Bimbo Wife Kim's Humiliation

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Bimbo wife is taught a lesson by soccer moms.
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I first have to say that this really happened and if you do not approve of what I did as a response to the affront I received, I don't really care.

My name is Nancy. I am a 41 year old mother of two and was happily married until another woman decided to intrude on my home life, most specifically by seducing my husband of 20 years simply for the sake of ego. I have lived in the same town in Texas my whole life and have had the same best friends, Carol and Wendy, since we were in elementary school. WE do everything together. Soccer, PTA, attend the same church and frankly, look out for each other in any situation. We had a great life. We commiserated when we needed to about weight problems, and the usual feminine considerations of life, and celebrated when we had the opportunities. And more important to this story, when threatened, we are a force to behold.

That brings me to why I am writing. Almost a year ago a new family moved into the neighborhood, Allan, his wife Kim and his son Kevin. Allan and Kim had not been married that long they said He was her third husband at 30 and she was his second wife. At first we welcomed them. Allan sold insurance and seemed like a very nice man. Kim on the other hand almost immediately put off all of the women in our group with her manner of dress and attitude. I'll admit it also had a little to do with her looks. While my friends and I do exercise, we are not what one would call hard bodies. In fact, truth be told, we have experienced the female version of the middle age spread. I am 5-7, weigh 145 and unfortunately most of it is in my butt and thighs. I diet and I try and walk and workout, but it is difficult with everything in my life. Carol shares the same body type as me and Wendy, actually has a little more tone, but just because she works out with weights at the gym. Kim was almost completely a polar opposite to us. She is barely 5-3 and is about 110 pounds. She is one of those women that looks like she has the good fortune of good genes and a good surgeon. I say that because she has this teeny waist and little bubble butt offset by a huge chest. It was obvious they weren't real and had to be 34DD's. She had brown eyes and dark brown eyebrows and yet was very ,very blonde headed, which set off our catty speculation immediately. She also was very calculating about her wardrobe, wearing short shorts and fitted blouses that just bordered on tacky and that given the right bend over or lean would show just a hint of too much bun or breast. It was apparent she had some sort of pathological need for male attention. And it burned the rest of us up.

We probably would have tolerated it, to be honest, but it was apparent that her need for affirmation was beyond what good taste or a reasonable woman...or three would ultimately put up with. She was always showing up at our sons' soccer practice in attire that was borderline inappropriate, but one day it was obvious that she either intentionally or more like y not had chosen a pair of shorts that had seen too much heat in the dryer. Carol, Wendy, and I had just gotten the boys out to the pitch and were turning toward the stands when Carol said, "Oh my God."

Kim was turning to speak to one of the divorced dads and her legs were parted in just that position we saw a flash of lip. There was no mistaking it. It was labia for certain and more importantly, it was shaved bare. We paused and then after picking our jaws off the ground we looked at each other and laughed. Wendy, however, sobered quickly.

"Oh she has gone too far," she said. "Something has to be done about this."

Now Wendy lived across the street from me. Carol was next door to Kim on one side I and lived next door on the other. We had a quick caucus and decided that we would have a talk with Kim and tell her how we felt. We decided we would try to be as non threatening as possible and set the time.

That evening after suffering through the rest of the "Kim Show" as we were calling it we went over. We stood on the porch and rang the bell. Inside we could hear the sound of a throbbing musical beat. We waited a few minutes and then rang again. Finally we hear and exasperated voice saying, "Just a second" and the door opened. There stood Kim. In a lycra sports bra that seemed barely able to contain those monsters of hers and a pair of low rise lycra short bike style shorts. She was obviously working out.

"Kim we would like to have a word wit you," said Carol who is easily the most mild mannered of our group.

"Well as you can see, I am working out," said Kim irritatedly. She put a hand on her hip and looked at us.

Wendy, who is not at all meek, put her hand on her hip and said, "Well we need to have this discussion, I think."

Kim looked at her with the most hateful stare I have ever seen and stepped back to let us in. We followed her into the living room and sat as Kim walked over to turn off the stereo. To our complete shock she leaned over and the lycra shorts rode up showing off her butt. We looked at each other and our anger grew. The woman was obviously a closet exhibitionist. Or if not one, then so brazen about her body that she needed a lesson that would insure she think about modesty. We restrained ourselves, though.

"Listen Kim," I said as she turned to face us, "frankly we have been a little concerned about your choice of wardrobe in public."

Immediately I saw a flush of color in her face as her temper rose.

"We don't mean to be rude, but you have lkind of shown off a little more of your body than we think is appropriate," I continued.

