Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Runs Amok 02

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Sheldon makes sure Penny's birthday goes out with a 'bang'!
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/15/2018
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"Is anything the matter?

Leonard slid a cup of tea across the kitchen island in Amy's general direction.

"No, no," she answered picking up the cup and taking a sip, "well actually I'm a little worried about Sheldon."

"Who isn't!" Leonard joked.

"Very funny!" Amy shot him a dirty look.

"Sorry," he replied offering her a look of mock contrition, "What's wrong with Sheldon this time?"

"Nothing is wrong with Sheldon," Amy replied defiantly before in an instant softening her tone as she continued, "well I'm not sure he is spending much, much less time with me and it seems he and Penny are always together laughing, giggling going off somewhere together without me..."

She faded into silence for a few seconds before she added "You don't think?"


"That Penny and Sheldon have something going on together?"

"Penny and Sheldon?!," Leonard replied, "No way! Sheldon is basically a child wrapped up in a man's body and Penny.." He suddenly stopped a confused expression on his face "Well let's just say there isn't a chance in hell of them two ever hooking up!"

"Well OK then," Amy took another sip of her tea, "what's your explanation then?"

"I don't know! Maybe he's finally cracked or maybe he's trying to make up for lost time. Remember when he went off by himself for months on end riding the rails this is probably a scaled back version of that."

"Really?" she questioned, "but they do seem to be spending a great deal of time together. He even went off by himself with Emily Raj's girlfriend and refused point blank to tell me where they went."

"You know he is always trying to help people in his own wacky demented way and most times whether they like it or not. He forces himself on people I don't know...," he faded off into silence his mind ablaze with thoughts Amy had inserted into his head, unwelcome painful thoughts as if she has cut him open with a red hot scalpel. "All I know is that there will be a logical explanation to all of this!"

"Let's hope so," Amy replied, "because I want my Sheldon back!"

"You can have him!"

APARTMENT 4B 11:15pm

She reached out the short distance her fingers grasping at a glass of red wine before bringing it carefully to her lips where initially she only took a short sip before gulping down a small portion of the glass.

"You know," Penny mused out loud, "that after all this time this is the first occasion I've noticed that wine does not have the same taste when you're sucking off a man's dick."

His face broadening into a warm affectionate smile all Sheldon Cooper could offer at first was to let out a small laugh. He looked on as she pursed her lips a few times running her tongue around the inside of her closed mouth before with some thought adding "Nope does not taste the same!"

The words were still registering in his ears when her lips closed around his erect glistening shaft allowing the whole length to slide slowly down into her mouth. A combined gargle slash burp like noise escaping from the back of her throat Penny proceeded to bounce her head with gusto along the length of his shaft all the while miraculously not spilling a drop of wine from the glass she still held in her free hand.

"You know it's because of the tannin's-"

Penny wrapped a hand around his mouth cutting him off her tightly wound lips sliding up along and then off his shaft with an audible 'pop' before raising her head to peer directly into his eyes.

"Shelly I don't want to know OK?"


Completely and utterly naked he lounged back on one corner of the teal colored couch in her apartment while Penny gently stroking his shaft propped herself on top of the couch her knees digging into the soft cushions. Although her body was wrapped in a white robe it swung open at times to reveal she was clad only in a very sheer and lacy pair of a white bra and panties.

She swallowed his shaft again leaving embedded deep down her throat almost up to the point of suffocating finally relenting with her head jolting upwards gasping and sucking in mouthfuls of air.

"Emily tells me you and her had a load of fun a couple of days back." Penny casually asked when she had finally composed herself.

"Yes I ejaculated my load deep inside her vagina."

"You what!?"

"I ejac-."

"I heard what you said," her voice had risen markedly in volume and now had a slightly angry tone. "Shelley you have to be careful now that you're sexually active not every woman likes that and we don't want little Sheldon's popping out all over the place do we?"


"No" her fingers teased the hair away from his eyes as if she was comforting a young child.

