Big Bang Theory: The Justice League

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Costume contest on New Year's Eve.
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A fictional story about fictional characters.

In season 4 /episode 11, the nerds convince Penny to join them in a costume contest at the comic book store on New Year's Eve. This is an alternative conclusion to the story.


Penny was almost sorry that she had shamed the nerds into some self-reflection and they had changed their behavior toward her boyfriend Zach. They had subtlety been making fun of Zach's intelligence, and she had pointed out that for people who had been the target of others ridicule all their lives; they should be reluctant to practice the same. Now they had befriended the hunk and included him in their plans to win a New Year's Eve costume contest at Stuart's comic book store. They had decided to dress as members of the Justice League, with head nerd Sheldon Cooper dressing up as the Flash; his roommate Leonard Hofstadter going as the Green Lantern; the perverted Howard Wolowitz living out a fantasy as Batman; and shy Raj Koothrappali reluctantly disguised as Aquaman.

They had accepted Zach into their group because he was naturally muscular and would make an acceptable Superman. The real problem was that now they were all pestering Penny to dress up as Wonder Woman...they had already acquired a costume. Zach's pestering bothered Penny the most because he was now convinced that he was part of their small circle of friends. The quartet of nerds were all colleagues at Caltech, and basically had very few friends. Howard had somehow managed to date a beautiful girl named Bernadette but she was unable to join them as Wonder Woman because her lab was currently quarantined. Sheldon, as asexual as he was, also had a girlfriend named Amy Farrah Fowler, and when Penny asked why she couldn't portray Wonder Woman, Sheldon informed her that, "Amy doesn't believe in wearing costumes...she isn't the free spirit I am."

Finally, after their incessant pestering, and after being reminded that it was her idea that they include Zach in their group, Penny had agreed to don the skimpy, tight Wonder Woman costume. When she had moved into the apartment across from Leonard and Sheldon, she never dreamed she would be venturing out in public dressed as a cartoon character. At least they were only going to the comic book shop; how much of a crowd could there be on New Years Eve. She retreated across the hall to her own apartment to put on the costume, and she was pleasantly surprised with the results. The Wonder Woman bustier pushed her 36 C breasts (they were actually about 35, but she liked to round up to the nearest even number) together and up and made them appear massive. The crotch area was fairly revealing and she was grateful that she kept her pubic area shaved bald, so that no quick trimming was necessary. As she twirled in front of the mirror, she admired the look. Penny couldn't help think that she was going to be the subject of a lot of nerd wet dreams that night. She actually smoothed moisturizer up and down her incredible legs so that they glistened.

When she returned to the nerds apartment, Sheldon immediately demanded that she wear the cheesy black wig: "in what alternate universe is Wonder Woman a blond?" With his decided lack of personality, he always seemed to push just the right buttons, and she stormed back into her apartment vowing not to go to the party with them. When Leonard knocked on her door, she knew they had elected him to try to convince her to attend. She and Leonard had dated a few times, but never seemed to be fully compatible. Penny was aware that Leonard still worshipped her, and the truth was that the more she dated other guys, the more she missed her sweet Leonard.

If it had been anyone else, she would have refused to talk, but she told Leonard to come in. He immediately apologized for initially making fun of Zach, explaining that it was just difficult seeing her with someone else. She choked back a few tears as she admitted that she and Zack were not really back together; she just didn't want to be alone on New Years Eve. Although he tried to conceal it, Penny spied a trace of a smile on his face as he sensed there was still a tiny glimmer of hope for him, and the fact that he attempted to hide his feelings made Penny even more fond of him. Leonard, still basically uncomfortable around women, responded by telling her, "if it's any consolation, you look way better than the real Wonder Woman...well, assuming there really was a Wonder know what I mean. We would be a cinch to win the contest with you there." He was so awkwardly adorable that she burst out laughing, threw her arms around his neck, and agreed to wear the wig and go.

Just before leaving Sheldon and Leonard's apartment, the door flew open and Bernadette and Amy stepped in. Amy was wearing her traditional ankle length skirt and sweater, but had added a full-length white lab coat, a beret and was carrying a glass test tube. She announced, "I know you didn't think I would participate, but since there is no direct partner for the Flash, I decided to wear my own clothes and accompany you as Dr. Marie Currie. Bon jour."

