Beyond the Were War Ch. 05


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"Of course I'll be here. I'll do whatever you need to get these guys."

Andy smiled back at him. "I have to warn you before we bring her in. She was freed from the Cartel just a few days ago, she was the personal sex slave of Juan and shared with dozens of his men. She went through unspeakable hell for two years. Her mate Caleb will not leave her side, his touch is what keeps her from having a breakdown or running off when other males are around. You don't need to pity her or treat her differently, just keep your distance and stay professional." He nodded in understanding. "Is it all right if I bring them in?"

"Yes, but can you give me an hour to clean up and shower first? I wasn't expecting guests."

"Sure. Do you mind if we go get some stuff to make us all breakfast?"

"I'm not much of a cook..."

"That's OK, we'll take care of it if you don't mind us using your kitchen."

They left and went to the grocery store, Anna went in and came back with a whole cartful of supplies. "Hey, we've got five werewolves to feed and my mate won't be eating Ramen noodles any more. I know enough about human males to know the way to their heart is through their stomach."

Andy laughed at this. "Or a little lower." He yelped as Linda backhanded him. "What?"

"They don't need to know about that!" She crossed her arms across her chest, making her breasts stick out even more. "Even if it was true." This got all of them to laugh. This time they all got out and went to the apartment. They were all let in and Linda did the introductions. Caleb shook his hand firmly, but Maria just looked at him quickly before tucking herself back against his side. Enrique moved along, and when he saw Anna it was like time stopped.

She looked up at him, her wolf close in her mind as his scent danced around her. He smelled... well, amazing. Her eyes looked him up and down, appreciating his compact muscles and dark hair. She started to think about how those arms would feel around her, and this had her wolf jumping up and down in her mind demanding that she mark him before someone else could lay a claim. She had to close her eyes and kick her wolf back down. When she opened them again, he had moved closer to her and was reaching for her hand. She was frozen as he lifted it up to his lips, tingles flowing through her arm as he touched her. When he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles, her knees went weak and she fought to stay in place.

He seemed to be just as affected. He couldn't tear his eyes off hers once he looked into them. He didn't believe in love at first sight until now. It was just like when Michael Corleone saw the woman in Corsica and fell in love, it was the Thunderbolt. He could feel the sparks and didn't want to let go. "Welcome to my home..." He looked at her, waiting for her to respond.

"Anna. My name is Anna Thompson. Thank you for all you have done for our Pack, Enrique."

"There is no need, it was the right thing to do." He forced himself to look around, but kept hold of her hand. "Please, let me show you around. Let's just put the groceries on the counter for now." He led them all through the apartment, showing them the bathroom and all, but it was the spare bedroom that he needed them to see. It had an electronic lock on the door, he punched the combo, opened it and turned on the lights.

It wasn't a bedroom at all, it was an intelligence center. The walls were covered with photos and lines showing relationships. A large computer desk was in the center, with several large monitors attached. Low bookcases held file cabinets and folders. He opened the closed and pulled out some folding chairs. "This is my work room. You are the first people I've ever let in here." They fanned out around the room, Maria was focused on the photos but held tight to Caleb. Every once in a while she would freeze and close her eyes for a moment before she could move on. "I have a photographic memory, so when I see stuff at work I can come home and transfer it to my system. I have the entire Cartel on a database where I can look for relationships and tendencies. Whatever you need to figure out, I can try to help."

Maria had finished looking around the room and sat down in a chair. Her voice was weak, but her face was determined. "I know.. lots of different things. I forced myself to memorize things after I learned them, but I have trouble just getting the memories out."

"How do you remember best?"

"If you give me a face or a name, I can try and recall what I know about them. Same thing with places. You ask, I answer, and maybe that triggers me to remember more. We should get started, this could take days and I don't know what part of what I know will be important."

Anna stood up and left. "You all get to work, I'll take care of breakfast." She touched Enrique's arm as she left, the tingles in her fingers distracting her. She leaned in by his ear. "Is there something I can make for you?"

She felt her cheek almost explode as his hand came up to her cheek. "Why don't you make me what you like, I'm sure I will love anything from you." She was reluctant to pull away, but this wasn't the time to claim him. She walked out to his bachelor pad kitchen and started putting groceries away. She smiled and sang to herself as she was doing it. This wouldn't be so bad, she thought. He felt their connection already and she just had to take her time so she didn't scare him away.

Babies 'R Us

Billings, Montana

The three big vans emptied in the parking lot, and a dozen excited women piled out followed by three large and bored men. Escorting women buying maternity and baby stuff wasn't exactly the glory detail for a Pack beta, you understand, but the Alpha Females would have to be protected.

