Big Mack Pt. 03


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As the mechanic paid for the beers, the front of his jeans resembled a tent. The struggle was real as he carried the beverages back to their outside table.

The emo was sex on legs. He couldn't deny it. Fuck, that eye makeup he was wearing. The punk's eyes were beautiful. So dark. So piercing. Pools to dive into, to drown in, and to never come back from. But the punk kid was taken, and besides, the mechanic wasn't gay, so it didn't matter.

He carried the beers back outside to his mates. Conversation quickly moved on from the freak with the pierced face, but Mack remained distracted for the rest of the night, unable to settle back into his earlier frame of mind.

His mind was fixated on the emo.

He reached for his beer. He looked back over his shoulder, stealing a glance.

The emo was still there. One arm was wrapped around the goth with the big tits, with the other holding a glass of red. He noticed the mechanic staring at him.

Eventually, Mack's mates called it a night and headed home. After taking a well-needed piss, the mechanic stuck around for one more beer, telling his mates he wasn't tired yet. He sat outside by himself, sipping slowly, enjoying his final beer of the evening. He scrolled through socials on his phone, feeling the evening breeze play across his skin. He was almost ready to leave when he felt someone approach.

"How's your night been?" asked the emo, sitting down.

"Not bad," said the mechanic. His mouth was dry.

"We're gonna have a small party at my place," said Yoshi. "You wanna come?"

Mack gulped. "Who's gonna be there?"

"Me, Amelia, and you," the emo replied. "Like I said, small."

"Who's Amelia?" asked the mechanic.

"My girlfriend," came the reply. "You met her before. Earlier tonight. Briefly. She's over there." Yoshi pointed to the chubby goth chick with the huge titties.

Mack wasn't sure. "She your girlfriend?"

"Kinda," said the emo. "Probably closer to FWB than girlfriend."

Mack didn't recognise the three-letter acronym. "FWB?"

Yoshi smiled. "Friends with benefits." He sipped his glass of red wine.

Mack tried to excuse his way out of the situation. "I ... wait, no ... I don't want to get in your way."

Yoshi tried to reassure him. "We're all good, big guy."

Mack looked over his shoulder. The emo's FWB waved at him.

"All your friends have gone home," said Yoshi, "but you're still here. Why? Are you waiting for someone else? Or are you waiting for me?" He flicked his hair away from his eyes.

The mechanic gulped nervously. He was a big man, and it took a lot of beer for him to feel drunk. He'd had half a dozen schooners tonight, and while he felt a little bit under the influence, he was by no means pissed. He was, however, feeling an odd mixture of curiosity and nervousness. His head felt a little light.

"I see you're into the classics," said Yoshi.


"Your t-shirt," replied the emo. "Led Zep. Can't go wrong with that."

"Yeah," mumbled the mechanic. He checked Yoshi's wardrobe out. Black t-shirt adorned with a logo of a band he'd almost certainly never heard of, long skate pants held in place with a studded belt, and a pair of scuffed-up black Doc Marten boots. A black cap, worn with the peak facing backwards, wrangled his floppy fringe. His fingernails were painted black. "Led Zep. Great band, hey?" Mack studied the logo on the half-Japanese kid's t-shirt. "What's that?" he asked.

"A band," Yoshi replied. "Parkway Drive."

"They good?" asked Mack.

"Yeah. They rock, dude. You should check 'em out. Aussie, too."

"I'll put 'em on my Spotify." The mechanic took another sip of his beer. His glass was nearly empty.

Amelia walked over, onto the outside verandah. She stood next to Yoshi. "Hey," she said, extending a hand in Mack's direction.

The mechanic, gently accepting her hand. Her fingernails were painted a bright, lurid red, matching her lipstick. He imagined watching her thick lips part to accept Yoshi's cock in her mouth.

"I heard before you're a distant relative of Yoshi's? Or a friend of a relative? Or something like that?"

Yoshi didn't want to embarrass the mechanic with the truth. "Yeah, something like that."

There was a pause in conversation. In the distance, they heard boats on the river, cars on the road, and crickets chirping in the bushes. The breeze was starting to turn cool.

"So," said Yoshi, "like I was saying before, Amelia and I are gonna head back to my place. Listen to some tunes, talk shit, maybe have another drink, watch 'Rage' on TV. You're welcome to join us if you want."

Mack tried to think clearly, but a thin fog of alcohol had descended. He recalled the emo's brutal signoff the last time they met, now seared onto his consciousness. He remembered telling Yoshi he was going too fast, and the kid lost his mind at him. What had changed since then? The way the emo slammed his front door shut that night suggested he never wanted to see him again. So why was the punk kid even talking to him if he'd offended him so badly?

