Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 06

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Ostentatious Dinner and Some Sexy Ideas.
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Part 6 of the 105 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/20/2016
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A note to readers: This is a long story that unfolds chapter by chapter through the eyes of two protagonists – Mark and Elsa, and as in many of my other stories involves a growing spate of horny characters. Every ten chapters or so I will provide a short summary at the start of that episode to bring new readers up to date. This story could appear in a number of genres (Loving Wives, Incest, Lesbian, Fetish, and more) depending on the chapter, but the overall theme is Group, so I have applied this moniker to all chapters. The story is still being written, yet I intend to post a new chapter every couple of days. Enjoy.

Chapter 6 – Ostentatious Dinner and Some Sexy Ideas


I called Elsa on Saturday morning, getting her on the first ring. She informed me that my caller ID on her phone still showed me as 'Mark Worth' due to the character truncation, but also reminded me that I was forgiven.

I asked about Cindy. She was doing her own errands and such that morning, but the sisters had planned to get together for a late lunch about one-thirty unless I had better plans. My request to join them was met with enthusiasm.

I worked all morning at my corporate headquarters and then met Cindy and Elsa sitting outside of the Sweet Salads restaurant. They'd waited for me to order, and chided me for ordering a roast beef sandwich loaded with red meat, whereas they got 'healthy' salads that allowed them to keep their svelte figures, remain sexy, and thereby be erotically pleasing to my eyes while being oversexed nymphomaniacs. They explained in great sexual detail exactly how erotically pleasurable they could be because of the salads. I allowed as how roast beef allowed me to make love to the two of them twice in one session, and that pretty much ended that argument.

I had made a note on my cellphone to talk to my doctor about drugs, hormones, and supplements that could help my own sexual performance. I got it in my head that I wanted to be able to pleasure both women even more in a session. That might be a feat given my current physiology, but I sure wanted to try.

I asked them if they'd like to go to a great upscale steak restaurant and have some fun that evening. Both women agreed that sounded nice despite the promise of red meat. I suggested that I pick them up at Elsa's at four so that we could get an early start and get there together. I told them to dress 'ultra chic,' and then I left them for a couple of hours to organize things and attend to several business calls.

When I picked them up at Elsa's, I was wearing a bespoke dark blue suit I'd had made for me on Savile Row in London, along with a starched shirt and rep tie. I had a bright red handkerchief adorning the breast pocket of my suit jacket to give my otherwise drab appearance a splash of color.

I knocked on Elsa's door and Cindy opened it. She was wearing a mid-thigh cocktail dress that had a silvery metallic look to it. The dress was sleeveless, and also emphasized her perfect figure the way it fit, particularly over her breasts. Her legs looked like they went on forever, ending in some heels that made me wonder how she could walk in them yet they made her legs look so sexy. Elsa came around the corner and passed a shawl to Cindy. She wore a similar style dress that was electric blue with matching heels. I got hot kisses from each of them.

I escorted the women to the limousine, and we started rolling. Twenty minutes later, to their surprise, we turned into a special side gate at the city airport. My driver had a transponder that automatically opened the gate as we approached. He drove us right up next to my Cessna Citation X. The door was open and the stairway deployed; my two pilots were chatting at the bottom of the stairs, but welcomed us as we drove up.

The women were obviously impressed, and I have to admit that was the reaction I'd been hoping for. We got on the plane, I greeted the crew, the door shut, and the engines started to immediately spool up. I helped them into their seats and seatbelts, gave them my brief safety speech, and by then we were almost at the end of the runway ready to takeoff. I didn't respond to the questions about our destination, only promising that they'd like dinner.

The flight to Midway Airport just south of downtown Chicago took a little over an hour-and-a-half. We blended into the arriving traffic that seemed to consist mostly of Southwest Airlines' 737s, landed, and taxied to the general aviation side of the field.

John, my pilot, came out and opened the plane's door and stairway, and we descended right into another stretch limousine. As soon as we were seated the car pulled away, and twenty-five minutes later we pulled up in front of Benny's Steakhouse inside the Loop. I escorted the two best-dressed women in the country into the restaurant to the looks and stares of everyone else in the place.

