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I chuckled again and replied. "The word is steamy. Check out the windows."

She sat up, took one look at the windows, and broke up laughing. After a moment she quieted and said. "I always thought it was a joke or an old wives tale about two people fogging up the windows. I didn't know how wrong I could be. I didn't realize how much fun it could be either."

I reached under the seat to retrieve a roll of paper towels and wiped at the side and back windows before handing them to her. She wiped the passenger window and then froze, whispering, "Oh shit! There's a cop car parked between us and the road."

I glanced past her, leaned over, and pulled her coat up off the floor. "Cover up with this and don't worry. I'll just drive out and go on my way like there's nothing to it. We're not the first to park here and we won't be the last, I guarantee you. As long as the trucks not rocking he won't come knocking." I finished with a laugh to cover my nervousness.

I put the truck in gear and turned on the lights. Turning in a tight circle, I drove across the parking area and stopped at the edge of the road before pulling out and heading up hill. The cop turned on his headlights but didn't follow us. As I rounded the next bend, he turned around, and headed down hill. I let out a long sigh of relief.

Ruth, who was turned looking out the back window, did the same. Then she laughed and said. "Would you believe I'm all wet again?"

I laughed and shook my head. "You're going to have to wait until we get home."

She chuckled and whispered. "Chicken."


I took the North shore lake road so we didn't have to go through town. I pulled into the carport and shut the truck down. Before it died good, Ruth turned to me, and planted a monster of a kiss on me.

When it ended she looked me dead in the eyes and said. "Thank you. I've never had so much fun in my life. Riding up a mountain nude should have been enough but add to that sucking a dick to our mutual orgasm, getting my pussy ate until I thought I would die, and then nearly getting busted by the law, what more could a girl ask for on a first date." With this said she broke up in gales of laughter. I just shook my head and chuckled.

When she subsided I said. "Plus you get to help unload the truck."

She looked at my grinning face a moment then said. "Oh yeah, we do have to take everything inside don't we. Shit, it's going to be cold. Do you know what it's going to take to warm me back up?"

I laughed. "Yeah, a nice long hot shower for two."

"Bingo, we have a winner." She said.


It didn't take us long to get everything inside and for me to light a fire in the fireplace. Ruth had slipped on her coat as we carried things in but now it was hung on the rack by the door. As soon as the fire was lit she moved over to stand in front of it and toast her beautiful round ass.

I headed for the kitchen to rustle us up something to eat. From time to time I would glance into the living room to watch her in front of the fire. When she had warmed herself enough, she walked toward me and into the kitchen.

At my broad grin she asked. "What is that grin for?"

I turned and gathered her into my arms for a soft kiss. "I was just comparing the lady standing before me now to the one I first met. Your sensuousness and sexuality have come to full bloom and it shows in your movements and attitude."

I paused to kiss her again then continued. "There's a much more pronounced wiggle and sway to your walk and your carriage is more self assured and confident. You were a pretty woman then but you have blossomed into a very beautiful woman now." When I kissed her this time she was much more passionate and aggressive.

When she broke the kiss she stepped back and smiled at me. "Thank you, flattery will get you everywhere." She said with a chuckle. "I know that it's true, which makes it even better. In the past I view myself as a competent person and now I feel like a confidant woman. The feeling of power is something very new to me, if you know what I mean."

I had to laugh before I replied. "Yes, women are very powerful creatures. They control sixty percent of the money and one hundred percent of the pussy in the world."

She chuckled and said, "Just remember that." as she moved back into my arms for a smoldering kiss.

When the kiss broke, I stepped back and sniffed the air. "Is supper burning or did you just scorch my brain?"

She laughed and ran her hand over the bulge in the front of my jeans. "Probably not enough blood flow around your brain to keep it cool. I think it's all down here. Put supper on hold I want something else first."

Saying that, she undid my belt and slowly tugged down the zipper of my jeans down. When my manhood sprang out at her she wrapped her fingers around it and led me back to the living room and the rug in front of the fire.

As I removed my shirt, she knelt in front of me and licked at the underside and head that stood up against my belly. When I had the shirt off, she told me to lie down and relax. She tugged off my boots and jeans before returning to lick along the length of my member slowly. After a few moments, I told her to turn around and straddle my head; I had something new to show her.

When she did as I asked, I told her to continue with what she had been doing. When she laid forward to resume her licking, I raised my head and took a long lick up the center of her crack from clit to ass hole. She jumped and tried to pull away but I reached up and pressed downward on her ass.

I took another couple of licks along the same route, which brought a groan from her before she got over her surprise and savagely attacked me. The more I licked, sucked, tickled, and teased her, the wilder her mouth became on my shaft. She was moaning and whining almost constantly, which only added to my pleasure.

When she came it was almost an explosion and went on and on. Her mouth had stopped moving except for a soft sucking pulse that went along with her orgasm and the motion of my tongue in and out of her dripping, pulsing vagina.