If he accepted the emo's offer, what was he committing to? The emo's chick was exactly his type. He'd never fucked a goth before, but he'd always been into chubby women. Maybe something could happen there. It'd been ages since he'd had sex with anyone or anything other than his own right hand.

What else was he gonna do tonight? He considered heading back home. It'd been a long week and a good night. He knew he'd fall asleep quickly, but he'd probably wake up in the morning wondering what might've happened if he'd stayed out. He didn't have anything urgent to do tomorrow. Besides, maybe he was overthinking it all. Maybe the punk's plans were exactly as stated: tunes, talk, drinks. "Well, I'm not tired," he said, "so, yeah. If you're sure it's OK?"

"Yeah, big guy," the emo replied through a thin half-smile. "Of course it is."

Amelia smiled a welcoming smile, and the mechanic wondered what Yoshi had told her about him. He hoped they weren't axe-murderers or members of a satanic cult. He couldn't decide which of those two possibilities were worse.

"OK. Thanks. Yeah. Nice of you." Mack drained the rest of his beer and Yoshi finished his glass of wine. They left the pub, walking out into the Friday night noise of suburban inner-city Brisbane.

It was a ten minute walk to the Toowong Central Apartments, where Yoshi lived. He and Amelia walked hand in hand, and the mechanic followed. There was hardly any conversation.

Mack wondered what the hell he was getting into. He could always change his mind. He could turn and walk away if he wanted to. He could plead sleepiness after a long week and head back home.

But he didn't.


Yoshi turned the key in the door. He and his two guests stepped inside.

Mack looked around. He felt like he'd stepped into a darker part of the universe. Heavy black curtains on the windows, deep red lampshades, and a purple lightbulb screwed into the loungeroom light fitting cast the room in gloom. A print of Edvard Munch's 'The Scream' hung on the wall alongside posters of punk and goth bands.

"I love coming to your place," enthused Amelia.

Yoshi smiled, proud of his interior decoration. "It's pretty cool, hey?"

This was very different to the bland, blue-collar suburban décor the mechanic was used to. His wife would've had a panic attack being in a room like this. Mack noticed the apartment had floorboards instead of carpet. He took his shoes off and left them near the door.

"Gonna put a record on," said the emo. "Help yourself to a beer, big guy. In the fridge."

Mack sauntered to the kitchen and rescued a cold one. He flipped the lid as the needle hit the groove. He nodded in appreciation. "Led Zeppelin III," he said, coming back to the living area.

"Yeah," said the emo. "Like I said earlier, it's hard to go wrong with Led Zep, hey." The mechanic stood awkwardly in the centre of the room. "Take a seat, big guy," his host offered. Yoshi and Amelia sat side by side on the couch, and Mack settled into an armchair.

"Good week?" asked Yoshi.

"Yeah," exhaled Mack. "Hard work, but tiring. Friday nights are always the best time of the week, because my wallet is full."

"What do you do?" asked Amelia.

"I'm an auto mechanic."

"I know nothing about cars," she said.

"That's why I have a job," he smirked.

Mack was terrible at small talk, but he gave it a go. "So how do you two know each other?"

"Mutual friend," explained the emo.

"We've been seeing each other for a few months," she explained, "though we're not really serious. We just like to hang out and fuck. We hooked up at a punk gig one night. Yoshi must've known I thought he was hot, because I told our aforementioned mutual friend and she must've told him, because he came onto me with the kind of confidence a man shows when he knows she's a sure thing. We watched the band and had a few drinks, then he took me to the park across the street and he shoved his cock in my mouth." Her hand lovingly patted the front of Yoshi's pants.

Mack's dick moved. Fuck, he'd love to watch her suck the punk's uncut dick. He'd love to watch her unzip his pants and bob up and down until the emo sprayed her face and neck.

"Yoshi told me you two hooked up a couple of times," she continued, probing.

Mack gulped. Here we go. "Yeah. I guess that's why he came over to my table for a quiet chat tonight."

Yoshi flicked his fringe away. "But I probably wouldn't even have noticed you were there tonight except your deadshit rugby mates waved at me like they were drowning." He smiled before turning to his friend-with-benefits. "But we haven't seen each other for a few months."

Once more, Mack's mind flashed back to that fateful night, but he pushed the memory aside. "Then I haven't told you about my thumb," he said.

The emo frowned in confusion. "What happened to your thumb?"

