Big Wigs - How I Hate Them

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Couple struggles to understand each others needs.
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Copyright © 2020 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Author's Note: No sex. Not really, a cheating wife although the comments I have gotten from readers say there was and called the husband a wimp. I assume a woman at some point in their lives hurt them and now they are woman haters. If you're looking for a BTB story, this isn't one. Grow up and don't bother commenting if that displeases you.

Big Wigs - How I Hate Them

We, my daughter and I, were sitting on the plane waiting for it to take off. We were flying to Chicago from Atlanta, to see my wife, who was hospitalize having been involved in a pretty serious car accident. The only seats I could get were two first-class seats, which was okay for me. I could afford them plus as an employee of the airline, I got a discount. So I was feeling good about my seats, yet really worried about my wife. I was talking to my daughter when this man came along the aisle. He stopped, looking behind him.

"Here we go, sir. Two right here," he said to someone down the aisle behind us.

I looked up at him. He was dressed in a suit that made him look like a member of the cabin crew. I looked around for a real member and they seemed to be busy elsewhere.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you and your daughter to move back to row 25," he said.

"I beg your pardon," I replied.

"Sir, it seems that there has been a mix-up in the seating assignments..."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I work for the airline," he replied.

"Really? Then you must be very, very new at your job," I said.

"No, sir, I've been doing this for a very long time."

"Go away."

"Sir, I really need you to move..."

"That's never going to happen."

"Sir, I must insist," he said.

"How much?"

"How much what?" he asked.

"How much are you willing to pay me for my two seats?"

"Oh, I couldn't do that, sir."

"Why? Because the guy you work for doesn't want to pay? I'll bet he's the one who paid for coach and they didn't have any upgrades so he sent you, his little weasel, up here to try and con someone out of their seats."

He just turned a deep red. I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears like in the cartoons my daughter liked to watch. As he finally got himself back under control, I reached up and pressed my call button. Two of the plane staff appeared in a matter of seconds.

"What can we do for you sir?" the cute brunette asked.

"Why isn't this passenger in his seat?" I asked softly.

"I don't know, sir. Why are you out of your seat, sir?" she asked the weasel.

"I am trying to correct a mistake here stewardess," he said. Big mistake.

"You will go back to your seat or I will notify the Air Marshal and have you arrested and escorted off the plane," she said with authority.

The male steward helped the man back to economy class none to gently.

"Thank you..." I raise my eyebrows.

"Linda," she replied.

"Thank you, Linda."

"You're welcome sir," said Linda smiling at my daughter and me.

We finally took off and once we reached cruising altitude and the seatbelt signs were off an older man came up to stand beside my seat.

"If I might, sir?" he asked.

"No, you may not. Who the hell do you work for, that he thinks he can come up here and bully two paying customers out of their seats?"

I was the one doing the steaming now.

"Tim works for me. I am Senator Bart Holman. And I'm asking nicely if you would change seats with me and my wife."

"NO! How many times do I have to say that?"

"I know a lot of people at this airline..."

"Do you like flying on this airline?" I asked.

"I do. They always upgrade me when I do, except for this time."

"Really? What do they charge you?"


"Well, I'll see that stops immediately."

His eyes got wide and his face turned red.

"Who are you that you think you can make that stop?" he growled.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"My daddy is in charge of this airline and you better listen to him or he'll put you on the no-fly list," my daughter Emily quipped.

She's only five and thinks this airline is the only one there is. I chuckled at her patting her hand tenderly. I then turned to Holman. He was gone. I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time I heard from him. I took out my laptop and crafted a letter to my EA. I connected to the planes WIFI and sent it to her. I got a reply almost instantly.

The flight didn't take all that long, about an hour and a half. When we landed there was a limo waiting to take Emily and myself, I'm Allen, Allen Hudson, to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, a nurse and an airline employee were waiting for us. The employee introduced herself and then the nurse. Once the introductions finished, she told me how sorry she was that my wife, Ellen had been hurt. Then she left. The nurse, Karen, then led Emily and me to my wife. I almost started weeping when I saw how badly she was hurt. But I held back the tears so Emily wouldn't be so worried.