After a time she moved forward releasing my manhood to collapse full length on top of me. She lay there gasping for breath for several minutes before rising up and looking over her shoulder at me.

"Damn, you're going to kill me with that tongue of yours one of these days." She took several long deep breaths as I chuckled. Then she grinned and continued. "But what a way to go."

Slowly she got to her knees and moved down until her sex was over my shaft. Sitting down, she rubbed her slippery sex along and over my manhood before reaching between us and standing it up to fit it to her hot opening. "This is what I wanted and where I wanted it. Not that the oral isn't good but I want that hot, pulsing, full feeling deep inside. Is it alright from this direction or should I turn around?" she asked.

"I love it from this direction, you should see the view I get." I said as she slowly lowered herself down onto me.

I watched closely as her sex moved up and down slowly on my shaft, swallowing a little more of me with each movement. She would roll and flex her hips at the bottom of each stroke, which was as beautiful and exciting to watch, as it was an exquisitely great feeling as her hot vagina worked me deeper and deeper.

As her ass brushed lightly against my hips, she groaned and pulled almost all the way up off me before slamming back to sit straddle me totally impaled. "Oh, Shit." She said. "This feels so good. It's feels different than sitting the other way. I've already had three or four small orgasms and I feel another one building."

She began moving up and down with long strong strokes that felt great to me. I hoped she was close to her orgasm because mine was building fast. I moved my hips up to meet her on the next several strokes and a long drawn out moan came from her lips.

Another couple of strokes and I couldn't hold back anymore as the pleasure grew so intense. I felt myself exploding deep inside her as she slammed her ass down and ground it into my hips. Her hips were flexing and jerking as she came right along with me. I didn't think it was ever going to end and hoped it wouldn't.

It did end, as all things must. She sat there leaning forward on her hands as I sat up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She sat back and laid her head back onto my shoulder. I slowly caressed her breasts and stomach as my lips traveled along her shoulder and neck. She gave out with a long deep sigh as she relaxed there against me.

We sat this way for several minutes as our breathing returned to normal and our hearts slowed their racing. Ruth sighed again then said. "Kim Lee will never believe me when I tell her about this."

She paused a moment then said. "Well, maybe she will. Maybe it's me that doesn't quite believe that this is happening. If I had known about this twenty years ago our government would be minus one missile specialist. I'd be specializing in another type of missile altogether." She finished with a laugh.

I squeezed her and twitched my muscles causing my manhood to twitch inside her. "Houston, we have ignition and lift off." I said with a chuckle.

She laughed and replied. "Actually I think it exploded on the pad or is that more like in the silo?" We laughed at that together as I hugged her tightly to me.

She wiggled her hips to the accompanying sound of squishing. "I think we've got a big mess on our hands is what we really have."

I laughed and said. "I don't think our hands have anything to do with it."

She chuckled and eased slowly up onto her knees releasing her grip on my semi-ridged shaft. She looked down between her legs to see the mess in my lap. "Yes sir, we have a mess, a total and complete mess. I think it is time for that shower now, how about you?"

I leaned forward and kissed the top of her tailbone before answering. "I think so, also."


In the shower Ruth was as wiggly, slippery, and frisky as an Otter. Where the first shower we had together was exploration and discovery, this one was fun and frolic. We were laughing and giggling like a couple of kids.

By the time we had finished and were dry and groomed we were famished. We headed back to the kitchen to finish making our supper, laughing, joking, and playing all the way.


After supper was finished and everything cleaned up, we snuggled under a blanket on the couch and watched the fire. Out of the blue Ruth said. "If someone would have told me a week ago I would be eating supper with a man totally naked, I would have laughed at them for being crazy. Add to that all the other wild stuff we've done over the past two days and I would have called the men in the white coats. My, how times change." She finished with a contented sigh.

I chuckled and said. "I understand what you mean. These last two days are far wilder than any fantasy I've ever had. I've got a good imagination but nothing like this."

We returned to silence for a time. I kissed her softly on the forehead and said. "I hope it goes on for a long, long time. Forever, if that could be possible."

Ruth turned and looked up at me for several long moments. "I feel the same way and that is a little scary. It's not just the sex either. I feel so comfortable and safe around you. I'm having so many feels I've never had before, that's the scary part."

I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. When I leaned back she whispered. "There are three little words I've never said to anyone but I feel I need to say them to you. I love you."

I looked at her for a short moment before answering. "I haven't said those word for a long time. Not since my wife died. I was beginning to believe I never would say them again but now I feel I can. I love you." The kiss we shared then, was long and deep.

When our lips parted we clung to each other for a long time. I was beginning to believe that Ruth had fallen asleep when she stirred and asked. "What do we do now? I'm a hunted woman and we can't stay hidden forever. Sooner or later they will find me and haul me back to White Sands. Once there, they will never let me out of their sight again."

