Between the Bars Pt. 03


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"Thank you," he breathed in my ear.

"For what?" It was so fucking hard to think when his hands were stroking my thighs, pulling me back into him.

"Anything. Whatever." His hand covered my cock and squeezed it lightly. "This."

His hands turned me then and I grabbed his shirt, soaking it with dishwater, while he caught my hair and tilted my head back to kiss me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and god he tasted so fucking good I never wanted to stop tasting him. Was there something addictive in his spit? Because that would explain how he made all these physical things happen to my body when he touched me and it wasn't just my cock, I felt him in the pit of my belly and the depths of my balls all the way out to my fingers and toes. His tongue lightly scraped the roof of my mouth and I sucked it deeper, it tasted so fucking sweet, sweeter than candy. Just kissing him made my head spin out of control and I couldn't think, everything around me was a blur but him, his arms around me and his hips grinding gently against mine so that his cock rubbed mine through the rough denim of my jeans.

The sharp edge of the counter digging into my ass woke me from my haze and so I slid backward until I was sitting on it next to the sink. Our mouths were still locked together as Daniel pulled me forward against him so he was standing between my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his, sliding my hand under the waistband of his long johns so I could stroke the tip of his cock with my thumb.

"Yeah, touch me," he whispered. Always happy to oblige, I wrapped my hand around his silky hard length and slid it slowly to the base and then back up again, drawing a groan from his throat.

"God... I want to be in you so bad..." he whispered with his eyes closed and the look of sheer need on his face mirrored the way I felt, that desperate burning ache for the one thing we couldn't have. He braced his feet apart while I jacked him long and slow, feeding him my tongue until I was totally lost. I was sliding off the counter and sinking to my knees on the kitchen floor when I suddenly heard the loud roar of an engine outside, getting louder as the vehicle approached over the frozen snow.

"Shit, what's that?" Daniel groaned, his fingers still threaded in my hair. I was getting up but he was unwilling to let go, still hoping it would go away.

"It's Paul." I sighed resignedly as I got to my feet. The whole universe was conspiring against me, more specifically, my dick and its satisfaction.

"Who?" he demanded with his face scrunched up in disbelief.

"My aunt's husband, remember she was sending him over to check on us?"

"We're fine." He growled.

I grinned, adjusting my lingering erection in the confines of my jeans. "He's known for his fabulous sense of timing."

"Nice way to meet your family." Daniel looked down ruefully at his cock tenting the thin clingy knit of the long johns and we both laughed in a jumpy, frustrated kind of way. "Way to make a first impression."

A glance out the window showed Paul pulling the snowmobile alongside the barn, his red face barely visible in all the scarves and hats and earmuffs. His bright blue coat stood out sharply in the frozen whiteness.

I sat down at the table and drew the chair up so the table blocked the view of my lap. Daniel went off to the bedroom to put some jeans on just as Paul pulled a couple of white plastic grocery sacks from the little space under the seat of the snowmobile and came up the walk. Despite my request to Charlotte, he didn't knock before he walked right in and I couldn't help grinning when I thought about what his reaction would've been if we hadn't heard him drive up when we did.


Chapter 15

"Too much ice for the four-wheeler, had to bring the snowmobile," Paul said by way of greeting when he blustered in, dropping the grocery sacks on the counter before he went over to the stove to get warm. He glanced at me sitting at the table; normally I would've hugged him, but not in my current state of arousal. He looked slightly puzzled at the omission, but he wasn't one to ask a lot of questions. The thought of how he might take the feel of my hard dick pressing against him made me grin to myself. "So how's it going?" he asked.


"Good." He nodded, pulling off his hunting cap, insulated gloves and the scarf wound around his neck. Paul was a solid, wide guy several inches shorter than me, with big hands and a round baby face. He was good looking in a teddy-bear sort of way, with thick shiny black hair and slightly sad dark eyes, quiet and cuddly, the kind of guy who could fix anything and make everything all right. "She was worried you'd be out of wood," he said. He didn't have to say her name; there was no other female to talk about. In his world, every "she" meant Charlotte.

"Holding up so far." I nodded.