Ellen was still unconscious. A nurse's aid came in and took Emily down the hall for something to drink. Karen then explained what had happened to my wife. This was when I found out that she hadn't been alone in the car. I shook my head at that information. Karen wouldn't tell me who was with her or where they were. I knew she was just doing her job and all kinds of rules and regulations kept her from revealing the identity of the other person. But I also knew the person's name was in and on a lot of public records concerning the crash. I made a phone call to start the wheels grinding.

I wasn't really a jealous man. I knew Ellen was a beautiful woman and would be hit on all the time. She even flirted back. I had seen her, yet she always went home with me. These trips she made were for her company. I never questioned her fidelity, until now. But I put that on hold until she was awake and in better condition to answer questions. Emily was back now, sitting in my lap while we watched Ellen.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," Emily said.

I smiled down at her. I was hungry too. As we stood up, Beverly, the airline employee stepped into the room.

"Your car is at the front entrance," she said handing me a set of keys. "It's a company car, sir."

"Beverly, it's Allen, please."

"Of course, Allen," she responded leading the way to the car.

"Do you have a ride back to wherever you need to be?" I asked.

"I'll just grab an Uber."

"Nonsense. Have you been able to grab lunch?" I asked.

"No, I thought I'd stop on the way back to the airport."

"Again, nonsense. Join us."

"Yeah, join us," Emily quipped.

Beverly giggled at Emily, as Emily grabbed Beverly's hand.

"I will, but only because you asked so nicely young lady," Bev said to Emily.

Beverly said there was a car seat in the trunk. I got it out and put it in the back seat, getting Emily belted in and all secure. With Bev upfront with me, we went to lunch. Nothing elaborate, just McDonald's. Emily loved McDonald's. Of course, we had to find one with a play area. After finishing eating, I drove Beverly back to the airport. I then went and checked us into our hotel. As we entered our room, Emily rushed to the bathroom. Chuckling, I waited outside the door. I too had to use the facilities. After that, we went back to the hospital. Inside, as I sat there looking at my wife, I was crying for her. I couldn't really cry, because of Emily, which would come later. After she was well enough and after I found out who she was with and why.

She didn't wake up until the third day she was in the hospital. On the second day, we were there, Emily was down the hall playing with a nurse's aide, when a man, on crutches, hobbled up to the door. When he saw me he, hurried way. I now had a face to put on the man she was with in the accident. Why didn't I jump up and follow him, everyone would probably be asking. Well, I had plans for him, when he was fully recovered. I told the nursing staff that no one but hospital personnel were to go in her room.

The day she woke, I was sitting by her side. I was nodding off. Emily was once again occupied with Jane, the nurse's aide who seemed to have taken a liking to her.

"Jeff," Ellen croaked.

I didn't move. She was coughing now. A nurse came in and rushed to the bed. She pressed a button on the wall.

"I need some help in here," she shouted.

Getting up from the chair, I moved so I would be out of the way. Four more nurses and a doctor rushed into the room. There was nothing life-threatening going on, they were removing tubes and things from Ellen. And yet, I couldn't believe the first name she called out was not Emily's or mine, but some guy named Jeff. I stood out in the hall, cell phone to my ear. I was talking to my EA, Jennifer. She was telling me all about a man named Jeffery Shuster. Where he lived, what he did, etc.

The nurses and the doctor finally cleared the room. I stepped back into the room, eyes closed Ellen laid there looking awful. Now that all the bandages were off her face, I could see all the black and blue marks. I felt sick to my stomach. She must have heard the whisper of my shoes on the floor.

"Jeff?" she said before opening her eyes.

I just stood there looking down at her. Her eyes widened, as she was able to focus them on me. Her mouth opened as if to scream.

"Who's Jeff?" I asked softly.

She passed out. Looking up at the monitor hooked up to her, I saw her heart rate skyrocket. A nurse was beside her. Even though she was unconscious, her vitals were going crazy. Shaking my head, I left the room. The nurse chased me down.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Nothing much. She spoke without thinking. Called me Jeff."

"Oh! I take it you're not Jeff?"

"No, I'm her husband, who is not named Jeff."

"Oh my." Nodding she just walked away to the nurses' station.