I chuckled and asked. "What if we got married?" She bolted up out of my arms and stared at me like I had two heads. I laughed and continued. "I know I scared myself when I asked that question but I mean it. I do love you and if we were married there is nothing they can do about it."

She continued to stare at me then said. "I'm not sure whether I should kiss you, laugh at you, or jump up and run out the front door screaming. That was a thought that never crossed my mind." She blinked several times rapidly and continued. "What if I said yes?"

I smiled and answered softly. "Then we would have a quick wedding to plan."

She blinked several more times and said. "Oh, shit, what are we saying? You just asked me to marry you and I just said yes, is that right?"

I nodded and grinned. "That's what I thought. Boy, is this going to fuck up some peoples heads and jobs." She finished with a laugh.

Sobering suddenly she asked. "What about your job and your beautiful place here?" I can't ask you to give all this up to live on some sterile military base under a mountain."

I laughed and answered. "Do you really think they can keep the both of us there forever? There are ways to get what you and I both want and make the government happy too. You've just have never had sufficient reason to stand up to them and no one to back you up. When the two of us put our heads together we can move mountains."

She looked at me for a moment and then let a smile slowly cross her lips. "I've already felt the earth move. Mountains are small potatoes compared to that."


The next day I left early to go rent a car through a friend of mine. That way there was no direct link to me at the rental agency. We left my truck at the cabin and drove the rental car into town to the courthouse.

After we filled out the license we went up stairs to a Judge friend of mines office. I explained that we were in a hurry to get married and asked if he could wave the three-day waiting period.

He laughed and said. "You both look old enough to know your own minds so I have no problem with that."

The ceremony was quick and painless with a couple of court clerks standing in for witnesses. We were on our way in less than an hour. I took one of the lesser-known back roads out of town and down the backside of the mountain.

We got away clean and spent our wedding night in a small bed and breakfast on Lake Havasu in Arizona. Two days later we presented ourselves at the main gate to White Sands. Needless to say we caused quite a stir.

Now we spend our time split between their mountains and mine. It took some time and a few temper tantrums but we worked it out. Now I have two jobs, one is in maintenance and the other is to keep Ruth happy. They don't realize how much I love the second job.

Our time at Big Bear is limited and we have to take security with us but we have our privacy and we do slip off from time to time but that's a whole other story.

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Falstaff60Falstaff6011 months ago

Loved the story especially the included romance aspect. There was a lot of sex and sexual exploration, but I didn't feel it was too much considering the circumstances of the characters lives and necessity. I really liked it that at the end of the day (or story) the main characters found a way to be together.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 1 year ago

I have just come across your writings. Trying to catch up over the next period of time.

Damn, I certainly do enjoy your stories regardless of the category. Seems like each one is my new favorite.

So---just please keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I like the story

I like the story yes it could possibly be a factual story but we have to remember that it was written for our enjoyment as far as the grammar I concentrated on the story. Maybe you will write up a follow up story. That would be I think. 5stars I really enjoyed it. Most did not see it for what it is j a woman sheltered most of her adult life realizing there is more to life than being kept away from the real world.

Buddy1945 aka Ron

The_PedantThe_Pedantabout 5 years ago
Too much sex and not enough plot.

You rely on a spell checker, too. Quite a few correctly spelled words, but with the wrong meaning in their context..

Decal_lastDecal_lastover 5 years ago
Like a nice soft curveball. Homerun

Very enjoyable. Much more realistic than many. Kudos for an excellent tale (tail?).

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
true fiction?

I find myself thinking this could be one of those tales that is closer to life than mere fiction

The infamous Anonymous

tophat827tophat827over 7 years ago
best one yet

one of the best to date. plus it's one of the many things i would love to have done, but never got around to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Too much.......

........ fucking and not enough plot.

SampkyangSampkyangover 8 years ago
About the sex

I gave you a 5 because your a very good writer, BUT romance is NOT about sex. Erotic couplings is about SEX not romance. so romance is not your cup of tea, but it could be if you discover love/sex/romance is sooo much more. You write well enough to do it with the best of the best.....I'm thinking you know very little about true love and even less about romance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I agree with the two prior comments, especially about the mis-spellings:

"quite" should have been "quit"

"damm" should have been "dam"

"Macdonald's" should have been "McDonald's"

"trucks" should have been "truck's"

You're too good a writer to have these kinds of things which detract from the continuity and explicitness of your very well written and imaginative story.

I did think that your story was too long, It should have been in chapters. The only reason that I kept reading it was to try to find out how it ended.

That being said: I don't know how a woman like Ruth, who hasn't seen any current spy pictures, and probably didn't read John Le Carre, could determine how to "slip a tail."

Keep writing, and get somebody to edit your stories.

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