Daniel came through the door just then, dressed in some jeans I'd found for him and that red-and-black plaid flannel shirt. A glance at his crotch showed me he'd managed to solve his own problem somehow; from there, my eyes skimmed over his lean body in the borrowed clothes. Something about a man in a flannel shirt made me so hot. Or maybe it wasn't all men; Paul was wearing one too when he shed his coat and he did nothing for me. No, it was just Daniel. Pictures of him taking care of his cock in the bathroom swirled in my head and I crossed my legs under the table. Fuck, he was hot. For a moment, I just sat there admiring him, and then I realized they were both kind of looking at me waiting for me to make introductions and I recovered my manners. They nodded politely when I introduced them, shook hands, exchanged a little small talk while I thought about naked fat women and dead puppies to make the ache between my legs go away.

"So where are you from, Daniel?" I heard Paul asking when I finally noticed what he was saying and I looked up, dismayed. Shit.

"Paul," I said sharply. "Don't start grilling him."

"It's okay. I'm from Tallahassee, lived there all my life until I went into the Army."

"Ry's grandparents live in Florida. What do you do for a living?"

"I'm an Internal Affairs investigator with the Tallahassee police," Daniel answered. He paused and looked at me before continuing, offering a surprising amount of information. "I was an Army Ranger for about six years, and when I finally got out five years ago, I went back home and joined the force. I worked in vice, but very bad things were happening in the division and when Internal Affairs approached me about joining them to investigate the vice squad, I agreed and I've been doing that ever since."

This was all in answer to Paul's question, but he was looking my way when he said it, giving me the answers I'd sought earlier, now that I wasn't asking. Telling me without words that asking would get me nowhere, that he would tell me what he wanted me to know in his own time, on his own terms. I could accept that. Not that I had much choice. The one little push I gave him could've been a major setback; it could've forced him even further into his shell. I should've known better. Observation was the key to this man, not questions. If I was ever going to know him, there could be no pressure from me; I could only be open to what he was ready to give.

"Oh, a cop," Paul was saying, brightening a bit.

I knew Paul well enough to know that he wouldn't tell Daniel that he was the chief of the volunteer fire and rescue squad. I wasn't going to tell him either, because I didn't want them to get into a lengthy conversation. I wanted Paul to leave. Fidgety and impatient, I was having a hard time keeping my mind on their words, on anything but tearing Daniel's clothes off. I needed his touch, his tongue buried in my mouth, the hard weight of his naked body on me, making the whole world stop. The images in my mind tugged at me like a dream I couldn't wait to get back into and reality seemed maddeningly inconvenient, nothing but an obstacle keeping me from what I craved.

"What'd you bring?" I asked abruptly.

Stopping with his lips open just about to respond to Daniel's question about when the roads would be clear, Paul eyed me with amusement and then turned around to the grocery bags on the counter. As much as I hated being so easy to read, sometimes it was good having a face that told everything I was thinking. It made conversations so much shorter.

"That's just some stuff Charlotte sent over, in case you didn't want to come back with me. I could make two trips, take you both over to the house...?"

"No," I shook my head almost too adamantly, making Daniel snicker under his breath. Paul rolled his eyes slightly but just started pulling some stuff out of the grocery sack. "I mean... we're dry, we have food, we have plenty of wood and kerosene for the heaters, so there's no need for us to impose on you. We're fine here. Right Daniel?" I asked brightly.

"Yeah. Being cut off from the outside world is actually kind of nice. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time." He leveled me a scorching smile that literally made me quiver where I sat and my hard-on surged demandingly in response. Fuck, Paul, won't you ever leave?

Over at the counter Paul was pulling bread, milk, eggs, some cellophane-wrapped cheese slices, butter and a package of ham lunch meat out of one of the bags. The other one contained a Thermos and a bottle of rum and a 2-liter of Diet Coke. I grinned when I saw that. My aunt was the fucking best.

"This is beef stew." He tapped the Thermos. "She thought you might like some lunch."

"How're we going to keep this stuff from spoiling without any power?" Daniel asked, puzzled. Paul stifled a snicker, and I smiled indulgently. He was so cute when he didn't have a clue. In the winter, the porch was another refrigerator; and there was a giant freezer right outside the back door if we'd needed it. You couldn't do that in Florida.

"If you take it out on the side porch, it'll be just fine, baby."

"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense." With a grin, Daniel grabbed the grocery sack and left the room. I stared after him, watching his ass in the slightly tight jeans, and looked up startled when Paul coughed.

"This should get you through the day and night. The county is saying the roads will still be closed off tomorrow. The next day it should probably..."