"No biggie, really. One day at work, I rammed a metal tool into my thumb. It went through the nail and hit the bone. I went to the hospital and the nurse ripped my thumbnail off."

Amelia winced. "She ripped your nail right off?"

"Yeah, well, there was a huge hole in it, and she needed to disinfect it. She gave me an anaesthetic, so I didn't feel it, but I bled bad."

"Is it better now?"

"Yeah. Perfect. Back to normal. Months ago now. But it was weird, though. I've never seen a nail grow from nothing before."

Amelia was curious. "Can I see?"

Mack held his thumb up. "This one," he said, pointing to it with his other hand.

"Looks normal to me," she said, "but you're too far away. Can I see closer?"

Mack stood up and moved to the edge of the couch, holding his thumb in front of Amelia's face. "Still looks a bit banged up."

"Nah," said the mechanic. "That's normal. I do manual labour, my hands always look banged up."

Amelia reached out to touch Mack's thumb. It was so thick. She couldn't ever remember seeing a hand as big as this. She wondered what it tasted like. She wanted to suck it; she wanted to feel it in her mouth and on her tongue, and she wanted to look up at the mechanic's face with her dark goth eyes to see how he'd react.

She wondered how big his dick was. She knew Yoshi had hooked up with him, but he'd kept details scarce. But fuck, look at the size of his hand. He must be big down there.

Side one of the record ended, and Yoshi got up to turn it over. Amelia's trance was broken, but innocent Mack had no idea what had been going through her mind. He was just showing her his recovered thumb, like she'd asked. "I need to take a piss," he announced. "Where's your bathroom?"

Yoshi dropped the stylus on side two. "Second door on the left," he said.

"Ta," the mechanic replied. He walked down the corridor and closed the bathroom door behind him.

"Hey, come and listen to this," said the emo, grabbing his girlfriend by the hand. They heard the stream begin.

"Fuck, dude, that sounds like a waterfall!" gasped Amelia. "You've listened to him piss before, haven't you?" Yoshi nodded. She wanted to touch herself.

As they heard the thunderous roar peter out into a trickle, they tiptoed back to the loungeroom of gloom. They sat back down, pretending like they hadn't ever moved. Amelia's phone was in her hand as she pretended to scroll through her socials.

Mack sat back down in his armchair. "Needed that," he declared.

They sat quietly, listening to the record. Eventually it ended, and Yoshi made no moves to put a new one on. The tonearm returned automatically to its cradle, and the turntable stopped turning.

"Fuuuuuuuuck," exhaled Yoshi. He'd noticed the mechanic kept glancing at his girlfriend's corseted rack.

Mack glanced at him. Even in darkness, the emo looked beautiful.

"What's up?" asked Amelia.

Yoshi fidgeted uncomfortably. "Fuck, babe ... like ... I'm just feeling so fucking horny right now."

"You wanna play?" she purred, stroking his thigh.

Yoshi leaned in close, brushing her black hair away, smelling her neck. "Maybe we should ask our guest if he wants to play."

Mack knew they weren't talking about board games.

"You wanna play with us?" Amelia asked the mechanic. "I promise we won't bite," she said. "Unless you want us to."

"Me and your friend have some history," Mack told her. "We need to sort that shit out."

Amelia looked shocked, and the emo looked confused. "Huh?" he said.

"What, you don't remember?" probed the mechanic. The kid knew, he just didn't want to go there. He hoped it had all been forgotten, though it obviously hadn't been. He didn't know that the intense gravity of his words that night nearly made the mechanic throw himself off his balcony.

Amelia's eyes widened at the looming mystery between her semi-boyfriend and this strong blue-collar man. "What happened?"

"We hooked up one night," Mack said. "We had sex, but my mind was all over the place that night." He took a deep breath, preparing to explain the basics. "I'm married, and my wife and I have a couple of kids. I've had sex with women other than her, but I confessed to her one night that I was into men as well as women, even though I'd never had sex with a dude at the time. I caught myself stealing glances at hot guys in the street, and I jacked off to male porn whenever I had the house to myself. I think she was shocked at first, but we talked it through, and soon enough, I moved out so I could scratch that itch. Luckily, our kids are old enough and mature enough to understand what's going on. My wife was supportive, but I guess it put some emotional distance between her and me. Like, for instance, when I went to the hospital because of my injured thumb, I never thought to call her until after I'd been patched up and was back at home. Anyway, I set up a Grindr account and Yoshi messaged me. Fast forward a bit, and we went to a rugby game one night, and ..."

"Him?" Amelia interrupted, stifling an amused snort. She turned to her FWB. "You went to a rugby match? You fucking *hate* sports!"