"Emily did not seem to mind. It was in the heat of passion as I fucked her in her office with all of her patients right outside in the waiting room. It was beautiful sight watching it ooze out of her vagina on to the floor below just like liquid mercury seeping from a ruptured canister."

"Well that's alright then. Wait a minute I thought you and her had sex at her apartment?"

"We did," Sheldon answered nonchalantly, "that was later on that night."

"You little horn dog you!," in jest she punched him lightly on the shoulder, "changing the subject you know my birthday is coming up you planning anything special?"

"Should I?"

Penny stared at him dumbfounded swinging her arm in a short arc punching him on the shoulder this time with more force and intent.


"Of course you should!," she retorted angrily, "I know our relationship is purely physical but we are practically boyfriend and girlfriend doesn't that matter to you?"

"I'm not sure what to answer," she swung her arm again striking him hard again on the same exact point of his shoulder, "Ouch! Yes, yes it matters and yes I'm planning something special."

"Good!," she replied her face softening instantly into a sexy smile, "and to show how pleased I am......"

Penny rose from the couch to stand in front of him allowing her robe to slip off each shoulder leaving them both bare for just a split second before letting her robe slip quietly on to the floor. Hooking her fingers into the elastic of her panties she slid them slowly and teasingly off her ass down over her legs and off each of her feet in turn leaving her only clad in a lacy bra.

Taking his hand she led him willingly off the couch their naked asses jiggling almost in unison as they walked hand in hand into her bedroom. Sliding under the covers onto the bed they spooned together lying side by side the heat emanating from each their naked bodies acting as an aphrodisiac driving them on. Raising her upper leg into the air leg he entered her pumping his cock into her pussy in a slow almost tender loving fashion with his hands holding a secure hold of her body at her hips.

Penny moaned her appreciation with each and every stroke feeling that despite his supposed so called lack of experience of all things sexual Sheldon Cooper of all people was playing her body like a fine tuned instrument hitting the correct note on damn well every occasion.

"Oh god Shelley fuck me-" her words were interrupted rolling over onto his back she was flipped over onto her backside with her naked ass depositing itself atop his abdomen. Penny scrambled about her hands reaching out to grab a hold of the cushions on either side to support herself his cock now slamming into her body between her now widely spread legs.

"Fuck Sheldon!" Penny had no idea why she screamed out Sheldon instead of Shelley guessing it was the right thing to do with his shaft seemingly intent in splitting her petite nakedness in two. The bed covers slipped gradually down over their bodies to bunch up all together at the foot of the bed eventually leaving their naked erotic dance on full public display to anyone who happened to walk in.

But that was the least of their worries exploring every inch their nakedness and trying every conceivable position known to man with a passion and hunger that threatened to consume them both. Penny would end up on her knees her head forced down low onto the sweat soaked sheets resting on her arms as he fucked her hard from behind. She would find his stamina amazing never letting her settle or compose herself tossing her like a rag doll from one end of the bed to the other, his darting, flicking tongue and/or pumping cock never slowing.

Her body jarring forward with each and every thrust into her nearly spent body Penny had come more times than she could care to remember each one surprising her with the intensity it ravaged her petite frame.

"That's it Shelley finish me off," her voice was partly muffled her face half buried in the now messy wildly strewn bed sheets, "fuck me...slam it in!"

His fingers had just began to probe her puckered asshole when with a loud grunt he quickly pulled his shaft from inside her exploding all over her bare backside. Sheldon looked on as his gift slowly made its down the curve of her spine its path erratic and unpredictable like a crazy science experiment. Waddling his way closer to her Penny lifted her head just enough to take his shaft in her mouth one final time sliding her closely wound lips along his length five or six times before collapsing with a satisfied smile onto the bed.


She stared incredulously at her reflection in the mirror turning on the spot a few times as if she was trying to still convince herself that it was real.

"This is not what I had in mind Sheldon!" Penny shouted in his direction.

"It's not?," he queried in a highly sincere fashion, "but I thought a fancy dress party at the comic book store would have been a great way to celebrate your birthday. Oh well." He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, "everyone makes mistakes!"