Bernadette on the other hand was in full costume; and what a costume it was. To compliment Howard's Batman, she had poured her shapely body into a skintight black leather Catwoman jumpsuit, complete with black high heel boots. It was so tight that her prominent nipples were protruding visibly and her camel-toe perfectly outlined. Zach and Raj just stared at her with open mouths. The crowning touch was a matching black leather cowl with cat-ears. Penny thought she resembled a dominatrix more than Batman's nemesis. "The lab canceled the quarantine at the last minute. It seems it wasn't Yellow Fever bacteria after all," she informed them.

"Wow, Bernadette," Penny congratulated her, "that is some costume. I can't believe there was a shop with something like that still in stock."

"Oh, this is mine, right Howie, just something I keep in the closet for special occasions," Bernadette admitted.

Penny had always suspected that there was a wild side to her new friend, and this revelation confirmed it. She sneaked a glance at Leonard to see if he was staring at Bernadette like every other male in the room, and discovered he was not. There was a new sadness on his expression as he congratulated Bernadette, "nice costume," and Penny could almost read his mind: she knew he was thinking that now almost everyone but him had a mate to escort to the party.

They agreed to walk to the comic book store just in case there were alcoholic refreshments and no one felt comfortable driving home. It turned out to be a good choice since Howard had concealed two flasks of vodka in his utility belt and spiked the punch. Even Sheldon had gotten noticeably tipsy and at one point dissed Howard by telling him his utility belt looked more like a fanny pack. Sheldon had, of course, insisted on taking only the very first cup of punch from the bowl, before the germs of others had contaminated it. Since he was not used to consuming alcohol, it had only taken one cup to impair his judgement. Sheldon's version of the Justice League naturally won first prize, largely because of Penny's portrayal of Wonder Woman; and Sheldon's acceptance speech was fortuitously cut short by the countdown to the new year.

As the clock struck midnight and Zach corralled Penny for a good luck New Years kiss, she saw Leonard over Zach's shoulder and he courageously smiled at her through his sadness as if to say, "as long as you're happy that's all that matters." Penny was certain she saw moisture in Leonard's eyes as Zach planted his lips on hers, and in the future whenever anyone asked about her relationship with Leonard; she would pinpoint that exact instant as the moment she fell head-over-heels for the lovable nerd. She knew she was committed to Zach for that evening, but vowed to herself that starting the next day she would devote herself to her adorable nerd.

Due to the patrons that frequent a comic book shop, the party began to break up about 12:10, and Raj and Howard suggested they continue the party at Sheldon and Leonard's apartment. Even the now mellow Sheldon had no arguments, and suggested a Star Wars movie marathon, as he invited Stuart to join them. "Maybe you could concoct another batch of that wonderful punch," he urged. Stuart responded with, "I'm sorry Sheldon. With the way my business is going, I used the weeks food budget for this punch."

Not really wanting her date with Zach to last much longer, but recognizing the opportunity to talk to Leonard, Penny offered, "don't worry Sheldon, I'll make you a Long Island ice tea."

"Oooo, iced tea," giggled Sheldon, "that sounds yummy."

When they arrived back at their apartments, it was decided that they would just leave both apartment doors open so that everyone could just wander back and forth at will. All of the alcohol and snacks were in Penny's apartment because she had stocked up in anticipation of a full New Years Day of football viewing, so it was a convenient situation to have a two-apartment party. It was also lucky that they never seemed to see their neighbors: no one to complain about the noise. They were barely in the door when Sheldon complained, "Penny, where is that iced tea you promised? I don't see a glass in my hand."

As she crossed the hall to her place, she muttered to herself, "I know where I'd like to see that glass." Mixing the rum, vodka (double because she had no gin) and tequila, Penny wondered what kind of drunk Sheldon would be. She happily spent the next hour or so just serving snacks and beer, and mixing drinks for her friends. When she finally sat on the floor in front of Sheldon's TV, a beer in her hand, she surveyed the room and chuckled to herself that this was not exactly the group of people she would have expected to have for best friends. The first Star Wars episode was almost over and everyone in the room was visibly tipsy with the exception of herself and Leonard: they had been playing some drinking game where you must take a drink every time the word "princess" is mentioned. She had been busy playing host and for some reason Leonard had been sipping the same beer for an hour. Sheldon was still sipping on the glass she had given him even after complaining, "this doesn't taste like the iced tea my mother served in Texas, Penny."