We had a marvelous meal, and again some of the most flavorful and tenderest meat there was on the planet. Without any regard for paying because I had an account there, when we were through we got up and left, finding our limo right outside waiting for us. The driver gave us a quick tour of the downtown; focusing on Michigan Avenue and all of the fabulous 'Fifth Avenue' shops there. I could see the girls had great interest in window-shopping. I made a note to offer them a daytrip back there sometime soon.

We then went back to Midway Airport, and were back in the air on the way home a few minutes later.

After we reached altitude, Elsa asked me if either pilot ever came back to this part of the plane. I commented that I seldom saw them except getting on or off of the plane. She got a positively lewd look on her face, and Cindy immediately picked up her vibes and followed suit. I got the signals and understood. I went up front for a moment and spoke to the pilots, suggesting that they stay 'up front' the rest of the trip. Both men laughed and nodded their compliance.

I returned and stood in the aisle between the two women. In seconds, Elsa had my pants unbuckled and unzipped. Cindy pushed them down my legs, and then my somewhat flaccid cock was in Elsa's mouth rapidly becoming harder than a wrought iron bar. Cindy got in on the act too, as Elsa hiked her skirt up and pulled the top of her dress off her shoulders and down, to make her nearly naked except for the bunched up dress around her midsection.

She reclined her wide leather seat and spread her legs, gave me a devilish grin, and said, "Fuck me, Lover." I did just that.

About ten minutes in, Elsa made me repeat the process with Cindy who had acquired a similar posture across the narrow aisle as she'd watched me fucking her sister. She'd been jilling off watching us and providing me additional pornographic eye candy. We were having fun, and there was a lot of comment about the Mile High Club, and the various subcommittees that might comprise such an operation: cunnilingus training, blowjob coaching, ass fucking, clean up, intimate contact, and more.

I went back and forth between the two women after that, as they urged me on and talked very dirty about what was happening and where I should discharge my load. I was finding our threesome something I had seriously missed in my life, but I didn't know it. I didn't want this to stop, and the prurient part of my brain kept yelling, 'More, more, more.' I wondered if I was oversexed suddenly and going to shock the girls in some way because I was so lascivious.

As fate would have it, I came inside Cindy – blasting a huge load into her sodden cunt as she held her legs back so I had an open and willing pussy to fuck. I wondered about cleanup, but there wasn't time.

We had to scramble around and figure out how to clean up after we were through. The whole passenger compartment of the small jet smelled like raw sex – a delightful aroma that started to make me warm and full of lust again in record time. The girls used the microscopic lavatory and somehow managed to get themselves back together so they looked presentable.

After we landed at City Airport, we got into the limousine heading ... somewhere. I asked, "Where are we going? Do you two want to come stay with me? Elsa's? Cindy's?"

The girls conversed and decided that they wanted to come to my condo because of the view and the magnificent shower, but only after we stopped at each of their apartments for a few minutes for them to change clothes and bring some crucial female items of the clothing and cosmetics variety. The trip to my place took a little over an hour, but they were happy campers. They'd also changed into chic-looking casual tops and shorts, leaving the sexy cocktail dresses behind.

I asked, "How come you live in separate apartments?"

Elsa responded, "I got mine first, and it's so small we couldn't imagine two people living there. I'm also a short walk from my work at the architect's office. Cindy got her apartment near work too. And there was one other thing?"

"What?" I asked, but I already had the idea that it was something sexual.

Elsa smirked, "We both wanted our privacy in case we were seducing some guy, AND if we lived together we'd be ... well ... fucking each other all the time."

I laughed, "So, what's wrong with that? That's what I want to do with the two of you."

Cindy chimed in, "We'd starve to death and miss too much work."

Elsa said, "You have to understand, I was serious when I said 'all the time.' When we've had the opportunity and inclination we have spent an entire day having sex – no meals, just sex and lots of orgasms."

We were ten feet inside the door to my condo when their clothing started to drop, a sweater here, a blouse there, a sexy designer t-shirt on the sofa, two pairs of shorts in the easy chair, and thongs on the floor at the entrance to my bedroom. Both girls looked over their shoulder at me, as they stood there holding hands and looking sexy as all hell.

