doorway watching. Totally oblivious to all else, they were in a world of their own. However, I was about to turn that world upside down. She was screaming out her pleasure and begging for more.

"Oh my god! I love your big cock! Ohhh that's it! Harder! Don't stop! Fuck meeee..."

Her big fake tits were rocking with each thrust, and she was moaning her pleasure with each slap of skin. Randy was actually kind of elegant in his movements. His muscles strained and rippled like a well-honed athlete, a body I'm very familiar with.

Inching my way into the den of iniquity, I stepped on one of my son's toys. The toy was a rather authentic looking plastic gun. I picked it up and sat in the chair at the far end of the room and crossed my legs. I held the toy pistol in my lap. I could tell their sex was about to be concluded as Randy gripped her hips tightly as he emptied himself into her adulterous cunt. Spent, he collapsed on her in exhaustion.

They still hadn't notice me yet, so I deliberately coughed. She turned her head and looked at me.

In a panic, she screamed, "Oh my god! She's got a gun!"

I had never seen anyone move so fast in my entire life. She sprung out of bed, sprinted down the steps and out the front door. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of her running down the street naked.

"Shouldn't you at least go give her a robe?" I asked.

Surprisingly, Randy was calm. He looked at me and asked, "How long have you been here?"

"Awhile." I clapped my hands slowly and applauded him. I said, "That was quite a performance."

"What now? What happens next?"

"I really don't know. Was it worth it?"

He calmly thought a few moments and said, "I don't suppose me saying that she means nothing to me will help?"


"Is this the end of us?" he asked with a frown.

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"I think I'm more than sorry. I never meant to hurt you. It was thoughtless and selfish. What are you going to do?"

"Yes, you are thoughtless and selfish. Randy, you're an educated man. Tell me the difference between remorse and repentance."

"What the hell does it matter? What bearing does that have on anything?" he asked in frustration.

"Well, husband, it has everything to do with it. Remorse is what you feel when you get caught doing wrong and are facing consequences. Repentance is realizing you were wrong and are willing to do anything to rectify your transgression and change. I know you're remorseful right now, but I want more."

"What do you want? I'll do anything."

"Here is what is going to happen. I'm going back to my mom's place for the remainder of the three days. While I'm gone, I want you to pack your things and be ready to leave if I say so. When I get back, you'll find out your fate. Know this; if you ever decide to cheat again, there will be no other option but divorce. I will take this time away to figure things out. In the meantime, I hope you decide on repentance."

The doorbell sounded and I went to answer it. I could see through the front window the flashing lights of a patrol car. The entry bell rang twice more before I opened the door. There were two police officers standing there with the adulterous bitch wrapped in a blanket.

"That's her. She is the one that threatened to shoot me. Be careful, she has a gun."

I laughed at the accusation. The policeman had his hand on the butt of his pistol.

"Is that true, ma'am?" the officer asked.

"I will surrender the weapon in question." I carefully handed the officer Billy's toy.

I explained the situation to the police, not sparing any details. About then, Randy appeared fully dressed. He answered the officer's questions, ultimately supporting my story. The whore screamed at him that she'd get revenge. This was almost funny. Threatening someone in front of the cops? She really was a dumb blond.

Before leaving, the senior officer turned to the angry slut and said, "I think you're extremely fortunate this was only a toy, miss."

I walked past them all and went to my car.


The next three days were pure agony. My heart ached. I needed a consoling ear so I told my mom that Randy cheated on me. She was sympathetic but surprised me by telling me my dad had an affair too. I was flabbergasted at that admission. I never knew. My mom was candid, saying we were both adults and I was mature enough now to handle the family dirty laundry.

"How did you and dad work it out?" I asked, trying to get advice on my own situation.

"Your dad would not want me to tell you this, but like you, I'm a proponent of the truth. We eventually agreed on unusual methods to save our marriage."

"Unusual? How so?"

She took a sip of tea and continued, "We decided that I should take lovers."