He too was in costume dressed in a robin hood costume ensemble complete with green tights and a cap with a feather perched atop his head.

"A mistake?," Penny replied with just a hint of anger, "I thought it would have been more intimate you know just the two of us." She had to constantly remind that it was only a few short weeks ago that she would have never thought in a million years that she would have been uttering those words.

"Just the two of us" she repeated the words turning back to face the mirror to study her reflection yet again. She was clad in a super girl outfit a leotard like ensemble which displayed the sublime curves of her body in fine detail. A small cape hung from her shoulders with a thigh length red skirt and high gloss knee high boots completing the outfit.

"I'm not liking this at all!"

"What's not to like?" he stood behind her planting small quick kisses down her neck as if this would calm her down, "maybe we could go somewhere after just the two of us."

"Oh that's much better!" Her tone of voice was laden with sarcasm turning around on the spot to face him.

"Good," he answered promptly turning to start walking out the door, "we are running late anyway."

All Penny could do was to throw her hands up in the air in frustration and follow him out the door.

She was surprised to find the street outside the comic book store eerily quiet but nothing could prepare her for the surprise when he held the door open for her and she strode inside. The store was entirely and completely devoid of people where she expected a fancy dress party there was none.

"Huh?," her eyes peered expectantly around the store as if she was waiting for people to jump out of their hiding spot and yell surprise but all was deathly quiet, "whats going on Sheldon?"

He strode past her to lean against the counter. "I persuaded Stuart to let me temporarily use the comic book store providing I return it in one know Stuart his nerves were at breaking point so he desperately needed a break anyway."


"I have a surprise for you" Sheldon simply answered.

"What have you cooked up-"

"Penny," he cut her off, "I happen to know your fantasies include making love in this very same comic book store and the very disturbing to me at least obsession of one day having coitus-." He stopped momentarily before continuing, "sorry of being fucked by your words not mine quote," he gestured with his hands making quotation signs in the air with his fingers, "a well hung black man unquote."

"How in hell did you know that?" she queried

"I have my ways" Sheldon answered walking towards her.

I'm going to kill Leonard one of these days Penny thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted when if on cue the front door opened and two well built black men walked in.

"Penny," Sheldon went on, "I want you to meet Carl and Pete. Once I showed them photographs of yourself they were more than happy to ensure your fantasies are realized."

"You showed my photo to two guys you found wandering the streets?!" she asked.

"Of course not!," Sheldon replied, "How stupid do you think I am I'm not Howard you know! I simply walked into the first seedy rundown bar I could find and then showed your photo around. It was surprising really that within no time at all I had hordes of volunteers. Who knew your photos would garner so much interest and fascination?"

He simply shrugged his shoulders with his face displaying a quizzical look.

"Yes that's much be-" Penny stopped mid word, "Really?" Her ego and vanity restored in an instant she could not stop herself from smiling broadly, "hordes of volunteers?"

The words slowly registered in her head and swirled around her brain in an endless loop. Penny studied the new arrivals with Carl broad chested his arms covered in tattoos from what she could see that was not covered by his tight fitting top. Pete was taller equally well built and broad chested but was totally bald. She looked on as Sheldon casually strode up to her their lips meeting in a short but passionate kiss.

"Happy Birthday!" he exclaimed as their lips separated.

"I'm going to kill you for this" she threatened him in jest. "If they don't kill me first!" she added in a whisper as he strode away settling down on a seat behind the front counter.

Nobody moved for a few seconds until Carl began to circle around her like a eagle zeroing in on a kill.

"Your photos don't do you justice," he ventured, "nice costume man!"

A timid and nervous "Thank you" escaping from her lips his hand slid up her leg underneath the skirt of her costume with his fingers rubbing against the crotch area of her costume. His free arm wrapped around her torso his massive fingers quickly finding their mark as she began to squirm and writhe about wildly against his strong hold.

"You like that huh?" he asked peering down at her.