For my part, I remained standing there with the front door open watching their erotic antics. I had a serious bulge in my pants, and I think drool was oozing from the corner of my mouth.

As I moved to follow the sexy pair, I was overcome with not only lust, but also romantic feelings for the two of them. I'd already felt the intensity of the connection with Elsa – mind, body, and spirit were the words I'd used. I had the same feelings for Cindy.

Since I'd reached puberty I'd searched for one girl or woman who could bring forth those feelings in me, and who could obviously love me for who I am without concern about money or status. I'd been out with hundreds of women since then, most just once. Now, I had not one but two women I felt that way about and who told me they felt the same way. I was doubly blessed after all this time.


Cindy and I had declared our love for Mark. We weren't competing, we just were. I was glad she was with me on this journey with him. I had missed her presence with Malcolm because I never thought I could involve him with the two of us, but was glad when he dumped me because Cindy was my rock of support. In Mark's case, whenever I allowed myself to think of his riches and status, I wanted to shrink into some corner out of sight. I couldn't possibly be worthy enough to have Mark as a boyfriend – better yet, even sharing him with my sister.

Mark was a divine lover, and unlike any man I'd dated before, he had started to bring out a wild side of me that I kind of knew might exist, but that I'd usually kept under wraps. We made love on his airplane. Well, actually we fucked on his airplane; we were pretty animalistic about it. Cindy too. We had fun, and then we joked about it. During that trip we joined the Mile High Club.

Mark, Cindy, and I made love again after we got back to his condo. My sister and I were still agog with the fabulous views in every direction. We got Mark off twice; once with each of us, but we both loved him in between, and got him cranked up eating our pussies and breasts and everything else with zeal.

He didn't seem to mind that we were drippy and odiferous from the fucks that we had on the airplane. He just dove into each of our pussies, not seeming to mind that Cindy was especially boggy with his own cum.

Mark made us pancakes and eggs in the morning. Imagine a billionaire, preparing breakfast for his girlfriends! Impossible! He explained that since he seldom ate at home, he only had a chef and maid to help serve on special occasions. He did have a part-time butler-valet, but he too only came in only when asked, although there was a routine cleaning schedule.

We sat around after breakfast, barely dressed and teased Mark only without saying anything. One of us would flash their pussy, or turn so that a breast drooped out of the loose top we each wore, or there'd be a sexually-charged double entendre – 'I'd love it if you'd come ... in ... to ... my apartment.'

Mark got serious after breakfast when we started our second cups of coffee. He looked at the two of us and said, "I'm probably nuts, but I am falling really hard for both of you. I know I asked you this before, but I'd love it if you reconsidered moving in with me – here. Maybe even as a trial to see if it'd work. I want to be with you all the time."

I teased, "And your business?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, I gotta do that too. Tomorrow Andy starts as the COO and I can cut back a little on the travel. By the way, either or both of you are always invited to come with me on my trips. I fly in and do business and leave, but if you were along we could see a city, you could shop, and we'd fit a few hours of fun around my business. Does that sound too crazy?"

"We'll think about it and talk later. Let the thought digest for a bit," I told him. I had fallen in love with Mark's apartment and I knew Cindy liked it too. I would love to live there, but I worried about becoming a leech.

As an added thought I said, "Hey, let's throw a party for Andy today – dinner. We don't have to go late since tomorrow is Monday, but we could have some fun and congratulate him on his promotion. I barely met him at that party, but he seemed like a very nice man."

Mark laughed, "OK. I'll call him. Sheila should come too; I promoted her into Andy's Chief of Staff slot. I'll have someone HR assigns as my secretary or PA until we find a genuine executive secretary."

I asked about the gorilla in the corner, "Errr, Mark, is there anything between you and Sheila that we might want to know about?"

Mark smirked, "Sheila has been with me for eight years and we've grown together. We've had a great flirtation just about all of that time. She is my confidante, my best friend, my aide, and about everything else you can think of. She has not been my lover, but I love her and I would be desolate without her. She is one of very few people who can tell me anything, even about myself, and get away with it regardless of how she phrases it. Please don't be jealous.