I followed her, left instructions to notify me when she was ready for discharge. I collected Emily and we left to get something to eat. When we got back, I had decided not to stay away for Emily's sake, Ellen was once again conscious. I brought Emily in with me this time. Ellen was happy to see her. But every once in a while she would look at me with fear in her eyes. Imagine that? My wife was afraid of me? The man she had been married to for ten of the best years of her life. I just looked at her each time with questioning looks.

Jane came down to the room and collected Emily so that Ellen and I could have some time alone. Ellen didn't look like she wanted any time alone with me. In fact, she looked afraid to have me in the same room as her. I just looked at her for a few seconds.

"I will never hurt you," I said softly.

She sighed, closed her eyes, and started to sob.

"Who is he?" I asked.

She shook her head wincing in pain.

"Never mind, I can wait until you're well and we get back home," I said.

She shook with... what? Fear, dread, sorrow? I couldn't tell.

"Nothing happened between Jeff and me," she said.

"Okay, but like I said I can wait to hear all about him and you after you're better and back home with Emily and me."

Now she seemed even more afraid. I heard a gasp from behind me. Turning I saw Jeff. Boy, did he have balls? He didn't run away this time. Standing there glaring at him, he moved into the room. I heard the charge nurse shouting at him.

"No, come on in, Jeff," I said.

He was startled. When the charge nurse was at the door, I waved her off.

"There's not going to be any trouble in here, is there?" she asked.

"Not from me. How about you Jeff? Any trouble coming from you?" I asked.

"No, no trouble," he said in a deep bass voice. "Is she okay?"

"For the time being. I do know that she will be quitting her job when we get back home. Also, how's your wife and kids?" Ellen gasped at that bit of news.

"They're fine, thanks for asking. Okay then, I hope she recovers quickly. Ellen, I wish you well," Jeff said, turned, and left the room.

Turning back, Ellen was crying. I wondered whether it was because I had found out who her lover was, or was it because she couldn't say goodbye to her lover, or was it because she knew she was quitting her job. I didn't know but would find out later when she was back to being herself. Whatever that was.

"I have never cheated on you," she said defiantly.


"I love you. I love you very much."

"Good. I love you too."

Then Emily came running into the room with a picture of Mommy. I caught a glimpse of it just before Ellen did. There were three adults and one child.

"This is you, mommy and this is me. This is daddy and this is your boyfriend."

Ellen collapsed into unconsciousness.

"Daddy, Mommy has gone to sleep again."

"I know sweetheart. I think we should go down the hall and let Mommy rest."

"Okay, Daddy."

I walked her down the hall, to the little alcove that Jane let her play in. She sat down and started to draw again.

"You didn't put Mommy's boyfriend's name on this picture. Do you know his name?" I asked softly.

"Sure, it's Kevin."

"I see."

I was now heartbroken and filled with rage. I was even angrier than I was at assholes like Holman. After ten years. Ten years. I suddenly wondered if Emily was even mine. I thought to myself, 'it's time to leave.' But could I do that to her? Why not, she has a boyfriend that even our daughter knows about. And was she really my daughter? Again, doubt crept into my thoughts. Did I want to burn the bridge? I needed to know about Emily's parentage. What luck? I was in a hospital.

I went to the nurse's station and talked to the charge nurse. I thanked her for all that she had done for Ellen. Then I asked how difficult it would be to have some DNA tests run. She didn't seem surprised. I have to assume as Emily was drawing her picture Jane had gotten detailed info on each person and had told her charge nurse. She asked me on whom I wanted DNA tests run. I told her my daughter and mine for paternity. She had no problem with asking a doctor to order one. The resident didn't even ask her why he just put the order in.

The charge nurse, Carol, took swabs from Emily and me.

"I'll put a rush on this. They can have an answer as far as parentage in less than a day. We should know something by Friday," Carol said.

"Thank you," I said.

Sitting down next Emily, I put my face in my hands and just zoned out. I don't know how long I sat there with my eyes closed and nothing running through my mind.

"Allen," said Carol. Her voice pulled me back to reality.


"Your wife is asking for you," she said.

"Emily, do you want to go see Mommy?" I asked.

"Sure, for a little while," she replied.

"I can take her down if you would like," Carol said.

"Thank you, but I shouldn't impose like this."

"Nothing to it. I'll send Jane to check on her."

"Again, thank you. Emily, why don't you go with Carol?"

"Okay, Daddy," Emily said taking Carol's hand and going down the hall to her mother's room.

