Fundamentalists and the Bible 01


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These last two men, Rushdoony and Falwell, did much to push Fundamentalism to where it is today. Recent politician, Representative Michelle Bachman, a candidate for the Republican nomination for President this year, openly praised Fundamentalism as has Sarah Palin. Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania, and recent candidate for the Republican nomination for President this year, also was openly biblical in his public stances.

But it is Rushdoony who exemplifies the power of the Fundamentalist belief through his follower, Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr., who donated a reported $900,000 to the Proposition 8 amendment to nullify California's Same-Sex marriage law. Between that donation, the Catholic Church, The Mormon Church, and others, most likely Baptists, and Seventh Day Adventists, but many other Evangelical, and or, Fundamentalist churches, they caused the passage of Proposition 8, and overthrew Same-Sex marriage in California.

All of the Fundamentalist churches push to drive our nation to a theocracy, or a nation much like Iran's, as well as doing what they can to bring about the Rapture wherein they hope Jesus will come and take them to heaven before the much ballyhooed wars of the Tribulation period as written of in many popular books such as The Late Great Planet Earth, and Left Behind by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye respectively.

And a not so hidden agenda

For now, though, it's all about marriage. They're protecting the sanctity of marriage. However, no one tells them that they can't marry, nor does anyone say they have to end their marriage, therefore there is no need to "protect the sanctity of marriage", save for the high divorce rate of heterosexuals. They even passed a national law called the Defense of Marriage Act to try to dictate who could marry.

They blame homosexuality for attacking marriage. To put it bluntly, if there's an attack on marriage, it's the marriage partners themselves who are the ones that marriage needs to be protected from. And since it's all their choice of what to do between themselves as marriage partners, gays, lesbians, transvestites, transgenders, and transsexuals have nothing to do with their marriage.

Are they trying to cover up the falling apart of heterosexuals who wish to dissolve their marriages by blaming someone other than themselves?

Perhaps more to the point, who is it that might be benefiting from creating dissention such as saying same-sex marriage is against the Bible, or that Lesbians are as prohibited from their sexual preference just as men with other men are when the Bible does not specify that? Most likely many actually do believe what they think the Bible instructs. Others? If politicians, maybe they also believe (as Mr. Gipson seems to), and maybe they're just pandering to a select group that hollers very loudly, and sometimes with great intelligence.

Then again, maybe these leaders of the Fundamentalists should be looked at for their silly grab at power, prestige, egotism, or maybe money. Yes, many of them live lavishly, and it's the congregations that set them up as if it was their right to be treated so richly. Or are some trying to be as the Catholic church in power and prestige, and perhaps corruption? There is no doubt that the Catholic church has a history of corruption.

[For a look at possible monetary gain by many of these men, do an Internet search in the following way (for any that aren't familiar with searching): Name of your favorite or best known preacher, followed by a space, then the plus sign, another space, then "Financail worth". You may be very surprised by how much money they've accumulated.]

Whatever they are up to, it is for sure that their loud and bombastic cries of the Bible saying no to this, that, and the other and that people be put to death, is a fraud based on an error-filled Bible that they don't look at, or won't tell anyone about. Many former Christians have become researchers, and have come to the conclusion that the Bible is indeed error-filled.

For sure, just one error makes their claim wrong. It is plain as day for anyone that there are two and very differing accounts of Noah and the flood. Personally, II never heard of seven clean pairs of animals plus one unclean pair ever being mentioned in church. Why? It is easy to see if they are true students of God's word as they went to special bible colleges to learn God's word. Don't those colleges teach of the second account of Noah's flood? I don't know for I've never been to one of those colleges, or seminaries as some call them. If not, why don't they teach it? If they do, why isn't it told to the congregations?

Maybe it's easier to not say anything, and keep the congregation up in arms over homosexuality.

Their lack of outcry over violations of the Law

If it's so important to uphold God's laws such as homosexuality between men, what about the rest of the laws? For instance:

How many Fundamentalists stone their continually disobedient children, or children who curse them?

How many of the preachers that have been caught in sexual violation of the Law have been stoned to death?

Have they raised their voices against the priests, bishops, and other church pedophiles, in the Catholic church as they have against homosexuality, and demanded they be put in electrified fences until they died, or kill them as the Bible prescribes?

Have they demanded stoning the Catholic church, including the Pope(s) and other higher ups, for hiding sexually offending priests so that they could continue their sexual crimes?

Have they screamed about the counselors of the New Tribes Mission who sent both parents out to evangelize while they raped and molested their children? Why haven't they paraded and demanded that they be stoned to death for lying and crimes against children?

Perhaps important personages that covered up the crimes of Jerry Sandusky against children are too important to demand that they be stoned, or is it that the Bible doesn't make that a sin?

How about Mr. Sandusky himself? I saw no outcry against him by a collective of Fundamentalists as I hear over homosexuality. Why not?