"You don't mean to be rude, but you are!" she said her brown eyes blazing. "Could it just be that it is because I look like this an you have let yourselves go that you feel this way?"

We didn't say a word. We were all just stunned. I looked at Wendy who seemed on the verge of getting up and punching her in the nose.

"Maybe we should have this conversation another time," said Carol starting to stand.

"Yes maybe," said Kim as we all got up and walked to the door, and then as we walked out onto the porch added, "but frankly I don't think anytime I will be interested in what you judgmental witches have to say. And I will dress or undress however I please." With that she slammed the door.

It might have just ebded there. It might have just been a quiet resentment and hostility, but that evening as I was cleaning up the dishes from dinner, I glanced up and saw something that almost made me drop a plate. In the upstairs window facing my own bedroom window, but completely in view of my perspective at the kitchen sink, was Kim. She was slowly peeling off her exercise outfit...and revealing herself. I immediately went upstairs and to my shock, anger, and sitress, saw my husband stroking himself as he watched her.

"David!" I yelled and he turned with a look of complete embarrassment. Across the way I couldn't be sure, but I could swear I saw a smile on Kim's face as she then bent over mooning me bare assed. The fallout with my husband was huge. He informed me that she had been doing it a lot, exposing herself when he saw her. He also said she always made it seem like she was doing it inadvertently. I was furious.

Whatever restraint I had felt was gone. That evening I called Wendy and Carol. After I told them what had happened, we knew what we had to do. We had to teach that little bitch a lesson and it had to be one that would make her wish she had never messed with us. It had to be something that would keep her in line for as long as she lived nearby. And, that had to be as short as possible.

The second part was the easiest to accomplish. All it took was a good letter of disclosure and a photo of one of her "changing routines" in an anaonymous letter to Allan. We could hear the fight up and down the block. That was followed by the hurried arrangements as she made ready to move out. Kevin was Allan's sone and they would keep the house. Kim would leave.

We watched that day as the movers began loading the van and she directed their efforts. It was the middle of the day and no one was around. That was when we decided to address the former. We walked over as she stood with her back to us and were right behind her before she noticed our presence. When she turned she had that same hateful look on her face. We simply stared at her.

"So, moving, honey?"

"What does it look like?" she retorted.

"It looks like someone is getting ready to take out the trash," said Wendy.

Kim's eyes flashed fury.

"Oh really?"

"Now ladies, we have had our disagreements, but I think we owe Kim a going away party." This time it was Carol speaking so softly that it sounded sweet. She even went so far as to smile. She held up a digital camera and snapped a shot of Kim.

"That's okay," said Kim starting to turn her back on us. It was a huge mistake.

Wendy and I grabbed n arm each and all but lifted Kim off the ground. She tried to struggle, but was so surprised at first that we had almost gotten her to the backyard before she could try anything. They had a lovely backyard, well landscaped and semitropical. The perfect setting for what we intended

As we cleared the gate, Wendy and I tossed her forward onto the grass. She landed on all fours and her short showed to much cheek. I also noted that those huge hooters of hers shook as she landed. It was going to be a sweet payback.

"What the hell," said Kim angrily as she stood up.

"Just stay where you are," said Wendy. "And you won't get hurt."

That last part brought a look of fear to Kim's face.

"Wh...wh..what do you mean?" she said.

I nodded at Carol who took anther shot following the one of Kim on the ground on hands and knees. She smiled and then walked away to retrieve the rest of what we would need for Kim's little send off.

"We mean," said Wendy, "That you can either go along with what we say or we can make you. You're choice."

"What do you want?"

Wendy looked at me and we exchanged a smile.

"Oh we just think we should help you realize what you seem to have wanted since you moved in."

At that moment Carol retuned carrying a bag. She dropped it on the ground, and raised the camera to take another shot.

"Okay," I said, "You seem to really like showing off that body. Well show it off for us."

"What?" she said stunned.

"You heard me. Strip. All the way."

"Birthday suit," said Wendy.

"Butt naked," added Carol as she took another shot.

"Oh...and for the camera," I said, "This is going to shared."

"No!" said Kim outraged.

It seemed odd that someone who had done all that she had was embarrassed about blatantly taking it off...or maybe it was the photography that freaked her out. Regardless, we didn't care. Kim started to back away. It was just what we had hoped. Wendy grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back. Standing like that Kim struggled but was completely vulnerable. I walked up smiling. I don't know what it was, but I felt completely merciless. I reached forward and cupped her chin.

"This is going to be so much fun."

She glared.

"You know...there is one thing we have all kind of wondered about.Is this..." I reached up and tugged the hair on her head,"...your real color?"