They had gotten a late start, the hunt the previous night had turned into a party and feast that lasted well into the morning. Renee hadn't gotten to sleep until past ten, so they had agreed to make a late shopping run. They stopped for dinner at a nice Italian place, then to the mall. People better watch out, she thought, you've got a bunch of hormonal pregnant women with credit cars on the move! They split up once they got inside, leaving on e Beta with the cars and another two near the front. Renee went to the maternity clothing section, she could get the stuff for the nursery back home but she was running out of things that went around her growing belly.

She found a few dresses she liked and headed back to the dressing rooms. There were so many human scents around she didn't notice anything before she felt the prick as the needle went into her neck. A hand was around her mouth, normally her strength would have been enough but she was already slipping into unconsciousness. Her last thought was to mind link for help but this wasn't her Pack anymore and no one heard her.

Carter's Temporary Agency

(Formerly New Mexico Secure Savings and Loan)

West suburbs of Albuquerque

It had taken another day to get the planning done and rent the vehicles, so they didn't arrive at the site until just after midnight. Robert watched his team go into action from the SUV with the tinted windows across the street. Thre men had already broken in and were at the vault, through the pack bond he got updates on their progress. A moving van with a lift gate was backing up to the door, and another two SUV's on either side had their backs open and people streaming out. Three more pallet jacks were on their way in before he got word the vault doors were open.

"All clear, Alpha." He had sentries three blocks away in every direction to give warning of any Cartel response, all were heavily armed. "Holy shit, boss... she wasn't lying."

"Cut the chatter, men. Get it loaded and out now." Men with large duffel bags started to scoop money, bonds, gold and jewelry while others moved their pallet jacks into place for the money. It wasn't easy to maneuver the pallets of cash out, but the men were disciplined and prepared so it went like clockwork. "Four minutes." They had set a limit of eight minutes to get out of there. The first pallets were on the lift gate at the five minute point, the bags being tossed into the backs of the SUV's. "Five minutes." One more trip for bags and the two SUV's started to pull away, turning in different directions. They would take different ways back to the territory. "Six minutes." The second set of pallets was now being placed on the lift gate. The remaining men met a panel truck as it stopped and the back opened. Each man grabbed a body, hoisting it on his shoulder and sprinting into the vault with it. "Seven minutes." The last men were being taken in, and two more SUV's pulled up so men could load. The moving van door was closed and it was pulling away, followed shortly by the rest of the men. Only Robert's vehicle remained waiting, because he wasn't done yet.

"Eight minutes." Each vehicle checked in, all were clear and on their way back. Each large vehicle was escorted by at least two other vehicles, and they were ready for opposition with pistols at the ready and rifles by their sides. "Nine minutes." Shortly after his men on the east side reported two vehicles approaching at high speed. "Gila pack members, clear out and meet back home." He watched as the Cartel gunmen passed his car and verified that they were armed before turning to the man in the back seat. "Jose, wait until they stop."

The vehicles pulled up next to the open doors, screeching to a halt as armed men jumped out. Jose pushed a button and the night lit up; Claymore mines exploded from the front and back. The ball bearings tore through men, vehicles and equipment without mercy. "Let's go, people." The SUV pulled into the street, heading back home.

The Gila pack was now the richest pack in the entire world.

Enrique's Apartment

El Paso

"Come on guys, it's time to get some rest." Anna walked up behind Enrique, rubbing his shoulders as he sat at the computer. Except for bathroom and the meals she had cooked for them during the day, they had been in this room all day and half the night. Enrique started to object, but she was having none of it. "You should know that sleep is a weapon, you need to be sharp if you are to find what you need. Linda, you and Andy need to head back to the hotel, and take Caleb and Maria with you. We can meet back here at eight in the morning."

"What about you, Anna?"

Anna just smiled. "I have things to take care of here. Enrique, you don't mind if I stay, do you?" He smiled and kissed her hand. "Good. Say goodnight and get off to the shower, I'll get them going.

Enrique did what she asked, and soon was daydreaming about the beautiful young woman in the next room. She had driven him to distraction all day long, and more than once he had to adjust his package as his erection became uncomfortable. She was attentive, kind, a great cook, and he couldn't stand being away from her. His erection was on the move again, he reached for the body wash and got his hands soapy. It would be better for him if he took care of this now.

He moved his hand over his glans, moving in a circle as he worked it to full hardness. He closed his eyes and pictured her in his mind, remembering the feeling of her nipples rubbing his back as she worked out the kinks on his shoulders. He screamed when the curtain was moved and a smaller hand covered his.