Has there been a hue and cry over the minister of the huge church in Hammond, Indiana over his having sex with a minor, not to mention committing adultery? Has any said to stone him? There's been no collective outcry to stone him, or electrify him, or anything else. Or would they rather stone just the woman as in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 3. No, thank goodness they haven't tried to stone her. But what about the man she was supposed to be having sex with?

Do Fundamentalists scream out to have those who rape stoned?

Do they demand that women prove their virginity on their wedding night, or be stoned?

Do they holler and demand stoning for every kidnapper?

There is so much wrong with how Fundamentalists pick out what they will demand, and for now, it's easy to demand an end to homosexuality, as well as making that a springboard to convincing people that this "shameful" sin is good reason to make this nation a nation that obeys God's laws as in the Old Testament.

My personal rant against Fundamentalists

There is a sickness in what the Fundamentalists are trying to do, and it's tearing up too much, especially many innocent girls who can't help how something in their person tells them to desire another woman as a mate.

Fundamentalist preachers scream endlessly from their pulpits, and incite their congregations to push their views against others like girls who love other girls, women who love other women. They make it intolerable for any peace of mind in these unfortunate girls who are shamed and made to feel guilty for feeling as they do. They frighten them with their words of damnation, and the threat of separation from God and consignment to the burning fires of hell. In other words, they terrorize their minds, humiliate them though they hide it, and stress them out to where it's hard for them to function as they normally would in good health, especially mentally and psychologically. They can't help how they were born to be.

Born to be? Why, God made men, and he made women, and they're supposed to be married and have children, and nothing else in between, right? No, that's not right. Yes, the God of the Bible says something like that, but it's also said many other things that we cringe from if we stop and take a look at them.

God doesn't make mistakes, and how men and women are supposed to be is all there is to it.

Okay, what about the man in the news, Steve Cercelius, who went to have a medical problem looked at, and found out he was intersexed [being both sexes simultaneously], perhaps more female than male. He was born that way. He did father some children with his wife. Doesn't that tell Fundamentalists, and others, something about how things are supposed to be? Things are as they happen within an individual, not as a very error-filled Bible says.

Will Fundamentalists look for laws to blame their God over this? Will they perhaps seek to stone him for embarrassing them, never mind that Stevie's wife and children accept his change to be a woman as he was also born to be? No, God doesn't make errors, at least not the God of the Bible. Maybe the Fundamentalists will give God absolution in this case and not demand to stone him for making Steve/Stevie both man and woman just as they don't demand that priests, bishops, cardinals, popes, mission counselors, preachers, or any other important person.

Yes, in those cases where other, special people intentionally sin against the Law of God, there's been an eerie silence from Fundamentalists. They don't want a church war, they want to war against what they see as a helpless, easily defeated enemy that will satisfy their burgeoning need to aggrandize themselves and puff their chests out as defenders of all the lies they've tried to make us all believe. Adulterers who do threaten marriage? No, no one cries out for them to be stoned to death, though they are truly a threat to the sanctity of marriage. If there's an outcry, it is a whispered one in these special cases.

Why don't the Fundamentalist preachers scream at them loudly, and terrify them as they have so many young girls. Why don't they make them feel their wrath, the wrath of their God, maybe as Nathan did to David over Bathsheba [II Samuel, chapter 12, verses 1-12]? For whatever reason, it seems that they don't dare. Those aren't helpless girls. Thou whited sepulchers, purveyors of the lies herein exposed. Why don't they make those others feel the guilt, the humiliation, the shame they pour out like hot oil on those who storm their hellish castles. But no, they do not, will not.

Does their inerrant Bible say that "you shall not have sex with children in any manner, shape, or form or ye shall be stoned to death?" No, it doesn't. Indeed, the Fundamentalists strain at their preferred gnats, and permit pedophiles to swallow children's lives and self-esteem without even a peep out of them, and certainly not any screams such as they proclaim loudly, boisterously, when confronting homosexuals. For shame, for shame. No, the children don't seem to matter to them, nor the priests who did their lust-filled deed on far too many children, and with the protection of their church. They only complain loudly about their pet laws among the many, but not any against abusing children just as they don't pay attention to most of the other laws.

Even more, these Fundamentalists of a perfect God, should read their own Bible with eyes that do not fail to notice what is written there, if they dare. See the lies that are so easily seen by those who have training in their scriptures. Will they dare acknowledge that they see them? Go ahead, reread the story of Noah's ark, and tell the congregations of the two vastly different versions if the truth is dared to be told. And do tell them how it was that God told Noah, so the Bible says, that Noah was to put up food for all in the ark to eat for over a year, and confess to the congregations, if any dare, that this is obviously not possible.

Remember Jesus' words: Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Truth is not what you decide is worthy of knowing, or what you should say that will get provide the most attention and adulation; it is what is there for those who have eyes to see.

As I said, it is madness. The Bible is definitely in error, and therefore should not be taken literally. Not only that, but no one should be able to dictate how another should love and live if it is consensual, and the parties are of legal age.