"What?! You and dad had an open marriage?"

"Not had, but have... Dear, I love your dad dearly but monogamy wasn't ever going to work for us."

"Didn't you ever worry about being caught?"

"We are very careful. No one knows us better than you do. Did you know?"

"Mom! I can't believe this. I always knew you were beautiful and popular, but..."

"What do you mean were? The guys still chase me. Sweetheart, this is more common than you know. But this isn't about me. Would you allow me to ask you something personal?"

"Sure, anything."

"Randy is really a sexy guy. Is he as good in bed as he is to look at?"


"Hey, I'm getting older but not blind yet... In spite of what he did, do you still love him?"

"God help me, but yes... I love the cheating ass."

"Then I trust you'll work it out. Your dad and I have been married almost twenty-eight years and I'm still late-forties. Since... our arrangement, we've never been happier. Remember, this is our little secret."

"I won't say a word, but... Mom! Really?" She grinned.

Randy called several times but I didn't answer. He needed to think about his actions. I needed this time to figure my options and they were many. First, I called an attorney friend—Madge. I needed to get a professional's opinion of what divorce would look like. It devastated me to even consider it. The main thing in my mind was that divorce would rob Billy of the loving family he deserves. That alone made me put it on the bottom of the list. I got on the internet and researched alternatives to divorce.

My time with Mom and Dad was productive. I considered many things, but I wanted Randy to suffer consequences and not reward him for his unfaithfulness. I had a plan, but I needed Madge's help to iron out the legal details.

During the drive home, I rehearsed what I was going to say over and over. When I pulled in the driveway, Randy was waiting. He rushed up to me expecting a hug, but I put my hand on his chest and said, "We're not there yet."

He frowned and said, "Where's Billy? Where's my son?"

"Relax, I dropped him at your mom's. She understood we needed time. Kudos to you for telling her the truth. That is a plus for your side. Let's go inside. Take my bag if you would."

It was hard not to notice that he had followed my directions while I was gone. His bags were packed and lined up by the entry. He had also cleaned the house spotless. I walked over to the kitchen dinette, sat down, and placed my briefcase on the table-top. Randy poured me a cup of fresh coffee and put it in front of me.

"Are you ready to hear my decision?" I asked.

"Of course, but no matter what it is, I want to tell you I love you and I am completely repentant. I will do anything to make this right."

"That is good to hear."

I opened my briefcase and took out two folders.

"I have given you two options. Folder A, which is a legal separation and application for dissolution of marriage. This includes a plan for shared custody of Billy."

He grimaced and the pain showed on his face.

"Then there is folder B, which I will call a 'Postnuptial Agreement' that details our marriage structure from now on."

He pulled option B to himself and started to read.

"Note the detailed list of consequences if the agreement is violated. Once it is signed, it is legal and binding. There will be no negotiation of the terms I have chosen. If you have questions, ask them now."

"You don't have to be so cold. You're not an attorney."

"I had an attorney draw this up. Once signed and notarized, it is legal and binding."

He grumbled and read each page carefully, occasionally writing notes on a separate pad. He finished and read it again. Finally, he said, "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely, dead serious. Would you like any clarity to option B? Or do you just want to sign option A?"

"Section one says that if I'm unfaithful I lose all parental rights. Does that mean I'll lose my rights of visitation if you divorce me?"

"It means I have 100% total control of any visitation rights upon divorce. I know how much you love your son. I'm not an evil bitch that will keep you from your boy or any other children we might have. I look at this as an incentive rather than punishment. Keep your dick where it belongs and that is a non-issue."

"Section two lists things like shared domestic responsibilities. Is that really necessary?"

"Yes, I put that in there to show an equal partnership includes everything, including domestic responsibilities and childcare. If you notice, this goes two ways. I must sign it also."

"The last section in paragraph four says that the first Friday of each month is a 'free night' for you. It defines a free night as a night where you are free of all marriage constraints. What the hell does that mean?"