Penny simply nodded her mouth letting slip a loud surprised squeal as bending over slightly his hands reached underneath her skirt to easily tear the thin strip of material at her crotch in two accompanied by a resounding snap sound. Wholly unprepared for his onslaught fingers slid inside her pumping in short brutal bursts and she could do nothing more than let her body collapse against his loud frequent unrestrained cries of pleasure erupting from her lips.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught the occasional glimpse of Pete his broad frame now totally naked his hand eagerly stroking his shaft. With each and every glimpse he appeared closer like a disjointed movie until suddenly a hand positioned itself across the nape of her neck forcing her head downwards in a gentle arc.

Penny had just a split second to catch a hurried but awed glimpse of one the largest pieces of manhood she had ever seen in her life before it slid between her lips. Her hands grabbing a reactive hold of each of his thighs his shaft pumped down her throat only to occasionally slide out as some sort of compassionate gesture to allow her to recover briefly before it would slide right back in.

Her body was no more prepared for Carl's shaft as he slowly pushed inside her than she was for Sheldon's sexual transformation over the past few weeks. She could feel her vaginal muscles struggling to cope due to his immense size her pussy lips stretched to capacity with her head instinctively rearing back with a bone jarring jolt.

"Fuck..fuck...fuck.." Her loud outburst gradually decreased in volume and intensity finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a reasonable level of oxygen as his shaft seemingly threatened to split her body in two. She was grateful his hands held her body at the hip his shaft pumping slowly inside her with long even strokes as Penny found her legs at times wilting and buckling from under her.

"This is the last and only time she accused me of not planning anything special on her birthday!" The one and only thought swirled through Sheldon Cooper's head looking on as the darkness of Carl and Pete's naked frames contrasted starkly with paleness of Penny's petite frame She looked so small compared to the behemoths that book ended her moaning and quivering body with Carl pushing her forward with what seemed a bone jarring jolt with every stroke. Her super girl costume had began to slip down her body and off each of shoulders leaving them naked and bare as her hands stroked Pete's massive shaft just in front of her pretty face.

His own shaft already rock hard was threatening to burst free on its own out of the thin flimsy material of his tights and he could no longer deny to himself that he was desperate to stroke it watching Penny being taken by two massive black members. But that would have to wait for much later in the night deciding to bide his time until the moment was right. He watched as Carl easily carried her petite frame aloft her body bouncing precariously on his massive shaft with only his thick muscled arms supporting her by hooking under each of her legs.

"You're a bastard Shelley Cooper" Penny mockingly taunted him as their eyes met unable to stop herself from smiling, "I hate you....what sort of birthday gift is this especially for a sweet and innocent girl like me.."

"It's your birthday?" Pete asked

Penny nodded her face displaying a mock expression of sadness and tears.

"Well we just have make sure you have 'loads' of extra cream at the end," he replied looking on as Carl carried her towards a red colored couch at the back of the store, "I think that could certainly be arranged!"

His well endowed shaft slamming into her pussy Penny to say the least was totally unprepared letting go a loud surprised shout as Carl deposited her with ease onto the couch with her body bouncing once or twice on the couch cushions before coming to a stop.

"Hey!" Penny shouted, "be careful with the merchandise it is my birthday you know!" She had yet to come a complete stop trying to compose herself and regather her senses when Pete maneuvered his naked frame onto the couch next to her. His hand casually stroking his shaft he gave her a quick wink of an eye sliding his frame down a little lower so that his head rested against the head of the couch.

Penny smiled carefully climbing off the couch to stand just in front of him.

"Hang on just a minute!" her hands reached behind her sliding the small zip downwards before suggestively teasing and tugging the costume down and off her body. Her arm wrapped around her breasts as if in one last act of modesty using her free arm to tug and pull the costume down her legs and then in turn off each of her boot clad feet.

As if this was the first time she had ever stood naked in front of a man on her face Penny wrapped one arm around her breasts and the hand of the other daintily covered her now exposed crotch area. Her face showed a an embarrassed if not bashful expression.

"You'll have to forgive me gentlemen," Penny suggestively remarked in a slightly alluring tone of voice, "this is the very first time I've been with a black man.."