Religion is not to be shoved down people's throats. In the words of Thomas Jefferson:

"The subject of religion, a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved, I have considered it as a matter between every man and his maker,in which no other, & far less the public had a right to intermeddle."[Bold mine. Quoted from "Citizen Jefferson," by John P. Kaminski, and written by Jefferson to Richard Rush, May 31, 1813.]

This is how it should be, not as Fundamentalists would force us to be, or to shame any with the lies they quote from a book that is full of errors and contradictions.

Sixty-three (63) major errors, and eight (8) probable errors, and that's only in the first eight chapters of Genesis. I challenge any Fundamentalist to prove, by the Bible itself, that these are wrong, but remember, just one error, and the Bible is proved to not be inerrant. And trust me, there are many more errors to be revealed.

Another essay may follow this one for there is still much hidden that those preplanned Sunday school "lessons" do not say anything about. There are more words that are contradictory, words that are false, that have yet to be mentioned.

Let's end the madness with some real light thrown on the truth of the Fundamentalist lies, and the errors that definitely are in the Bible. And remember, this need never have been written save for the ignorance and egotism that so drives so many Fundamentalists.

But they are deviants, they say, and do as is against God's wishes that a man be a man, and a woman must be a woman who loves a man and procreates. Then tell one and all of the many other laws that are forever being broken, like mowing a lawn on Saturday (or whatever other day is deemed to be the day of rest), and that those also deserve to be put in an electrified fence until they are dead, or kill them outright as that outrageous representative from Mississippi demands.

And, please, tell me why it is that the Bible does not make it a sin to sodomize a child, or otherwise abuse them sexually or otherwise? Don't children matter? If it is necessary to write another essay, we may find that there are even more heinous errors in the Bible than simply putting two people out with nothing but a skin over their bodies to scarf up a living.

And tell me, you Fundamentalists: Who hast been his counselor, or who has known his mind? You? Not hardly.

End (for now)

This is an original essay copyright © by the Author, wistfall1. No use, or copying without the express written consent of the author, wistfall1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Anonymous wrote:-

"With that assumption in mind, it is not outside the realm of possibility that claims in the bible occurred, however extraordinary and unlikely".

The trouble with making assumptions is that what you are then doing is no better than guessing or making it up as you go along.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Highly Controversial

I would like to thank you for your tenacity pertaining to your arduous research and subsequent essay. I've read all your work on this site and am eternally indebted to you for "opening my eyes" to see what has unfortunately, and continues to this day to be preached as the truth. I'm of the personal opinion, (and have been for many years, but never had the courage to admit it) that the stories told in the bible are of the biggest fairy tales ever told. Looking at the inaccuracies and insurmountable errors through new eyes has indeed warmed my heart, which had been heavy with guilt and shame for more years than I care to remember.

It is with tears of gratitude that I therefore thank you once again for your tireless work. I too wish to encourage you to publish your work on a broader scale, thereby reaching more of us who have suffered the wroth of the clergy, family, friends, etc due to so many lies and misunderstandings.

I look forward to reading more of your work.

wistfall1wistfall1almost 12 years agoAuthor
My apologies for Financial Worth site error.

The site is located at:

Again, my apologies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very good essay

I hope you will publish this elsewhere, although I'm not optimistic it will persuade "believers." Personally, I think the bible is an amusing artifact and a useful source of quotes for literary purposes, not to mention some interesting plot ideas for additional (beyond the bible, I mean) fiction writing.

I'm amazed you had the energy to work up such a logical disassembly of something that is fundamentally horse shit to begin with, but I applaud you for your style and substance.

wistfall1wistfall1almost 12 years agoAuthor
To onehardon, a follow up

Yes, I have now read the site you recommended, "Religious". Very intreresting, and serves to give additional proof to what this essay says when it says (if it is correct, which I have no knowledge of) that there was no Hebrew word for "homosexual". Thank you.

For any interested, I gave a "how to" on finding financial profit by preachers, but gave no site as Lit doesn't permit "Links" to be in any works they publish. However, here, I don't think, it is okay. That said, look up:

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

What happens if you believe every piece of religous writing is worth nothing and is bullshit you belive there is no God or Godess or any other higher being that humans want to invent to justify killing people and telling people what they can and can't do and how almost every religous person on this planet is a hypocrite. The Bible and the Koran are written to control people, that's why fundies preach from those 'Good' books.

wistfall1wistfall1almost 12 years agoAuthor
To Agnostic

Honey, you'll never know.

idrubloodidrubloodalmost 12 years ago
Lots to read, research and think about.

As I’ve come to expect from you, wistfall1, your submissions give a lot for the mind to absorb, question and even worry about. It’s one of the things I value when reading your work. I thank you most sincerely for all the things you’ve pointed out here and hope you do indeed write more on this subject.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Ye must be gay.

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