"It means what it says. Did you really think you could cheat and walk away unscathed?"

"So this is your way to exact revenge? To have me sign a document allowing you to essentially cuckold me?"

"Randy, I've been faithful while you have broken all our vows. Do you really believe I will revenge fuck you? The possibility is all I want. I think this gives me fair compensation for the harm you've caused. I can use that night for whatever I decide."

"That is ludicrous. I can't sign that. I'm not some wimp cuck."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Randy." I pushed folder A to him and said, "Sign the separation documents then. My attorney's number is in the opening page. Anything further you want to discuss, contact her. I expect you to vacate the premises immediately. I'm sorry we couldn't make it work."

I stood up to leave and he blocked my way. "Wait, I'll sign the damn document. I love you and my son. You know I can't survive without you."

"Randy, do you remember about repentance? I don't want a forced signature from you. I demand contrition. This contract is not for me, it's for you. Honesty and trust are mandatory for this to work."

"Sweetheart, this took me by surprise, that's all. I was thinking you'd demand counseling but there is no mention of it."

"Randy, I don't need therapy and neither do you. Besides your inability to keep your dick in your pants, you're a great husband and father. You needed incentive, not counseling."

"We already have a contract. It's called a marriage license."

"Yes we do, and how did that work out?"

"I made a mistake."

I laughed sarcastically and replied, "From what I saw, that was no mistake. A mistake is mixing up a cookie recipe, not screwing your dippy blond secretary into unconsciousness."

He took the pen and signed and dated each page.


Life started to get back to normal. With the conditions and consequences looming over him, Randy seemed to resign himself to his future. We didn't discuss the contract further until my first free night quickly approached on the calendar. I had circled each date in red.

We had just finished a vigorous session of love making. Randy put extra effort into it like he was trying to either prove something or mark his territory. I suspected a little of both.

"You're not still going out are you? We've had a great two weeks. Aren't you happy?"

"Yes, I'm happy. But yes, I'm still going."

He looked like a kid that just had his wagon stolen. I put my hands on his cheeks and turned his face towards me.

I said, "Alright, it's honesty time. Since you obviously want to discuss this, I'm going to ask you some questions and I want complete honesty. If you lie or I find out you lied, I will enact the dissolution clause."

"Damn, woman! You should have been a fucking lawyer."

"I'm not going to ask you if that whore was the only time you cheated on me because I'm not sure I could handle the truth, but I am going to ask how many times you fucked her."

"You mean times we met or the number of times we actually screwed?"

"Since I know you are good for at least two times a pop, I'll take the number of meetings and double it. I think that's generous... so, what's your number?"

"Besides the one time here you already know about, I think the figure is... let's see... twelve?"

"Seriously? How'd you ever find time for work?"

"I guess it sounds kinda bad when you put a number to it."

"So, twenty-four? Is that a fair number?"

"Yeah, it's fair. I'm so sorry."

"Yup, remorse is a bitch. So what do you think, does twenty-four Fridays for me sound fair? And... if I ever do hook up, I assure you I will always use protection, unlike you barebacking that slut in my marital bed."

"What am I supposed to do while you're out?"

"Look at this as a win-win situation. You and Billy get a guys night together and I get... a guy night too." He frowned.

On Thursday, while we ate lunch, I told Randy that I was using my spa gift he gave me so I might be an hour or so late coming home. I suggested he might pick up takeout.

He looked at me intently and said, "When I bought you that spa gift card, I was thinking you'd use it on a weekend for some me time, not to prep yourself for a date."

"Who said anything about a date? You're getting carried away. It's my free night. I haven't even made plans yet."

"You don't even care that this hurts me and jeopardizes our family?"

"Trust me that I know the feeling. Think about how I felt watching you fucking that tramp. That's why I had you sign the contract. There has to be consequences for your actions."

"I agreed to this, but I don't have to like it."