She caught the meaning of the question and her eyes grew huge.

"You know," said Carol sweetly snapping away, "brown eyes, brown eyebrows, I am guessing there is verification that she is NOT blonde...elsewhere?"

"Oh no!" said Kim struggling as we all laughed.

"Oh yeah," I said as I reached down and unsnapped her shorts. With a yank I dragged them past her knees to her ankles. They bunched around the tops of her socks and trapped her feet, preventing her from kicking. She was wearing a sheer white thong that showed without equivocation that under it was a black pubic Mohawk. I stepped back as Carol took a pick.

"Oh you little faker," I said laughing.

"Bottle blonde," said Carol as she recorded it.

Kim was really distressed as she realized what we were going to do to her and with an effort that surprised all of us she squirmed free from Wendy's grasp she started to run but before she had gotten a second step away, Wendy saw an opportunity and grabbed the "whale tail" of the back of her thong and yanked. It was perfect. The material stretched taught and stopped Kim mid stride. The look on her face was priceless as the strip of material in front disappeared between her shaved lips and the "handle " that Wendy had, stretched with tension.

"Wedgie!" yelled Wendy.

"Super Wedgie," laughed Carol as she snapped a shot.

Kim's expression changed to something like a combination of shock, discomfort, disgust, chagrin and embarrassment all at the same time. Wendy gave a hard yank and pulled her back trapping her arms behind her back once again. I couldn't help but smile as I walked over and grabbed the front of her pullover top.

'Now Kim....are these real?"

She looked at me pleadingly.

"No," she said.

I laughed.

"Well lets see how the surgeon did!" And with that I ripped the material down the front. They were huge and encased in a straining bra that to my delight was a front fastener.

"No please," begged Kim.

I simply smiled and went to work unharnessing her two huge boobs. The clasp opened and the cups fell away revealing monsters. I had to laugh.

"Oh honey. What were you thinking?" I said.

She looked like Barbie. They were heavy and had been done quite a few years before. They actually drooped a little and looked to be quite a set of swingers.

"I s anything on her real?" said Carols capturing her topless.

"Well let's see," I said grasping the thong and pulling it down to reveal her modified black bush.

"This seems to be!"

Carol snapped another and another as Wendy took the opportunity to give Kim a little shake. Her breasts flopped in a surprisingly real fashion.

"You know," said Carol, "what would be great. If Kim shared her good side with us. After all, we saw some of it at the soccer field."

Carol's eyes gleamed with bad intention.

Kim dissolved in tears.

"Oh no. Please don't make me do that."

We just smiled.

"If you do as we say we will let you go," I said.

"If you don't we will make you anyway," said Carol.

We all nodded. Kim looked at us. She was stark naked and facing having to pose however we said and do what we said. If she had only known she might have struggled more, but as I suspected, she was no match for the situation and just nodded her agreement. Wendy turned her loose.

"Okay," said Carol taking charge. "Now sit on the deck over there and spread them."

Kim looked whipped and had I any capacity for pity I would have felt sorry. Instead I was loving the power. I loved that she did it. I loved that she sat there an even though it was so humiliating she spread her legs revealing her pussy. I loved that carol was snapping away and ordering her to smile. I loved that she did.

Carol was amazing. She made Kim get on her hands and knees. She made her look over her shoulder and grin. She made her reach back and spread her buns. It was so degrading.

And just when Kim thought it could get no worse. I opened the bag. Inside was a huge flesh colored dildo shaped exactly like a penis. Wendy pulled it out and smiled at Kim who looked like she was going to be ill. Wendy took the phallus and grabbed a small gardening trowel. She stuck it in the soil and mounted the dildo on the handle. It looked for all the world like a huge cock growing out of the ground. When she was done Wendy smiled.

"Now, I want fuck this."

Kim almost cried, but she stood up completely naked and walked over to the big fella. She looked at us for mercy and seeing none said, "It is dry!"

"Well better get it wet," said Carol working away with the camera.

Kim knelt down and to our shock began mouthing it to get it wet. Carol took a picture. Her butt was up in the air and her asshole was completely exposed. I could help but enjoy how completely intrusively exposed she was to us, and the lens of that camera.

When it was wet she stood and tentatively lower on it...She struggled and it took her a good five minutes, but she managed to work on it until she could tolerate humping. It was obscene and hilarious. Our big titted neighbor fucking a dildo in the yard. We almost couldn't stand it.