Bernadette had stumbled over to assure Penny that they would all take up a collection the next day and replenish her alcohol and snacks supply. Having worked at the Cheesecake Factory part/time herself, Bernadette knew how difficult it was to make ends meet. There was a pile of super-hero boots, cowls, and one black wig near Sheldon's front door where everyone had discarded their uncomfortable costume foot and head gear and Bernadette almost fell when she had obtained another drink from Penny's apartment. She was now standing in the center of Sheldon's living room swaying to the beat of music that only she could hear, her blond tresses swishing around her leather encased shoulders. No one was paying that much attention to her until they heard the distinct sound of a large zipper being unzipped, then every male head in the room turned in her direction. "It sure is hot in here," Bernadette remarked as she lowered the zipper on her costume all the way to her belly button, revealing very impressive cleavage.

"Very hot," she continued as she began to struggle to lower the costume down her shoulders and push the sleeves down and off her arms. The costume had been so tight that she had not bothered to wear underwear, so her huge 36 D breasts flopped out of the costume into full view.

Everyone looked at Howard as Bernadette continued to dance and he just smiled and admitted, "she gets very sexually adventurous when she's drinking...and it's just fine with me."

"So hot," Bernadette exclaimed as she began to push and roll the tight jumpsuit down past her rather large ass cheeks. Her pale skin was a startling contrast to the black leather, and when she turned around, Penny could see that she also kept her pubic mound completely bare.

When Bernadette raised her feet to tug the leather completely off her body, Penny spied her big secret and exclaimed, "Bernadette, you slut, is that a piercing I see between your legs?"

As everyone in the room stared between her legs at the small gold ring attached to her left labia, Bernadette responded, "just a little reminder of my wild college days." When she had finally extricated herself from the leather, Bernadette spread her legs, reached down to grasp the ring and gave it a tug, pulling her incredibly long lip down and inquired rhetorically , "do you like it; it turns Howie on." Everyone in the room was gazing in amazement at the naked blond as she twirled in front of them, her huge breasts bouncing in unison. Penny nodded in the affirmative and marveled at the length of her pussy lips, wondering if she could tie them in a knot.

Even Sheldon was staring at Bernadette's crotch, "I commend you on your hygienic choice to remove all hair; it's much more sanitary."

Amy immediately perked up and asked him, "oh, do you prefer shaved genitalia?"

Returning his attention to the TV, Sheldon replied , "if you mean do I find it more aesthetically pleasing, I really have no preference."

Bernadette was continuing to dance and sway and when she nearly fell due to her inebriation, Zach, who had been sitting on a hassock near Leonard's chair jumped up and put his arms around her from behind to steady her. Penny, who had been sitting cross-legged on the floor leaning against his leg, was shoved to the side and she put her arm around Leonard's leg and used it for support, noticing that he was actually watching the screen instead of Bernadette. "I guess he really does only have eyes for me," she thought and felt a warmth run through her body.

Zach had reached his hands up and was now kneading Bernadette's impressive tits from behind; pulling her incredibly long nipples out and letting them snap back. She turned in his arms and demanded, "ok big boy, let's get those pants off." Zach received an encouraging nod from Howard and offered no resistance as Bernadette sank to her knees and began to tug his Superman shorts and tights down his legs; his already erect seven inch cock nearly stabbing her in the face. After pulling the garments off his legs, Bernadette grasped his hard-on in her right hand and began to flick her tongue over the tip like a snake. Penny glanced at Howard, and he was furiously rubbing his crotch and smiling at the spectacle in front of him. Bernadette wasted no time in opening her mouth and swallowing Zach's cock all the way to his scrotum.

You could tell by the way her cheeks sunk in that she was milking his prick, and he rolled his eyes and exclaimed, "wow, Bernadette, you're the best cocksucker I...," and he paused awkwardly while looking over at Penny. Penny just hugged Leonard's leg and looked away as he reverted his attention to the top of Bernadette's blond head.