"Listen Paul," I interrupted. I didn't care if I sounded rude. I was desperate, and I could see the amusement in Paul's brown eyes but for once, I didn't care if I was making an idiot of myself. "You don't have a condom in your wallet, do you?"

"My wife won't let me have one," he deadpanned. And yeah, it would've been funny, if I hadn't been in such a predicament. Daniel came back in the room then and Paul bit back a smile, politely turning his eyes from the way I shuddered at Daniel's presence beside me. Even though he didn't touch me, I felt his warmth and electricity through my clothes and it sent waves of need through me. Obviously, it showed, because Paul picked up his coat and pulled it on.

"I better get home. Charlotte wants you to come over tomorrow. I'll send the kids over to get you around noon."

I barely noticed Paul getting all the cold weather gear on and heading for the door. I was too fascinated by the sly gleam of sex in Daniel's blue eyes staring into mine; so fucking intense, they were almost electric blue. The moment I heard the door latch click shut, I launched out my chair and attacked his hot, waiting mouth. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close so I could feel his muscular shoulders flexing under my hands. His baby-fine stubble tickled my palm as I stroked his scalp, teasing his tongue with mine, feeling him trickle through my body like warm liquid and soothing my desperate, raw impatience. He was my fix. Just a taste, and it helped, but I needed more. All morning, all I could think about was dropping to my knees for him. I finally let go of his neck and slithered down his body, scratching at his clothes to get to his flesh underneath.

My fingers were sure, pulling his shirt open. His nipples were already hard little buds when my tongue circled them and I pulled lightly with my teeth and heard him breathe in sharply. His eyes were so fucking blue looking down at me and the corners of his lips were curled up in a little smile, watching me as I dragged my tongue down his sternum, swirling it in circles while I breathed in his scent. The outline of his cock strained against the denim begging me to free it, but first I had to lick his amazing abs over and over, dipping my tongue into his belly button.

"Mmm... what are you doing..." Catching my shoulders, Daniel rotated his hips so my tongue swept his belly button. It was small and cute and I fucked it with my tongue until he moaned and tilted his head back. I grinned when I felt his skin prickle under my hands and his cock gave a twitch.

"Want me to take it out?" I breathed my hot breath on the sharply defined outline of the head.

"Yeah," he whispered. His hands caught my hair and a chill went down my spine when he tugged at it.

"Want me to lick it?"

"Yes..." he hissed.

My tongue traced his slit through the denim, then down the underside to that little place just under the head where all his nerves knotted into a hot spot that sent him through the roof. His knees hitched and I reached up and opened the button of his fly.

His cock sprang free and brushed my cheek. He sighed with relief and grabbed my hair. I looked up into his slitted eyes as I drew the zipper down, licking each millimeter of skin all the way down his shaft. A clear, sticky drop of liquid welled up into his deeply defined slit. His cock left me breathless. I stared at the pre-cum oozing up, then trickling out on the fat, flushed head. It drew me like the sweetness of honey.

Oh god, the taste. It exploded on my tongue and I grabbed his ass so I didn't sway like a drunk. His hand fisted into my hair. I closed my eyes and wrapped my lips around the thick head of his cock, my lips catching on the flared ridge, feeling it hit the roof of my mouth where it fit so perfectly, so warm and juicy. With my tongue, I could actually feel the blood pulsing in the sensitive little veins on the underside and I made a greedy little sound as I sucked at it.

Daniel gasped at the vibration and his other hand, the one not in my hair, came down and stroked his balls and tugged them gently. Seeing him take charge of his own pleasure was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. Looking up, watching his face, I sucked without moving my head, just surrounding his cock with the warm pull of my mouth and my tongue, watching the way his head fell back and his jaw dropped, lips parted, eyes rolled back while he uttered low, throaty sounds that made me tingle in waves, even though my hand was nowhere near my own dick. Touching myself didn't even matter; I didn't want to be bothered with it, I could just watch him and be happy.

"Oh... god... that's...."

Usually so vocal, all Daniel could manage was a few mumbled words. I felt his cock swell and his balls tense, felt his knees give, felt his hand tighten in my hair till it was almost painful so I knew he was about to come and I began to slide my mouth up and down his shaft, swirling my tongue over the head, until suddenly he pulled back on my hair.

"Wait," he panted, face red. He grinned down at me with his mouth open and gorgeously flushed and wet, his eyes glazed. "I want you bent over this table with your ass in the air."