We explained to her that we had her on the camera's hardrive and might just decide to share her with the world. And that she just would never know. Then we had her go inside for a few more shots, and when we had enough, left her there in the buff completely, recorded, shamed and forever wondering if she would run into someone that had seen her in the raw on the net.

We left empowered and once again sure that the last thing some bimbo in the burbs should ever attempt is to fuck with us.

Occasionally we post her pics online and we like to imagine that wherever she is, Kim gets a rude greeting the next day at work as she walks in to a room full of smiling faces.

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leopard_owlleopard_owl6 months ago

Okay, to anyone who is worried or upset that this story is true, I guarantee you it's not.

Author just said that to get people riled up and to up the investment in the story.

More importantly, I wanted to comment to point out the excellent and interesting comment Anonymous made, titled "Repression". Very interesting take on the story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I'm not sure what the woman did to deserve this kind of extreme treatment. The main problem with this tale is that the three broads handing out the punishment deserve it more than the victim! Had this story really been true, it probably would have ended with Kim retrieving a pistol and shooting three frumpy women dead. Three middle-aged, unattractive, bitches who, as told through this ridiculous story, absolutely needed killing.

bigblobusabigblobusaover 1 year ago

This story would have been more erotic had Kim humiliated all of those prudes. The premise of the story was arousing but didn't play out as such. Kim could have had a hot body and youth. But she needed to by shy or religious as well to make it believable

Claudia69Claudia69over 4 years ago
Cute Sexy Story

Payback is a Bitch.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
totally agree

I sooo agree with previous comment, so how come the cops haven't come knocking on your doors, true happening I don't think so because if it was you three bitches would be looking over your shoulders every time you went out. GET REAL or stop writing

huntsman29huntsman29over 5 years ago
True? I hope not.

Author makes a claim at start it's true, but I do hope not. Certainly you'd have to be a retard to write out your confession of a serious crime and more so as you've apparently posted the proof countless times online.

Let's look at the story. First part is a case of three overweight bitches jealous of another woman's looks, hating what she wears, and somehow deciding not only is it their right to decide it is wrong what she wears, but right for them to march over and tell her in her own home she can't do it. Fuck me, the utter arrogance.

Then the husband. So she is stripping in her OWN home and YOUR husband is peeping on her and jerking off, but it's her fault. Your husband gets an utter pass in this story. Gee that makes total sense, when it's him being the pervert staring into someone else's home. He don't have to look, and sure don't have to jerk off.

Then to repay your faithless douche of a husband you destroy her marriage, which I don't buy happening, as she could just have you prosecuted as peeping toms taking pictures of her through her house windows and say that to her husband too. But lets say that unlikely thing happens anyway. Well-done, you destroyed a marriage.

Then to top it all off that isn't enough you have to commit a horrific crime, something she may suffer with the rest of her life. I'm sure women like you would say real rape is a bad thing, but you want to claim this really happened. I sure as shit hope not. If it did, fuck you and your two fucked up friends, I wish the same for you all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Dumb storyline.

I'm all for forced, submission, bimbo, just about everything you used here. The only problem is, none of it feels even remotely realistic.

That a guy who has a wife who's sole purpose for marriage is her sexuality, and looksb, would kick her out for showing off the body he's proud to display is moronic. In reality he'd probably laugh at the neighboring prudes for being so bugged about it.

That 3 normal moms would just randomly rape someone in their backyard is the dumbest scenario. Had there been a bit of real buildup and or serious back and forths, still not believable.

The fact that she didnt immediately scream for help, dumb.

That she wouldnt immediately go to the cops, dumb.

This is either written by a 12 year old masturbating while writing it, some creepy weirdo that doesnt understand even the most basic of psychology, or some 40 year old prude housewife that hates women that look better than her and fantasizes that something like this would happen to any younger, better looking women than herself.

stevemike08066stevemike08066over 8 years ago
You three should be ashamed of yourselves.

You and your "Friends" should be ashamed of yourselves, so what, Kim took care of herself, and wanted to show it off, and if your three matronly moo cows had a problem with, then start working out, otherwise I suggest you shut the fuck up.