Bernadette backed her head off his prick and responded, "that's not all I'm good at," as she stood in front of Zach and spread her legs wide. Howard immediately rushed to her side, grabbed her leg and lifted it off the ground, supporting her and spreading her legs even farther. Zach knew exactly what she wanted, bent his knees, wedged his crown against her exposed slit and in one violent motion straightened his legs, forcing the entire length of his cock up into her pussy. "Oh, yes," Bernadette yelled as she felt his cock buried in her hole. Zach began to do knee squats in front of Bernadette, slamming his cock up into her pussy every time he stood. She was so much shorter than him that every time he stood he was jamming into her hole so hard that her heels lost contact with the floor.

Penny didn't know if it was out of respect for her or Bernadette, but she noticed that Leonard was not really staring at the x-rated display, and she was touched by the gesture as she confided in him, "yeah, that's Zach all right...couldn't even spell the word foreplay."

Leonard smiled down at his dream girl and knew in his heart that he might not be the best lover, but he had always done his best to please her. Now that they were building up a good rhythm, Howard dropped Bernadette's leg and just stood back to watch. He found it overwhelmingly erotic watching his girlfriend getting fucked by another man.

Over Zach's shoulder, Bernadette spied Stuart standing beside the sofa vigorously rubbing his crotch, and crooked her finger motioning him to join them, "I have another hole, you know."

Stuart looked questioningly at Howard who encouraged him, "go ahead, she absolutely loves it up the ass."

Stuart kicked off his sneakers, shoved his trousers and briefs down his legs onto the floor, and with his nice thick six inch penis waving in front of him, approached Bernadette from behind. She wrapped her arms around Zach's neck and jumped up to throw her legs around his waist and lock her ankles behind him. With her legs spread around Zach, her ass hole was fully exposed to the mousy comic book store owner, but Howard was reluctant to let him penetrate her rear hole dry so he ran to the kitchen, grabbed Sheldon's bottle of Extra Virgin olive oil and returned to her side. Smiling to himself at the symbolism, he dripped several drops onto Stuart's cock for lubrication and then just stood back to observe. Stuart nudged his crown against Bernadette's sphincter and pushed forcefully upward until it popped past her muscle ring, and then steadily raised up, driving his tool into her ass hole.

"Oh Howie...that feels so fucking great," Bernadette squealed as the two invaders began to thrust in and out of her holes. Raj had been standing, staring, at the end of the sofa and he now shoved the tights of his ridiculous Aquaman costume down to the ankles and began stoking the most enormous penis that anyone in the room had ever seen. Amy actually skipped a breath and almost choked at the size of Raj's tool. It had to be almost twelve inches long and Penny guessed it was probably at least eight inches in circumference. She couldn't help thinking that the last time she had seen a penis that large was back in Nebraska...on a horse. It was a shame that he couldn't talk to girls unless he was intoxicated, she thought, because he could certainly make a lot of girl happy with that equipment.

Amy inadvertently squeezed Sheldon's knee quite hard and he reacted, "jeez calm down and watch the movie," as he was almost oblivious to the action around him.

Penny noticed that Leonard was trying very hard not to stare at Bernadette getting double-fucked, and she stood up, grabbed his hand in hers, and said, "come with me my little Ewok," and she led him across the hall to her apartment; not even bothering to close the doors.

"Are you mad or something," Leonard began, "I feel like I should apologize for my entire gender for the way Zach treated you tonight."

"You really are new at this relationship stuff aren't you," Penny explained, "this is about the fact that I would rather spend the evening with you. I realize how special you are, and I'm sorry I pushed you away." With that she put her arms around his neck, drew him close, and planted her ruby lips firmly on his. As they kissed passionately, their tongues playing with each other, Leonard pulled her even closer until they could both feel the increased heat between them. When they broke their embrace, Penny backed up to her sofa and looked at Leonard with her sexiest "bedroom eyes" as she reached behind her and slowly unzipped the Wonder Woman bustier. She seductively shrugged the patriotic costume off her shoulders and peeled it down her magnificent body until she was completely naked.

"Oh my," was all Leonard could muster. He had, of course, seen her nude body a few times before, but had forgotten how truly marvelous and flawless it literally took his breath away as he reached for his inhaler, but thought better of it. Penny sat down on the sofa, spread her shapely legs wide apart, reached down with both hands, and used her fingers to spread her very plump pussy lips apart.