"This is my first Friday. At least pretend you want me to have a good time."

"That is asking a lot. I can't endorse this."

"As I remember, you already did."


The spa was great. Randy bought the works for me and it was wonderful. The facial and mud bath were a little weird, but the massage by Andre was heavenly. That was the first time since I met Randy that another man's hands on my body. It was both therapeutic and erotic. He said he could give me a happy ending, but I declined. The perky little Filipino girl offered me a full body wax for an extra fee and I did it. Randy always wanted me to shave my pussy. He should be happy now because I opted for the full Brazilian.

Time got away from me. I looked at the clock. It was seven-thirty. By the time I got home, Randy had put Billy to bed. I made some tea and was stirring it when Randy came down. He took one look at me and wolf-whistled.

"Holy crap! You clean up nicely. You look like you're going to the prom."

"Thank you, honey. It was a wonderful gift. What do you think about my hair? This was the first time I ever had it styled."

"You're the most gorgeous red-head I've ever laid eyes on, but you already know that."

"It's always nice to hear it from my husband... I have a big surprise for you. You can unwrap it shortly. I'm going up to say goodnight to Billy. You pour us some wine and bring it up to the bedroom."

"Your wish is my command, M'Lady."

I bent to kiss my darling boy, and he stirred. "Mommy, you smell good."

"Shhh, go to sleep."

I looked in the bath mirror. Somehow, I looked and felt sexier than I could ever remember. At twenty-seven, my body was still firm and my belly flat despite having a child. I looked at my full, perky breasts and remembered those early teen years when I worried if I was going to ever grow boobs. Then, the summer of my sophomore year, I found my myself buying a C-cup that I outgrew by graduation. I was glad I got my mom's figure.

I looked in the spa gift bag and took out the nipple gloss. I chose a hot pink color that enhanced my quarter-size areola. The sheer nightgown was almost as see-through as cellophane. I confidently walked out of the dressing area. Randy was sitting on the bed wearing only his pajama bottoms.

"Oh my god! You are so beautiful... Did you...?"

I didn't reply but stood in front of him. He pulled my sash, allowing the nightgown to part. Randy appeared shaken as he slowly peeled the thin fabric off my shoulders. It was one of those moments that made me delighted to be a girl. I don't think guys realize the power estrogen has over them. At that moment in time, Randy belonged to me body and soul, completely lost in his desires.

"You did it!" he exclaimed, cupping my wet pussy.

"You like?" That was a question that needed no answer. The lust in his face told me all I needed to know.

I knew we were headed to a night that would be breaking us out of our pattern of routine sex. Randy couldn't wait to taste his new toy. He effortlessly lifted me up on the bed and pushed my thighs apart. I was glad I misted my new perfume on my mound. Randy was devouring me like a hungry man's favorite meal.

"Slow down, Stud. We have all night." That plea fell on deaf ears as his tongue worked its magic. When he licked my sensitive little rosebud, I jerked involuntarily. Every nerve in my body tingled. My body responded with a powerful first orgasm as he rolled my erect nipples in his fingers. I grabbed handfuls of his hair.

"Awww-ohhh. Oh my god!" I screamed out, but instantly thought about waking Billy.

"Shhhh," Randy whispered, putting his hand over my mouth. I giggled.

In the glow of the night lamp, I watched my muscled husband raise his torso and slide up my body to kiss me. He was aware of my hypersensitivity after I orgasm. Our familiarity with each other pays dividends in our intimacy. Pressed together, our tongues waltzed and I could taste the secretions of my pungent arousal on him. I'd make a poor lesbian. Not one of my favorite tastes.

It was his turn as he straddled my chest, presenting his formable erection to me. I engulfed his manhood but couldn't deep-throat him in that position. The taste of pre-cum signaled he wouldn't last long. I bobbed my head and felt him grow in my mouth. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to him. That was a telltale sign he was going to erupt. Moments later, he did, flooding my mouth. I swallowed his generous offering.