Once again, I put my face in my hands, closed my eyes, and drifted away.

~~~~ ooOoo ~~~~

"Daddy, Mommy wants to talk to you. She is crying. I think you should go to her," Emily said.

I jerked up, looking at my daughter's face. She looked very worried.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked.

"Mommy is very worried. She won't tell me why but I can see it in her eyes and on her face. Please go to her?" Emily asked.

"I will," I said taking a deep breath and holding it for a second.

Emily patted my hand. I smiled down at her. Standing I looked down at her.

"Will you be all right here by yourself?"

"Jane will look in on me when she can. And Carol can see me from her desk. I'll be fine. Just don't forget me here," she said.

"I won't sweetheart. I love you, don't ever forget that."

"I won't. I love you too, and Mommy."

I nodded at her, turned, and went down to Ellen's room. She was sitting up in bed. Her eyes were red from crying. Her face was still black and blue and yet, she was still pretty.

"Allen?" she asked tentatively.

"I'm still here. I almost left."

Her eyes got wide. Her mouth opened, then closed, then opened. She looked like a fish.

"Spit it out, dear," I said.

"I have never cheated on you," she finally said.

"Then who is Kevin?" I asked.

"He's my assistant, my EA. He goes where I go. He always has my back. He was supposed to be here with me in Chicago but his mother died and he had things to do..."

"Go on."

"He's also very gay," she finally said.

I swallowed hard. If that was true... how would I know it was true, even if Kevin said he was gay, could I now believe him or her. My trust in her had eroded a lot in the last couple of days. I felt awash in an ocean, to which I have never been. My mind was screaming in pain and anguish. I didn't know what or who to believe. I was at a complete loss. I also thought I could wind up being very ashamed of myself.

"And who is Jeff?" This one I had to know about and quickly.

Again, she shook her head wincing in pain. I just sighed loudly. As I turned to leave she sighed.

"Allen, why don't you believe me?" she asked.

"Not now Ellen. Just not now. Please. I have to go take care of Emily," I said turning back to the door.

"Will I see you again?" she asked.

"I thought I made it clear that I wasn't leaving?" I said my back to her.

"Oh! Okay. I love you," she said.

"I thought you did," I replied and quickly left the room to her sobs.

When I got to the alcove where Emily was, I just stood watching her color another picture. This one was just her, Ellen, and me. I closed my eyes tight. A tear ran down my cheek. I could feel it slowly roll down my skin. My cell phone ringing jarred me out of my reverie. I continued to the alcove and sat with Emily while I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I hadn't looked at the caller ID, I just assumed it was my EA.

"Allen," said Jennifer.

"Here," I replied.

"I have emailed you a bunch of information on the man you asked about. Just letting you know."

"Highlights, please?"

"Right. His full name is Jeffery Benjamin Shuster. He is 42 years old. Married to Sandra Phoebe Shuster nee. Jackson. They have 2 children, a boy Steven, 10 and a girl Kelly, 12. They have been married for 14 years. Nice house just outside of Chicago. Do you want more?"

"Has he ever been caught cheating on his wife?"

"Not that we could find. That doesn't mean he hasn't though."

"Has he ever been arrested?"

"Yes. He has been arrested twice for soliciting, never convicted though."

"Okay, I'll read the report if I want any other information. Thank you, Jen," I said.

"No problem, boss," she giggled.

She always giggled when she called me boos. She knew I didn't like her calling me that and she was the only one who could get away with calling me, boss. I looked down at Emily.

"You hungry, dear?" I asked.

"I am. Very hungry."

"Well let's go find someplace to grab a bite."

"Okay," she replied, leaving her things where they were.

Yes, we would be back. She was still my wife and she may be telling the truth. I didn't know Chicago that well, so I stopped at the front desk and asked about restaurants in the neighborhood. It just so happened there was an IHOP down the street. That excited Emily. We had breakfast for dinner. It was an early dinner. While we ate, I read the report Jen had emailed me. It seemed this Jeff character was a prostitute. But, he only had women clients. When we got back to the hospital, Ellen was asleep. I left Emily in the alcove. The staff was now different. There was a nurse's aide, Cari, who would take care of Emily. The charge nurse was Patricia. Both said good evening as I went to Ellen's room.