You three are nothing but neighborhood bullies. Fucking bitches all three of you, I'd be stroking my cock to Kim too if I had to be married to one of you three slovenly sloppy cunts!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This is illegal

A bunch of old fat biddy's break the law (felony) several. All Kim done was dress sexy (slutty) and keep in shape and that's so bad to come in and commit several felonies. What I want to hear is afterward that Kim told her husband what they did and they calling the police. Then the trial and them going to prison for a few years, and then the law suits were Kim and her Husband sue them and take all they own and move into a mansion next. What Kim did or did not do rises to what was done to her. They could ignore her and her husband, not inviting them over for parties. If Kim is going nude in front of the window were children can see her then use there camera to film that and turn it over to the police, that is illegal. What this biddy's needs to do is get off there asses and start taking care of themselves. They are self center egotistical bitches who think that the world revolves around them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
training day

Kim got just what she deserved, just not enough of it. You girls did her a good turn, making her show to you and herself she's nothing but a bimbo fuckslut. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

From an evolutionary perspective, the matrons attacked the outsider to prevent her from seducing their men, taking the matrons' places in "the herd", and reproducing. However, the allure of this story lies in how the middle-class "soccer moms'" repressed sexual energies amplified their aggression. In essence, their exploitation of the rival served the dual purpose of discharging taboo urges while protecting their men. As such, they could justify sexual sadism that far outstripped any erotic behaviors in which they might normally engage. Note how the most timid member of the group emerges as the most aggressive and imaginative tormentor. The group's decision to continue punishing the neighbor via the Internet even after she was vanquished betrays how her exploitation fed their hunger. Stimulating.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
fat jealous ho

its hard being fat and out of shape. wasnt Kims fault it was your husbands and the womens fault.. for being fat and out of shape.. just cause you all cant be sexy in the bedroom or in public. doesnt mean you have to hate other women, but you do. cause you are all fat and jealous..

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Fat southern women are sooooooooooo catty!

If I caught my husband wanking off while the neighborhood slut was showing off, I'd hyperventilate from laughter! ...the stepford wives trailer trash style!

neverfoundneverfoundover 12 years ago

nice. you definitely stripped downand humiliated that slut and showed her whos boss. i doubt the whore will be bothering you any longer

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
jealous and fat is no way to go through life

if this is true, I could see why you would do this for what she did to your husband at the window. but you were all intending on it before that. you were all jealous whether it be fake or not of her beauty period. and all you did was take pictures of her naked. she was already doing this by stripping in front of her window. so what you did was fucked up and if the chance arose the same thing should happen to you. but like you said your fat and no one would want to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I loved this

I have a neighbor that I would love to see this happen to. I have always thought that women were far worse at humiliating each other than any man ever could be! Texas sounds rough!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Sorely in need of editing

Just a couple of examples from consecutive paragraphs:

"We don't mean to be rude, but you have lkind of shown off a little more of your body than we think is appropriate," I continued.

"You don't mean to be rude, but you are!" she said her brown eyes blazing. "Could it just be that it is because I look like this an you have let yourselves go that you feel this way?"

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Did this happen anywhere near Waco, Texas?

Because you and your two friends sound like you need some serious mental help. When the wardrobe police first made their house call, I started laughing. I mean, how crappy would it be to move into a neighborhood with these judgmental bitches all around you? <br><br>

<i>Yes maybe," said Kim as we all got up and walked to the door, and then as we walked out onto the porch added, "but frankly I don't think anytime I will be interested in what you judgmental witches have to say. And I will dress or undress however I please." </i><br><br>

Dang, I like that Kim! She's got spunk and she doesn't take any shit from a bunch of holier than thou freaks. Go Kim! And it was rich when the writer catches her husband stroking off while peeping at Kim, yet all the blame falls on Kim. What, no blame left over for the husband David? LOL! She doesn't berate him at all? Pretty damn funny!<br><br>

For the children's sake, I hope this isn't true. These three women sound seriously weird and creepy. You know who they remind me of? The kind of moms who live through their daughters, and then if their daughter doesn't make the cheerleading squad, they run over the girl who they perceive "took their daughter's place!" Wait, wasn't that something that really happened, in Texas? OMG - run neighbor girls, run!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Labia lol

Oh no bathag, it was a labia and a lip slip.

If there were a lower rating than 00 I would have given it as this was a horrid story, horridly written and about as much fun as watching a kitten being run over by a hag 12 times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You have three broads pushing their way into a

woman;s life to force their censorship on her. They break up her marriage, actually I didnt see anywhere in the story where she tried to seduce her husband, and then physically, criminally, assault her. Not only that this woman is physically fit and one woman holds her still, really a very difficult thing to imagine. Being a person that has lived in Texas in a variety of places I dont really remember any women that were fat unless they were on welfare or such. Most Texan women wouldnt go out in public if they were overweight. And women dressed as your victim is described would be normal dress in most places. I think your fetish of domination has overpowered your senses and created a very improbable scene as revenge over some woman that makes you look like a poor old slob. Sorry I just like bitter, self indulgent, old bitches. Tho I will admit your victim in the story was a bit overboard but not to the level you ascribed to.

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