"Let me take care of this." Anna didn't let go of his cock as she moved into the shower in front of him. He went to say something, but she pulled him down into a kiss instead. She didn't really know what to do, but she followed his lead as he pulled her close. He cupped her face with his hands, tilting his head slightly to allow the kiss to deepen. She moved her hand around his shaft in time with his tongue, which was exploring her mouth and twirling around her tongue. He head was spinning as his dominance took hold. She let go of his cock, moving her hands up to his neck as she pressed her wet sex into his groin. She was rapidly losing control as she started to move her pussy lips along his hard shaft. She needed him, and needed him now. She raised her leg, hooking it around his waist as she pulled herself up.

"Please... I need you." He looked into her eyes and felt like he was drowning in the feelings he had for her. He reached down and cupped her firm ass, lifting her up easily. She reached down and positioned him at her entrance before sinking down on him. She couldn't help but let out a pained yip as he tore through her maidenhead. She buried her face in his chest, not wanting him to see her pain.

"Anna... am I your first?" He used his nose to move her head back so he could see her lovely eyes.

"Yes... and my only. I know it seems rushed, but I knew you were my mate before I even laid eyes on you." His eyes were an open book to her as the emotions played through them- shock, lust, love and acceptance. He hadn't moved, he didn't say anything, just held her while he was buried to the hilt in her and waited for her to say something. "And I don't regret a thing, Enrique. I need you to make me yours now."

"It all makes sense now, Anna. I think I love you too." He reached up and turned off the shower, then told her to hold on tight. Without withdrawing, he moved them out of the shower and the bathroom and over to his bed. Bending over, he laid her gently on top and scooted them to the middle. "Your first time shouldn't be in the shower, Anna. Let me make love to your properly."

He took her mouth with his lips, aggressively this time, as he started to rock his hips back. She moaned into his mouth as the sensation moved through her, then her eyes went wide and he plunged home again. She moved her legs up, her heels crossed behind his pale ass, trying to drive him even deeper with every thrust. Her arms moved up and down his sides, leaving scratches behind as he drove her lust higher and higher. The tension started in her toes, but quickly moved up her legs until her core exploded from the sensation. "ENRIQUE!!" Her head moved from side to side as she felt his hot come shooting deep within her. He collapsed onto her before rolling to the side, still buried inside her.

She heard the door to the apartment crash open and the sound of booted feet. She rolled away and shifted into her brown and white wolf just as the door to their bedroom was kicked open. Two men dressed in black poured in, their suppressed machine pistols spraying the room. She leaped for the first man, her teeth finding his neck and ripping it out. She turned for the second man, but his head was already bitten off by the werewolf that had just run into the room. Both shifted back, uncaring of the blood or the dead men. She recognized Brett from the El Paso pack.

"I saw these men coming in, I couldn't get here fast enough. I've contacted my Alpha, he is sending men."

They heard a gurgling sound in the room. Anna dove over the bed to find Enrique on the floor, blood coming out of his mouth as he held his hand to a bloody spot on the right side of his chest. "Anna... love... you..."

Unknown Location

Renee fought the darkness in her mind, focusing on her other senses as she started to wake up. She was in a box, there was very little light, just enough of an opening for air to make its way in. Her arms and legs were bound with chain, she could tell it was silver by the way it heated her skin. She couldn't feel her wolf, they must have injected her with wolfsbane to keep her down.

Whatever vehicle she was in had stopped and when the door went open she could smell the aviation fuel. She was loaded into an aircraft, and as it took off, all she could do was pray to Luna she would get out of this alive.

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jra13jra13over 2 years ago

You seem to have a recurring theme... Cartels for one. In several of your stories. Will we read about heads hanging on fences in this one?

PeckingChickenPeckingChickenover 2 years ago

WHat idocy. The story assumes that all commo is compromised and declares that all werewolves are in some kind of war is a massive criminal conspiracy that has billions of dollars to spend so... we go on shopping trips and send small teams out to unsecured (and unsecurable) locations? Just silly.

skippersdadskippersdadalmost 3 years ago

Holy shit can anything more happen to her .

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
Drama Again

I'm in luck reading this now as it's all posted but if I had to wait for the next chapter I think I'd go bonkers.

Simply great, the tension just gets ratcheted up and you're never sure what's going to happen next. Not good to have contacted Agent Miller as we read which was a little off as I thought Robert ad been told the office was compromised.

How did they finger Enrique?

5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I can't take it.

One more loss for the good guys and I will full on freak out!! And if Renee dies I will need some aroma therapy and a massage to deal with the stress. Kidding. Sort of.

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