Yoshi smiled innocently. "Gotta try new things once in a while."

Amelia waited for the mechanic to continue.

"Anyway, so after the game, Yoshi came back to my place. The TLDR version is we had sex, then I had a mental meltdown, and Yoshi screamed at me for a few minutes before he left."

"What? Why'd he scream at you?" she asked, and the mechanic took a deep, settling breath.

"Because I told him he was moving too fast. And thinking back, that was a shitty thing for me to say, because I was the one who took him to my bedroom. I was the one setting the pace, not him, and when I asked him to stop doing something I wasn't ready for, he stopped immediately. I had no reason to say what I said. But he was the first dude I ever fucked, and ... well ... post-nut clarity, I guess. So I blamed him for the homelife shit I couldn't process."

Yoshi silently absorbed the auto mechanic's words. He knew he'd gone way too far with what he said that night, but he was relieved to know that he wasn't in the wrong.

"I guess I just needed some time to think. Yoshi wasn't pressuring me in any way, but I was worried I was rushing into something that might cost me my marriage. He told me I was pressuring myself, and he was right."

Amelia leaned forward. "But hang on a sec, you said your wife was cool with you playing the field?"

"Yeah, she said she was cool with the idea," replied the mechanic, "but it doesn't mean she wanted me to go through with it. Like, I think she wishes I never said anything. Life would've just gone on, and we'd still be a happy family."

"Do you reckon you'll get back together again?" she asked.

"Nah," exhaled Mack, feeling disappointment tinged with relief. "Unlikely. We've talked, we've grieved, we're done. We'll still be friends, and we need to keep up appearances for the sake of the kids and their school, but I guess this is my new life now. Single, early 40s, experimenting and starting again. Even though my marriage is over, it's completely unrelated to anything Yoshi said or did. There's nothing left to lose now, so now I want to try all the shit I've denied myself by living a neat, suburban life. I know I'm not gay, because I know I'm still into women, but I can't deny I'm into men too. I've fucked a couple more dudes since Yoshi, though they were blokes more my own age. I liked it, and I can feel myself wanting to make up for lost time. Whatever it was I couldn't deal with a few months ago, it's gone now."

"Sounds like you might be bi," said the goth chick.

Mack stared at her massive tits, still encased in her tight corset. He'd love to suck on them. "Yeah, probably."

"That's hot," she breathed.

Yoshi broke his silence. "You two finished with the psychoanalysis?" he pouted. "I'm horny."

Amelia picked up on something. "Yoshi, I heard you calling him 'big guy' before."

The emo looked at his semi-girlfriend. "Because ... he's ... a big guy. Look at him. Broad shoulders, thick neck, strong thighs and arms, big hands, what do you reckon? He's got a big dick. Now stop cramping my horny with your questions."

"Oh my god," she gasped. "And he fucked you?"

Yoshi nodded. "Like I said, he's big." He smirked at the mechanic, remembering he called him a two pump chump. "But he doesn't last very long," he teased.

"Like I said before, you were the first guy I've ever fucked," said the mechanic, defending himself, "and it'd been ages since the last time I had anal." He looked over at the goth chick. "My wife won't go there. So I guess I got a little excited. I can usually last a little longer than that."

"Yeah," said Yoshi, "but I shouldn't have called you out on it anyway. That wasn't fair. I guess I was angry at being blamed for something I didn't do."

Mack was penitent. "I'm sorry for that."

"And I'm sorry for screaming at you," the emo admitted. "To be honest, I scared myself with how I reacted. I felt scared that what you said to me provoked that kind of reaction. I'm not normally like that either. Let's just put it down to a strange night that we can move past."

The mechanic smiled grimly, trying hard not to recall how suicidal the emo's words made him feel that night. "You really slammed my door that night. You're pretty strong for a skinny runt. They say rugby's a game for all body types, and I picture you as a fullback."

Yoshi laughed. "Yay. Sportsball. But seriously, can we fuck now?"

Amelia sensed the tense moment had passed. "Get this shit off me, dude," she said, standing up. "Can't fucking breathe."

The half-Japanese emo stood behind her and began to undo her corset. The threads were delicate and his fingers took some time to get the job done, but soon enough, Amelia's corset was unlaced and her captive breasts were freed. "Fuck, that feels better," she said, fully inflating her lungs with air for the first time in hours. Her braless breasts hung loose inside the black t-shirt she wore under the garment. Mack stared. They were big and perky. So much bigger than his wife's tiny breasts. These were a meal.