His hands pulled me up and then he was grabbing me, peeling my jeans down, turning me around without any conscious thought on my part. My brain seemed to be on autopilot, just watching while he did what he wanted to me. The feeling was so fucking amazing, I was shaking all over, whimpering under my breath, my cock so hard it was almost painful when he pushed me against the table. Yes, fuck me, fuck me until I can't think. Think for me. Take my thoughts away.

Hands pulled me apart and fingers stroked my crack, teasing and circling my hole while something cool and slippery dripped down. A warm tongue and hot breath licked and teased my ass. A finger slipped inside my pucker, and then another finger stretched me a little wider; all the while, he whispered to me and I was caught up on the waves of his husky voice, I couldn't think, I bent forward across the cold table and arched my back, gripping the opposite edge of the table for dear life.

"Mmm, you know I love your ass Ry... it looks so hot when I push my fingers into it, you know that? So tight... God, I want to fuck it so hard..."

He growled with frustration and pushed a third finger inside me, a little rough, and my chest hit the table. His hands were warm probing at my hole. I writhed against the table, I arched my back against the invasion.

"You like that?" His voice was getting harsh and choppy. The warm, slippery tip of his cock danced over my ass cheeks, leaving a shining trail.

"Yeah." I was getting so close, my balls ached, yellow sparkly waves of fullness pinned me to the table while his fingers fucked me slow, delving deep. His hand pulling me up now, his warm body against my back, hand wrapping around the base of my cock while the fullness inside me turned into an explosion. His breath panted heavily in my ear and his body kept me upright while the orgasm ripped through me and my fingers and toes jerked with each spurt of cum that splattered across the table. I fell limply onto my arms, and Daniel jacked his own hot, sticky cum over my ass cheeks and my lower back.

"Holy fucking fuck," he breathed and the table shook with our giddy laughter.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Damn so hot!🔥

Tink22004Tink22004almost 5 years ago
So great

I love this story so much!! This is my second time reading this story and I am just as captivated by the story as the first time I read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Thank you

All I can say is thank you for writing this. I’m completely engaged. It feels like a gift you have offered :)

TimothyMTimothyMover 11 years ago

Yeah I agree, having to do without condoms made the story even more hot. So I'll accept the premise that they will do oral without worrying about STDs but not anal, even if they could have talked about whether it was safe. And it could also be a hygiene matter, rather than a concern about HIV.

And the comedy of having to ask his uncle for a condom was priceless.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 11 years ago
It didn't

It may be fantasy but it is their reality and the issue with condoms is valid, but the intensity of what they do due to that is priceless and well written. It adds another dimension to their relationship and in it's own way has helped Ry overcome some of his demons. Well done Carson

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
fuck condoms this is fantasy

this story is well developed and just amazing but the whole condom thing completely ruins the moment EVERY time. CONDOMS ARE NOT NECESSARY IN A FANTASY WORLD so why must you kill the mood?

Ex0ticPrincessEx0ticPrincessabout 13 years ago

Aww, so cute when Daniel mentioned he'd never seen so much snow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Hot freaky dripping with scorching sex . And it has a story.

taxpapabobtaxpapabobalmost 15 years ago
Hot Sex in an Icy Cabin

The hot, juicy sex just keeps getting better, and the relationship is rapidly deepening and opening into mutual trust -- all of this in an iced-over cabin out in the boonies! These loving horndogs have GOT to remember to pack condoms, but the tantalizing frustration of avoiding penetration gives the whole story an extra piquancy. I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You write marvellous stories. Keep the heat on!!

hollieVhollieValmost 18 years ago

That was hot. Can they stay snowed in all winter? With a visit from the condom fairy, of course.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Another fabulous story!

And in 3 large instalments. Great story, sympathetic characters. A thoughtful exploration of trust and falling in love. I can't wait to read the rest of the story!

Aurora BlackAurora Blackalmost 18 years ago

That's what these chapters are about. Finding it within yourself to trust another and be totally free with them. Being able to share hopes, fears, fantasies. I'm so very glad that this series is the first that I've read from you, Carson. You are truly gifted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
love it!

I fell in love with Daniel and Rylan all over again and had to read everything in a row you posted here so far.

This story absolutely kicks ass and I just wanted to let you know that it's your fault that I need a very long and very cold shower now :)

Where's the next part?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

You put such detail into your writing, I found myself laughing, getting choked up, and being continually aroused the entire time! Your characters are wonderful, the plot dynamic. Can't wait for the next part!

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