"You should know that Sheila urged me time and again to be telling you about who I really was – my wealth and position. She saw the potential problem. I turned out to be the fool for not following her advice with you. She's on your side."

I went and hugged Mark. "That's behind us, and thank you for sharing that about Sheila. I've only seen her that one time, but I liked her. I thought you might be a couple at first, but then I detected more of a business relationship between you two." I teased, "Maybe you should fix that between the two of you."

Mark shook his head, taking my comment more philosophically; "Maybe I've been a bigger fool for not creating a romantic relationship with her. Somehow we both seemed to want what we were doing with my business to be the basis of our relationship. I haven't tested those feelings with her for several years."

I nodded and we moved on to other subjects.

We made a few calls and put together a cookout on Mark's balcony starting at five o'clock. Andy came with his cute wife Margo; Sheila arrived with a male friend who looked like Fabio and as though he'd stepped off the cover of some bodice-ripper romance novel. His hair was almost longer than Cindy and mine put together, plus it was beautiful. I think we embarrassed him because we fawned over it so much. Sheila made sure we didn't refer to him as her boyfriend – he was a male friend and that's all, but I did detect some kind of intimacy there. We guessed they were fuck buddies.

We had fun on Mark's balcony thirty floors above the street. The smoke from the electric grill wafted out over the city and probably made a million people hungry. We had hamburgers and hot dogs. Cindy had gotten a small cake at the local supermarket that said 'Congratulations Andy and Sheila' on it.

I got to know Andy and Sheila a lot better than the first time I'd met them at Tyler and Kelsey's party; the same party where I'd met Mark. At the barbecue I could see there might be a little more there than 'just a work colleague' relationship with Sheila, but I wasn't jealous. They were obviously comfortable with each other, and she'd been working with Mark for eight years, so anything that was going to happen had happened long ago.

Margo knew Mark well enough to flirt and tease with him, but watching them spar I felt she was like a kid that didn't know any better poking a stick at an alligator; she'd poke and then see whether she should run for the hills. Mark loosened up and teased back, but kept things on the prim and proper side. I could see Andy behaving in a similar way to Sheila as Mark did – moving around in a comfortable friendship.

Cindy and I had an engaging chat with Steve, who did indeed spend part of his time as a professional model doing 'Fabio rip offs,' as he called them. He had in fact been on the cover of many bodice-ripper novels. The rest of the time he worked in commercial real estate, a career that spurred Mark to drill down several levels with him about the local market.

When the party started to end, I did see Margo give Mark a huge body length hug and a kiss that probably melted his belt buckle. She even did a little grinding of her mons against his leg. Mark looked surprised, and Andy noticed but didn't seem to care. Sheila also duplicated the goodbye, and then the three of us were alone.

Cindy and I looked at Mark, and said, "Bed. Now."

We were naked and having sex five minutes later. Mark was harder than a tree limb, and by luck of the draw I got his cock shoved into my hot little cunt first. Neither of us lasted very long.

While Mark was in recovery mode, after filling me and watching Cindy clean up his spend between my legs, I asked him, "What were those goodbye kisses and hugs about? They didn't look all that platonic or professional."

Mark chuckled, "I was worried that Fabio was waiting in line." He glanced back towards the living room where the kisses had taken place and said, "I'm not sure. I've never had any kind of a thing like that with Sheila – a polite buss perhaps, and only a polite and friendly kiss now and then from Margo. That whole body thing she did made me spring into action."

Mark played with my breasts for a minute, sucking on them again. He then asked, "Why would the two women suddenly come on to me like that?"

Cindy rose up from between my legs, her face glistening in all the fluids she was finding down there, "I know. You're suddenly 'safe' now that you have two girlfriends."

"How's that work?" Mark pondered.

I said, "Let's start with Margo. If she'd come on to you like that before, you would figure she was trying to have an affair and cheat on Andy – your friend and business partner. By doing it with you openly while you have girlfriends, it's more of a swap situation. I bet she told Andy he could come on to either of us in the evening. With us around, the situation is defused. She's not trying to steal you away, only have some fun – maybe even sexual fun. Who knows, maybe she and Andy swing."